UTF-8 encoding table and Unicode characters

page with code points U+3800 to U+38FF

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page format standard · w/o parameter choice · print view
language German · English
code positions per page 128 · 256 · 512 · 1024
display format for
UTF-8 encoding
hex. · decimal · hex. (0x) · octal · binary · for Perl string literals · One Latin-1 char per byte · no display
Unicode character names not displayed · displayed · also display deprecated Unicode 1.0 names
links for adding char to text displayed · not displayed
numerical HTML encoding
of the Unicode character
not displayed · decimal · hexadecimal
HTML 4.0 character entities displayed · not displayed
text accumulator (characters are added by clicking on the respective "append" link)
display ǂ
editing functions
append space · delete last character · clear accumulator
Unicode U+01C2
UTF-8 0xc7 0x82
code point
character UTF-8
numerical HTML encoding
of the Unicode character
U+38000xe3 0xa0 0x80㠀
U+38010xe3 0xa0 0x81㠁
U+38020xe3 0xa0 0x82㠂
U+38030xe3 0xa0 0x83㠃
U+38040xe3 0xa0 0x84㠄
U+38050xe3 0xa0 0x85㠅
U+38060xe3 0xa0 0x86㠆
U+38070xe3 0xa0 0x87㠇
U+38080xe3 0xa0 0x88㠈
U+38090xe3 0xa0 0x89㠉
U+380A0xe3 0xa0 0x8a㠊
U+380B0xe3 0xa0 0x8b㠋
U+380C0xe3 0xa0 0x8c㠌
U+380D0xe3 0xa0 0x8d㠍
U+380E0xe3 0xa0 0x8e㠎
U+380F0xe3 0xa0 0x8f㠏
U+38100xe3 0xa0 0x90㠐
U+38110xe3 0xa0 0x91㠑
U+38120xe3 0xa0 0x92㠒
U+38130xe3 0xa0 0x93㠓
U+38140xe3 0xa0 0x94㠔
U+38150xe3 0xa0 0x95㠕
U+38160xe3 0xa0 0x96㠖
U+38170xe3 0xa0 0x97㠗
U+38180xe3 0xa0 0x98㠘
U+38190xe3 0xa0 0x99㠙
U+381A0xe3 0xa0 0x9a㠚
U+381B0xe3 0xa0 0x9b㠛
U+381C0xe3 0xa0 0x9c㠜
U+381D0xe3 0xa0 0x9d㠝
U+381E0xe3 0xa0 0x9e㠞
U+381F0xe3 0xa0 0x9f㠟
U+38200xe3 0xa0 0xa0㠠
U+38210xe3 0xa0 0xa1㠡
U+38220xe3 0xa0 0xa2㠢
U+38230xe3 0xa0 0xa3㠣
U+38240xe3 0xa0 0xa4㠤
U+38250xe3 0xa0 0xa5㠥
U+38260xe3 0xa0 0xa6㠦
U+38270xe3 0xa0 0xa7㠧
U+38280xe3 0xa0 0xa8㠨
U+38290xe3 0xa0 0xa9㠩
U+382A0xe3 0xa0 0xaa㠪
U+382B0xe3 0xa0 0xab㠫
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U+382D0xe3 0xa0 0xad㠭
U+382E0xe3 0xa0 0xae㠮
U+382F0xe3 0xa0 0xaf㠯
U+38300xe3 0xa0 0xb0㠰
U+38310xe3 0xa0 0xb1㠱
U+38320xe3 0xa0 0xb2㠲
U+38330xe3 0xa0 0xb3㠳
U+38340xe3 0xa0 0xb4㠴
U+38350xe3 0xa0 0xb5㠵
U+38360xe3 0xa0 0xb6㠶
U+38370xe3 0xa0 0xb7㠷
U+38380xe3 0xa0 0xb8㠸
U+38390xe3 0xa0 0xb9㠹
U+383A0xe3 0xa0 0xba㠺
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U+383C0xe3 0xa0 0xbc㠼
U+383D0xe3 0xa0 0xbd㠽
U+383E0xe3 0xa0 0xbe㠾
U+383F0xe3 0xa0 0xbf㠿
U+38400xe3 0xa1 0x80㡀
U+38410xe3 0xa1 0x81㡁
U+38420xe3 0xa1 0x82㡂
U+38430xe3 0xa1 0x83㡃
U+38440xe3 0xa1 0x84㡄
U+38450xe3 0xa1 0x85㡅
U+38460xe3 0xa1 0x86㡆
U+38470xe3 0xa1 0x87㡇
U+38480xe3 0xa1 0x88㡈
U+38490xe3 0xa1 0x89㡉
U+384A0xe3 0xa1 0x8a㡊
U+384B0xe3 0xa1 0x8b㡋
U+384C0xe3 0xa1 0x8c㡌
U+384D0xe3 0xa1 0x8d㡍
U+384E0xe3 0xa1 0x8e㡎
U+384F0xe3 0xa1 0x8f㡏
U+38500xe3 0xa1 0x90㡐
U+38510xe3 0xa1 0x91㡑
U+38520xe3 0xa1 0x92㡒
U+38530xe3 0xa1 0x93㡓
U+38540xe3 0xa1 0x94㡔
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U+38570xe3 0xa1 0x97㡗
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U+38590xe3 0xa1 0x99㡙
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U+385C0xe3 0xa1 0x9c㡜
U+385D0xe3 0xa1 0x9d㡝
U+385E0xe3 0xa1 0x9e㡞
