UTF-8 encoding table and Unicode characters

page with code points U+3140 to U+31BF

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code positions per page 128 · 256 · 512 · 1024
display format for
UTF-8 encoding
hex. · decimal · hex. (0x) · octal · binary · for Perl string literals · One Latin-1 char per byte · no display
Unicode character names not displayed · displayed · also display deprecated Unicode 1.0 names
links for adding char to text displayed · not displayed
numerical HTML encoding
of the Unicode character
not displayed · decimal · hexadecimal
HTML 4.0 character entities displayed · not displayed
code point
character UTF-8
numerical HTML encoding
of the Unicode character
U+3140e3 85 80ㅀ
U+3141e3 85 81ㅁ
U+3142e3 85 82ㅂ
U+3143e3 85 83ㅃ
U+3144e3 85 84ㅄ
U+3145e3 85 85ㅅ
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U+3147e3 85 87ㅇ
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U+3149e3 85 89ㅉ
U+314Ae3 85 8aㅊ
U+314Be3 85 8bㅋ
U+314Ce3 85 8cㅌ
U+314De3 85 8dㅍ
U+314Ee3 85 8eㅎ
U+314Fe3 85 8fㅏ
U+3150e3 85 90ㅐ
U+3151e3 85 91ㅑ
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U+3157e3 85 97ㅗ
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U+315Ae3 85 9aㅚ
U+315Be3 85 9bㅛ
U+315Ce3 85 9cㅜ
U+315De3 85 9dㅝ
U+315Ee3 85 9eㅞ
U+315Fe3 85 9fㅟ
U+3160e3 85 a0ㅠ
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U+316Ae3 85 aaㅪ
U+316Be3 85 abㅫ
U+316Ce3 85 acㅬ
U+316De3 85 adㅭ
U+316Ee3 85 aeㅮ
U+316Fe3 85 afㅯ
U+3170e3 85 b0ㅰ
U+3171e3 85 b1ㅱ
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U+3179e3 85 b9ㅹ
U+317Ae3 85 baㅺ
U+317Be3 85 bbㅻ
U+317Ce3 85 bcㅼ
U+317De3 85 bdㅽ
U+317Ee3 85 beㅾ
U+317Fe3 85 bfㅿ
U+3180e3 86 80ㆀ
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U+3189e3 86 89ㆉ
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U+318Be3 86 8bㆋ
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U+318De3 86 8dㆍ
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U+318Fe3 86 8f㆏
U+3190e3 86 90㆐
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U+319Be3 86 9b㆛
U+319Ce3 86 9c㆜
U+319De3 86 9d㆝
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U+319Fe3 86 9f㆟
U+31A0e3 86 a0ㆠ
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U+31A7e3 86 a7ㆧ
U+31A8e3 86 a8ㆨ
U+31A9e3 86 a9ㆩ
U+31AAe3 86 aaㆪ
U+31ABe3 86 abㆫ
U+31ACe3 86 acㆬ
U+31ADe3 86 adㆭ
U+31AEe3 86 aeㆮ
U+31AFe3 86 afㆯ
U+31B0e3 86 b0ㆰ
U+31B1e3 86 b1ㆱ
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U+31B7e3 86 b7ㆷ
U+31B8e3 86 b8ㆸ
U+31B9e3 86 b9ㆹ
U+31BAe3 86 baㆺ
U+31BBe3 86 bbㆻ
U+31BCe3 86 bcㆼ
U+31BDe3 86 bdㆽ
U+31BEe3 86 beㆾ
U+31BFe3 86 bfㆿ