UTF-8 encoding table and Unicode characters

page with code points U+0800 to U+087F

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page format standard · w/o parameter choice · print view
language German · English
code positions per page 128 · 256 · 512 · 1024
display format for
UTF-8 encoding
hex. · decimal · hex. (0x) · octal · binary · for Perl string literals · One Latin-1 char per byte · no display
Unicode character names not displayed · displayed · also display deprecated Unicode 1.0 names
links for adding char to text displayed · not displayed
numerical HTML encoding
of the Unicode character
not displayed · decimal · hexadecimal
HTML 4.0 character entities displayed · not displayed
code point
character UTF-8
numerical HTML encoding
of the Unicode character
U+080011100000 10100000 10000000ࠀ
U+080111100000 10100000 10000001ࠁ
U+080211100000 10100000 10000010ࠂ
U+080311100000 10100000 10000011ࠃ
U+080411100000 10100000 10000100ࠄ
U+080511100000 10100000 10000101ࠅ
U+080611100000 10100000 10000110ࠆ
U+080711100000 10100000 10000111ࠇ
U+080811100000 10100000 10001000ࠈ
U+080911100000 10100000 10001001ࠉ
U+080A11100000 10100000 10001010ࠊ
U+080B11100000 10100000 10001011ࠋ
U+080C11100000 10100000 10001100ࠌ
U+080D11100000 10100000 10001101ࠍ
U+080E11100000 10100000 10001110ࠎ
U+080F11100000 10100000 10001111ࠏ
U+081011100000 10100000 10010000ࠐ
U+081111100000 10100000 10010001ࠑ
U+081211100000 10100000 10010010ࠒ
U+081311100000 10100000 10010011ࠓ
U+081411100000 10100000 10010100ࠔ
U+081511100000 10100000 10010101ࠕ
U+081611100000 10100000 10010110ࠖ
U+081711100000 10100000 10010111ࠗ
U+081811100000 10100000 10011000࠘
U+081911100000 10100000 10011001࠙
U+081A11100000 10100000 10011010ࠚ
U+081B11100000 10100000 10011011ࠛ
U+081C11100000 10100000 10011100ࠜ
U+081D11100000 10100000 10011101ࠝ
U+081E11100000 10100000 10011110ࠞ
U+081F11100000 10100000 10011111ࠟ
U+082011100000 10100000 10100000ࠠ
U+082111100000 10100000 10100001ࠡ
U+082211100000 10100000 10100010ࠢ
U+082311100000 10100000 10100011ࠣ
U+082411100000 10100000 10100100ࠤ
U+082511100000 10100000 10100101ࠥ
U+082611100000 10100000 10100110ࠦ
U+082711100000 10100000 10100111ࠧ
U+082811100000 10100000 10101000ࠨ
U+082911100000 10100000 10101001ࠩ
U+082A11100000 10100000 10101010ࠪ
U+082B11100000 10100000 10101011ࠫ
U+082C11100000 10100000 10101100ࠬ
U+082D11100000 10100000 10101101࠭
U+082E11100000 10100000 10101110࠮
U+082F11100000 10100000 10101111࠯
U+083011100000 10100000 10110000࠰
U+083111100000 10100000 10110001࠱
U+083211100000 10100000 10110010࠲
U+083311100000 10100000 10110011࠳
U+083411100000 10100000 10110100࠴
U+083511100000 10100000 10110101࠵
U+083611100000 10100000 10110110࠶
U+083711100000 10100000 10110111࠷
U+083811100000 10100000 10111000࠸
U+083911100000 10100000 10111001࠹
U+083A11100000 10100000 10111010࠺
U+083B11100000 10100000 10111011࠻
U+083C11100000 10100000 10111100࠼
U+083D11100000 10100000 10111101࠽
U+083E11100000 10100000 10111110࠾
U+083F11100000 10100000 10111111࠿
U+084011100000 10100001 10000000ࡀ
U+084111100000 10100001 10000001ࡁ
U+084211100000 10100001 10000010ࡂ
U+084311100000 10100001 10000011ࡃ
U+084411100000 10100001 10000100ࡄ
U+084511100000 10100001 10000101ࡅ
U+084611100000 10100001 10000110ࡆ
U+084711100000 10100001 10000111ࡇ
U+084811100000 10100001 10001000ࡈ
U+084911100000 10100001 10001001ࡉ
U+084A11100000 10100001 10001010ࡊ
U+084B11100000 10100001 10001011ࡋ
U+084C11100000 10100001 10001100ࡌ
U+084D11100000 10100001 10001101ࡍ
U+084E11100000 10100001 10001110ࡎ
U+084F11100000 10100001 10001111ࡏ
U+085011100000 10100001 10010000ࡐ
U+085111100000 10100001 10010001ࡑ
U+085211100000 10100001 10010010ࡒ
U+085311100000 10100001 10010011ࡓ
U+085411100000 10100001 10010100ࡔ
U+085511100000 10100001 10010101ࡕ
U+085611100000 10100001 10010110ࡖ
U+085711100000 10100001 10010111ࡗ
U+085811100000 10100001 10011000ࡘ
U+085911100000 10100001 10011001࡙
U+085A11100000 10100001 10011010࡚
U+085B11100000 10100001 10011011࡛
U+085C11100000 10100001 10011100࡜
U+085D11100000 10100001 10011101࡝
U+085E11100000 10100001 10011110࡞
U+085F11100000 10100001 10011111࡟
U+086011100000 10100001 10100000ࡠ
U+086111100000 10100001 10100001ࡡ
U+086211100000 10100001 10100010ࡢ
U+086311100000 10100001 10100011ࡣ
U+086411100000 10100001 10100100ࡤ
U+086511100000 10100001 10100101ࡥ
U+086611100000 10100001 10100110ࡦ
U+086711100000 10100001 10100111ࡧ
U+086811100000 10100001 10101000ࡨ
U+086911100000 10100001 10101001ࡩ
U+086A11100000 10100001 10101010ࡪ
U+086B11100000 10100001 10101011࡫
U+086C11100000 10100001 10101100࡬
U+086D11100000 10100001 10101101࡭
U+086E11100000 10100001 10101110࡮
U+086F11100000 10100001 10101111࡯
U+087011100000 10100001 10110000ࡰ
U+087111100000 10100001 10110001ࡱ
U+087211100000 10100001 10110010ࡲ
U+087311100000 10100001 10110011ࡳ
U+087411100000 10100001 10110100ࡴ
U+087511100000 10100001 10110101ࡵ
U+087611100000 10100001 10110110ࡶ
U+087711100000 10100001 10110111ࡷ
U+087811100000 10100001 10111000ࡸ
U+087911100000 10100001 10111001ࡹ
U+087A11100000 10100001 10111010ࡺ
U+087B11100000 10100001 10111011ࡻ
U+087C11100000 10100001 10111100ࡼ
U+087D11100000 10100001 10111101ࡽ
U+087E11100000 10100001 10111110ࡾ
U+087F11100000 10100001 10111111ࡿ