UTF-8 encoding table and Unicode characters

page with code points U+3400 to U+347F

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language German · English
code positions per page 128 · 256 · 512 · 1024
display format for
UTF-8 encoding
hex. · decimal · hex. (0x) · octal · binary · for Perl string literals · One Latin-1 char per byte · no display
Unicode character names not displayed · displayed · also display deprecated Unicode 1.0 names
links for adding char to text displayed · not displayed
numerical HTML encoding
of the Unicode character
not displayed · decimal · hexadecimal
HTML 4.0 character entities displayed · not displayed
code point
character UTF-8
U+3400227 144 128<CJK Ideograph Extension A, First>
U+3401227 144 129
U+3402227 144 130
U+3403227 144 131
U+3404227 144 132
U+3405227 144 133
U+3406227 144 134
U+3407227 144 135
U+3408227 144 136
U+3409227 144 137
U+340A227 144 138
U+340B227 144 139
U+340C227 144 140
U+340D227 144 141
U+340E227 144 142
U+340F227 144 143
U+3410227 144 144
U+3411227 144 145
U+3412227 144 146
U+3413227 144 147
U+3414227 144 148
U+3415227 144 149
U+3416227 144 150
U+3417227 144 151
U+3418227 144 152
U+3419227 144 153
U+341A227 144 154
U+341B227 144 155
U+341C227 144 156
U+341D227 144 157
U+341E227 144 158
U+341F227 144 159
U+3420227 144 160
U+3421227 144 161
U+3422227 144 162
U+3423227 144 163
U+3424227 144 164
U+3425227 144 165
U+3426227 144 166
U+3427227 144 167
U+3428227 144 168
U+3429227 144 169
U+342A227 144 170
U+342B227 144 171
U+342C227 144 172
U+342D227 144 173
U+342E227 144 174
U+342F227 144 175
U+3430227 144 176
U+3431227 144 177
U+3432227 144 178
U+3433227 144 179
U+3434227 144 180
U+3435227 144 181
U+3436227 144 182
U+3437227 144 183
U+3438227 144 184
U+3439227 144 185
U+343A227 144 186
U+343B227 144 187
U+343C227 144 188
U+343D227 144 189
U+343E227 144 190
U+343F227 144 191
U+3440227 145 128
U+3441227 145 129
U+3442227 145 130
U+3443227 145 131
U+3444227 145 132
U+3445227 145 133
U+3446227 145 134
U+3447227 145 135
U+3448227 145 136
U+3449227 145 137
U+344A227 145 138
U+344B227 145 139
U+344C227 145 140
U+344D227 145 141
U+344E227 145 142
U+344F227 145 143
U+3450227 145 144
U+3451227 145 145
U+3452227 145 146
U+3453227 145 147
U+3454227 145 148
U+3455227 145 149
U+3456227 145 150
U+3457227 145 151
U+3458227 145 152
U+3459227 145 153
U+345A227 145 154
U+345B227 145 155
U+345C227 145 156
U+345D227 145 157
U+345E227 145 158
U+345F227 145 159
U+3460227 145 160
U+3461227 145 161
U+3462227 145 162
U+3463227 145 163
U+3464227 145 164
U+3465227 145 165
U+3466227 145 166
U+3467227 145 167
U+3468227 145 168
U+3469227 145 169
U+346A227 145 170
U+346B227 145 171
U+346C227 145 172
U+346D227 145 173
U+346E227 145 174
U+346F227 145 175
U+3470227 145 176
U+3471227 145 177
U+3472227 145 178
U+3473227 145 179
U+3474227 145 180
U+3475227 145 181
U+3476227 145 182
U+3477227 145 183
U+3478227 145 184
U+3479227 145 185
U+347A227 145 186
U+347B227 145 187
U+347C227 145 188
U+347D227 145 189
U+347E227 145 190
U+347F227 145 191