UTF-8 encoding table and Unicode characters

page with code points U+14C0 to U+15BF

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code positions per page 128 · 256 · 512 · 1024
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UTF-8 encoding
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Unicode character names not displayed · displayed · also display deprecated Unicode 1.0 names
links for adding char to text displayed · not displayed
numerical HTML encoding
of the Unicode character
not displayed · decimal · hexadecimal
HTML 4.0 character entities displayed · not displayed
code point
character UTF-8
numerical HTML encoding
of the Unicode character
U+14C00xe1 0x93 0x80ᓀ
U+14C10xe1 0x93 0x81ᓁ
U+14C20xe1 0x93 0x82ᓂ
U+14C30xe1 0x93 0x83ᓃ
U+14C40xe1 0x93 0x84ᓄ
U+14C50xe1 0x93 0x85ᓅ
U+14C60xe1 0x93 0x86ᓆ
U+14C70xe1 0x93 0x87ᓇ
U+14C80xe1 0x93 0x88ᓈ
U+14C90xe1 0x93 0x89ᓉ
U+14CA0xe1 0x93 0x8aᓊ
U+14CB0xe1 0x93 0x8bᓋ
U+14CC0xe1 0x93 0x8cᓌ
U+14CD0xe1 0x93 0x8dᓍ
U+14CE0xe1 0x93 0x8eᓎ
U+14CF0xe1 0x93 0x8fᓏ
U+14D00xe1 0x93 0x90ᓐ
U+14D10xe1 0x93 0x91ᓑ
U+14D20xe1 0x93 0x92ᓒ
U+14D30xe1 0x93 0x93ᓓ
U+14D40xe1 0x93 0x94ᓔ
U+14D50xe1 0x93 0x95ᓕ
U+14D60xe1 0x93 0x96ᓖ
U+14D70xe1 0x93 0x97ᓗ
U+14D80xe1 0x93 0x98ᓘ
U+14D90xe1 0x93 0x99ᓙ
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U+14DB0xe1 0x93 0x9bᓛ
U+14DC0xe1 0x93 0x9cᓜ
U+14DD0xe1 0x93 0x9dᓝ
U+14DE0xe1 0x93 0x9eᓞ
U+14DF0xe1 0x93 0x9fᓟ
U+14E00xe1 0x93 0xa0ᓠ
U+14E10xe1 0x93 0xa1ᓡ
U+14E20xe1 0x93 0xa2ᓢ
U+14E30xe1 0x93 0xa3ᓣ
U+14E40xe1 0x93 0xa4ᓤ
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U+14F90xe1 0x93 0xb9ᓹ
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U+14FB0xe1 0x93 0xbbᓻ
U+14FC0xe1 0x93 0xbcᓼ
U+14FD0xe1 0x93 0xbdᓽ
U+14FE0xe1 0x93 0xbeᓾ
U+14FF0xe1 0x93 0xbfᓿ
U+15000xe1 0x94 0x80ᔀ
U+15010xe1 0x94 0x81ᔁ
U+15020xe1 0x94 0x82ᔂ
U+15030xe1 0x94 0x83ᔃ
U+15040xe1 0x94 0x84ᔄ
U+15050xe1 0x94 0x85ᔅ
U+15060xe1 0x94 0x86ᔆ
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U+15080xe1 0x94 0x88ᔈ
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U+150B0xe1 0x94 0x8bᔋ
U+150C0xe1 0x94 0x8cᔌ
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U+150E0xe1 0x94 0x8eᔎ
U+150F0xe1 0x94 0x8fᔏ
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U+15110xe1 0x94 0x91ᔑ
U+15120xe1 0x94 0x92ᔒ
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U+15180xe1 0x94 0x98ᔘ
U+15190xe1 0x94 0x99ᔙ
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U+151B0xe1 0x94 0x9bᔛ
U+151C0xe1 0x94 0x9cᔜ
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U+151F0xe1 0x94 0x9fᔟ
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U+152D0xe1 0x94 0xadᔭ
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U+15380xe1 0x94 0xb8ᔸ
U+15390xe1 0x94 0xb9ᔹ
U+153A0xe1 0x94 0xbaᔺ
U+153B0xe1 0x94 0xbbᔻ
U+153C0xe1 0x94 0xbcᔼ
U+153D0xe1 0x94 0xbdᔽ
U+153E0xe1 0x94 0xbeᔾ
U+153F0xe1 0x94 0xbfᔿ
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U+15590xe1 0x95 0x99ᕙ
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U+15BF0xe1 0x96 0xbfᖿ