UTF-8 encoding table and Unicode characters

page with code points U+3440 to U+353F

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page format standard · w/o parameter choice · print view
language German · English
code positions per page 128 · 256 · 512 · 1024
display format for
UTF-8 encoding
hex. · decimal · hex. (0x) · octal · binary · for Perl string literals · One Latin-1 char per byte · no display
Unicode character names not displayed · displayed · also display deprecated Unicode 1.0 names
links for adding char to text displayed · not displayed
numerical HTML encoding
of the Unicode character
not displayed · decimal · hexadecimal
HTML 4.0 character entities displayed · not displayed
text accumulator (characters are added by clicking on the respective "append" link)
display ư
editing functions
append space · delete last character · clear accumulator
Unicode U+01B0
UTF-8 0xc6 0xb0
code point
character UTF-8
numerical HTML encoding
of the Unicode character
U+34400xe3 0x91 0x80㑀
U+34410xe3 0x91 0x81㑁
U+34420xe3 0x91 0x82㑂
U+34430xe3 0x91 0x83㑃
U+34440xe3 0x91 0x84㑄
U+34450xe3 0x91 0x85㑅
U+34460xe3 0x91 0x86㑆
U+34470xe3 0x91 0x87㑇
U+34480xe3 0x91 0x88㑈
U+34490xe3 0x91 0x89㑉
U+344A0xe3 0x91 0x8a㑊
U+344B0xe3 0x91 0x8b㑋
U+344C0xe3 0x91 0x8c㑌
U+344D0xe3 0x91 0x8d㑍
U+344E0xe3 0x91 0x8e㑎
U+344F0xe3 0x91 0x8f㑏
U+34500xe3 0x91 0x90㑐
U+34510xe3 0x91 0x91㑑
U+34520xe3 0x91 0x92㑒
U+34530xe3 0x91 0x93㑓
U+34540xe3 0x91 0x94㑔
U+34550xe3 0x91 0x95㑕
U+34560xe3 0x91 0x96㑖
U+34570xe3 0x91 0x97㑗
U+34580xe3 0x91 0x98㑘
U+34590xe3 0x91 0x99㑙
U+345A0xe3 0x91 0x9a㑚
U+345B0xe3 0x91 0x9b㑛
U+345C0xe3 0x91 0x9c㑜
U+345D0xe3 0x91 0x9d㑝
U+345E0xe3 0x91 0x9e㑞
U+345F0xe3 0x91 0x9f㑟
U+34600xe3 0x91 0xa0㑠
U+34610xe3 0x91 0xa1㑡
U+34620xe3 0x91 0xa2㑢
U+34630xe3 0x91 0xa3㑣
U+34640xe3 0x91 0xa4㑤
U+34650xe3 0x91 0xa5㑥
U+34660xe3 0x91 0xa6㑦
U+34670xe3 0x91 0xa7㑧
U+34680xe3 0x91 0xa8㑨
U+34690xe3 0x91 0xa9㑩
U+346A0xe3 0x91 0xaa㑪
U+346B0xe3 0x91 0xab㑫
U+346C0xe3 0x91 0xac㑬
U+346D0xe3 0x91 0xad㑭
U+346E0xe3 0x91 0xae㑮
U+346F0xe3 0x91 0xaf㑯
U+34700xe3 0x91 0xb0㑰
U+34710xe3 0x91 0xb1㑱
U+34720xe3 0x91 0xb2㑲
U+34730xe3 0x91 0xb3㑳
U+34740xe3 0x91 0xb4㑴
U+34750xe3 0x91 0xb5㑵
U+34760xe3 0x91 0xb6㑶
U+34770xe3 0x91 0xb7㑷
U+34780xe3 0x91 0xb8㑸
U+34790xe3 0x91 0xb9㑹
U+347A0xe3 0x91 0xba㑺
U+347B0xe3 0x91 0xbb㑻
U+347C0xe3 0x91 0xbc㑼
U+347D0xe3 0x91 0xbd㑽
U+347E0xe3 0x91 0xbe㑾
U+347F0xe3 0x91 0xbf㑿
U+34800xe3 0x92 0x80㒀
U+34810xe3 0x92 0x81㒁
U+34820xe3 0x92 0x82㒂
U+34830xe3 0x92 0x83㒃
U+34840xe3 0x92 0x84㒄
U+34850xe3 0x92 0x85㒅
U+34860xe3 0x92 0x86㒆
U+34870xe3 0x92 0x87㒇
U+34880xe3 0x92 0x88㒈
U+34890xe3 0x92 0x89㒉
U+348A0xe3 0x92 0x8a㒊
U+348B0xe3 0x92 0x8b㒋
U+348C0xe3 0x92 0x8c㒌
U+348D0xe3 0x92 0x8d㒍
U+348E0xe3 0x92 0x8e㒎
U+348F0xe3 0x92 0x8f㒏
U+34900xe3 0x92 0x90㒐
U+34910xe3 0x92 0x91㒑
U+34920xe3 0x92 0x92㒒
U+34930xe3 0x92 0x93㒓
U+34940xe3 0x92 0x94㒔
U+34950xe3 0x92 0x95㒕
U+34960xe3 0x92 0x96㒖
U+34970xe3 0x92 0x97㒗
U+34980xe3 0x92 0x98㒘
U+34990xe3 0x92 0x99㒙
U+349A0xe3 0x92 0x9a㒚
U+349B0xe3 0x92 0x9b㒛
U+349C0xe3 0x92 0x9c㒜
U+349D0xe3 0x92 0x9d㒝
U+349E0xe3 0x92 0x9e㒞
U+349F0xe3 0x92 0x9f㒟
U+34A00xe3 0x92 0xa0㒠
U+34A10xe3 0x92 0xa1㒡
U+34A20xe3 0x92 0xa2㒢
