UTF-8 encoding table and Unicode characters

page with code points U+B000 to U+B0FF

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UTF-8 encoding
hex. · decimal · hex. (0x) · octal · binary · for Perl string literals · One Latin-1 char per byte · no display
Unicode character names not displayed · displayed · also display deprecated Unicode 1.0 names
links for adding char to text displayed · not displayed
numerical HTML encoding
of the Unicode character
not displayed · decimal · hexadecimal
HTML 4.0 character entities displayed · not displayed
text accumulator (characters are added by clicking on the respective "append" link)
display ȥ
editing functions
append space · delete last character · clear accumulator
Unicode U+0225
UTF-8 0xc8 0xa5
code point
character UTF-8
numerical HTML encoding
of the Unicode character
U+B000뀀0xeb 0x80 0x80뀀뀀
U+B0010xeb 0x80 0x81뀁
U+B0020xeb 0x80 0x82뀂
U+B0030xeb 0x80 0x83뀃
U+B0040xeb 0x80 0x84뀄
U+B0050xeb 0x80 0x85뀅
U+B0060xeb 0x80 0x86뀆
U+B0070xeb 0x80 0x87뀇
U+B0080xeb 0x80 0x88뀈
U+B0090xeb 0x80 0x89뀉
U+B00A0xeb 0x80 0x8a뀊
U+B00B0xeb 0x80 0x8b뀋
U+B00C0xeb 0x80 0x8c뀌
U+B00D0xeb 0x80 0x8d뀍
U+B00E0xeb 0x80 0x8e뀎
U+B00F0xeb 0x80 0x8f뀏
U+B0100xeb 0x80 0x90뀐
U+B0110xeb 0x80 0x91뀑
U+B0120xeb 0x80 0x92뀒
U+B0130xeb 0x80 0x93뀓
U+B0140xeb 0x80 0x94뀔
U+B0150xeb 0x80 0x95뀕
U+B0160xeb 0x80 0x96뀖
U+B0170xeb 0x80 0x97뀗
U+B0180xeb 0x80 0x98뀘
U+B0190xeb 0x80 0x99뀙
U+B01A0xeb 0x80 0x9a뀚
U+B01B0xeb 0x80 0x9b뀛
U+B01C0xeb 0x80 0x9c뀜
U+B01D0xeb 0x80 0x9d뀝
U+B01E0xeb 0x80 0x9e뀞
U+B01F0xeb 0x80 0x9f뀟
U+B0200xeb 0x80 0xa0뀠
U+B0210xeb 0x80 0xa1뀡
U+B0220xeb 0x80 0xa2뀢
U+B0230xeb 0x80 0xa3뀣
U+B0240xeb 0x80 0xa4뀤
U+B0250xeb 0x80 0xa5뀥
U+B0260xeb 0x80 0xa6뀦
U+B0270xeb 0x80 0xa7뀧
U+B0280xeb 0x80 0xa8뀨
U+B0290xeb 0x80 0xa9뀩
U+B02A0xeb 0x80 0xaa뀪
U+B02B0xeb 0x80 0xab뀫
U+B02C0xeb 0x80 0xac뀬
U+B02D0xeb 0x80 0xad뀭
U+B02E0xeb 0x80 0xae뀮
U+B02F0xeb 0x80 0xaf뀯
U+B0300xeb 0x80 0xb0뀰
U+B0310xeb 0x80 0xb1뀱
U+B0320xeb 0x80 0xb2뀲
U+B0330xeb 0x80 0xb3뀳
U+B0340xeb 0x80 0xb4뀴
U+B0350xeb 0x80 0xb5뀵
U+B0360xeb 0x80 0xb6뀶
U+B0370xeb 0x80 0xb7뀷
