UTF-8 encoding table and Unicode characters

page with code points U+1300 to U+137F

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code point
character UTF-8
append character
to accumulator
numerical HTML encoding
of the Unicode character
U+13000xe1 0x8c 0x80appendጀ ETHIOPIC SYLLABLE JA
U+13010xe1 0x8c 0x81appendጁ ETHIOPIC SYLLABLE JU
U+13020xe1 0x8c 0x82appendጂ ETHIOPIC SYLLABLE JI
U+13030xe1 0x8c 0x83appendጃ ETHIOPIC SYLLABLE JAA
U+13040xe1 0x8c 0x84appendጄ ETHIOPIC SYLLABLE JEE
U+13050xe1 0x8c 0x85appendጅ ETHIOPIC SYLLABLE JE
U+13060xe1 0x8c 0x86appendጆ ETHIOPIC SYLLABLE JO
U+13070xe1 0x8c 0x87appendጇ ETHIOPIC SYLLABLE JWA
U+13080xe1 0x8c 0x88appendገ ETHIOPIC SYLLABLE GA
U+13090xe1 0x8c 0x89appendጉ ETHIOPIC SYLLABLE GU
U+130A0xe1 0x8c 0x8aappendጊ ETHIOPIC SYLLABLE GI
U+130B0xe1 0x8c 0x8bappendጋ ETHIOPIC SYLLABLE GAA
U+130C0xe1 0x8c 0x8cappendጌ ETHIOPIC SYLLABLE GEE
U+130D0xe1 0x8c 0x8dappendግ ETHIOPIC SYLLABLE GE
U+130E0xe1 0x8c 0x8eappendጎ ETHIOPIC SYLLABLE GO
U+130F0xe1 0x8c 0x8fappendጏ ETHIOPIC SYLLABLE GOA
U+13100xe1 0x8c 0x90appendጐ ETHIOPIC SYLLABLE GWA
U+13110xe1 0x8c 0x91append጑
U+13120xe1 0x8c 0x92appendጒ ETHIOPIC SYLLABLE GWI
U+13130xe1 0x8c 0x93appendጓ ETHIOPIC SYLLABLE GWAA
U+13140xe1 0x8c 0x94appendጔ ETHIOPIC SYLLABLE GWEE
U+13150xe1 0x8c 0x95appendጕ ETHIOPIC SYLLABLE GWE
U+13160xe1 0x8c 0x96append጖
U+13170xe1 0x8c 0x97append጗
U+13180xe1 0x8c 0x98appendጘ ETHIOPIC SYLLABLE GGA
U+13190xe1 0x8c 0x99appendጙ ETHIOPIC SYLLABLE GGU
U+131A0xe1 0x8c 0x9aappendጚ ETHIOPIC SYLLABLE GGI
U+131B0xe1 0x8c 0x9bappendጛ ETHIOPIC SYLLABLE GGAA
U+131C0xe1 0x8c 0x9cappendጜ ETHIOPIC SYLLABLE GGEE
U+131D0xe1 0x8c 0x9dappendጝ ETHIOPIC SYLLABLE GGE
U+131E0xe1 0x8c 0x9eappendጞ ETHIOPIC SYLLABLE GGO
U+131F0xe1 0x8c 0x9fappendጟ ETHIOPIC SYLLABLE GGWAA
U+13200xe1 0x8c 0xa0appendጠ ETHIOPIC SYLLABLE THA
U+13210xe1 0x8c 0xa1appendጡ ETHIOPIC SYLLABLE THU
U+13220xe1 0x8c 0xa2appendጢ ETHIOPIC SYLLABLE THI
U+13230xe1 0x8c 0xa3appendጣ ETHIOPIC SYLLABLE THAA
U+13240xe1 0x8c 0xa4appendጤ ETHIOPIC SYLLABLE THEE
U+13250xe1 0x8c 0xa5appendጥ ETHIOPIC SYLLABLE THE
