UTF-8 encoding table and Unicode characters

page with code points U+1240 to U+133F

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code positions per page 128 · 256 · 512 · 1024
display format for
UTF-8 encoding
hex. · decimal · hex. (0x) · octal · binary · for Perl string literals · One Latin-1 char per byte · no display
Unicode character names not displayed · displayed · also display deprecated Unicode 1.0 names
links for adding char to text displayed · not displayed
numerical HTML encoding
of the Unicode character
not displayed · decimal · hexadecimal
HTML 4.0 character entities displayed · not displayed
text accumulator (characters are added by clicking on the respective "append" link)
editing functions
append space · delete last character · clear accumulator
Unicode U+1254
UTF-8 0xe1 0x89 0x94
code point
character UTF-8
append character
to accumulator
numerical HTML encoding
of the Unicode character
U+12400xe1 0x89 0x80appendቀ
U+12410xe1 0x89 0x81appendቁ
U+12420xe1 0x89 0x82appendቂ
U+12430xe1 0x89 0x83appendቃ
U+12440xe1 0x89 0x84appendቄ
U+12450xe1 0x89 0x85appendቅ
U+12460xe1 0x89 0x86appendቆ
U+12470xe1 0x89 0x87appendቇ
U+12480xe1 0x89 0x88appendቈ
U+12490xe1 0x89 0x89append቉
U+124A0xe1 0x89 0x8aappendቊ
U+124B0xe1 0x89 0x8bappendቋ
U+124C0xe1 0x89 0x8cappendቌ
U+124D0xe1 0x89 0x8dappendቍ
U+124E0xe1 0x89 0x8eappend቎
U+124F0xe1 0x89 0x8fappend቏
U+12500xe1 0x89 0x90appendቐ
U+12510xe1 0x89 0x91appendቑ
U+12520xe1 0x89 0x92appendቒ
U+12530xe1 0x89 0x93appendቓ
U+12540xe1 0x89 0x94appendቔ
U+12550xe1 0x89 0x95appendቕ
U+12560xe1 0x89 0x96appendቖ
U+12570xe1 0x89 0x97append቗
U+12580xe1 0x89 0x98appendቘ
U+12590xe1 0x89 0x99append቙
U+125A0xe1 0x89 0x9aappendቚ
U+125B0xe1 0x89 0x9bappendቛ
U+125C0xe1 0x89 0x9cappendቜ
U+125D0xe1 0x89 0x9dappendቝ
U+125E0xe1 0x89 0x9eappend቞
U+125F0xe1 0x89 0x9fappend቟
U+12600xe1 0x89 0xa0appendበ
U+12610xe1 0x89 0xa1appendቡ
U+12620xe1 0x89 0xa2appendቢ
U+12630xe1 0x89 0xa3appendባ
U+12640xe1 0x89 0xa4appendቤ
U+12650xe1 0x89 0xa5appendብ
U+12660xe1 0x89 0xa6appendቦ
U+12670xe1 0x89 0xa7appendቧ
U+12680xe1 0x89 0xa8appendቨ
U+12690xe1 0x89 0xa9appendቩ
U+126A0xe1 0x89 0xaaappendቪ
U+126B0xe1 0x89 0xabappendቫ
U+126C0xe1 0x89 0xacappendቬ
U+126D0xe1 0x89 0xadappendቭ
U+126E0xe1 0x89 0xaeappendቮ
U+126F0xe1 0x89 0xafappendቯ
U+12700xe1 0x89 0xb0appendተ
U+12710xe1 0x89 0xb1appendቱ
U+12720xe1 0x89 0xb2appendቲ
U+12730xe1 0x89 0xb3appendታ
U+12740xe1 0x89 0xb4appendቴ
U+12750xe1 0x89 0xb5appendት
U+12760xe1 0x89 0xb6appendቶ
U+12770xe1 0x89 0xb7appendቷ
U+12780xe1 0x89 0xb8appendቸ
U+12790xe1 0x89 0xb9appendቹ
U+127A0xe1 0x89 0xbaappendቺ
U+127B0xe1 0x89 0xbbappendቻ
U+127C0xe1 0x89 0xbcappendቼ
U+127D0xe1 0x89 0xbdappendች
U+127E0xe1 0x89 0xbeappendቾ
U+127F0xe1 0x89 0xbfappendቿ
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U+12840xe1 0x8a 0x84appendኄ