U+34A30xe3 0x92 0xa3㒣
U+34A40xe3 0x92 0xa4㒤
U+34A50xe3 0x92 0xa5㒥
U+34A60xe3 0x92 0xa6㒦
U+34A70xe3 0x92 0xa7㒧
U+34A80xe3 0x92 0xa8㒨
U+34A90xe3 0x92 0xa9㒩
U+34AA0xe3 0x92 0xaa㒪
U+34AB0xe3 0x92 0xab㒫
U+34AC0xe3 0x92 0xac㒬
U+34AD0xe3 0x92 0xad㒭
U+34AE0xe3 0x92 0xae㒮
U+34AF0xe3 0x92 0xaf㒯
U+34B00xe3 0x92 0xb0㒰
U+34B10xe3 0x92 0xb1㒱
U+34B20xe3 0x92 0xb2㒲
U+34B30xe3 0x92 0xb3㒳
U+34B40xe3 0x92 0xb4㒴
U+34B50xe3 0x92 0xb5㒵
U+34B60xe3 0x92 0xb6㒶
U+34B70xe3 0x92 0xb7㒷
U+34B80xe3 0x92 0xb8㒸
U+34B90xe3 0x92 0xb9㒹
U+34BA0xe3 0x92 0xba㒺
U+34BB0xe3 0x92 0xbb㒻
U+34BC0xe3 0x92 0xbc㒼
U+34BD0xe3 0x92 0xbd㒽
U+34BE0xe3 0x92 0xbe㒾
U+34BF0xe3 0x92 0xbf㒿
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U+34C10xe3 0x93 0x81㓁
U+34C20xe3 0x93 0x82㓂
U+34C30xe3 0x93 0x83㓃
U+34C40xe3 0x93 0x84㓄
U+34C50xe3 0x93 0x85㓅
U+34C60xe3 0x93 0x86㓆
U+34C70xe3 0x93 0x87㓇
U+34C80xe3 0x93 0x88㓈
U+34C90xe3 0x93 0x89㓉
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U+34D20xe3 0x93 0x92㓒
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U+34D60xe3 0x93 0x96㓖
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U+34D80xe3 0x93 0x98㓘
U+34D90xe3 0x93 0x99㓙
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U+34DC0xe3 0x93 0x9c㓜
U+34DD0xe3 0x93 0x9d㓝
U+34DE0xe3 0x93 0x9e㓞
U+34DF0xe3 0x93 0x9f㓟
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U+34E10xe3 0x93 0xa1㓡
U+34E20xe3 0x93 0xa2㓢
U+34E30xe3 0x93 0xa3㓣
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U+34E50xe3 0x93 0xa5㓥
U+34E60xe3 0x93 0xa6㓦
U+34E70xe3 0x93 0xa7㓧
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U+34F20xe3 0x93 0xb2㓲
U+34F30xe3 0x93 0xb3㓳
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U+34F90xe3 0x93 0xb9㓹
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U+34FC0xe3 0x93 0xbc㓼
U+34FD0xe3 0x93 0xbd㓽
U+34FE0xe3 0x93 0xbe㓾
U+34FF0xe3 0x93 0xbf㓿
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U+35020xe3 0x94 0x82㔂
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U+350E0xe3 0x94 0x8e㔎
U+350F0xe3 0x94 0x8f㔏
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U+35120xe3 0x94 0x92㔒
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U+35150xe3 0x94 0x95㔕
U+35160xe3 0x94 0x96㔖
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U+35180xe3 0x94 0x98㔘
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U+351B0xe3 0x94 0x9b㔛
U+351C0xe3 0x94 0x9c㔜
U+351D0xe3 0x94 0x9d㔝
U+351E0xe3 0x94 0x9e㔞
U+351F0xe3 0x94 0x9f㔟
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U+35210xe3 0x94 0xa1㔡
U+35220xe3 0x94 0xa2㔢
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U+35250xe3 0x94 0xa5㔥
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U+35290xe3 0x94 0xa9㔩
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U+352F0xe3 0x94 0xaf㔯
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U+35310xe3 0x94 0xb1㔱
U+35320xe3 0x94 0xb2㔲
U+35330xe3 0x94 0xb3㔳
U+35340xe3 0x94 0xb4㔴
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U+35360xe3 0x94 0xb6㔶
U+35370xe3 0x94 0xb7㔷
U+35380xe3 0x94 0xb8㔸
U+35390xe3 0x94 0xb9㔹
U+353A0xe3 0x94 0xba㔺
U+353B0xe3 0x94 0xbb㔻
U+353C0xe3 0x94 0xbc㔼
U+353D0xe3 0x94 0xbd㔽
U+353E0xe3 0x94 0xbe㔾
U+353F0xe3 0x94 0xbf㔿