UTF-8 encoding table and Unicode characters

page with code points U+0980 to U+09FF

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page format standard · w/o parameter choice · print view
language German · English
code positions per page 128 · 256 · 512 · 1024
display format for
UTF-8 encoding
hex. · decimal · hex. (0x) · octal · binary · for Perl string literals · One Latin-1 char per byte · no display
Unicode character names not displayed · displayed · also display deprecated Unicode 1.0 names
links for adding char to text displayed · not displayed
numerical HTML encoding
of the Unicode character
not displayed · decimal · hexadecimal
HTML 4.0 character entities displayed · not displayed
text accumulator (characters are added by clicking on the respective "append" link)
display q
editing functions
append space · delete last character · clear accumulator
Unicode U+0071
UTF-8 71
code point
character UTF-8
numerical HTML encoding
of the Unicode character
U+0980e0 a6 80ঀ
U+0981e0 a6 81ঁ
U+0982e0 a6 82ং
U+0983e0 a6 83ঃ
U+0984e0 a6 84঄
U+0985e0 a6 85অ
U+0986e0 a6 86আ
U+0987e0 a6 87ই
U+0988e0 a6 88ঈ
U+0989e0 a6 89উ
U+098Ae0 a6 8aঊ
U+098Be0 a6 8bঋ
U+098Ce0 a6 8cঌ
U+098De0 a6 8d঍
U+098Ee0 a6 8e঎
U+098Fe0 a6 8fএ
U+0990e0 a6 90ঐ
U+0991e0 a6 91঑
U+0992e0 a6 92঒
U+0993e0 a6 93ও
U+0994e0 a6 94ঔ
U+0995e0 a6 95ক
U+0996e0 a6 96খ
U+0997e0 a6 97গ
U+0998e0 a6 98ঘ
U+0999e0 a6 99ঙ
U+099Ae0 a6 9aচ
U+099Be0 a6 9bছ
U+099Ce0 a6 9cজ
U+099De0 a6 9dঝ
U+099Ee0 a6 9eঞ
U+099Fe0 a6 9fট
U+09A0e0 a6 a0ঠ
U+09A1e0 a6 a1ড
U+09A2e0 a6 a2ঢ
U+09A3e0 a6 a3ণ
U+09A4e0 a6 a4ত
U+09A5e0 a6 a5থ
U+09A6e0 a6 a6দ
U+09A7e0 a6 a7ধ
U+09A8e0 a6 a8ন
U+09A9e0 a6 a9঩
U+09AAe0 a6 aaপ
U+09ABe0 a6 abফ
U+09ACe0 a6 acব
U+09ADe0 a6 adভ
U+09AEe0 a6 aeম
U+09AFe0 a6 afয
U+09B0e0 a6 b0র
U+09B1e0 a6 b1঱
U+09B2e0 a6 b2ল
U+09B3e0 a6 b3঳
U+09B4e0 a6 b4঴
U+09B5e0 a6 b5঵
U+09B6e0 a6 b6শ
U+09B7e0 a6 b7ষ
U+09B8e0 a6 b8স
U+09B9e0 a6 b9হ
U+09BAe0 a6 ba঺
U+09BBe0 a6 bb঻
U+09BCe0 a6 bc়
U+09BDe0 a6 bdঽ
U+09BEe0 a6 beা
U+09BFিe0 a6 bfিি
U+09C0e0 a7 80ী
U+09C1e0 a7 81ু
U+09C2e0 a7 82ূ
U+09C3e0 a7 83ৃ
U+09C4e0 a7 84ৄ
U+09C5e0 a7 85৅
U+09C6e0 a7 86৆
U+09C7e0 a7 87ে
U+09C8e0 a7 88ৈ
U+09C9e0 a7 89৉
U+09CAe0 a7 8a৊
U+09CBe0 a7 8bো
U+09CCe0 a7 8cৌ
U+09CDe0 a7 8d্
U+09CEe0 a7 8eৎ
U+09CFe0 a7 8f৏
U+09D0e0 a7 90৐
U+09D1e0 a7 91৑
U+09D2e0 a7 92৒
U+09D3e0 a7 93৓
U+09D4e0 a7 94৔
U+09D5e0 a7 95৕
U+09D6e0 a7 96৖
U+09D7e0 a7 97ৗ
U+09D8e0 a7 98৘
U+09D9e0 a7 99৙
U+09DAe0 a7 9a৚
U+09DBe0 a7 9b৛
U+09DCe0 a7 9cড়
U+09DDe0 a7 9dঢ়
U+09DEe0 a7 9e৞
U+09DFe0 a7 9fয়
U+09E0e0 a7 a0ৠ
U+09E1e0 a7 a1ৡ
U+09E2e0 a7 a2ৢ
U+09E3e0 a7 a3ৣ
U+09E4e0 a7 a4৤
U+09E5e0 a7 a5৥
U+09E6e0 a7 a6০
U+09E7e0 a7 a7১
U+09E8e0 a7 a8২
U+09E9e0 a7 a9৩
U+09EAe0 a7 aa৪
U+09EBe0 a7 ab৫
U+09ECe0 a7 ac৬
U+09EDe0 a7 ad৭
U+09EEe0 a7 ae৮
U+09EFe0 a7 af৯
U+09F0e0 a7 b0ৰ
U+09F1e0 a7 b1ৱ
U+09F2e0 a7 b2৲
U+09F3e0 a7 b3৳
U+09F4e0 a7 b4৴
U+09F5e0 a7 b5৵
U+09F6e0 a7 b6৶
U+09F7e0 a7 b7৷
U+09F8e0 a7 b8৸
U+09F9e0 a7 b9৹
U+09FAe0 a7 ba৺
U+09FBe0 a7 bb৻
U+09FCe0 a7 bcৼ
U+09FDe0 a7 bd৽
U+09FEe0 a7 be৾
U+09FF৿e0 a7 bf৿৿