U+B0380xeb 0x80 0xb8뀸
U+B0390xeb 0x80 0xb9뀹
U+B03A0xeb 0x80 0xba뀺
U+B03B0xeb 0x80 0xbb뀻
U+B03C0xeb 0x80 0xbc뀼
U+B03D0xeb 0x80 0xbd뀽
U+B03E0xeb 0x80 0xbe뀾
U+B03F0xeb 0x80 0xbf뀿
U+B0400xeb 0x81 0x80끀
U+B0410xeb 0x81 0x81끁
U+B0420xeb 0x81 0x82끂
U+B0430xeb 0x81 0x83끃
U+B0440xeb 0x81 0x84끄
U+B0450xeb 0x81 0x85끅
U+B0460xeb 0x81 0x86끆
U+B0470xeb 0x81 0x87끇
U+B0480xeb 0x81 0x88끈
U+B0490xeb 0x81 0x89끉
U+B04A0xeb 0x81 0x8a끊
U+B04B0xeb 0x81 0x8b끋
U+B04C0xeb 0x81 0x8c끌
U+B04D0xeb 0x81 0x8d끍
U+B04E0xeb 0x81 0x8e끎
U+B04F0xeb 0x81 0x8f끏
U+B0500xeb 0x81 0x90끐
U+B0510xeb 0x81 0x91끑
U+B0520xeb 0x81 0x92끒
U+B0530xeb 0x81 0x93끓
U+B0540xeb 0x81 0x94끔
U+B0550xeb 0x81 0x95끕
U+B0560xeb 0x81 0x96끖
U+B0570xeb 0x81 0x97끗
U+B0580xeb 0x81 0x98끘
U+B0590xeb 0x81 0x99끙
U+B05A0xeb 0x81 0x9a끚
U+B05B0xeb 0x81 0x9b끛
U+B05C0xeb 0x81 0x9c끜
U+B05D0xeb 0x81 0x9d끝
U+B05E0xeb 0x81 0x9e끞
U+B05F0xeb 0x81 0x9f끟
U+B0600xeb 0x81 0xa0끠
U+B0610xeb 0x81 0xa1끡
U+B0620xeb 0x81 0xa2끢
U+B0630xeb 0x81 0xa3끣
U+B0640xeb 0x81 0xa4끤
U+B0650xeb 0x81 0xa5끥
U+B0660xeb 0x81 0xa6끦
U+B0670xeb 0x81 0xa7끧
U+B0680xeb 0x81 0xa8끨
U+B0690xeb 0x81 0xa9끩
U+B06A0xeb 0x81 0xaa끪
U+B06B0xeb 0x81 0xab끫
U+B06C0xeb 0x81 0xac끬
U+B06D0xeb 0x81 0xad끭
U+B06E0xeb 0x81 0xae끮
U+B06F0xeb 0x81 0xaf끯
U+B0700xeb 0x81 0xb0끰
U+B0710xeb 0x81 0xb1끱
U+B0720xeb 0x81 0xb2끲
U+B0730xeb 0x81 0xb3끳
U+B0740xeb 0x81 0xb4끴
U+B0750xeb 0x81 0xb5끵
U+B0760xeb 0x81 0xb6끶
U+B0770xeb 0x81 0xb7끷
U+B0780xeb 0x81 0xb8끸
U+B0790xeb 0x81 0xb9끹
U+B07A0xeb 0x81 0xba끺
U+B07B0xeb 0x81 0xbb끻
U+B07C0xeb 0x81 0xbc끼
U+B07D0xeb 0x81 0xbd끽
U+B07E0xeb 0x81 0xbe끾
U+B07F0xeb 0x81 0xbf끿
U+B0800xeb 0x82 0x80낀
U+B0810xeb 0x82 0x81낁
U+B0820xeb 0x82 0x82낂
U+B0830xeb 0x82 0x83낃
U+B0840xeb 0x82 0x84낄
U+B0850xeb 0x82 0x85낅
U+B0860xeb 0x82 0x86낆
U+B0870xeb 0x82 0x87낇
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U+B08B0xeb 0x82 0x8b낋
U+B08C0xeb 0x82 0x8c낌
U+B08D0xeb 0x82 0x8d낍
U+B08E0xeb 0x82 0x8e낎
U+B08F0xeb 0x82 0x8f낏
U+B0900xeb 0x82 0x90낐
U+B0910xeb 0x82 0x91낑
U+B0920xeb 0x82 0x92낒
U+B0930xeb 0x82 0x93낓
U+B0940xeb 0x82 0x94낔
U+B0950xeb 0x82 0x95낕
