UTF-8 encoding table and Unicode characters

page with code points U+2880 to U+297F

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language German · English
code positions per page 128 · 256 · 512 · 1024
display format for
UTF-8 encoding
hex. · decimal · hex. (0x) · octal · binary · for Perl string literals · One Latin-1 char per byte · no display
Unicode character names not displayed · displayed · also display deprecated Unicode 1.0 names
links for adding char to text displayed · not displayed
numerical HTML encoding
of the Unicode character
not displayed · decimal · hexadecimal
HTML 4.0 character entities displayed · not displayed
text accumulator (characters are added by clicking on the respective "append" link)
display ۧ
editing functions
append space · delete last character · clear accumulator
Unicode U+06E7
UTF-8 0xdb 0xa7
code point
character UTF-8
numerical HTML encoding
of the Unicode character
U+28800xe2 0xa2 0x80⢀
U+28810xe2 0xa2 0x81⢁
U+28820xe2 0xa2 0x82⢂
U+28830xe2 0xa2 0x83⢃
U+28840xe2 0xa2 0x84⢄
U+28850xe2 0xa2 0x85⢅
U+28860xe2 0xa2 0x86⢆
U+28870xe2 0xa2 0x87⢇
U+28880xe2 0xa2 0x88⢈
U+28890xe2 0xa2 0x89⢉
U+288A0xe2 0xa2 0x8a⢊
U+288B0xe2 0xa2 0x8b⢋
U+288C0xe2 0xa2 0x8c⢌
U+288D0xe2 0xa2 0x8d⢍
U+288E0xe2 0xa2 0x8e⢎
U+288F0xe2 0xa2 0x8f⢏
U+28900xe2 0xa2 0x90⢐
U+28910xe2 0xa2 0x91⢑
U+28920xe2 0xa2 0x92⢒
U+28930xe2 0xa2 0x93⢓
U+28940xe2 0xa2 0x94⢔
U+28950xe2 0xa2 0x95⢕
U+28960xe2 0xa2 0x96⢖
U+28970xe2 0xa2 0x97⢗
U+28980xe2 0xa2 0x98⢘
U+28990xe2 0xa2 0x99⢙
U+289A0xe2 0xa2 0x9a⢚
U+289B0xe2 0xa2 0x9b⢛
U+289C0xe2 0xa2 0x9c⢜
U+289D0xe2 0xa2 0x9d⢝
U+289E0xe2 0xa2 0x9e⢞
U+289F0xe2 0xa2 0x9f⢟
U+28A00xe2 0xa2 0xa0⢠
U+28A10xe2 0xa2 0xa1⢡
U+28A20xe2 0xa2 0xa2⢢
U+28A30xe2 0xa2 0xa3⢣
U+28A40xe2 0xa2 0xa4⢤
U+28A50xe2 0xa2 0xa5⢥
U+28A60xe2 0xa2 0xa6⢦
U+28A70xe2 0xa2 0xa7⢧
U+28A80xe2 0xa2 0xa8⢨
U+28A90xe2 0xa2 0xa9⢩
U+28AA0xe2 0xa2 0xaa⢪
U+28AB0xe2 0xa2 0xab⢫
U+28AC0xe2 0xa2 0xac⢬
U+28AD0xe2 0xa2 0xad⢭
U+28AE0xe2 0xa2 0xae⢮
U+28AF0xe2 0xa2 0xaf⢯
U+28B00xe2 0xa2 0xb0⢰
U+28B10xe2 0xa2 0xb1⢱
U+28B20xe2 0xa2 0xb2⢲
U+28B30xe2 0xa2 0xb3⢳
U+28B40xe2 0xa2 0xb4⢴
U+28B50xe2 0xa2 0xb5⢵
U+28B60xe2 0xa2 0xb6⢶
U+28B70xe2 0xa2 0xb7⢷
U+28B80xe2 0xa2 0xb8⢸
U+28B90xe2 0xa2 0xb9⢹
U+28BA0xe2 0xa2 0xba⢺
U+28BB0xe2 0xa2 0xbb⢻
U+28BC0xe2 0xa2 0xbc⢼
U+28BD0xe2 0xa2 0xbd⢽
U+28BE0xe2 0xa2 0xbe⢾
U+28BF0xe2 0xa2 0xbf⢿
U+28C00xe2 0xa3 0x80⣀
U+28C10xe2 0xa3 0x81⣁
U+28C20xe2 0xa3 0x82⣂
U+28C30xe2 0xa3 0x83⣃
U+28C40xe2 0xa3 0x84⣄
U+28C50xe2 0xa3 0x85⣅
U+28C60xe2 0xa3 0x86⣆
U+28C70xe2 0xa3 0x87⣇
U+28C80xe2 0xa3 0x88⣈
U+28C90xe2 0xa3 0x89⣉
U+28CA0xe2 0xa3 0x8a⣊
U+28CB0xe2 0xa3 0x8b⣋
U+28CC0xe2 0xa3 0x8c⣌
U+28CD0xe2 0xa3 0x8d⣍
U+28CE0xe2 0xa3 0x8e⣎
U+28CF0xe2 0xa3 0x8f⣏
U+28D00xe2 0xa3 0x90⣐
U+28D10xe2 0xa3 0x91⣑
U+28D20xe2 0xa3 0x92⣒
U+28D30xe2 0xa3 0x93⣓
U+28D40xe2 0xa3 0x94⣔
U+28D50xe2 0xa3 0x95⣕
U+28D60xe2 0xa3 0x96⣖
U+28D70xe2 0xa3 0x97⣗
U+28D80xe2 0xa3 0x98⣘
U+28D90xe2 0xa3 0x99⣙
U+28DA0xe2 0xa3 0x9a⣚
U+28DB0xe2 0xa3 0x9b⣛
