UTF-8 encoding table and Unicode characters

page with code points U+6040 to U+613F

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page format standard · w/o parameter choice · print view
language German · English
code positions per page 128 · 256 · 512 · 1024
display format for
UTF-8 encoding
hex. · decimal · hex. (0x) · octal · binary · for Perl string literals · One Latin-1 char per byte · no display
Unicode character names not displayed · displayed · also display deprecated Unicode 1.0 names
links for adding char to text displayed · not displayed
numerical HTML encoding
of the Unicode character
not displayed · decimal · hexadecimal
HTML 4.0 character entities displayed · not displayed
text accumulator (characters are added by clicking on the respective "append" link)
editing functions
append space · delete last character · clear accumulator
Unicode U+0016
UTF-8 16
code point
character UTF-8
numerical HTML encoding
of the Unicode character
U+6040e6 81 80恀
U+6041e6 81 81恁
U+6042e6 81 82恂
U+6043e6 81 83恃
U+6044e6 81 84恄
U+6045e6 81 85恅
U+6046e6 81 86恆
U+6047e6 81 87恇
U+6048e6 81 88恈
U+6049e6 81 89恉
U+604Ae6 81 8a恊
U+604Be6 81 8b恋
U+604Ce6 81 8c恌
U+604De6 81 8d恍
U+604Ee6 81 8e恎
U+604Fe6 81 8f恏
U+6050e6 81 90恐
U+6051e6 81 91恑
U+6052e6 81 92恒
U+6053e6 81 93恓
U+6054e6 81 94恔
U+6055e6 81 95恕
U+6056e6 81 96恖
U+6057e6 81 97恗
U+6058e6 81 98恘
U+6059e6 81 99恙
U+605Ae6 81 9a恚
U+605Be6 81 9b恛
U+605Ce6 81 9c恜
U+605De6 81 9d恝
U+605Ee6 81 9e恞
U+605Fe6 81 9f恟
U+6060e6 81 a0恠
U+6061e6 81 a1恡
U+6062e6 81 a2恢
U+6063e6 81 a3恣
U+6064e6 81 a4恤
U+6065e6 81 a5恥
U+6066e6 81 a6恦
U+6067e6 81 a7恧
U+6068e6 81 a8恨
U+6069e6 81 a9恩
U+606Ae6 81 aa恪
U+606Be6 81 ab恫
U+606Ce6 81 ac恬
U+606De6 81 ad恭
U+606Ee6 81 ae恮
U+606Fe6 81 af息
U+6070e6 81 b0恰
U+6071e6 81 b1恱
U+6072e6 81 b2恲
U+6073e6 81 b3恳
U+6074e6 81 b4恴
U+6075e6 81 b5恵
U+6076e6 81 b6恶
U+6077e6 81 b7恷
U+6078e6 81 b8恸
U+6079e6 81 b9恹
U+607Ae6 81 ba恺
U+607Be6 81 bb恻
U+607Ce6 81 bc恼
U+607De6 81 bd恽
U+607Ee6 81 be恾
U+607Fe6 81 bf恿
U+6080e6 82 80悀
U+6081e6 82 81悁
U+6082e6 82 82悂
U+6083e6 82 83悃
U+6084e6 82 84悄
U+6085e6 82 85悅
U+6086e6 82 86悆
U+6087e6 82 87悇
U+6088e6 82 88悈
U+6089e6 82 89悉
U+608Ae6 82 8a悊
U+608Be6 82 8b悋
U+608Ce6 82 8c悌
U+608De6 82 8d悍
U+608Ee6 82 8e悎
U+608Fe6 82 8f悏
U+6090e6 82 90悐
U+6091e6 82 91悑
U+6092e6 82 92悒
U+6093e6 82 93悓
U+6094e6 82 94悔
U+6095e6 82 95悕
U+6096e6 82 96悖
U+6097e6 82 97悗
U+6098e6 82 98悘
U+6099e6 82 99悙
U+609Ae6 82 9a悚
U+609Be6 82 9b悛
U+609Ce6 82 9c悜
U+609De6 82 9d悝
U+609Ee6 82 9e悞
U+609Fe6 82 9f悟
U+60A0e6 82 a0悠
U+60A1e6 82 a1悡