U+13260xe1 0x8c 0xa6appendጦ ETHIOPIC SYLLABLE THO
U+13270xe1 0x8c 0xa7appendጧ ETHIOPIC SYLLABLE THWA
U+13280xe1 0x8c 0xa8appendጨ ETHIOPIC SYLLABLE CHA
U+13290xe1 0x8c 0xa9appendጩ ETHIOPIC SYLLABLE CHU
U+132A0xe1 0x8c 0xaaappendጪ ETHIOPIC SYLLABLE CHI
U+132B0xe1 0x8c 0xabappendጫ ETHIOPIC SYLLABLE CHAA
U+132C0xe1 0x8c 0xacappendጬ ETHIOPIC SYLLABLE CHEE
U+132D0xe1 0x8c 0xadappendጭ ETHIOPIC SYLLABLE CHE
U+132E0xe1 0x8c 0xaeappendጮ ETHIOPIC SYLLABLE CHO
U+132F0xe1 0x8c 0xafappendጯ ETHIOPIC SYLLABLE CHWA
U+13300xe1 0x8c 0xb0appendጰ ETHIOPIC SYLLABLE PHA
U+13310xe1 0x8c 0xb1appendጱ ETHIOPIC SYLLABLE PHU
U+13320xe1 0x8c 0xb2appendጲ ETHIOPIC SYLLABLE PHI
U+13330xe1 0x8c 0xb3appendጳ ETHIOPIC SYLLABLE PHAA
U+13340xe1 0x8c 0xb4appendጴ ETHIOPIC SYLLABLE PHEE
U+13350xe1 0x8c 0xb5appendጵ ETHIOPIC SYLLABLE PHE
U+13360xe1 0x8c 0xb6appendጶ ETHIOPIC SYLLABLE PHO
U+13370xe1 0x8c 0xb7appendጷ ETHIOPIC SYLLABLE PHWA
U+13380xe1 0x8c 0xb8appendጸ ETHIOPIC SYLLABLE TSA
U+13390xe1 0x8c 0xb9appendጹ ETHIOPIC SYLLABLE TSU
U+133A0xe1 0x8c 0xbaappendጺ ETHIOPIC SYLLABLE TSI
U+133B0xe1 0x8c 0xbbappendጻ ETHIOPIC SYLLABLE TSAA
U+133C0xe1 0x8c 0xbcappendጼ ETHIOPIC SYLLABLE TSEE
U+133D0xe1 0x8c 0xbdappendጽ ETHIOPIC SYLLABLE TSE
U+133E0xe1 0x8c 0xbeappendጾ ETHIOPIC SYLLABLE TSO
U+133F0xe1 0x8c 0xbfappendጿ ETHIOPIC SYLLABLE TSWA
U+13400xe1 0x8d 0x80appendፀ ETHIOPIC SYLLABLE TZA
U+13410xe1 0x8d 0x81appendፁ ETHIOPIC SYLLABLE TZU
U+13420xe1 0x8d 0x82appendፂ ETHIOPIC SYLLABLE TZI
U+13430xe1 0x8d 0x83appendፃ ETHIOPIC SYLLABLE TZAA
U+13440xe1 0x8d 0x84appendፄ ETHIOPIC SYLLABLE TZEE
U+13450xe1 0x8d 0x85appendፅ ETHIOPIC SYLLABLE TZE
U+13460xe1 0x8d 0x86appendፆ ETHIOPIC SYLLABLE TZO
U+13470xe1 0x8d 0x87appendፇ ETHIOPIC SYLLABLE TZOA
U+13480xe1 0x8d 0x88appendፈ ETHIOPIC SYLLABLE FA
U+13490xe1 0x8d 0x89appendፉ ETHIOPIC SYLLABLE FU
U+134A0xe1 0x8d 0x8aappendፊ ETHIOPIC SYLLABLE FI
U+134B0xe1 0x8d 0x8bappendፋ ETHIOPIC SYLLABLE FAA
U+134C0xe1 0x8d 0x8cappendፌ ETHIOPIC SYLLABLE FEE
U+134D0xe1 0x8d 0x8dappendፍ ETHIOPIC SYLLABLE FE
U+134E0xe1 0x8d 0x8eappendፎ ETHIOPIC SYLLABLE FO
U+134F0xe1 0x8d 0x8fappendፏ ETHIOPIC SYLLABLE FWA
