UTF-8 encoding table and Unicode characters

page with code points U+3900 to U+397F

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page format standard · w/o parameter choice · print view
language German · English
code positions per page 128 · 256 · 512 · 1024
display format for
UTF-8 encoding
hex. · decimal · hex. (0x) · octal · binary · for Perl string literals · One Latin-1 char per byte · no display
Unicode character names not displayed · displayed · also display deprecated Unicode 1.0 names
links for adding char to text displayed · not displayed
numerical HTML encoding
of the Unicode character
not displayed · decimal · hexadecimal
HTML 4.0 character entities displayed · not displayed
text accumulator (characters are added by clicking on the respective "append" link)
display Û
editing functions
append space · delete last character · clear accumulator
Unicode U+00DB
UTF-8 0xc3 0x9b
code point
character UTF-8
numerical HTML encoding
of the Unicode character
U+39000xe3 0xa4 0x80㤀
U+39010xe3 0xa4 0x81㤁
U+39020xe3 0xa4 0x82㤂
U+39030xe3 0xa4 0x83㤃
U+39040xe3 0xa4 0x84㤄
U+39050xe3 0xa4 0x85㤅
U+39060xe3 0xa4 0x86㤆
U+39070xe3 0xa4 0x87㤇
U+39080xe3 0xa4 0x88㤈
U+39090xe3 0xa4 0x89㤉
U+390A0xe3 0xa4 0x8a㤊
U+390B0xe3 0xa4 0x8b㤋
U+390C0xe3 0xa4 0x8c㤌
U+390D0xe3 0xa4 0x8d㤍
U+390E0xe3 0xa4 0x8e㤎
U+390F0xe3 0xa4 0x8f㤏
U+39100xe3 0xa4 0x90㤐
U+39110xe3 0xa4 0x91㤑
U+39120xe3 0xa4 0x92㤒
U+39130xe3 0xa4 0x93㤓
U+39140xe3 0xa4 0x94㤔
U+39150xe3 0xa4 0x95㤕
U+39160xe3 0xa4 0x96㤖
U+39170xe3 0xa4 0x97㤗
U+39180xe3 0xa4 0x98㤘
U+39190xe3 0xa4 0x99㤙
U+391A0xe3 0xa4 0x9a㤚
U+391B0xe3 0xa4 0x9b㤛
U+391C0xe3 0xa4 0x9c㤜
U+391D0xe3 0xa4 0x9d㤝
U+391E0xe3 0xa4 0x9e㤞
U+391F0xe3 0xa4 0x9f㤟
U+39200xe3 0xa4 0xa0㤠
U+39210xe3 0xa4 0xa1㤡
U+39220xe3 0xa4 0xa2㤢
U+39230xe3 0xa4 0xa3㤣
U+39240xe3 0xa4 0xa4㤤
U+39250xe3 0xa4 0xa5㤥
U+39260xe3 0xa4 0xa6㤦
U+39270xe3 0xa4 0xa7㤧
U+39280xe3 0xa4 0xa8㤨
U+39290xe3 0xa4 0xa9㤩
U+392A0xe3 0xa4 0xaa㤪
U+392B0xe3 0xa4 0xab㤫
U+392C0xe3 0xa4 0xac㤬
U+392D0xe3 0xa4 0xad㤭
U+392E0xe3 0xa4 0xae㤮
U+392F0xe3 0xa4 0xaf㤯
U+39300xe3 0xa4 0xb0㤰
U+39310xe3 0xa4 0xb1㤱
U+39320xe3 0xa4 0xb2㤲
U+39330xe3 0xa4 0xb3㤳
U+39340xe3 0xa4 0xb4㤴
U+39350xe3 0xa4 0xb5㤵
U+39360xe3 0xa4 0xb6㤶
U+39370xe3 0xa4 0xb7㤷
U+39380xe3 0xa4 0xb8㤸
U+39390xe3 0xa4 0xb9㤹
U+393A0xe3 0xa4 0xba㤺
U+393B0xe3 0xa4 0xbb㤻
U+393C0xe3 0xa4 0xbc㤼
U+393D0xe3 0xa4 0xbd㤽
U+393E0xe3 0xa4 0xbe㤾
U+393F㤿0xe3 0xa4 0xbf㤿㤿
U+39400xe3 0xa5 0x80㥀
U+39410xe3 0xa5 0x81㥁
U+39420xe3 0xa5 0x82㥂
U+39430xe3 0xa5 0x83㥃
U+39440xe3 0xa5 0x84㥄
U+39450xe3 0xa5 0x85㥅
U+39460xe3 0xa5 0x86㥆
U+39470xe3 0xa5 0x87㥇
U+39480xe3 0xa5 0x88㥈
U+39490xe3 0xa5 0x89㥉
U+394A0xe3 0xa5 0x8a㥊
U+394B0xe3 0xa5 0x8b㥋
U+394C0xe3 0xa5 0x8c㥌
U+394D0xe3 0xa5 0x8d㥍
U+394E0xe3 0xa5 0x8e㥎
U+394F0xe3 0xa5 0x8f㥏
U+39500xe3 0xa5 0x90㥐
U+39510xe3 0xa5 0x91㥑
U+39520xe3 0xa5 0x92㥒
U+39530xe3 0xa5 0x93㥓
U+39540xe3 0xa5 0x94㥔
U+39550xe3 0xa5 0x95㥕
U+39560xe3 0xa5 0x96㥖
U+39570xe3 0xa5 0x97㥗
U+39580xe3 0xa5 0x98㥘
U+39590xe3 0xa5 0x99㥙
U+395A0xe3 0xa5 0x9a㥚
U+395B0xe3 0xa5 0x9b㥛
U+395C0xe3 0xa5 0x9c㥜
U+395D0xe3 0xa5 0x9d㥝
U+395E0xe3 0xa5 0x9e㥞
U+395F0xe3 0xa5 0x9f㥟
U+39600xe3 0xa5 0xa0㥠
U+39610xe3 0xa5 0xa1㥡
U+39620xe3 0xa5 0xa2㥢
U+39630xe3 0xa5 0xa3㥣
U+39640xe3 0xa5 0xa4㥤
U+39650xe3 0xa5 0xa5㥥
U+39660xe3 0xa5 0xa6㥦
U+39670xe3 0xa5 0xa7㥧
U+39680xe3 0xa5 0xa8㥨
U+39690xe3 0xa5 0xa9㥩
U+396A0xe3 0xa5 0xaa㥪
U+396B0xe3 0xa5 0xab㥫
U+396C0xe3 0xa5 0xac㥬
U+396D0xe3 0xa5 0xad㥭
U+396E0xe3 0xa5 0xae㥮
U+396F0xe3 0xa5 0xaf㥯
U+39700xe3 0xa5 0xb0㥰
U+39710xe3 0xa5 0xb1㥱
U+39720xe3 0xa5 0xb2㥲
U+39730xe3 0xa5 0xb3㥳
U+39740xe3 0xa5 0xb4㥴
U+39750xe3 0xa5 0xb5㥵
U+39760xe3 0xa5 0xb6㥶
U+39770xe3 0xa5 0xb7㥷
U+39780xe3 0xa5 0xb8㥸
U+39790xe3 0xa5 0xb9㥹
U+397A0xe3 0xa5 0xba㥺
U+397B0xe3 0xa5 0xbb㥻
U+397C0xe3 0xa5 0xbc㥼
U+397D0xe3 0xa5 0xbd㥽
U+397E0xe3 0xa5 0xbe㥾
U+397F㥿0xe3 0xa5 0xbf㥿㥿