U+28DC0xe2 0xa3 0x9c⣜
U+28DD0xe2 0xa3 0x9d⣝
U+28DE0xe2 0xa3 0x9e⣞
U+28DF0xe2 0xa3 0x9f⣟
U+28E00xe2 0xa3 0xa0⣠
U+28E10xe2 0xa3 0xa1⣡
U+28E20xe2 0xa3 0xa2⣢
U+28E30xe2 0xa3 0xa3⣣
U+28E40xe2 0xa3 0xa4⣤
U+28E50xe2 0xa3 0xa5⣥
U+28E60xe2 0xa3 0xa6⣦
U+28E70xe2 0xa3 0xa7⣧
U+28E80xe2 0xa3 0xa8⣨
U+28E90xe2 0xa3 0xa9⣩
U+28EA0xe2 0xa3 0xaa⣪
U+28EB0xe2 0xa3 0xab⣫
U+28EC0xe2 0xa3 0xac⣬
U+28ED0xe2 0xa3 0xad⣭
U+28EE0xe2 0xa3 0xae⣮
U+28EF0xe2 0xa3 0xaf⣯
U+28F00xe2 0xa3 0xb0⣰
U+28F10xe2 0xa3 0xb1⣱
U+28F20xe2 0xa3 0xb2⣲
U+28F30xe2 0xa3 0xb3⣳
U+28F40xe2 0xa3 0xb4⣴
U+28F50xe2 0xa3 0xb5⣵
U+28F60xe2 0xa3 0xb6⣶
U+28F70xe2 0xa3 0xb7⣷
U+28F80xe2 0xa3 0xb8⣸
U+28F90xe2 0xa3 0xb9⣹
U+28FA0xe2 0xa3 0xba⣺
U+28FB0xe2 0xa3 0xbb⣻
U+28FC0xe2 0xa3 0xbc⣼
U+28FD0xe2 0xa3 0xbd⣽
U+28FE0xe2 0xa3 0xbe⣾
U+28FF0xe2 0xa3 0xbf⣿
U+29000xe2 0xa4 0x80⤀
U+29010xe2 0xa4 0x81⤁
U+29020xe2 0xa4 0x82⤂
U+29030xe2 0xa4 0x83⤃
U+29040xe2 0xa4 0x84⤄
U+29050xe2 0xa4 0x85⤅
U+29060xe2 0xa4 0x86⤆
U+29070xe2 0xa4 0x87⤇
U+29080xe2 0xa4 0x88⤈
U+29090xe2 0xa4 0x89⤉
U+290A0xe2 0xa4 0x8a⤊
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U+290D0xe2 0xa4 0x8d⤍
U+290E0xe2 0xa4 0x8e⤎
U+290F0xe2 0xa4 0x8f⤏
U+29100xe2 0xa4 0x90⤐
U+29110xe2 0xa4 0x91⤑
U+29120xe2 0xa4 0x92⤒
U+29130xe2 0xa4 0x93⤓
U+29140xe2 0xa4 0x94⤔
U+29150xe2 0xa4 0x95⤕
U+29160xe2 0xa4 0x96⤖
U+29170xe2 0xa4 0x97⤗
U+29180xe2 0xa4 0x98⤘
U+29190xe2 0xa4 0x99⤙
U+291A0xe2 0xa4 0x9a⤚
U+291B0xe2 0xa4 0x9b⤛
U+291C0xe2 0xa4 0x9c⤜
U+291D0xe2 0xa4 0x9d⤝
U+291E0xe2 0xa4 0x9e⤞
U+291F0xe2 0xa4 0x9f⤟
U+29200xe2 0xa4 0xa0⤠
U+29210xe2 0xa4 0xa1⤡
U+29220xe2 0xa4 0xa2⤢
U+29230xe2 0xa4 0xa3⤣
U+29240xe2 0xa4 0xa4⤤
U+29250xe2 0xa4 0xa5⤥
U+29260xe2 0xa4 0xa6⤦
U+29270xe2 0xa4 0xa7⤧
U+29280xe2 0xa4 0xa8⤨
U+29290xe2 0xa4 0xa9⤩
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U+292C0xe2 0xa4 0xac⤬
U+292D0xe2 0xa4 0xad⤭
U+292E0xe2 0xa4 0xae⤮
U+292F0xe2 0xa4 0xaf⤯
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U+29320xe2 0xa4 0xb2⤲
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U+293C0xe2 0xa4 0xbc⤼
U+293D0xe2 0xa4 0xbd⤽
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U+293F⤿0xe2 0xa4 0xbf⤿⤿
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U+29420xe2 0xa5 0x82⥂
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U+29460xe2 0xa5 0x86⥆
U+29470xe2 0xa5 0x87⥇
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U+294E0xe2 0xa5 0x8e⥎
U+294F0xe2 0xa5 0x8f⥏
U+29500xe2 0xa5 0x90⥐
U+29510xe2 0xa5 0x91⥑
U+29520xe2 0xa5 0x92⥒
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U+29540xe2 0xa5 0x94⥔
U+29550xe2 0xa5 0x95⥕
U+29560xe2 0xa5 0x96⥖
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U+29590xe2 0xa5 0x99⥙
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U+295B0xe2 0xa5 0x9b⥛
U+295C0xe2 0xa5 0x9c⥜
U+295D0xe2 0xa5 0x9d⥝
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U+297B0xe2 0xa5 0xbb⥻
U+297C0xe2 0xa5 0xbc⥼
U+297D0xe2 0xa5 0xbd⥽
U+297E0xe2 0xa5 0xbe⥾
U+297F⥿0xe2 0xa5 0xbf⥿⥿