UTF-8 encoding table and Unicode characters

page with code points U+0B80 to U+0BFF

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page format standard · w/o parameter choice · print view
language German · English
code positions per page 128 · 256 · 512 · 1024
display format for
UTF-8 encoding
hex. · decimal · hex. (0x) · octal · binary · for Perl string literals · One Latin-1 char per byte · no display
Unicode character names not displayed · displayed · also display deprecated Unicode 1.0 names
links for adding char to text displayed · not displayed
numerical HTML encoding
of the Unicode character
not displayed · decimal · hexadecimal
HTML 4.0 character entities displayed · not displayed
text accumulator (characters are added by clicking on the respective "append" link)
editing functions
append space · delete last character · clear accumulator
Unicode U+0BBC
UTF-8 e0 ae bc
code point
character UTF-8
append character
to accumulator
numerical HTML encoding
of the Unicode character
U+0B80e0 ae 80append஀
U+0B81e0 ae 81append஁
U+0B82e0 ae 82appendஂ TAMIL SIGN ANUSVARA
U+0B83e0 ae 83appendஃ TAMIL SIGN VISARGA
U+0B84e0 ae 84append஄
U+0B85e0 ae 85appendஅ TAMIL LETTER A
U+0B86e0 ae 86appendஆ TAMIL LETTER AA
U+0B87e0 ae 87appendஇ TAMIL LETTER I
U+0B88e0 ae 88appendஈ TAMIL LETTER II
U+0B89e0 ae 89appendஉ TAMIL LETTER U
U+0B8Ae0 ae 8aappendஊ TAMIL LETTER UU
U+0B8Be0 ae 8bappend஋
U+0B8Ce0 ae 8cappend஌
U+0B8De0 ae 8dappend஍
U+0B8Ee0 ae 8eappendஎ TAMIL LETTER E
U+0B8Fe0 ae 8fappendஏ TAMIL LETTER EE
U+0B90e0 ae 90appendஐ TAMIL LETTER AI
U+0B91e0 ae 91append஑
U+0B92e0 ae 92appendஒ TAMIL LETTER O
U+0B93e0 ae 93appendஓ TAMIL LETTER OO
U+0B94e0 ae 94appendஔ TAMIL LETTER AU
U+0B95e0 ae 95appendக TAMIL LETTER KA
U+0B96e0 ae 96append஖
U+0B97e0 ae 97append஗
U+0B98e0 ae 98append஘
U+0B99e0 ae 99appendங TAMIL LETTER NGA
U+0B9Ae0 ae 9aappendச TAMIL LETTER CA
U+0B9Be0 ae 9bappend஛
U+0B9Ce0 ae 9cappendஜ TAMIL LETTER JA
U+0B9De0 ae 9dappend஝
U+0B9Ee0 ae 9eappendஞ TAMIL LETTER NYA
U+0B9Fe0 ae 9fappendட TAMIL LETTER TTA
U+0BA0e0 ae a0append஠
U+0BA1e0 ae a1append஡
U+0BA2e0 ae a2append஢
U+0BA3e0 ae a3appendண TAMIL LETTER NNA
U+0BA4e0 ae a4appendத TAMIL LETTER TA
U+0BA5e0 ae a5append஥
U+0BA6e0 ae a6append஦
U+0BA7e0 ae a7append஧
U+0BA8e0 ae a8appendந TAMIL LETTER NA
U+0BA9e0 ae a9appendன TAMIL LETTER NNNA
U+0BAAe0 ae aaappendப TAMIL LETTER PA
U+0BABe0 ae abappend஫
U+0BACe0 ae acappend஬
U+0BADe0 ae adappend஭
U+0BAEe0 ae aeappendம TAMIL LETTER MA
U+0BAFe0 ae afappendய TAMIL LETTER YA