U+12850xe1 0x8a 0x85appendኅ
U+12860xe1 0x8a 0x86appendኆ
U+12870xe1 0x8a 0x87appendኇ
U+12880xe1 0x8a 0x88appendኈ
U+12890xe1 0x8a 0x89append኉
U+128A0xe1 0x8a 0x8aappendኊ
U+128B0xe1 0x8a 0x8bappendኋ
U+128C0xe1 0x8a 0x8cappendኌ
U+128D0xe1 0x8a 0x8dappendኍ
U+128E0xe1 0x8a 0x8eappend኎
U+128F0xe1 0x8a 0x8fappend኏
U+12900xe1 0x8a 0x90appendነ
U+12910xe1 0x8a 0x91appendኑ
U+12920xe1 0x8a 0x92appendኒ
U+12930xe1 0x8a 0x93appendና
U+12940xe1 0x8a 0x94appendኔ
U+12950xe1 0x8a 0x95appendን
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U+12970xe1 0x8a 0x97appendኗ
U+12980xe1 0x8a 0x98appendኘ
U+12990xe1 0x8a 0x99appendኙ
U+129A0xe1 0x8a 0x9aappendኚ
U+129B0xe1 0x8a 0x9bappendኛ
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U+129D0xe1 0x8a 0x9dappendኝ
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U+129F0xe1 0x8a 0x9fappendኟ
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U+12A20xe1 0x8a 0xa2appendኢ
U+12A30xe1 0x8a 0xa3appendኣ
U+12A40xe1 0x8a 0xa4appendኤ
U+12A50xe1 0x8a 0xa5appendእ
U+12A60xe1 0x8a 0xa6appendኦ
U+12A70xe1 0x8a 0xa7appendኧ
U+12A80xe1 0x8a 0xa8appendከ
U+12A90xe1 0x8a 0xa9appendኩ
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U+12AB0xe1 0x8a 0xabappendካ
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U+12D10xe1 0x8b 0x91appendዑ
U+12D20xe1 0x8b 0x92appendዒ
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U+12D70xe1 0x8b 0x97append዗
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U+12DB0xe1 0x8b 0x9bappendዛ
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U+12F80xe1 0x8b 0xb8appendዸ
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U+12FE0xe1 0x8b 0xbeappendዾ
U+12FF0xe1 0x8b 0xbfappendዿ
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U+13080xe1 0x8c 0x88appendገ
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U+130E0xe1 0x8c 0x8eappendጎ
U+130F0xe1 0x8c 0x8fappendጏ
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U+13110xe1 0x8c 0x91append጑
U+13120xe1 0x8c 0x92appendጒ
U+13130xe1 0x8c 0x93appendጓ
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U+13190xe1 0x8c 0x99appendጙ
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U+131B0xe1 0x8c 0x9bappendጛ
U+131C0xe1 0x8c 0x9cappendጜ
U+131D0xe1 0x8c 0x9dappendጝ
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U+131F0xe1 0x8c 0x9fappendጟ
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U+13230xe1 0x8c 0xa3appendጣ
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U+13250xe1 0x8c 0xa5appendጥ
U+13260xe1 0x8c 0xa6appendጦ
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U+13280xe1 0x8c 0xa8appendጨ
U+13290xe1 0x8c 0xa9appendጩ
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U+132C0xe1 0x8c 0xacappendጬ
U+132D0xe1 0x8c 0xadappendጭ
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U+133D0xe1 0x8c 0xbdappendጽ
U+133E0xe1 0x8c 0xbeappendጾ
U+133F0xe1 0x8c 0xbfappendጿ