UTF-8 encoding table and Unicode characters

page with code points U+1100 to U+117F

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page format standard · w/o parameter choice · print view
language German · English
code positions per page 128 · 256 · 512 · 1024
display format for
UTF-8 encoding
hex. · decimal · hex. (0x) · octal · binary · for Perl string literals · One Latin-1 char per byte · no display
Unicode character names not displayed · displayed · also display deprecated Unicode 1.0 names
links for adding char to text displayed · not displayed
numerical HTML encoding
of the Unicode character
not displayed · decimal · hexadecimal
HTML 4.0 character entities displayed · not displayed
text accumulator (characters are added by clicking on the respective "append" link)
editing functions
append space · delete last character · clear accumulator
Unicode U+0007
UTF-8 7
code point
character UTF-8
numerical HTML encoding
of the Unicode character
U+1100225 132 128ᄀ
U+1101225 132 129ᄁ
U+1102225 132 130ᄂ
U+1103225 132 131ᄃ
U+1104225 132 132ᄄ
U+1105225 132 133ᄅ
U+1106225 132 134ᄆ
U+1107225 132 135ᄇ
U+1108225 132 136ᄈ
U+1109225 132 137ᄉ
U+110A225 132 138ᄊ
U+110B225 132 139ᄋ
U+110C225 132 140ᄌ
U+110D225 132 141ᄍ
U+110E225 132 142ᄎ
U+110F225 132 143ᄏ
U+1110225 132 144ᄐ
U+1111225 132 145ᄑ
U+1112225 132 146ᄒ
U+1113225 132 147ᄓ
U+1114225 132 148ᄔ
U+1115225 132 149ᄕ
U+1116225 132 150ᄖ
U+1117225 132 151ᄗ
U+1118225 132 152ᄘ
U+1119225 132 153ᄙ
U+111A225 132 154ᄚ
U+111B225 132 155ᄛ
U+111C225 132 156ᄜ
U+111D225 132 157ᄝ
U+111E225 132 158ᄞ
U+111F225 132 159ᄟ
U+1120225 132 160ᄠ
U+1121225 132 161ᄡ
U+1122225 132 162ᄢ
U+1123225 132 163ᄣ
U+1124225 132 164ᄤ
U+1125225 132 165ᄥ
U+1126225 132 166ᄦ
U+1127225 132 167ᄧ
U+1128225 132 168ᄨ
U+1129225 132 169ᄩ
U+112A225 132 170ᄪ
U+112B225 132 171ᄫ
U+112C225 132 172ᄬ
U+112D225 132 173ᄭ
U+112E225 132 174ᄮ
U+112F225 132 175ᄯ
U+1130225 132 176ᄰ
U+1131225 132 177ᄱ
U+1132225 132 178ᄲ
U+1133225 132 179ᄳ
U+1134225 132 180ᄴ
U+1135225 132 181ᄵ
U+1136225 132 182ᄶ
U+1137225 132 183ᄷ
U+1138225 132 184ᄸ
U+1139225 132 185ᄹ
U+113A225 132 186ᄺ
U+113B225 132 187ᄻ
U+113C225 132 188ᄼ
U+113D225 132 189ᄽ
U+113E225 132 190ᄾ
U+113F225 132 191ᄿ
U+1140225 133 128ᅀ
U+1141225 133 129ᅁ
U+1142225 133 130ᅂ
U+1143225 133 131ᅃ
U+1144225 133 132ᅄ
U+1145225 133 133ᅅ
U+1146225 133 134ᅆ
U+1147225 133 135ᅇ
U+1148225 133 136ᅈ
U+1149225 133 137ᅉ
U+114A225 133 138ᅊ
U+114B225 133 139ᅋ
U+114C225 133 140ᅌ
U+114D225 133 141ᅍ
U+114E225 133 142ᅎ
U+114F225 133 143ᅏ
U+1150225 133 144ᅐ
U+1151225 133 145ᅑ
U+1152225 133 146ᅒ
U+1153225 133 147ᅓ
U+1154225 133 148ᅔ
U+1155225 133 149ᅕ
U+1156225 133 150ᅖ
U+1157225 133 151ᅗ
U+1158225 133 152ᅘ
U+1159225 133 153ᅙ
U+115A225 133 154ᅚ
U+115B225 133 155ᅛ
U+115C225 133 156ᅜ
U+115D225 133 157ᅝ
U+115E225 133 158ᅞ
U+115F225 133 159ᅟ
U+1160225 133 160ᅠ
U+1161225 133 161ᅡ
U+1162225 133 162ᅢ
U+1163225 133 163ᅣ
U+1164225 133 164ᅤ
U+1165225 133 165ᅥ
U+1166225 133 166ᅦ
U+1167225 133 167ᅧ
U+1168225 133 168ᅨ
U+1169225 133 169ᅩ
U+116A225 133 170ᅪ
U+116B225 133 171ᅫ
U+116C225 133 172ᅬ
U+116D225 133 173ᅭ
U+116E225 133 174ᅮ
U+116F225 133 175ᅯ
U+1170225 133 176ᅰ
U+1171225 133 177ᅱ
U+1172225 133 178ᅲ
U+1173225 133 179ᅳ
U+1174225 133 180ᅴ
U+1175225 133 181ᅵ
U+1176225 133 182ᅶ
U+1177225 133 183ᅷ
U+1178225 133 184ᅸ
U+1179225 133 185ᅹ
U+117A225 133 186ᅺ
U+117B225 133 187ᅻ
U+117C225 133 188ᅼ
U+117D225 133 189ᅽ
U+117E225 133 190ᅾ
U+117F225 133 191ᅿ