U+13500xe1 0x8d 0x90appendፐ ETHIOPIC SYLLABLE PA
U+13510xe1 0x8d 0x91appendፑ ETHIOPIC SYLLABLE PU
U+13520xe1 0x8d 0x92appendፒ ETHIOPIC SYLLABLE PI
U+13530xe1 0x8d 0x93appendፓ ETHIOPIC SYLLABLE PAA
U+13540xe1 0x8d 0x94appendፔ ETHIOPIC SYLLABLE PEE
U+13550xe1 0x8d 0x95appendፕ ETHIOPIC SYLLABLE PE
U+13560xe1 0x8d 0x96appendፖ ETHIOPIC SYLLABLE PO
U+13570xe1 0x8d 0x97appendፗ ETHIOPIC SYLLABLE PWA
U+13580xe1 0x8d 0x98appendፘ ETHIOPIC SYLLABLE RYA
U+13590xe1 0x8d 0x99appendፙ ETHIOPIC SYLLABLE MYA
U+135A0xe1 0x8d 0x9aappendፚ ETHIOPIC SYLLABLE FYA
U+135B0xe1 0x8d 0x9bappend፛
U+135C0xe1 0x8d 0x9cappend፜
U+13600xe1 0x8d 0xa0append፠ ETHIOPIC SECTION MARK
U+13610xe1 0x8d 0xa1append፡ ETHIOPIC WORDSPACE
U+13620xe1 0x8d 0xa2append። ETHIOPIC FULL STOP
U+13630xe1 0x8d 0xa3append፣ ETHIOPIC COMMA
U+13640xe1 0x8d 0xa4append፤ ETHIOPIC SEMICOLON
U+13650xe1 0x8d 0xa5append፥ ETHIOPIC COLON
U+13660xe1 0x8d 0xa6append፦ ETHIOPIC PREFACE COLON
U+13670xe1 0x8d 0xa7append፧ ETHIOPIC QUESTION MARK
U+13680xe1 0x8d 0xa8append፨ ETHIOPIC PARAGRAPH SEPARATOR
U+13690xe1 0x8d 0xa9append፩ ETHIOPIC DIGIT ONE
U+136A0xe1 0x8d 0xaaappend፪ ETHIOPIC DIGIT TWO
U+136B0xe1 0x8d 0xabappend፫ ETHIOPIC DIGIT THREE
U+136C0xe1 0x8d 0xacappend፬ ETHIOPIC DIGIT FOUR
U+136D0xe1 0x8d 0xadappend፭ ETHIOPIC DIGIT FIVE
U+136E0xe1 0x8d 0xaeappend፮ ETHIOPIC DIGIT SIX
U+136F0xe1 0x8d 0xafappend፯ ETHIOPIC DIGIT SEVEN
U+13700xe1 0x8d 0xb0append፰ ETHIOPIC DIGIT EIGHT
U+13710xe1 0x8d 0xb1append፱ ETHIOPIC DIGIT NINE
U+13720xe1 0x8d 0xb2append፲ ETHIOPIC NUMBER TEN
U+13730xe1 0x8d 0xb3append፳ ETHIOPIC NUMBER TWENTY
U+13740xe1 0x8d 0xb4append፴ ETHIOPIC NUMBER THIRTY
U+13750xe1 0x8d 0xb5append፵ ETHIOPIC NUMBER FORTY
U+13760xe1 0x8d 0xb6append፶ ETHIOPIC NUMBER FIFTY
U+13770xe1 0x8d 0xb7append፷ ETHIOPIC NUMBER SIXTY
U+13780xe1 0x8d 0xb8append፸ ETHIOPIC NUMBER SEVENTY
U+13790xe1 0x8d 0xb9append፹ ETHIOPIC NUMBER EIGHTY
U+137A0xe1 0x8d 0xbaappend፺ ETHIOPIC NUMBER NINETY
U+137B0xe1 0x8d 0xbbappend፻ ETHIOPIC NUMBER HUNDRED
U+137C0xe1 0x8d 0xbcappend፼ ETHIOPIC NUMBER TEN THOUSAND
U+137D0xe1 0x8d 0xbdappend፽
U+137E0xe1 0x8d 0xbeappend፾
U+137F0xe1 0x8d 0xbfappend፿