UTF-8 encoding table and Unicode characters

page with code points U+BF00 to U+BFFF

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code positions per page 128 · 256 · 512 · 1024
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UTF-8 encoding
hex. · decimal · hex. (0x) · octal · binary · for Perl string literals · One Latin-1 char per byte · no display
Unicode character names not displayed · displayed · also display deprecated Unicode 1.0 names
links for adding char to text displayed · not displayed
numerical HTML encoding
of the Unicode character
not displayed · decimal · hexadecimal
HTML 4.0 character entities displayed · not displayed
code point
character UTF-8
U+BF00eb bc 80
U+BF01eb bc 81
U+BF02eb bc 82
U+BF03eb bc 83
U+BF04eb bc 84
U+BF05eb bc 85
U+BF06eb bc 86
U+BF07eb bc 87
U+BF08eb bc 88
U+BF09eb bc 89
U+BF0Aeb bc 8a
U+BF0Beb bc 8b
U+BF0Ceb bc 8c
U+BF0Deb bc 8d
U+BF0Eeb bc 8e
U+BF0Feb bc 8f
U+BF10eb bc 90
U+BF11eb bc 91
U+BF12eb bc 92
U+BF13eb bc 93
U+BF14eb bc 94
U+BF15eb bc 95
U+BF16eb bc 96
U+BF17eb bc 97
U+BF18eb bc 98
U+BF19eb bc 99
U+BF1Aeb bc 9a
U+BF1Beb bc 9b
U+BF1Ceb bc 9c
U+BF1Deb bc 9d
U+BF1Eeb bc 9e
U+BF1Feb bc 9f
U+BF20eb bc a0
U+BF21eb bc a1
U+BF22eb bc a2
U+BF23eb bc a3
U+BF24eb bc a4
U+BF25eb bc a5
U+BF26eb bc a6
U+BF27eb bc a7
U+BF28eb bc a8
U+BF29eb bc a9
U+BF2Aeb bc aa
U+BF2Beb bc ab
U+BF2Ceb bc ac
U+BF2Deb bc ad
U+BF2Eeb bc ae
U+BF2Feb bc af
U+BF30eb bc b0
U+BF31eb bc b1
U+BF32eb bc b2
U+BF33eb bc b3
U+BF34eb bc b4
U+BF35eb bc b5
U+BF36eb bc b6
U+BF37eb bc b7
U+BF38eb bc b8
U+BF39eb bc b9
U+BF3Aeb bc ba
U+BF3Beb bc bb
U+BF3Ceb bc bc
U+BF3Deb bc bd
U+BF3Eeb bc be
U+BF3F뼿eb bc bf
U+BF40eb bd 80
U+BF41eb bd 81
U+BF42eb bd 82
U+BF43eb bd 83
U+BF44eb bd 84
U+BF45eb bd 85
U+BF46eb bd 86
U+BF47eb bd 87
U+BF48eb bd 88
U+BF49eb bd 89
U+BF4Aeb bd 8a
U+BF4Beb bd 8b
U+BF4Ceb bd 8c
U+BF4Deb bd 8d
U+BF4Eeb bd 8e
U+BF4Feb bd 8f
U+BF50eb bd 90
U+BF51eb bd 91
U+BF52eb bd 92
U+BF53eb bd 93
U+BF54eb bd 94
U+BF55eb bd 95
U+BF56eb bd 96
U+BF57eb bd 97
U+BF58eb bd 98
U+BF59eb bd 99
U+BF5Aeb bd 9a
U+BF5Beb bd 9b
U+BF5Ceb bd 9c
U+BF5Deb bd 9d
U+BF5Eeb bd 9e
U+BF5Feb bd 9f
U+BF60eb bd a0
U+BF61eb bd a1
U+BF62eb bd a2
U+BF63eb bd a3
U+BF64eb bd a4
U+BF65eb bd a5
U+BF66eb bd a6
U+BF67eb bd a7
U+BF68eb bd a8
