UTF-8 encoding table and Unicode characters

page with code points U+1200 to U+12FF

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code positions per page 128 · 256 · 512 · 1024
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UTF-8 encoding
hex. · decimal · hex. (0x) · octal · binary · for Perl string literals · One Latin-1 char per byte · no display
Unicode character names not displayed · displayed · also display deprecated Unicode 1.0 names
links for adding char to text displayed · not displayed
numerical HTML encoding
of the Unicode character
not displayed · decimal · hexadecimal
HTML 4.0 character entities displayed · not displayed
text accumulator (characters are added by clicking on the respective "append" link)
display Ď
editing functions
append space · delete last character · clear accumulator
Unicode U+010E
UTF-8 c4 8e
code point
character UTF-8
numerical HTML encoding
of the Unicode character
U+1200e1 88 80ሀ
U+1201e1 88 81ሁ
U+1202e1 88 82ሂ
U+1203e1 88 83ሃ
U+1204e1 88 84ሄ
U+1205e1 88 85ህ
U+1206e1 88 86ሆ
U+1207e1 88 87ሇ
U+1208e1 88 88ለ
U+1209e1 88 89ሉ
U+120Ae1 88 8aሊ
U+120Be1 88 8bላ
U+120Ce1 88 8cሌ
U+120De1 88 8dል
U+120Ee1 88 8eሎ
U+120Fe1 88 8fሏ
U+1210e1 88 90ሐ
U+1211e1 88 91ሑ
U+1212e1 88 92ሒ
U+1213e1 88 93ሓ
U+1214e1 88 94ሔ
U+1215e1 88 95ሕ
U+1216e1 88 96ሖ
U+1217e1 88 97ሗ
U+1218e1 88 98መ
U+1219e1 88 99ሙ
U+121Ae1 88 9aሚ
U+121Be1 88 9bማ
U+121Ce1 88 9cሜ
U+121De1 88 9dም
U+121Ee1 88 9eሞ
U+121Fe1 88 9fሟ
U+1220e1 88 a0ሠ
U+1221e1 88 a1ሡ
U+1222e1 88 a2ሢ
U+1223e1 88 a3ሣ
U+1224e1 88 a4ሤ
U+1225e1 88 a5ሥ
U+1226e1 88 a6ሦ
U+1227e1 88 a7ሧ
U+1228e1 88 a8ረ
U+1229e1 88 a9ሩ
U+122Ae1 88 aaሪ
U+122Be1 88 abራ
U+122Ce1 88 acሬ
U+122De1 88 adር
U+122Ee1 88 aeሮ
U+122Fe1 88 afሯ
U+1230e1 88 b0ሰ
U+1231e1 88 b1ሱ
U+1232e1 88 b2ሲ
U+1233e1 88 b3ሳ
U+1234e1 88 b4ሴ
U+1235e1 88 b5ስ
U+1236e1 88 b6ሶ
U+1237e1 88 b7ሷ
U+1238e1 88 b8ሸ
U+1239e1 88 b9ሹ
U+123Ae1 88 baሺ
U+123Be1 88 bbሻ
U+123Ce1 88 bcሼ
U+123De1 88 bdሽ
U+123Ee1 88 beሾ
U+123Fe1 88 bfሿ
U+1240e1 89 80ቀ
U+1241e1 89 81ቁ
U+1242e1 89 82ቂ
U+1243e1 89 83ቃ
U+1244e1 89 84ቄ
U+1245e1 89 85ቅ
U+1246e1 89 86ቆ
U+1247e1 89 87ቇ
U+1248e1 89 88ቈ
U+1249e1 89 89቉
U+124Ae1 89 8aቊ
U+124Be1 89 8bቋ
U+124Ce1 89 8cቌ
U+124De1 89 8dቍ
U+124Ee1 89 8e቎
U+124Fe1 89 8f቏
U+1250e1 89 90ቐ
U+1251e1 89 91ቑ
U+1252e1 89 92ቒ
U+1253e1 89 93ቓ
U+1254e1 89 94ቔ
U+1255e1 89 95ቕ
U+1256e1 89 96ቖ
U+1257e1 89 97቗
U+1258e1 89 98ቘ
U+1259e1 89 99቙
U+125Ae1 89 9aቚ
U+125Be1 89 9bቛ
U+125Ce1 89 9cቜ
U+125De1 89 9dቝ
U+125Ee1 89 9e቞
U+125Fe1 89 9f቟
U+1260e1 89 a0በ
U+1261e1 89 a1ቡ
U+1262e1 89 a2ቢ