U+385F0xe3 0xa1 0x9f㡟
U+38600xe3 0xa1 0xa0㡠
U+38610xe3 0xa1 0xa1㡡
U+38620xe3 0xa1 0xa2㡢
U+38630xe3 0xa1 0xa3㡣
U+38640xe3 0xa1 0xa4㡤
U+38650xe3 0xa1 0xa5㡥
U+38660xe3 0xa1 0xa6㡦
U+38670xe3 0xa1 0xa7㡧
U+38680xe3 0xa1 0xa8㡨
U+38690xe3 0xa1 0xa9㡩
U+386A0xe3 0xa1 0xaa㡪
U+386B0xe3 0xa1 0xab㡫
U+386C0xe3 0xa1 0xac㡬
U+386D0xe3 0xa1 0xad㡭
U+386E0xe3 0xa1 0xae㡮
U+386F0xe3 0xa1 0xaf㡯
U+38700xe3 0xa1 0xb0㡰
U+38710xe3 0xa1 0xb1㡱
U+38720xe3 0xa1 0xb2㡲
U+38730xe3 0xa1 0xb3㡳
U+38740xe3 0xa1 0xb4㡴
U+38750xe3 0xa1 0xb5㡵
U+38760xe3 0xa1 0xb6㡶
U+38770xe3 0xa1 0xb7㡷
U+38780xe3 0xa1 0xb8㡸
U+38790xe3 0xa1 0xb9㡹
U+387A0xe3 0xa1 0xba㡺
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U+387C0xe3 0xa1 0xbc㡼
U+387D0xe3 0xa1 0xbd㡽
U+387E0xe3 0xa1 0xbe㡾
U+387F0xe3 0xa1 0xbf㡿
U+38800xe3 0xa2 0x80㢀
U+38810xe3 0xa2 0x81㢁
U+38820xe3 0xa2 0x82㢂
U+38830xe3 0xa2 0x83㢃
U+38840xe3 0xa2 0x84㢄
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U+38890xe3 0xa2 0x89㢉
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U+388C0xe3 0xa2 0x8c㢌
U+388D0xe3 0xa2 0x8d㢍
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U+388F0xe3 0xa2 0x8f㢏
U+38900xe3 0xa2 0x90㢐
U+38910xe3 0xa2 0x91㢑
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U+38970xe3 0xa2 0x97㢗
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U+38990xe3 0xa2 0x99㢙
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U+389D0xe3 0xa2 0x9d㢝
U+389E0xe3 0xa2 0x9e㢞
U+389F0xe3 0xa2 0x9f㢟
U+38A00xe3 0xa2 0xa0㢠
U+38A10xe3 0xa2 0xa1㢡
U+38A20xe3 0xa2 0xa2㢢
U+38A30xe3 0xa2 0xa3㢣
U+38A40xe3 0xa2 0xa4㢤
U+38A50xe3 0xa2 0xa5㢥
U+38A60xe3 0xa2 0xa6㢦
U+38A70xe3 0xa2 0xa7㢧
U+38A80xe3 0xa2 0xa8㢨
U+38A90xe3 0xa2 0xa9㢩
U+38AA0xe3 0xa2 0xaa㢪
U+38AB0xe3 0xa2 0xab㢫
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U+38B00xe3 0xa2 0xb0㢰
U+38B10xe3 0xa2 0xb1㢱
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U+38BA0xe3 0xa2 0xba㢺
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U+38C00xe3 0xa3 0x80㣀
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U+38C70xe3 0xa3 0x87㣇
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U+38C90xe3 0xa3 0x89㣉
U+38CA0xe3 0xa3 0x8a㣊
U+38CB0xe3 0xa3 0x8b㣋
U+38CC0xe3 0xa3 0x8c㣌
U+38CD0xe3 0xa3 0x8d㣍
U+38CE0xe3 0xa3 0x8e㣎
U+38CF0xe3 0xa3 0x8f㣏
U+38D00xe3 0xa3 0x90㣐
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U+38DA0xe3 0xa3 0x9a㣚
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U+38DD0xe3 0xa3 0x9d㣝
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U+38E00xe3 0xa3 0xa0㣠
U+38E10xe3 0xa3 0xa1㣡
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U+38E40xe3 0xa3 0xa4㣤
U+38E50xe3 0xa3 0xa5㣥
U+38E60xe3 0xa3 0xa6㣦
U+38E70xe3 0xa3 0xa7㣧
U+38E80xe3 0xa3 0xa8㣨
U+38E90xe3 0xa3 0xa9㣩
U+38EA0xe3 0xa3 0xaa㣪
U+38EB0xe3 0xa3 0xab㣫
U+38EC0xe3 0xa3 0xac㣬
U+38ED0xe3 0xa3 0xad㣭
U+38EE0xe3 0xa3 0xae㣮
U+38EF0xe3 0xa3 0xaf㣯
U+38F00xe3 0xa3 0xb0㣰
U+38F10xe3 0xa3 0xb1㣱
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U+38F70xe3 0xa3 0xb7㣷
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U+38F90xe3 0xa3 0xb9㣹
U+38FA0xe3 0xa3 0xba㣺
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U+38FC0xe3 0xa3 0xbc㣼
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U+38FE0xe3 0xa3 0xbe㣾
U+38FF0xe3 0xa3 0xbf㣿