U+B0960xeb 0x82 0x96낖
U+B0970xeb 0x82 0x97낗
U+B0980xeb 0x82 0x98나
U+B0990xeb 0x82 0x99낙
U+B09A0xeb 0x82 0x9a낚
U+B09B0xeb 0x82 0x9b낛
U+B09C0xeb 0x82 0x9c난
U+B09D0xeb 0x82 0x9d낝
U+B09E0xeb 0x82 0x9e낞
U+B09F0xeb 0x82 0x9f낟
U+B0A00xeb 0x82 0xa0날
U+B0A10xeb 0x82 0xa1낡
U+B0A20xeb 0x82 0xa2낢
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U+B0A40xeb 0x82 0xa4낤
U+B0A50xeb 0x82 0xa5낥
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U+B0AB0xeb 0x82 0xab낫
U+B0AC0xeb 0x82 0xac났
U+B0AD0xeb 0x82 0xad낭
U+B0AE0xeb 0x82 0xae낮
U+B0AF0xeb 0x82 0xaf낯
U+B0B00xeb 0x82 0xb0낰
U+B0B10xeb 0x82 0xb1낱
U+B0B20xeb 0x82 0xb2낲
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U+B0B40xeb 0x82 0xb4내
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U+B0B70xeb 0x82 0xb7낷
U+B0B80xeb 0x82 0xb8낸
U+B0B90xeb 0x82 0xb9낹
U+B0BA0xeb 0x82 0xba낺
U+B0BB0xeb 0x82 0xbb낻
U+B0BC0xeb 0x82 0xbc낼
U+B0BD0xeb 0x82 0xbd낽
U+B0BE0xeb 0x82 0xbe낾
U+B0BF0xeb 0x82 0xbf낿
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U+B0C20xeb 0x83 0x82냂
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U+B0CC0xeb 0x83 0x8c냌
U+B0CD0xeb 0x83 0x8d냍
U+B0CE0xeb 0x83 0x8e냎
U+B0CF0xeb 0x83 0x8f냏
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U+B0D10xeb 0x83 0x91냑
U+B0D20xeb 0x83 0x92냒
U+B0D30xeb 0x83 0x93냓
U+B0D40xeb 0x83 0x94냔
U+B0D50xeb 0x83 0x95냕
U+B0D60xeb 0x83 0x96냖
U+B0D70xeb 0x83 0x97냗
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U+B0E30xeb 0x83 0xa3냣
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U+B0E60xeb 0x83 0xa6냦
U+B0E70xeb 0x83 0xa7냧
U+B0E80xeb 0x83 0xa8냨
U+B0E90xeb 0x83 0xa9냩
U+B0EA0xeb 0x83 0xaa냪
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U+B0ED0xeb 0x83 0xad냭
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U+B0EF0xeb 0x83 0xaf냯
U+B0F00xeb 0x83 0xb0냰
U+B0F10xeb 0x83 0xb1냱
U+B0F20xeb 0x83 0xb2냲
U+B0F30xeb 0x83 0xb3냳
U+B0F40xeb 0x83 0xb4냴
U+B0F50xeb 0x83 0xb5냵
U+B0F60xeb 0x83 0xb6냶
U+B0F70xeb 0x83 0xb7냷
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U+B0FC0xeb 0x83 0xbc냼
U+B0FD0xeb 0x83 0xbd냽
U+B0FE0xeb 0x83 0xbe냾
U+B0FF0xeb 0x83 0xbf냿