UTF-8 encoding table and Unicode characters

page with code points U+0800 to U+087F

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page format standard · w/o parameter choice · print view
language German · English
code positions per page 128 · 256 · 512 · 1024
display format for
UTF-8 encoding
hex. · decimal · hex. (0x) · octal · binary · for Perl string literals · One Latin-1 char per byte · no display
Unicode character names not displayed · displayed · also display deprecated Unicode 1.0 names
links for adding char to text displayed · not displayed
numerical HTML encoding
of the Unicode character
not displayed · decimal · hexadecimal
HTML 4.0 character entities displayed · not displayed
code point
character UTF-8
append character
to accumulator
numerical HTML encoding
of the Unicode character
U+0800224 160 128appendࠀ
U+0801224 160 129appendࠁ
U+0802224 160 130appendࠂ
U+0803224 160 131appendࠃ
U+0804224 160 132appendࠄ
U+0805224 160 133appendࠅ
U+0806224 160 134appendࠆ
U+0807224 160 135appendࠇ
U+0808224 160 136appendࠈ
U+0809224 160 137appendࠉ
U+080A224 160 138appendࠊ
U+080B224 160 139appendࠋ
U+080C224 160 140appendࠌ
U+080D224 160 141appendࠍ
U+080E224 160 142appendࠎ
U+080F224 160 143appendࠏ
U+0810224 160 144appendࠐ
U+0811224 160 145appendࠑ
U+0812224 160 146appendࠒ
U+0813224 160 147appendࠓ
U+0814224 160 148appendࠔ
U+0815224 160 149appendࠕ
U+0816224 160 150appendࠖ
U+0817224 160 151appendࠗ
U+0818224 160 152append࠘
U+0819224 160 153append࠙
U+081A224 160 154appendࠚ
U+081B224 160 155appendࠛ
U+081C224 160 156appendࠜ
U+081D224 160 157appendࠝ
U+081E224 160 158appendࠞ
U+081F224 160 159appendࠟ
U+0820224 160 160appendࠠ
U+0821224 160 161appendࠡ
U+0822224 160 162appendࠢ
U+0823224 160 163appendࠣ
U+0824224 160 164appendࠤ
U+0825224 160 165appendࠥ
U+0826224 160 166appendࠦ
U+0827224 160 167appendࠧ
U+0828224 160 168appendࠨ
U+0829224 160 169appendࠩ
U+082A224 160 170appendࠪ
U+082B224 160 171appendࠫ
U+082C224 160 172appendࠬ
U+082D224 160 173append࠭
U+082E224 160 174append࠮
U+082F224 160 175append࠯
U+0830224 160 176append࠰
U+0831224 160 177append࠱
U+0832224 160 178append࠲
U+0833224 160 179append࠳
U+0834224 160 180append࠴
U+0835224 160 181append࠵
U+0836224 160 182append࠶
U+0837224 160 183append࠷
U+0838224 160 184append࠸
U+0839224 160 185append࠹
U+083A224 160 186append࠺
U+083B224 160 187append࠻
U+083C224 160 188append࠼
U+083D224 160 189append࠽
U+083E224 160 190append࠾
U+083F224 160 191append࠿
U+0840224 161 128appendࡀ
U+0841224 161 129appendࡁ
U+0842224 161 130appendࡂ
U+0843224 161 131appendࡃ
U+0844224 161 132appendࡄ
U+0845224 161 133appendࡅ
U+0846224 161 134appendࡆ
U+0847224 161 135appendࡇ
U+0848224 161 136appendࡈ
U+0849224 161 137appendࡉ
U+084A224 161 138appendࡊ
U+084B224 161 139appendࡋ
U+084C224 161 140appendࡌ
U+084D224 161 141appendࡍ
U+084E224 161 142appendࡎ
U+084F224 161 143appendࡏ
U+0850224 161 144appendࡐ
U+0851224 161 145appendࡑ
U+0852224 161 146appendࡒ
U+0853224 161 147appendࡓ
U+0854224 161 148appendࡔ
U+0855224 161 149appendࡕ
U+0856224 161 150appendࡖ
U+0857224 161 151appendࡗ
U+0858224 161 152appendࡘ
U+0859224 161 153append࡙
U+085A224 161 154append࡚
U+085B224 161 155append࡛
U+085C224 161 156append࡜
U+085D224 161 157append࡝
U+085E224 161 158append࡞
U+085F224 161 159append࡟
U+0860224 161 160appendࡠ
U+0861224 161 161appendࡡ
U+0862224 161 162appendࡢ
U+0863224 161 163appendࡣ
U+0864224 161 164appendࡤ
U+0865224 161 165appendࡥ
U+0866224 161 166appendࡦ
U+0867224 161 167appendࡧ
U+0868224 161 168appendࡨ
U+0869224 161 169appendࡩ
U+086A224 161 170appendࡪ
U+086B224 161 171append࡫
U+086C224 161 172append࡬
U+086D224 161 173append࡭
U+086E224 161 174append࡮
U+086F224 161 175append࡯
U+0870224 161 176appendࡰ
U+0871224 161 177appendࡱ
U+0872224 161 178appendࡲ
U+0873224 161 179appendࡳ
U+0874224 161 180appendࡴ
U+0875224 161 181appendࡵ
U+0876224 161 182appendࡶ
U+0877224 161 183appendࡷ
U+0878224 161 184appendࡸ
U+0879224 161 185appendࡹ
U+087A224 161 186appendࡺ
U+087B224 161 187appendࡻ
U+087C224 161 188appendࡼ
U+087D224 161 189appendࡽ
U+087E224 161 190appendࡾ
U+087F224 161 191appendࡿ