U+60A2e6 82 a2悢
U+60A3e6 82 a3患
U+60A4e6 82 a4悤
U+60A5e6 82 a5悥
U+60A6e6 82 a6悦
U+60A7e6 82 a7悧
U+60A8e6 82 a8您
U+60A9e6 82 a9悩
U+60AAe6 82 aa悪
U+60ABe6 82 ab悫
U+60ACe6 82 ac悬
U+60ADe6 82 ad悭
U+60AEe6 82 ae悮
U+60AFe6 82 af悯
U+60B0e6 82 b0悰
U+60B1e6 82 b1悱
U+60B2e6 82 b2悲
U+60B3e6 82 b3悳
U+60B4e6 82 b4悴
U+60B5e6 82 b5悵
U+60B6e6 82 b6悶
U+60B7e6 82 b7悷
U+60B8e6 82 b8悸
U+60B9e6 82 b9悹
U+60BAe6 82 ba悺
U+60BBe6 82 bb悻
U+60BCe6 82 bc悼
U+60BDe6 82 bd悽
U+60BEe6 82 be悾
U+60BFe6 82 bf悿
U+60C0e6 83 80惀
U+60C1e6 83 81惁
U+60C2e6 83 82惂
U+60C3e6 83 83惃
U+60C4e6 83 84惄
U+60C5e6 83 85情
U+60C6e6 83 86惆
U+60C7e6 83 87惇
U+60C8e6 83 88惈
U+60C9e6 83 89惉
U+60CAe6 83 8a惊
U+60CBe6 83 8b惋
U+60CCe6 83 8c惌
U+60CDe6 83 8d惍
U+60CEe6 83 8e惎
U+60CFe6 83 8f惏
U+60D0e6 83 90惐
U+60D1e6 83 91惑
U+60D2e6 83 92惒
U+60D3e6 83 93惓
U+60D4e6 83 94惔
U+60D5e6 83 95惕
U+60D6e6 83 96惖
U+60D7e6 83 97惗
U+60D8e6 83 98惘
U+60D9e6 83 99惙
U+60DAe6 83 9a惚
U+60DBe6 83 9b惛
U+60DCe6 83 9c惜
U+60DDe6 83 9d惝
U+60DEe6 83 9e惞
U+60DFe6 83 9f惟
U+60E0e6 83 a0惠
U+60E1e6 83 a1惡
U+60E2e6 83 a2惢
U+60E3e6 83 a3惣
U+60E4e6 83 a4惤
U+60E5e6 83 a5惥
U+60E6e6 83 a6惦
U+60E7e6 83 a7惧
U+60E8e6 83 a8惨
U+60E9e6 83 a9惩
U+60EAe6 83 aa惪
U+60EBe6 83 ab惫
U+60ECe6 83 ac惬
U+60EDe6 83 ad惭
U+60EEe6 83 ae惮
U+60EFe6 83 af惯
U+60F0e6 83 b0惰
U+60F1e6 83 b1惱
U+60F2e6 83 b2惲
U+60F3e6 83 b3想
U+60F4e6 83 b4惴
U+60F5e6 83 b5惵
U+60F6e6 83 b6惶
U+60F7e6 83 b7惷
U+60F8e6 83 b8惸
U+60F9e6 83 b9惹
U+60FAe6 83 ba惺
U+60FBe6 83 bb惻
U+60FCe6 83 bc惼
U+60FDe6 83 bd惽
U+60FEe6 83 be惾
U+60FFe6 83 bf惿
U+6100e6 84 80愀
U+6101e6 84 81愁
U+6102e6 84 82愂
U+6103e6 84 83愃
U+6104e6 84 84愄
U+6105e6 84 85愅
U+6106e6 84 86愆
U+6107e6 84 87愇
U+6108e6 84 88愈
U+6109e6 84 89愉
U+610Ae6 84 8a愊
U+610Be6 84 8b愋
U+610Ce6 84 8c愌
U+610De6 84 8d愍
U+610Ee6 84 8e愎
U+610Fe6 84 8f意
U+6110e6 84 90愐
U+6111e6 84 91愑
U+6112e6 84 92愒
U+6113e6 84 93愓
U+6114e6 84 94愔
U+6115e6 84 95愕
U+6116e6 84 96愖
U+6117e6 84 97愗
U+6118e6 84 98愘
U+6119e6 84 99愙
U+611Ae6 84 9a愚
U+611Be6 84 9b愛
U+611Ce6 84 9c愜
U+611De6 84 9d愝
U+611Ee6 84 9e愞
U+611Fe6 84 9f感
U+6120e6 84 a0愠
U+6121e6 84 a1愡
U+6122e6 84 a2愢
U+6123e6 84 a3愣
U+6124e6 84 a4愤
U+6125e6 84 a5愥
U+6126e6 84 a6愦
U+6127e6 84 a7愧
U+6128e6 84 a8愨
U+6129e6 84 a9愩
U+612Ae6 84 aa愪
U+612Be6 84 ab愫
U+612Ce6 84 ac愬
U+612De6 84 ad愭
U+612Ee6 84 ae愮
U+612Fe6 84 af愯
U+6130e6 84 b0愰
U+6131e6 84 b1愱
U+6132e6 84 b2愲
U+6133e6 84 b3愳
U+6134e6 84 b4愴
U+6135e6 84 b5愵
U+6136e6 84 b6愶
U+6137e6 84 b7愷
U+6138e6 84 b8愸
U+6139e6 84 b9愹
U+613Ae6 84 ba愺
U+613Be6 84 bb愻
U+613Ce6 84 bc愼
U+613De6 84 bd愽
U+613Ee6 84 be愾
U+613Fe6 84 bf愿