U+1263e1 89 a3ባ
U+1264e1 89 a4ቤ
U+1265e1 89 a5ብ
U+1266e1 89 a6ቦ
U+1267e1 89 a7ቧ
U+1268e1 89 a8ቨ
U+1269e1 89 a9ቩ
U+126Ae1 89 aaቪ
U+126Be1 89 abቫ
U+126Ce1 89 acቬ
U+126De1 89 adቭ
U+126Ee1 89 aeቮ
U+126Fe1 89 afቯ
U+1270e1 89 b0ተ
U+1271e1 89 b1ቱ
U+1272e1 89 b2ቲ
U+1273e1 89 b3ታ
U+1274e1 89 b4ቴ
U+1275e1 89 b5ት
U+1276e1 89 b6ቶ
U+1277e1 89 b7ቷ
U+1278e1 89 b8ቸ
U+1279e1 89 b9ቹ
U+127Ae1 89 baቺ
U+127Be1 89 bbቻ
U+127Ce1 89 bcቼ
U+127De1 89 bdች
U+127Ee1 89 beቾ
U+127Fe1 89 bfቿ
U+1280e1 8a 80ኀ
U+1281e1 8a 81ኁ
U+1282e1 8a 82ኂ
U+1283e1 8a 83ኃ
U+1284e1 8a 84ኄ
U+1285e1 8a 85ኅ
U+1286e1 8a 86ኆ
U+1287e1 8a 87ኇ
U+1288e1 8a 88ኈ
U+1289e1 8a 89኉
U+128Ae1 8a 8aኊ
U+128Be1 8a 8bኋ
U+128Ce1 8a 8cኌ
U+128De1 8a 8dኍ
U+128Ee1 8a 8e኎
U+128Fe1 8a 8f኏
U+1290e1 8a 90ነ
U+1291e1 8a 91ኑ
U+1292e1 8a 92ኒ
U+1293e1 8a 93ና
U+1294e1 8a 94ኔ
U+1295e1 8a 95ን
U+1296e1 8a 96ኖ
U+1297e1 8a 97ኗ
U+1298e1 8a 98ኘ
U+1299e1 8a 99ኙ
U+129Ae1 8a 9aኚ
U+129Be1 8a 9bኛ
U+129Ce1 8a 9cኜ
U+129De1 8a 9dኝ
U+129Ee1 8a 9eኞ
U+129Fe1 8a 9fኟ
U+12A0e1 8a a0አ
U+12A1e1 8a a1ኡ
U+12A2e1 8a a2ኢ
U+12A3e1 8a a3ኣ
U+12A4e1 8a a4ኤ
U+12A5e1 8a a5እ
U+12A6e1 8a a6ኦ
U+12A7e1 8a a7ኧ
U+12A8e1 8a a8ከ
U+12A9e1 8a a9ኩ
U+12AAe1 8a aaኪ
U+12ABe1 8a abካ
U+12ACe1 8a acኬ
U+12ADe1 8a adክ
U+12AEe1 8a aeኮ
U+12AFe1 8a afኯ
U+12B0e1 8a b0ኰ
U+12B1e1 8a b1኱
U+12B2e1 8a b2ኲ
U+12B3e1 8a b3ኳ
U+12B4e1 8a b4ኴ
U+12B5e1 8a b5ኵ
U+12B6e1 8a b6኶
U+12B7e1 8a b7኷
U+12B8e1 8a b8ኸ
U+12B9e1 8a b9ኹ
U+12BAe1 8a baኺ
U+12BBe1 8a bbኻ
U+12BCe1 8a bcኼ
U+12BDe1 8a bdኽ
U+12BEe1 8a beኾ
U+12BFe1 8a bf኿
U+12C0e1 8b 80ዀ
U+12C1e1 8b 81዁
U+12C2e1 8b 82ዂ
U+12C3e1 8b 83ዃ
U+12C4e1 8b 84ዄ
U+12C5e1 8b 85ዅ
U+12C6e1 8b 86዆
U+12C7e1 8b 87዇
U+12C8e1 8b 88ወ
U+12C9e1 8b 89ዉ
U+12CAe1 8b 8aዊ
U+12CBe1 8b 8bዋ
U+12CCe1 8b 8cዌ
U+12CDe1 8b 8dው
U+12CEe1 8b 8eዎ
U+12CFe1 8b 8fዏ
U+12D0e1 8b 90ዐ
U+12D1e1 8b 91ዑ
U+12D2e1 8b 92ዒ
U+12D3e1 8b 93ዓ
U+12D4e1 8b 94ዔ
U+12D5e1 8b 95ዕ
U+12D6e1 8b 96ዖ
U+12D7e1 8b 97዗
U+12D8e1 8b 98ዘ
U+12D9e1 8b 99ዙ
U+12DAe1 8b 9aዚ
U+12DBe1 8b 9bዛ
U+12DCe1 8b 9cዜ
U+12DDe1 8b 9dዝ
U+12DEe1 8b 9eዞ
U+12DFe1 8b 9fዟ
U+12E0e1 8b a0ዠ
U+12E1e1 8b a1ዡ
U+12E2e1 8b a2ዢ
U+12E3e1 8b a3ዣ
U+12E4e1 8b a4ዤ
U+12E5e1 8b a5ዥ
U+12E6e1 8b a6ዦ
U+12E7e1 8b a7ዧ
U+12E8e1 8b a8የ
U+12E9e1 8b a9ዩ
U+12EAe1 8b aaዪ
U+12EBe1 8b abያ
U+12ECe1 8b acዬ
U+12EDe1 8b adይ
U+12EEe1 8b aeዮ
U+12EFe1 8b afዯ
U+12F0e1 8b b0ደ
U+12F1e1 8b b1ዱ
U+12F2e1 8b b2ዲ
U+12F3e1 8b b3ዳ
U+12F4e1 8b b4ዴ
U+12F5e1 8b b5ድ
U+12F6e1 8b b6ዶ
U+12F7e1 8b b7ዷ
U+12F8e1 8b b8ዸ
U+12F9e1 8b b9ዹ
U+12FAe1 8b baዺ
U+12FBe1 8b bbዻ
U+12FCe1 8b bcዼ
U+12FDe1 8b bdዽ
U+12FEe1 8b beዾ
U+12FFe1 8b bfዿ