UTF-8 encoding table and Unicode characters

page with code points U+0600 to U+067F

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code positions per page 128 · 256 · 512 · 1024
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UTF-8 encoding
hex. · decimal · hex. (0x) · octal · binary · for Perl string literals · One Latin-1 char per byte · no display
Unicode character names not displayed · displayed · also display deprecated Unicode 1.0 names
links for adding char to text displayed · not displayed
numerical HTML encoding
of the Unicode character
not displayed · decimal · hexadecimal
HTML 4.0 character entities displayed · not displayed
code point
character UTF-8
numerical HTML encoding
of the Unicode character
U+0600؀11011000 10000000؀؀
U+0601؁11011000 10000001؁؁
U+0602؂11011000 10000010؂؂
U+0603؃11011000 10000011؃؃
U+0604؄11011000 10000100؄؄
U+0605؅11011000 10000101؅؅
U+0606؆11011000 10000110؆؆
U+0607؇11011000 10000111؇؇
U+0608؈11011000 10001000؈؈
U+0609؉11011000 10001001؉؉
U+060A؊11011000 10001010؊؊
U+060B؋11011000 10001011؋؋
U+060C،11011000 10001100،،
U+060D؍11011000 10001101؍؍
U+060E؎11011000 10001110؎؎
U+060F؏11011000 10001111؏؏
U+0610ؐ11011000 10010000ؐؐ
U+0611ؑ11011000 10010001ؑؑ
U+0612ؒ11011000 10010010ؒؒ
U+0613ؓ11011000 10010011ؓؓ
U+0614ؔ11011000 10010100ؔؔ
U+0615ؕ11011000 10010101ؕؕ
U+0616ؖ11011000 10010110ؖؖ
U+0617ؗ11011000 10010111ؗؗ
U+0618ؘ11011000 10011000ؘؘ
U+0619ؙ11011000 10011001ؙؙ
U+061Aؚ11011000 10011010ؚؚ
U+061B؛11011000 10011011؛؛
U+061C؜11011000 10011100؜؜
U+061D؝11011000 10011101؝؝
U+061E؞11011000 10011110؞؞
U+061F؟11011000 10011111؟؟
U+0620ؠ11011000 10100000ؠؠ
U+0621ء11011000 10100001ءء
U+0622آ11011000 10100010آآ
U+0623أ11011000 10100011أأ
U+0624ؤ11011000 10100100ؤؤ
U+0625إ11011000 10100101إإ
U+0626ئ11011000 10100110ئئ
U+0627ا11011000 10100111اا
U+0628ب11011000 10101000بب
U+0629ة11011000 10101001ةة
U+062Aت11011000 10101010تت
U+062Bث11011000 10101011ثث
U+062Cج11011000 10101100جج
U+062Dح11011000 10101101حح
U+062Eخ11011000 10101110خخ
U+062Fد11011000 10101111دد
U+0630ذ11011000 10110000ذذ
U+0631ر11011000 10110001رر
U+0632ز11011000 10110010زز
U+0633س11011000 10110011سس
U+0634ش11011000 10110100شش
U+0635ص11011000 10110101صص
U+0636ض11011000 10110110ضض
U+0637ط11011000 10110111طط
U+0638ظ11011000 10111000ظظ
U+0639ع11011000 10111001عع
U+063Aغ11011000 10111010غغ
U+063Bػ11011000 10111011ػػ
U+063Cؼ11011000 10111100ؼؼ
U+063Dؽ11011000 10111101ؽؽ
U+063Eؾ11011000 10111110ؾؾ
U+063Fؿ11011000 10111111ؿؿ
U+0640ـ11011001 10000000ــ
U+0641ف11011001 10000001فف
U+0642ق11011001 10000010قق
U+0643ك11011001 10000011كك
U+0644ل11011001 10000100لل
U+0645م11011001 10000101مم
U+0646ن11011001 10000110نن
U+0647ه11011001 10000111هه
U+0648و11011001 10001000وو
U+0649ى11011001 10001001ىى
U+064Aي11011001 10001010يي
U+064Bً11011001 10001011ًً
U+064Cٌ11011001 10001100ٌٌ
U+064Dٍ11011001 10001101ٍٍ
U+064Eَ11011001 10001110ََ
U+064Fُ11011001 10001111ُُ
U+0650ِ11011001 10010000ِِ
U+0651ّ11011001 10010001ّّ
U+0652ْ11011001 10010010ْْ
U+0653ٓ11011001 10010011ٓٓ
U+0654ٔ11011001 10010100ٔٔ
U+0655ٕ11011001 10010101ٕٕ
U+0656ٖ11011001 10010110ٖٖ
U+0657ٗ11011001 10010111ٗٗ
U+0658٘11011001 10011000٘٘
U+0659ٙ11011001 10011001ٙٙ
U+065Aٚ11011001 10011010ٚٚ
U+065Bٛ11011001 10011011ٛٛ
U+065Cٜ11011001 10011100ٜٜ
U+065Dٝ11011001 10011101ٝٝ
U+065Eٞ11011001 10011110ٞٞ
U+065Fٟ11011001 10011111ٟٟ
U+0660٠11011001 10100000٠٠
U+0661١11011001 10100001١١
U+0662٢11011001 10100010٢٢
U+0663٣11011001 10100011٣٣
U+0664٤11011001 10100100٤٤
U+0665٥11011001 10100101٥٥
U+0666٦11011001 10100110٦٦
U+0667٧11011001 10100111٧٧
U+0668٨11011001 10101000٨٨
U+0669٩11011001 10101001٩٩
U+066A٪11011001 10101010٪٪
U+066B٫11011001 10101011٫٫
U+066C٬11011001 10101100٬٬
U+066D٭11011001 10101101٭٭
U+066Eٮ11011001 10101110ٮٮ
U+066Fٯ11011001 10101111ٯٯ
U+0670ٰ11011001 10110000ٰٰ
U+0671ٱ11011001 10110001ٱٱ
U+0672ٲ11011001 10110010ٲٲ
U+0673ٳ11011001 10110011ٳٳ
U+0674ٴ11011001 10110100ٴٴ
U+0675ٵ11011001 10110101ٵٵ
U+0676ٶ11011001 10110110ٶٶ
U+0677ٷ11011001 10110111ٷٷ
U+0678ٸ11011001 10111000ٸٸ
U+0679ٹ11011001 10111001ٹٹ
U+067Aٺ11011001 10111010ٺٺ
U+067Bٻ11011001 10111011ٻٻ
U+067Cټ11011001 10111100ټټ
U+067Dٽ11011001 10111101ٽٽ
U+067Eپ11011001 10111110پپ
U+067Fٿ11011001 10111111ٿٿ