U+BF69eb bd a9
U+BF6Aeb bd aa
U+BF6Beb bd ab
U+BF6Ceb bd ac
U+BF6Deb bd ad
U+BF6Eeb bd ae
U+BF6Feb bd af
U+BF70eb bd b0
U+BF71eb bd b1
U+BF72eb bd b2
U+BF73eb bd b3
U+BF74eb bd b4
U+BF75eb bd b5
U+BF76eb bd b6
U+BF77eb bd b7
U+BF78eb bd b8
U+BF79eb bd b9
U+BF7Aeb bd ba
U+BF7Beb bd bb
U+BF7Ceb bd bc
U+BF7Deb bd bd
U+BF7Eeb bd be
U+BF7F뽿eb bd bf
U+BF80eb be 80
U+BF81eb be 81
U+BF82eb be 82
U+BF83eb be 83
U+BF84eb be 84
U+BF85eb be 85
U+BF86eb be 86
U+BF87eb be 87
U+BF88eb be 88
U+BF89eb be 89
U+BF8Aeb be 8a
U+BF8Beb be 8b
U+BF8Ceb be 8c
U+BF8Deb be 8d
U+BF8Eeb be 8e
U+BF8Feb be 8f
U+BF90eb be 90
U+BF91eb be 91
U+BF92eb be 92
U+BF93eb be 93
U+BF94eb be 94
U+BF95eb be 95
U+BF96eb be 96
U+BF97eb be 97
U+BF98eb be 98
U+BF99eb be 99
U+BF9Aeb be 9a
U+BF9Beb be 9b
U+BF9Ceb be 9c
U+BF9Deb be 9d
U+BF9Eeb be 9e
U+BF9Feb be 9f
U+BFA0eb be a0
U+BFA1eb be a1
U+BFA2eb be a2
U+BFA3eb be a3
U+BFA4eb be a4
U+BFA5eb be a5
U+BFA6eb be a6
U+BFA7eb be a7
U+BFA8eb be a8
U+BFA9eb be a9
U+BFAAeb be aa
U+BFABeb be ab
U+BFACeb be ac
U+BFADeb be ad
U+BFAEeb be ae
U+BFAFeb be af
U+BFB0eb be b0
U+BFB1eb be b1
U+BFB2eb be b2
U+BFB3eb be b3
U+BFB4eb be b4
U+BFB5eb be b5
U+BFB6eb be b6
U+BFB7eb be b7
U+BFB8eb be b8
U+BFB9eb be b9
U+BFBAeb be ba
U+BFBBeb be bb
U+BFBCeb be bc
U+BFBDeb be bd
U+BFBEeb be be
U+BFBF뾿eb be bf
U+BFC0eb bf 80
U+BFC1eb bf 81
U+BFC2eb bf 82
U+BFC3eb bf 83
U+BFC4eb bf 84
U+BFC5eb bf 85
U+BFC6eb bf 86
U+BFC7eb bf 87
U+BFC8eb bf 88
U+BFC9eb bf 89
U+BFCAeb bf 8a
U+BFCBeb bf 8b
U+BFCCeb bf 8c
U+BFCDeb bf 8d
U+BFCEeb bf 8e
U+BFCFeb bf 8f
U+BFD0eb bf 90
U+BFD1eb bf 91
U+BFD2eb bf 92
U+BFD3eb bf 93
U+BFD4eb bf 94
U+BFD5eb bf 95
U+BFD6eb bf 96
U+BFD7eb bf 97
U+BFD8eb bf 98
U+BFD9eb bf 99
U+BFDAeb bf 9a
U+BFDBeb bf 9b
U+BFDCeb bf 9c
U+BFDDeb bf 9d
U+BFDEeb bf 9e
U+BFDFeb bf 9f
U+BFE0eb bf a0
U+BFE1eb bf a1
U+BFE2eb bf a2
U+BFE3eb bf a3
U+BFE4eb bf a4
U+BFE5eb bf a5
U+BFE6eb bf a6
U+BFE7eb bf a7
U+BFE8eb bf a8
U+BFE9eb bf a9
U+BFEAeb bf aa
U+BFEBeb bf ab
U+BFECeb bf ac
U+BFEDeb bf ad
U+BFEEeb bf ae
U+BFEFeb bf af
U+BFF0eb bf b0
U+BFF1eb bf b1
U+BFF2eb bf b2
U+BFF3eb bf b3
U+BFF4eb bf b4
U+BFF5eb bf b5
U+BFF6eb bf b6
U+BFF7eb bf b7
U+BFF8eb bf b8
U+BFF9eb bf b9
U+BFFAeb bf ba
U+BFFBeb bf bb
U+BFFCeb bf bc
U+BFFDeb bf bd
U+BFFEeb bf be
U+BFFF뿿eb bf bf