UTF-8 encoding table and Unicode characters

page with code points U+0800 to U+087F

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page format standard · w/o parameter choice · print view
language German · English
code positions per page 128 · 256 · 512 · 1024
display format for
UTF-8 encoding
hex. · decimal · hex. (0x) · octal · binary · for Perl string literals · One Latin-1 char per byte · no display
Unicode character names not displayed · displayed · also display deprecated Unicode 1.0 names
links for adding char to text displayed · not displayed
numerical HTML encoding
of the Unicode character
not displayed · decimal · hexadecimal
HTML 4.0 character entities displayed · not displayed
text accumulator (characters are added by clicking on the respective "append" link)
display ɔ
editing functions
append space · delete last character · clear accumulator
Unicode U+0254
UTF-8 c9 94
code point
character UTF-8
numerical HTML encoding
of the Unicode character
U+0800e0 a0 80ࠀ
U+0801e0 a0 81ࠁ
U+0802e0 a0 82ࠂ
U+0803e0 a0 83ࠃ
U+0804e0 a0 84ࠄ
U+0805e0 a0 85ࠅ
U+0806e0 a0 86ࠆ
U+0807e0 a0 87ࠇ
U+0808e0 a0 88ࠈ
U+0809e0 a0 89ࠉ
U+080Ae0 a0 8aࠊ
U+080Be0 a0 8bࠋ
U+080Ce0 a0 8cࠌ
U+080De0 a0 8dࠍ
U+080Ee0 a0 8eࠎ
U+080Fe0 a0 8fࠏ
U+0810e0 a0 90ࠐ
U+0811e0 a0 91ࠑ
U+0812e0 a0 92ࠒ
U+0813e0 a0 93ࠓ
U+0814e0 a0 94ࠔ
U+0815e0 a0 95ࠕ
U+0816e0 a0 96ࠖ
U+0817e0 a0 97ࠗ
U+0818e0 a0 98࠘
U+0819e0 a0 99࠙
U+081Ae0 a0 9aࠚ
U+081Be0 a0 9bࠛ
U+081Ce0 a0 9cࠜ
U+081De0 a0 9dࠝ
U+081Ee0 a0 9eࠞ
U+081Fe0 a0 9fࠟ
U+0820e0 a0 a0ࠠ
U+0821e0 a0 a1ࠡ
U+0822e0 a0 a2ࠢ
U+0823e0 a0 a3ࠣ
U+0824e0 a0 a4ࠤ
U+0825e0 a0 a5ࠥ
U+0826e0 a0 a6ࠦ
U+0827e0 a0 a7ࠧ
U+0828e0 a0 a8ࠨ
U+0829e0 a0 a9ࠩ
U+082Ae0 a0 aaࠪ
U+082Be0 a0 abࠫ
U+082Ce0 a0 acࠬ
U+082De0 a0 ad࠭
U+082Ee0 a0 ae࠮
U+082Fe0 a0 af࠯
U+0830e0 a0 b0࠰
U+0831e0 a0 b1࠱
U+0832e0 a0 b2࠲
U+0833e0 a0 b3࠳
U+0834e0 a0 b4࠴
U+0835e0 a0 b5࠵
U+0836e0 a0 b6࠶
U+0837e0 a0 b7࠷
U+0838e0 a0 b8࠸
U+0839e0 a0 b9࠹
U+083Ae0 a0 ba࠺
U+083Be0 a0 bb࠻
U+083Ce0 a0 bc࠼
U+083De0 a0 bd࠽
U+083Ee0 a0 be࠾
U+083Fe0 a0 bf࠿
U+0840e0 a1 80ࡀ
U+0841e0 a1 81ࡁ
U+0842e0 a1 82ࡂ
U+0843e0 a1 83ࡃ
U+0844e0 a1 84ࡄ
U+0845e0 a1 85ࡅ
U+0846e0 a1 86ࡆ
U+0847e0 a1 87ࡇ
U+0848e0 a1 88ࡈ
U+0849e0 a1 89ࡉ
U+084Ae0 a1 8aࡊ
U+084Be0 a1 8bࡋ
U+084Ce0 a1 8cࡌ
U+084De0 a1 8dࡍ
U+084Ee0 a1 8eࡎ
U+084Fe0 a1 8fࡏ
U+0850e0 a1 90ࡐ
U+0851e0 a1 91ࡑ
U+0852e0 a1 92ࡒ
U+0853e0 a1 93ࡓ
U+0854e0 a1 94ࡔ
U+0855e0 a1 95ࡕ
U+0856e0 a1 96ࡖ
U+0857e0 a1 97ࡗ
U+0858e0 a1 98ࡘ
U+0859e0 a1 99࡙
U+085Ae0 a1 9a࡚
U+085Be0 a1 9b࡛
U+085Ce0 a1 9c࡜
U+085De0 a1 9d࡝
U+085Ee0 a1 9e࡞
U+085Fe0 a1 9f࡟
U+0860e0 a1 a0ࡠ
U+0861e0 a1 a1ࡡ
U+0862e0 a1 a2ࡢ
U+0863e0 a1 a3ࡣ
U+0864e0 a1 a4ࡤ
U+0865e0 a1 a5ࡥ
U+0866e0 a1 a6ࡦ
U+0867e0 a1 a7ࡧ
U+0868e0 a1 a8ࡨ
U+0869e0 a1 a9ࡩ
U+086Ae0 a1 aaࡪ
U+086Be0 a1 ab࡫
U+086Ce0 a1 ac࡬
U+086De0 a1 ad࡭
U+086Ee0 a1 ae࡮
U+086Fe0 a1 af࡯
U+0870e0 a1 b0ࡰ
U+0871e0 a1 b1ࡱ
U+0872e0 a1 b2ࡲ
U+0873e0 a1 b3ࡳ
U+0874e0 a1 b4ࡴ
U+0875e0 a1 b5ࡵ
U+0876e0 a1 b6ࡶ
U+0877e0 a1 b7ࡷ
U+0878e0 a1 b8ࡸ
U+0879e0 a1 b9ࡹ
U+087Ae0 a1 baࡺ
U+087Be0 a1 bbࡻ
U+087Ce0 a1 bcࡼ
U+087De0 a1 bdࡽ
U+087Ee0 a1 beࡾ
U+087Fe0 a1 bfࡿ