UTF-8 encoding table and Unicode characters

page with code points U+3D80 to U+3DFF

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page format standard · w/o parameter choice · print view
language German · English
code positions per page 128 · 256 · 512 · 1024
display format for
UTF-8 encoding
hex. · decimal · hex. (0x) · octal · binary · for Perl string literals · One Latin-1 char per byte · no display
Unicode character names not displayed · displayed · also display deprecated Unicode 1.0 names
links for adding char to text displayed · not displayed
numerical HTML encoding
of the Unicode character
not displayed · decimal · hexadecimal
HTML 4.0 character entities displayed · not displayed
text accumulator (characters are added by clicking on the respective "append" link)
display ި
editing functions
append space · delete last character · clear accumulator
Unicode U+07A8
UTF-8 222 168
code point
character UTF-8
numerical HTML encoding
of the Unicode character
U+3D80227 182 128㶀
U+3D81227 182 129㶁
U+3D82227 182 130㶂
U+3D83227 182 131㶃
U+3D84227 182 132㶄
U+3D85227 182 133㶅
U+3D86227 182 134㶆
U+3D87227 182 135㶇
U+3D88227 182 136㶈
U+3D89227 182 137㶉
U+3D8A227 182 138㶊
U+3D8B227 182 139㶋
U+3D8C227 182 140㶌
U+3D8D227 182 141㶍
U+3D8E227 182 142㶎
U+3D8F227 182 143㶏
U+3D90227 182 144㶐
U+3D91227 182 145㶑
U+3D92227 182 146㶒
U+3D93227 182 147㶓
U+3D94227 182 148㶔
U+3D95227 182 149㶕
U+3D96227 182 150㶖
U+3D97227 182 151㶗
U+3D98227 182 152㶘
U+3D99227 182 153㶙
U+3D9A227 182 154㶚
U+3D9B227 182 155㶛
U+3D9C227 182 156㶜
U+3D9D227 182 157㶝
U+3D9E227 182 158㶞
U+3D9F227 182 159㶟
U+3DA0227 182 160㶠
U+3DA1227 182 161㶡
U+3DA2227 182 162㶢
U+3DA3227 182 163㶣
U+3DA4227 182 164㶤
U+3DA5227 182 165㶥
U+3DA6227 182 166㶦
U+3DA7227 182 167㶧
U+3DA8227 182 168㶨
U+3DA9227 182 169㶩
U+3DAA227 182 170㶪
U+3DAB227 182 171㶫
U+3DAC227 182 172㶬
U+3DAD227 182 173㶭
U+3DAE227 182 174㶮
U+3DAF227 182 175㶯
U+3DB0227 182 176㶰
U+3DB1227 182 177㶱
U+3DB2227 182 178㶲
U+3DB3227 182 179㶳
U+3DB4227 182 180㶴
U+3DB5227 182 181㶵
U+3DB6227 182 182㶶
U+3DB7227 182 183㶷
U+3DB8227 182 184㶸
U+3DB9227 182 185㶹
U+3DBA227 182 186㶺
U+3DBB227 182 187㶻
U+3DBC227 182 188㶼
U+3DBD227 182 189㶽
U+3DBE227 182 190㶾
U+3DBF㶿227 182 191㶿㶿
U+3DC0227 183 128㷀
U+3DC1227 183 129㷁
U+3DC2227 183 130㷂
U+3DC3227 183 131㷃
U+3DC4227 183 132㷄
U+3DC5227 183 133㷅
U+3DC6227 183 134㷆
U+3DC7227 183 135㷇
U+3DC8227 183 136㷈
U+3DC9227 183 137㷉
U+3DCA227 183 138㷊
U+3DCB227 183 139㷋
U+3DCC227 183 140㷌
U+3DCD227 183 141㷍
U+3DCE227 183 142㷎
U+3DCF227 183 143㷏
U+3DD0227 183 144㷐
U+3DD1227 183 145㷑
U+3DD2227 183 146㷒
U+3DD3227 183 147㷓
U+3DD4227 183 148㷔
U+3DD5227 183 149㷕
U+3DD6227 183 150㷖
U+3DD7227 183 151㷗
U+3DD8227 183 152㷘
U+3DD9227 183 153㷙
U+3DDA227 183 154㷚
U+3DDB227 183 155㷛
U+3DDC227 183 156㷜
U+3DDD227 183 157㷝
U+3DDE227 183 158㷞
U+3DDF227 183 159㷟
U+3DE0227 183 160㷠
U+3DE1227 183 161㷡
U+3DE2227 183 162㷢
U+3DE3227 183 163㷣
U+3DE4227 183 164㷤
U+3DE5227 183 165㷥
U+3DE6227 183 166㷦
U+3DE7227 183 167㷧
U+3DE8227 183 168㷨
U+3DE9227 183 169㷩
U+3DEA227 183 170㷪
U+3DEB227 183 171㷫
U+3DEC227 183 172㷬
U+3DED227 183 173㷭
U+3DEE227 183 174㷮
U+3DEF227 183 175㷯
U+3DF0227 183 176㷰
U+3DF1227 183 177㷱
U+3DF2227 183 178㷲
U+3DF3227 183 179㷳
U+3DF4227 183 180㷴
U+3DF5227 183 181㷵
U+3DF6227 183 182㷶
U+3DF7227 183 183㷷
U+3DF8227 183 184㷸
U+3DF9227 183 185㷹
U+3DFA227 183 186㷺
U+3DFB227 183 187㷻
U+3DFC227 183 188㷼
U+3DFD227 183 189㷽
U+3DFE227 183 190㷾
U+3DFF㷿227 183 191㷿㷿