UTF-8 encoding table and Unicode characters

page with code points U+C500 to U+C57F

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UTF-8 encoding
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Unicode character names not displayed · displayed · also display deprecated Unicode 1.0 names
links for adding char to text displayed · not displayed
numerical HTML encoding
of the Unicode character
not displayed · decimal · hexadecimal
HTML 4.0 character entities displayed · not displayed
code point
character UTF-8
numerical HTML encoding
of the Unicode character
U+C500ec 94 80씀
U+C501ec 94 81씁
U+C502ec 94 82씂
U+C503ec 94 83씃
U+C504ec 94 84씄
U+C505ec 94 85씅
U+C506ec 94 86씆
U+C507ec 94 87씇
U+C508ec 94 88씈
U+C509ec 94 89씉
U+C50Aec 94 8a씊
U+C50Bec 94 8b씋
U+C50Cec 94 8c씌
U+C50Dec 94 8d씍
U+C50Eec 94 8e씎
U+C50Fec 94 8f씏
U+C510ec 94 90씐
U+C511ec 94 91씑
U+C512ec 94 92씒
U+C513ec 94 93씓
U+C514ec 94 94씔
U+C515ec 94 95씕
U+C516ec 94 96씖
U+C517ec 94 97씗
U+C518ec 94 98씘
U+C519ec 94 99씙
U+C51Aec 94 9a씚
U+C51Bec 94 9b씛
U+C51Cec 94 9c씜
U+C51Dec 94 9d씝
U+C51Eec 94 9e씞
U+C51Fec 94 9f씟
U+C520ec 94 a0씠
U+C521ec 94 a1씡
U+C522ec 94 a2씢
U+C523ec 94 a3씣
U+C524ec 94 a4씤
U+C525ec 94 a5씥
U+C526ec 94 a6씦
U+C527ec 94 a7씧
U+C528ec 94 a8씨
U+C529ec 94 a9씩
U+C52Aec 94 aa씪
U+C52Bec 94 ab씫
U+C52Cec 94 ac씬
U+C52Dec 94 ad씭
U+C52Eec 94 ae씮
U+C52Fec 94 af씯
U+C530ec 94 b0씰
U+C531ec 94 b1씱
U+C532ec 94 b2씲
U+C533ec 94 b3씳
U+C534ec 94 b4씴
U+C535ec 94 b5씵
U+C536ec 94 b6씶
U+C537ec 94 b7씷
U+C538ec 94 b8씸
U+C539ec 94 b9씹
U+C53Aec 94 ba씺
U+C53Bec 94 bb씻
U+C53Cec 94 bc씼
U+C53Dec 94 bd씽
U+C53Eec 94 be씾
U+C53Fec 94 bf씿
U+C540ec 95 80앀
U+C541ec 95 81앁
U+C542ec 95 82앂
U+C543ec 95 83앃
U+C544ec 95 84아
U+C545ec 95 85악
U+C546ec 95 86앆
U+C547ec 95 87앇
U+C548ec 95 88안
U+C549ec 95 89앉
U+C54Aec 95 8a않
U+C54Bec 95 8b앋
U+C54Cec 95 8c알
U+C54Dec 95 8d앍
U+C54Eec 95 8e앎
U+C54Fec 95 8f앏
U+C550ec 95 90앐
U+C551ec 95 91앑
U+C552ec 95 92앒
U+C553ec 95 93앓
U+C554ec 95 94암
U+C555ec 95 95압
U+C556ec 95 96앖
U+C557ec 95 97앗
U+C558ec 95 98았
U+C559ec 95 99앙
U+C55Aec 95 9a앚
U+C55Bec 95 9b앛
U+C55Cec 95 9c앜
U+C55Dec 95 9d앝
U+C55Eec 95 9e앞
U+C55Fec 95 9f앟
U+C560ec 95 a0애
U+C561ec 95 a1액
U+C562ec 95 a2앢
U+C563ec 95 a3앣
U+C564ec 95 a4앤
U+C565ec 95 a5앥
U+C566ec 95 a6앦
U+C567ec 95 a7앧
U+C568ec 95 a8앨
U+C569ec 95 a9앩
U+C56Aec 95 aa앪
U+C56Bec 95 ab앫
U+C56Cec 95 ac앬
U+C56Dec 95 ad앭
U+C56Eec 95 ae앮
U+C56Fec 95 af앯
U+C570ec 95 b0앰
U+C571ec 95 b1앱
U+C572ec 95 b2앲
U+C573ec 95 b3앳
U+C574ec 95 b4앴
U+C575ec 95 b5앵
U+C576ec 95 b6앶
U+C577ec 95 b7앷
U+C578ec 95 b8앸
U+C579ec 95 b9앹
U+C57Aec 95 ba앺
U+C57Bec 95 bb앻
U+C57Cec 95 bc야
U+C57Dec 95 bd약
U+C57Eec 95 be앾
U+C57Fec 95 bf앿