U+0BB0e0 ae b0appendர TAMIL LETTER RA
U+0BB1e0 ae b1appendற TAMIL LETTER RRA
U+0BB2e0 ae b2appendல TAMIL LETTER LA
U+0BB3e0 ae b3appendள TAMIL LETTER LLA
U+0BB4e0 ae b4appendழ TAMIL LETTER LLLA
U+0BB5e0 ae b5appendவ TAMIL LETTER VA
U+0BB6e0 ae b6appendஶ TAMIL LETTER SHA
U+0BB7e0 ae b7appendஷ TAMIL LETTER SSA
U+0BB8e0 ae b8appendஸ TAMIL LETTER SA
U+0BB9e0 ae b9appendஹ TAMIL LETTER HA
U+0BBAe0 ae baappend஺
U+0BBBe0 ae bbappend஻
U+0BBCe0 ae bcappend஼
U+0BBDe0 ae bdappend஽
U+0BBEe0 ae beappendா TAMIL VOWEL SIGN AA
U+0BBFிe0 ae bfappendிி TAMIL VOWEL SIGN I
U+0BC0e0 af 80appendீ TAMIL VOWEL SIGN II
U+0BC1e0 af 81appendு TAMIL VOWEL SIGN U
U+0BC2e0 af 82appendூ TAMIL VOWEL SIGN UU
U+0BC3e0 af 83append௃
U+0BC4e0 af 84append௄
U+0BC5e0 af 85append௅
U+0BC6e0 af 86appendெ TAMIL VOWEL SIGN E
U+0BC7e0 af 87appendே TAMIL VOWEL SIGN EE
U+0BC8e0 af 88appendை TAMIL VOWEL SIGN AI
U+0BC9e0 af 89append௉
U+0BCAe0 af 8aappendொ TAMIL VOWEL SIGN O
U+0BCBe0 af 8bappendோ TAMIL VOWEL SIGN OO
U+0BCCe0 af 8cappendௌ TAMIL VOWEL SIGN AU
U+0BCDe0 af 8dappend் TAMIL SIGN VIRAMA
U+0BCEe0 af 8eappend௎
U+0BCFe0 af 8fappend௏
U+0BD0e0 af 90appendௐ TAMIL OM
U+0BD1e0 af 91append௑
U+0BD2e0 af 92append௒
U+0BD3e0 af 93append௓
U+0BD4e0 af 94append௔
U+0BD5e0 af 95append௕
U+0BD6e0 af 96append௖
U+0BD7e0 af 97appendௗ TAMIL AU LENGTH MARK
U+0BD8e0 af 98append௘
U+0BD9e0 af 99append௙
U+0BDAe0 af 9aappend௚
U+0BDBe0 af 9bappend௛
U+0BDCe0 af 9cappend௜
U+0BDDe0 af 9dappend௝
U+0BDEe0 af 9eappend௞
U+0BDFe0 af 9fappend௟
U+0BE0e0 af a0append௠
U+0BE1e0 af a1append௡
U+0BE2e0 af a2append௢
U+0BE3e0 af a3append௣
U+0BE4e0 af a4append௤
U+0BE5e0 af a5append௥
U+0BE6e0 af a6append௦ TAMIL DIGIT ZERO
U+0BE7e0 af a7append௧ TAMIL DIGIT ONE
U+0BE8e0 af a8append௨ TAMIL DIGIT TWO
U+0BE9e0 af a9append௩ TAMIL DIGIT THREE
U+0BEAe0 af aaappend௪ TAMIL DIGIT FOUR
U+0BEBe0 af abappend௫ TAMIL DIGIT FIVE
U+0BECe0 af acappend௬ TAMIL DIGIT SIX
U+0BEDe0 af adappend௭ TAMIL DIGIT SEVEN
U+0BEEe0 af aeappend௮ TAMIL DIGIT EIGHT
U+0BEFe0 af afappend௯ TAMIL DIGIT NINE
U+0BF0e0 af b0append௰ TAMIL NUMBER TEN
U+0BF3e0 af b3append௳ TAMIL DAY SIGN
U+0BF4e0 af b4append௴ TAMIL MONTH SIGN
U+0BF5e0 af b5append௵ TAMIL YEAR SIGN
U+0BF6e0 af b6append௶ TAMIL DEBIT SIGN
U+0BF7e0 af b7append௷ TAMIL CREDIT SIGN
U+0BF8e0 af b8append௸ TAMIL AS ABOVE SIGN
U+0BF9e0 af b9append௹ TAMIL RUPEE SIGN
U+0BFAe0 af baappend௺ TAMIL NUMBER SIGN
U+0BFBe0 af bbappend௻
U+0BFCe0 af bcappend௼
U+0BFDe0 af bdappend௽
U+0BFEe0 af beappend௾
U+0BFF௿e0 af bfappend௿௿