UTF-8 encoding table and Unicode characters

page with code points U+6100 to U+617F

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UTF-8 encoding
hex. · decimal · hex. (0x) · octal · binary · for Perl string literals · One Latin-1 char per byte · no display
Unicode character names not displayed · displayed · also display deprecated Unicode 1.0 names
links for adding char to text displayed · not displayed
numerical HTML encoding
of the Unicode character
not displayed · decimal · hexadecimal
HTML 4.0 character entities displayed · not displayed
code point
character UTF-8
numerical HTML encoding
of the Unicode character
U+6100230 132 128愀
U+6101230 132 129愁
U+6102230 132 130愂
U+6103230 132 131愃
U+6104230 132 132愄
U+6105230 132 133愅
U+6106230 132 134愆
U+6107230 132 135愇
U+6108230 132 136愈
U+6109230 132 137愉
U+610A230 132 138愊
U+610B230 132 139愋
U+610C230 132 140愌
U+610D230 132 141愍
U+610E230 132 142愎
U+610F230 132 143意
U+6110230 132 144愐
U+6111230 132 145愑
U+6112230 132 146愒
U+6113230 132 147愓
U+6114230 132 148愔
U+6115230 132 149愕
U+6116230 132 150愖
U+6117230 132 151愗
U+6118230 132 152愘
U+6119230 132 153愙
U+611A230 132 154愚
U+611B230 132 155愛
U+611C230 132 156愜
U+611D230 132 157愝
U+611E230 132 158愞
U+611F230 132 159感
U+6120230 132 160愠
U+6121230 132 161愡
U+6122230 132 162愢
U+6123230 132 163愣
U+6124230 132 164愤
U+6125230 132 165愥
U+6126230 132 166愦
U+6127230 132 167愧
U+6128230 132 168愨
U+6129230 132 169愩
U+612A230 132 170愪
U+612B230 132 171愫
U+612C230 132 172愬
U+612D230 132 173愭
U+612E230 132 174愮
U+612F230 132 175愯
U+6130230 132 176愰
U+6131230 132 177愱
U+6132230 132 178愲
U+6133230 132 179愳
U+6134230 132 180愴
U+6135230 132 181愵
U+6136230 132 182愶
U+6137230 132 183愷
U+6138230 132 184愸
U+6139230 132 185愹
U+613A230 132 186愺
U+613B230 132 187愻
U+613C230 132 188愼
U+613D230 132 189愽
U+613E230 132 190愾
U+613F230 132 191愿
U+6140230 133 128慀
U+6141230 133 129慁
U+6142230 133 130慂
U+6143230 133 131慃
U+6144230 133 132慄
U+6145230 133 133慅
U+6146230 133 134慆
U+6147230 133 135慇
U+6148230 133 136慈
U+6149230 133 137慉
U+614A230 133 138慊
U+614B230 133 139態
U+614C230 133 140慌
U+614D230 133 141慍
U+614E230 133 142慎
U+614F230 133 143慏
U+6150230 133 144慐
U+6151230 133 145慑
U+6152230 133 146慒
U+6153230 133 147慓
U+6154230 133 148慔
U+6155230 133 149慕
U+6156230 133 150慖
U+6157230 133 151慗
U+6158230 133 152慘
U+6159230 133 153慙
U+615A230 133 154慚
U+615B230 133 155慛
U+615C230 133 156慜
U+615D230 133 157慝
U+615E230 133 158慞
U+615F230 133 159慟
U+6160230 133 160慠
U+6161230 133 161慡
U+6162230 133 162慢
U+6163230 133 163慣
U+6164230 133 164慤
U+6165230 133 165慥
U+6166230 133 166慦
U+6167230 133 167慧
U+6168230 133 168慨
U+6169230 133 169慩
U+616A230 133 170慪
U+616B230 133 171慫
U+616C230 133 172慬
U+616D230 133 173慭
U+616E230 133 174慮
U+616F230 133 175慯
U+6170230 133 176慰
U+6171230 133 177慱
U+6172230 133 178慲
U+6173230 133 179慳
U+6174230 133 180慴
U+6175230 133 181慵
U+6176230 133 182慶
U+6177230 133 183慷
U+6178230 133 184慸
U+6179230 133 185慹
U+617A230 133 186慺
U+617B230 133 187慻
U+617C230 133 188慼
U+617D230 133 189慽
U+617E230 133 190慾
U+617F230 133 191慿