UTF-8 encoding table and Unicode characters

page with code points U+0200 to U+027F

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UTF-8 encoding
hex. · decimal · hex. (0x) · octal · binary · for Perl string literals · One Latin-1 char per byte · no display
Unicode character names not displayed · displayed · also display deprecated Unicode 1.0 names
links for adding char to text displayed · not displayed
numerical HTML encoding
of the Unicode character
not displayed · decimal · hexadecimal
HTML 4.0 character entities displayed · not displayed
text accumulator (characters are added by clicking on the respective "append" link)
display ;
editing functions
append space · delete last character · clear accumulator
Unicode U+003B
UTF-8 3b
code point
character UTF-8
U+0200Ȁc8 80
U+0201ȁc8 81
U+0202Ȃc8 82
U+0203ȃc8 83
U+0204Ȅc8 84
U+0205ȅc8 85
U+0206Ȇc8 86
U+0207ȇc8 87
U+0208Ȉc8 88
U+0209ȉc8 89
U+020AȊc8 8a
U+020Bȋc8 8b
U+020CȌc8 8c
U+020Dȍc8 8d
U+020EȎc8 8e
U+020Fȏc8 8f
U+0210Ȑc8 90
U+0211ȑc8 91
U+0212Ȓc8 92
U+0213ȓc8 93
U+0214Ȕc8 94
U+0215ȕc8 95
U+0216Ȗc8 96
U+0217ȗc8 97
U+0218Șc8 98
U+0219șc8 99
U+021AȚc8 9a
U+021Bțc8 9b
U+021CȜc8 9c
U+021Dȝc8 9d
U+021EȞc8 9e
U+021Fȟc8 9f
U+0220Ƞc8 a0
U+0221ȡc8 a1
U+0222Ȣc8 a2
U+0223ȣc8 a3
U+0224Ȥc8 a4
U+0225ȥc8 a5
U+0226Ȧc8 a6
U+0227ȧc8 a7
U+0228Ȩc8 a8
U+0229ȩc8 a9
U+022AȪc8 aa
U+022Bȫc8 ab
U+022CȬc8 ac
U+022Dȭc8 ad
U+022EȮc8 ae
U+022Fȯc8 af
U+0230Ȱc8 b0
U+0231ȱc8 b1
U+0232Ȳc8 b2
U+0233ȳc8 b3
U+0234ȴc8 b4
U+0235ȵc8 b5
U+0236ȶc8 b6
U+0237ȷc8 b7
U+0238ȸc8 b8
U+0239ȹc8 b9
U+023AȺc8 ba
U+023BȻc8 bb
U+023Cȼc8 bc
U+023DȽc8 bd
U+023EȾc8 be
U+023Fȿc8 bf
U+0240ɀc9 80
U+0241Ɂc9 81
U+0242ɂc9 82
U+0243Ƀc9 83
U+0244Ʉc9 84
U+0245Ʌc9 85
U+0246Ɇc9 86
U+0247ɇc9 87
U+0248Ɉc9 88
U+0249ɉc9 89
U+024AɊc9 8a
U+024Bɋc9 8b
U+024CɌc9 8c
U+024Dɍc9 8d
U+024EɎc9 8e
U+024Fɏc9 8f
U+0250ɐc9 90
U+0251ɑc9 91
U+0252ɒc9 92
U+0253ɓc9 93
U+0254ɔc9 94
U+0255ɕc9 95
U+0256ɖc9 96
U+0257ɗc9 97
U+0258ɘc9 98
U+0259əc9 99
U+025Aɚc9 9a
U+025Bɛc9 9b
U+025Cɜc9 9c
U+025Dɝc9 9d
U+025Eɞc9 9e
U+025Fɟc9 9f
U+0260ɠc9 a0
U+0261ɡc9 a1
U+0262ɢc9 a2
U+0263ɣc9 a3
U+0264ɤc9 a4
U+0265ɥc9 a5
U+0266ɦc9 a6
U+0267ɧc9 a7
U+0268ɨc9 a8
U+0269ɩc9 a9
U+026Aɪc9 aa
U+026Bɫc9 ab
U+026Cɬc9 ac
U+026Dɭc9 ad
U+026Eɮc9 ae
U+026Fɯc9 af
U+0270ɰc9 b0
U+0271ɱc9 b1
U+0272ɲc9 b2
U+0273ɳc9 b3
U+0274ɴc9 b4
U+0275ɵc9 b5
U+0276ɶc9 b6
U+0277ɷc9 b7
U+0278ɸc9 b8
U+0279ɹc9 b9
U+027Aɺc9 ba
U+027Bɻc9 bb
U+027Cɼc9 bc
U+027Dɽc9 bd
U+027Eɾc9 be
U+027Fɿc9 bf