UTF-8 encoding table and Unicode characters

page with code points U+0900 to U+097F

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page format standard · w/o parameter choice · print view
language German · English
code positions per page 128 · 256 · 512 · 1024
display format for
UTF-8 encoding
hex. · decimal · hex. (0x) · octal · binary · for Perl string literals · One Latin-1 char per byte · no display
Unicode character names not displayed · displayed · also display deprecated Unicode 1.0 names
links for adding char to text displayed · not displayed
numerical HTML encoding
of the Unicode character
not displayed · decimal · hexadecimal
HTML 4.0 character entities displayed · not displayed
text accumulator (characters are added by clicking on the respective "append" link)
display ь
editing functions
append space · delete last character · clear accumulator
Unicode U+044C
UTF-8 11010001 10001100
code point
character UTF-8
numerical HTML encoding
of the Unicode character
U+090011100000 10100100 10000000ऀ
U+090111100000 10100100 10000001ँ
U+090211100000 10100100 10000010ं
U+090311100000 10100100 10000011ः
U+090411100000 10100100 10000100ऄ
U+090511100000 10100100 10000101अ
U+090611100000 10100100 10000110आ
U+090711100000 10100100 10000111इ
U+090811100000 10100100 10001000ई
U+090911100000 10100100 10001001उ
U+090A11100000 10100100 10001010ऊ
U+090B11100000 10100100 10001011ऋ
U+090C11100000 10100100 10001100ऌ
U+090D11100000 10100100 10001101ऍ
U+090E11100000 10100100 10001110ऎ
U+090F11100000 10100100 10001111ए
U+091011100000 10100100 10010000ऐ
U+091111100000 10100100 10010001ऑ
U+091211100000 10100100 10010010ऒ
U+091311100000 10100100 10010011ओ
U+091411100000 10100100 10010100औ
U+091511100000 10100100 10010101क
U+091611100000 10100100 10010110ख
U+091711100000 10100100 10010111ग
U+091811100000 10100100 10011000घ
U+091911100000 10100100 10011001ङ
U+091A11100000 10100100 10011010च
U+091B11100000 10100100 10011011छ
U+091C11100000 10100100 10011100ज
U+091D11100000 10100100 10011101झ
U+091E11100000 10100100 10011110ञ
U+091F11100000 10100100 10011111ट
U+092011100000 10100100 10100000ठ
U+092111100000 10100100 10100001ड
U+092211100000 10100100 10100010ढ
U+092311100000 10100100 10100011ण
U+092411100000 10100100 10100100त
U+092511100000 10100100 10100101थ
U+092611100000 10100100 10100110द
U+092711100000 10100100 10100111ध
U+092811100000 10100100 10101000न
U+092911100000 10100100 10101001ऩ
U+092A11100000 10100100 10101010प
U+092B11100000 10100100 10101011फ
U+092C11100000 10100100 10101100ब
U+092D11100000 10100100 10101101भ
U+092E11100000 10100100 10101110म
U+092F11100000 10100100 10101111य
U+093011100000 10100100 10110000र
U+093111100000 10100100 10110001ऱ
U+093211100000 10100100 10110010ल
U+093311100000 10100100 10110011ळ
U+093411100000 10100100 10110100ऴ
U+093511100000 10100100 10110101व
U+093611100000 10100100 10110110श
U+093711100000 10100100 10110111ष
U+093811100000 10100100 10111000स
U+093911100000 10100100 10111001ह
U+093A11100000 10100100 10111010ऺ
U+093B11100000 10100100 10111011ऻ
U+093C11100000 10100100 10111100़
U+093D11100000 10100100 10111101ऽ
U+093E11100000 10100100 10111110ा
U+093Fि11100000 10100100 10111111िि
U+094011100000 10100101 10000000ी
U+094111100000 10100101 10000001ु
U+094211100000 10100101 10000010ू
U+094311100000 10100101 10000011ृ
U+094411100000 10100101 10000100ॄ
U+094511100000 10100101 10000101ॅ
U+094611100000 10100101 10000110ॆ
U+094711100000 10100101 10000111े
U+094811100000 10100101 10001000ै
U+094911100000 10100101 10001001ॉ
U+094A11100000 10100101 10001010ॊ
U+094B11100000 10100101 10001011ो
U+094C11100000 10100101 10001100ौ
U+094D11100000 10100101 10001101्
U+094E11100000 10100101 10001110ॎ
U+094F11100000 10100101 10001111ॏ
U+095011100000 10100101 10010000ॐ
U+095111100000 10100101 10010001॑
U+095211100000 10100101 10010010॒
U+095311100000 10100101 10010011॓
U+095411100000 10100101 10010100॔
U+095511100000 10100101 10010101ॕ
U+095611100000 10100101 10010110ॖ
U+095711100000 10100101 10010111ॗ
U+095811100000 10100101 10011000क़
U+095911100000 10100101 10011001ख़
U+095A11100000 10100101 10011010ग़
U+095B11100000 10100101 10011011ज़
U+095C11100000 10100101 10011100ड़
U+095D11100000 10100101 10011101ढ़
U+095E11100000 10100101 10011110फ़
U+095F11100000 10100101 10011111य़
U+096011100000 10100101 10100000ॠ
U+096111100000 10100101 10100001ॡ
U+096211100000 10100101 10100010ॢ
U+096311100000 10100101 10100011ॣ
U+096411100000 10100101 10100100।
U+096511100000 10100101 10100101॥
U+096611100000 10100101 10100110०
U+096711100000 10100101 10100111१
U+096811100000 10100101 10101000२
U+096911100000 10100101 10101001३
U+096A11100000 10100101 10101010४
U+096B11100000 10100101 10101011५
U+096C11100000 10100101 10101100६
U+096D11100000 10100101 10101101७
U+096E11100000 10100101 10101110८
U+096F11100000 10100101 10101111९
U+097011100000 10100101 10110000॰
U+097111100000 10100101 10110001ॱ
U+097211100000 10100101 10110010ॲ
U+097311100000 10100101 10110011ॳ
U+097411100000 10100101 10110100ॴ
U+097511100000 10100101 10110101ॵ
U+097611100000 10100101 10110110ॶ
U+097711100000 10100101 10110111ॷ
U+097811100000 10100101 10111000ॸ
U+097911100000 10100101 10111001ॹ
U+097A11100000 10100101 10111010ॺ
U+097B11100000 10100101 10111011ॻ
U+097C11100000 10100101 10111100ॼ
U+097D11100000 10100101 10111101ॽ
U+097E11100000 10100101 10111110ॾ
U+097Fॿ11100000 10100101 10111111ॿॿ