UTF-8 encoding table and Unicode characters

page with code points U+09C0 to U+0A3F

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page format standard · w/o parameter choice · print view
language German · English
code positions per page 128 · 256 · 512 · 1024
display format for
UTF-8 encoding
hex. · decimal · hex. (0x) · octal · binary · for Perl string literals · One Latin-1 char per byte · no display
Unicode character names not displayed · displayed · also display deprecated Unicode 1.0 names
links for adding char to text displayed · not displayed
numerical HTML encoding
of the Unicode character
not displayed · decimal · hexadecimal
HTML 4.0 character entities displayed · not displayed
text accumulator (characters are added by clicking on the respective "append" link)
display ч
editing functions
append space · delete last character · clear accumulator
Unicode U+0447
UTF-8 11010001 10000111
code point
character UTF-8
numerical HTML encoding
of the Unicode character
U+09C011100000 10100111 10000000ী
U+09C111100000 10100111 10000001ু
U+09C211100000 10100111 10000010ূ
U+09C311100000 10100111 10000011ৃ
U+09C411100000 10100111 10000100ৄ
U+09C511100000 10100111 10000101৅
U+09C611100000 10100111 10000110৆
U+09C711100000 10100111 10000111ে
U+09C811100000 10100111 10001000ৈ
U+09C911100000 10100111 10001001৉
U+09CA11100000 10100111 10001010৊
U+09CB11100000 10100111 10001011ো
U+09CC11100000 10100111 10001100ৌ
U+09CD11100000 10100111 10001101্
U+09CE11100000 10100111 10001110ৎ
U+09CF11100000 10100111 10001111৏
U+09D011100000 10100111 10010000৐
U+09D111100000 10100111 10010001৑
U+09D211100000 10100111 10010010৒
U+09D311100000 10100111 10010011৓
U+09D411100000 10100111 10010100৔
U+09D511100000 10100111 10010101৕
U+09D611100000 10100111 10010110৖
U+09D711100000 10100111 10010111ৗ
U+09D811100000 10100111 10011000৘
U+09D911100000 10100111 10011001৙
U+09DA11100000 10100111 10011010৚
U+09DB11100000 10100111 10011011৛
U+09DC11100000 10100111 10011100ড়
U+09DD11100000 10100111 10011101ঢ়
U+09DE11100000 10100111 10011110৞
U+09DF11100000 10100111 10011111য়
U+09E011100000 10100111 10100000ৠ
U+09E111100000 10100111 10100001ৡ
U+09E211100000 10100111 10100010ৢ
U+09E311100000 10100111 10100011ৣ
U+09E411100000 10100111 10100100৤
U+09E511100000 10100111 10100101৥
U+09E611100000 10100111 10100110০
U+09E711100000 10100111 10100111১
U+09E811100000 10100111 10101000২
U+09E911100000 10100111 10101001৩
U+09EA11100000 10100111 10101010৪
U+09EB11100000 10100111 10101011৫
U+09EC11100000 10100111 10101100৬
U+09ED11100000 10100111 10101101৭
U+09EE11100000 10100111 10101110৮
U+09EF11100000 10100111 10101111৯
U+09F011100000 10100111 10110000ৰ
U+09F111100000 10100111 10110001ৱ
U+09F211100000 10100111 10110010৲
U+09F311100000 10100111 10110011৳
U+09F411100000 10100111 10110100৴
U+09F511100000 10100111 10110101৵
U+09F611100000 10100111 10110110৶
U+09F711100000 10100111 10110111৷
U+09F811100000 10100111 10111000৸
U+09F911100000 10100111 10111001৹
U+09FA11100000 10100111 10111010৺
U+09FB11100000 10100111 10111011৻
U+09FC11100000 10100111 10111100ৼ
U+09FD11100000 10100111 10111101৽
U+09FE11100000 10100111 10111110৾
U+09FF৿11100000 10100111 10111111৿৿
U+0A0011100000 10101000 10000000਀
U+0A0111100000 10101000 10000001ਁ
U+0A0211100000 10101000 10000010ਂ
U+0A0311100000 10101000 10000011ਃ
U+0A0411100000 10101000 10000100਄
U+0A0511100000 10101000 10000101ਅ
U+0A0611100000 10101000 10000110ਆ
U+0A0711100000 10101000 10000111ਇ
U+0A0811100000 10101000 10001000ਈ
U+0A0911100000 10101000 10001001ਉ
U+0A0A11100000 10101000 10001010ਊ
U+0A0B11100000 10101000 10001011਋
U+0A0C11100000 10101000 10001100਌
U+0A0D11100000 10101000 10001101਍
U+0A0E11100000 10101000 10001110਎
U+0A0F11100000 10101000 10001111ਏ
U+0A1011100000 10101000 10010000ਐ
U+0A1111100000 10101000 10010001਑
U+0A1211100000 10101000 10010010਒
U+0A1311100000 10101000 10010011ਓ
U+0A1411100000 10101000 10010100ਔ
U+0A1511100000 10101000 10010101ਕ
U+0A1611100000 10101000 10010110ਖ
U+0A1711100000 10101000 10010111ਗ
U+0A1811100000 10101000 10011000ਘ
U+0A1911100000 10101000 10011001ਙ
U+0A1A11100000 10101000 10011010ਚ
U+0A1B11100000 10101000 10011011ਛ
U+0A1C11100000 10101000 10011100ਜ
U+0A1D11100000 10101000 10011101ਝ
U+0A1E11100000 10101000 10011110ਞ
U+0A1F11100000 10101000 10011111ਟ
U+0A2011100000 10101000 10100000ਠ
U+0A2111100000 10101000 10100001ਡ
U+0A2211100000 10101000 10100010ਢ
U+0A2311100000 10101000 10100011ਣ
U+0A2411100000 10101000 10100100ਤ
U+0A2511100000 10101000 10100101ਥ
U+0A2611100000 10101000 10100110ਦ
U+0A2711100000 10101000 10100111ਧ
U+0A2811100000 10101000 10101000ਨ
U+0A2911100000 10101000 10101001਩
U+0A2A11100000 10101000 10101010ਪ
U+0A2B11100000 10101000 10101011ਫ
U+0A2C11100000 10101000 10101100ਬ
U+0A2D11100000 10101000 10101101ਭ
U+0A2E11100000 10101000 10101110ਮ
U+0A2F11100000 10101000 10101111ਯ
U+0A3011100000 10101000 10110000ਰ
U+0A3111100000 10101000 10110001਱
U+0A3211100000 10101000 10110010ਲ
U+0A3311100000 10101000 10110011ਲ਼
U+0A3411100000 10101000 10110100਴
U+0A3511100000 10101000 10110101ਵ
U+0A3611100000 10101000 10110110ਸ਼
U+0A3711100000 10101000 10110111਷
U+0A3811100000 10101000 10111000ਸ
U+0A3911100000 10101000 10111001ਹ
U+0A3A11100000 10101000 10111010਺
U+0A3B11100000 10101000 10111011਻
U+0A3C11100000 10101000 10111100਼
U+0A3D11100000 10101000 10111101਽
U+0A3E11100000 10101000 10111110ਾ
U+0A3Fਿ11100000 10101000 10111111ਿਿ