UTF-8 encoding table and Unicode characters

page with code points U+B600 to U+B7FF

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numerical HTML encoding
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text accumulator (characters are added by clicking on the respective "append" link)
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editing functions
append space · delete last character · clear accumulator
Unicode U+033A
UTF-8 0xcc 0xba
code point
character UTF-8
numerical HTML encoding
of the Unicode character
U+B6000xeb 0x98 0x80똀
U+B6010xeb 0x98 0x81똁
U+B6020xeb 0x98 0x82똂
U+B6030xeb 0x98 0x83똃
U+B6040xeb 0x98 0x84똄
U+B6050xeb 0x98 0x85똅
U+B6060xeb 0x98 0x86똆
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U+B60F0xeb 0x98 0x8f똏
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U+B6110xeb 0x98 0x91똑
U+B6120xeb 0x98 0x92똒
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U+B61F0xeb 0x98 0x9f똟
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U+B6290xeb 0x98 0xa9똩
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U+B6390xeb 0x98 0xb9똹
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U+B63B0xeb 0x98 0xbb똻
U+B63C0xeb 0x98 0xbc똼
U+B63D0xeb 0x98 0xbd똽
U+B63E0xeb 0x98 0xbe똾
U+B63F0xeb 0x98 0xbf똿
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U+B6420xeb 0x99 0x82뙂
U+B6430xeb 0x99 0x83뙃
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U+B6460xeb 0x99 0x86뙆
U+B6470xeb 0x99 0x87뙇
U+B6480xeb 0x99 0x88뙈
U+B6490xeb 0x99 0x89뙉
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U+B64F0xeb 0x99 0x8f뙏
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U+B6510xeb 0x99 0x91뙑
U+B6520xeb 0x99 0x92뙒
U+B6530xeb 0x99 0x93뙓
U+B6540xeb 0x99 0x94뙔
U+B6550xeb 0x99 0x95뙕
U+B6560xeb 0x99 0x96뙖
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U+B6660xeb 0x99 0xa6뙦
U+B6670xeb 0x99 0xa7뙧
U+B6680xeb 0x99 0xa8뙨
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U+B7540xeb 0x9d 0x94띔
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U+B75F0xeb 0x9d 0x9f띟
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U+B7660xeb 0x9d 0xa6띦
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U+B7680xeb 0x9d 0xa8띨
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U+B7720xeb 0x9d 0xb2띲
U+B7730xeb 0x9d 0xb3띳
U+B7740xeb 0x9d 0xb4띴
U+B7750xeb 0x9d 0xb5띵
U+B7760xeb 0x9d 0xb6띶
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U+B7780xeb 0x9d 0xb8띸
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U+B77F0xeb 0x9d 0xbf띿
U+B7800xeb 0x9e 0x80란
U+B7810xeb 0x9e 0x81랁
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U+B7870xeb 0x9e 0x87랇
U+B7880xeb 0x9e 0x88랈
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U+B78B0xeb 0x9e 0x8b랋
U+B78C0xeb 0x9e 0x8c람
U+B78D0xeb 0x9e 0x8d랍
U+B78E0xeb 0x9e 0x8e랎
U+B78F0xeb 0x9e 0x8f랏
U+B7900xeb 0x9e 0x90랐
U+B7910xeb 0x9e 0x91랑
U+B7920xeb 0x9e 0x92랒
U+B7930xeb 0x9e 0x93랓
U+B7940xeb 0x9e 0x94랔
U+B7950xeb 0x9e 0x95랕
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