UTF-8 encoding table and Unicode characters

page with code points U+1240 to U+12BF

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code positions per page 128 · 256 · 512 · 1024
display format for
UTF-8 encoding
hex. · decimal · hex. (0x) · octal · binary · for Perl string literals · One Latin-1 char per byte · no display
Unicode character names not displayed · displayed · also display deprecated Unicode 1.0 names
links for adding char to text displayed · not displayed
numerical HTML encoding
of the Unicode character
not displayed · decimal · hexadecimal
HTML 4.0 character entities displayed · not displayed
code point
character UTF-8
numerical HTML encoding
of the Unicode character
U+12400xe1 0x89 0x80ቀ
U+12410xe1 0x89 0x81ቁ
U+12420xe1 0x89 0x82ቂ
U+12430xe1 0x89 0x83ቃ
U+12440xe1 0x89 0x84ቄ
U+12450xe1 0x89 0x85ቅ
U+12460xe1 0x89 0x86ቆ
U+12470xe1 0x89 0x87ቇ
U+12480xe1 0x89 0x88ቈ
U+12490xe1 0x89 0x89቉
U+124A0xe1 0x89 0x8aቊ
U+124B0xe1 0x89 0x8bቋ
U+124C0xe1 0x89 0x8cቌ
U+124D0xe1 0x89 0x8dቍ
U+124E0xe1 0x89 0x8e቎
U+124F0xe1 0x89 0x8f቏
U+12500xe1 0x89 0x90ቐ
U+12510xe1 0x89 0x91ቑ
U+12520xe1 0x89 0x92ቒ
U+12530xe1 0x89 0x93ቓ
U+12540xe1 0x89 0x94ቔ
U+12550xe1 0x89 0x95ቕ
U+12560xe1 0x89 0x96ቖ
U+12570xe1 0x89 0x97቗
U+12580xe1 0x89 0x98ቘ
U+12590xe1 0x89 0x99቙
U+125A0xe1 0x89 0x9aቚ
U+125B0xe1 0x89 0x9bቛ
U+125C0xe1 0x89 0x9cቜ
U+125D0xe1 0x89 0x9dቝ
U+125E0xe1 0x89 0x9e቞
U+125F0xe1 0x89 0x9f቟
U+12600xe1 0x89 0xa0በ
U+12610xe1 0x89 0xa1ቡ
U+12620xe1 0x89 0xa2ቢ
U+12630xe1 0x89 0xa3ባ
U+12640xe1 0x89 0xa4ቤ
U+12650xe1 0x89 0xa5ብ
U+12660xe1 0x89 0xa6ቦ
U+12670xe1 0x89 0xa7ቧ
U+12680xe1 0x89 0xa8ቨ
U+12690xe1 0x89 0xa9ቩ
U+126A0xe1 0x89 0xaaቪ
U+126B0xe1 0x89 0xabቫ
U+126C0xe1 0x89 0xacቬ
U+126D0xe1 0x89 0xadቭ
U+126E0xe1 0x89 0xaeቮ
U+126F0xe1 0x89 0xafቯ
U+12700xe1 0x89 0xb0ተ
U+12710xe1 0x89 0xb1ቱ
U+12720xe1 0x89 0xb2ቲ
U+12730xe1 0x89 0xb3ታ
U+12740xe1 0x89 0xb4ቴ
U+12750xe1 0x89 0xb5ት
U+12760xe1 0x89 0xb6ቶ
U+12770xe1 0x89 0xb7ቷ
U+12780xe1 0x89 0xb8ቸ
U+12790xe1 0x89 0xb9ቹ
U+127A0xe1 0x89 0xbaቺ
U+127B0xe1 0x89 0xbbቻ
U+127C0xe1 0x89 0xbcቼ
U+127D0xe1 0x89 0xbdች
U+127E0xe1 0x89 0xbeቾ
U+127F0xe1 0x89 0xbfቿ
U+12800xe1 0x8a 0x80ኀ
U+12810xe1 0x8a 0x81ኁ
U+12820xe1 0x8a 0x82ኂ
U+12830xe1 0x8a 0x83ኃ
U+12840xe1 0x8a 0x84ኄ
U+12850xe1 0x8a 0x85ኅ
U+12860xe1 0x8a 0x86ኆ
U+12870xe1 0x8a 0x87ኇ
U+12880xe1 0x8a 0x88ኈ
U+12890xe1 0x8a 0x89኉
U+128A0xe1 0x8a 0x8aኊ
U+128B0xe1 0x8a 0x8bኋ
U+128C0xe1 0x8a 0x8cኌ
U+128D0xe1 0x8a 0x8dኍ
U+128E0xe1 0x8a 0x8e኎
U+128F0xe1 0x8a 0x8f኏
U+12900xe1 0x8a 0x90ነ
U+12910xe1 0x8a 0x91ኑ
U+12920xe1 0x8a 0x92ኒ
U+12930xe1 0x8a 0x93ና
U+12940xe1 0x8a 0x94ኔ
U+12950xe1 0x8a 0x95ን
U+12960xe1 0x8a 0x96ኖ
U+12970xe1 0x8a 0x97ኗ
U+12980xe1 0x8a 0x98ኘ
U+12990xe1 0x8a 0x99ኙ
U+129A0xe1 0x8a 0x9aኚ
U+129B0xe1 0x8a 0x9bኛ
U+129C0xe1 0x8a 0x9cኜ
U+129D0xe1 0x8a 0x9dኝ
U+129E0xe1 0x8a 0x9eኞ
U+129F0xe1 0x8a 0x9fኟ
U+12A00xe1 0x8a 0xa0አ
U+12A10xe1 0x8a 0xa1ኡ
U+12A20xe1 0x8a 0xa2ኢ
U+12A30xe1 0x8a 0xa3ኣ
U+12A40xe1 0x8a 0xa4ኤ
U+12A50xe1 0x8a 0xa5እ
U+12A60xe1 0x8a 0xa6ኦ
U+12A70xe1 0x8a 0xa7ኧ
U+12A80xe1 0x8a 0xa8ከ
U+12A90xe1 0x8a 0xa9ኩ
U+12AA0xe1 0x8a 0xaaኪ
U+12AB0xe1 0x8a 0xabካ
U+12AC0xe1 0x8a 0xacኬ
U+12AD0xe1 0x8a 0xadክ
U+12AE0xe1 0x8a 0xaeኮ
U+12AF0xe1 0x8a 0xafኯ
U+12B00xe1 0x8a 0xb0ኰ
U+12B10xe1 0x8a 0xb1኱
U+12B20xe1 0x8a 0xb2ኲ
U+12B30xe1 0x8a 0xb3ኳ
U+12B40xe1 0x8a 0xb4ኴ
U+12B50xe1 0x8a 0xb5ኵ
U+12B60xe1 0x8a 0xb6኶
U+12B70xe1 0x8a 0xb7኷
U+12B80xe1 0x8a 0xb8ኸ
U+12B90xe1 0x8a 0xb9ኹ
U+12BA0xe1 0x8a 0xbaኺ
U+12BB0xe1 0x8a 0xbbኻ
U+12BC0xe1 0x8a 0xbcኼ
U+12BD0xe1 0x8a 0xbdኽ
U+12BE0xe1 0x8a 0xbeኾ
U+12BF0xe1 0x8a 0xbf኿