UTF-8 encoding table and Unicode characters

page with code points U+14C0 to U+153F

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code positions per page 128 · 256 · 512 · 1024
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UTF-8 encoding
hex. · decimal · hex. (0x) · octal · binary · for Perl string literals · One Latin-1 char per byte · no display
Unicode character names not displayed · displayed · also display deprecated Unicode 1.0 names
links for adding char to text displayed · not displayed
numerical HTML encoding
of the Unicode character
not displayed · decimal · hexadecimal
HTML 4.0 character entities displayed · not displayed
text accumulator (characters are added by clicking on the respective "append" link)
display ĭ
editing functions
append space · delete last character · clear accumulator
Unicode U+012D
UTF-8 c4 ad
code point
character UTF-8
numerical HTML encoding
of the Unicode character
U+14C0e1 93 80ᓀ
U+14C1e1 93 81ᓁ
U+14C2e1 93 82ᓂ
U+14C3e1 93 83ᓃ
U+14C4e1 93 84ᓄ
U+14C5e1 93 85ᓅ
U+14C6e1 93 86ᓆ
U+14C7e1 93 87ᓇ
U+14C8e1 93 88ᓈ
U+14C9e1 93 89ᓉ
U+14CAe1 93 8aᓊ
U+14CBe1 93 8bᓋ
U+14CCe1 93 8cᓌ
U+14CDe1 93 8dᓍ
U+14CEe1 93 8eᓎ
U+14CFe1 93 8fᓏ
U+14D0e1 93 90ᓐ
U+14D1e1 93 91ᓑ
U+14D2e1 93 92ᓒ
U+14D3e1 93 93ᓓ
U+14D4e1 93 94ᓔ
U+14D5e1 93 95ᓕ
U+14D6e1 93 96ᓖ
U+14D7e1 93 97ᓗ
U+14D8e1 93 98ᓘ
U+14D9e1 93 99ᓙ
U+14DAe1 93 9aᓚ
U+14DBe1 93 9bᓛ
U+14DCe1 93 9cᓜ
U+14DDe1 93 9dᓝ
U+14DEe1 93 9eᓞ
U+14DFe1 93 9fᓟ
U+14E0e1 93 a0ᓠ
U+14E1e1 93 a1ᓡ
U+14E2e1 93 a2ᓢ
U+14E3e1 93 a3ᓣ
U+14E4e1 93 a4ᓤ
U+14E5e1 93 a5ᓥ
U+14E6e1 93 a6ᓦ
U+14E7e1 93 a7ᓧ
U+14E8e1 93 a8ᓨ
U+14E9e1 93 a9ᓩ
U+14EAe1 93 aaᓪ
U+14EBe1 93 abᓫ
U+14ECe1 93 acᓬ
U+14EDe1 93 adᓭ
U+14EEe1 93 aeᓮ
U+14EFe1 93 afᓯ
U+14F0e1 93 b0ᓰ
U+14F1e1 93 b1ᓱ
U+14F2e1 93 b2ᓲ
U+14F3e1 93 b3ᓳ
U+14F4e1 93 b4ᓴ
U+14F5e1 93 b5ᓵ
U+14F6e1 93 b6ᓶ
U+14F7e1 93 b7ᓷ
U+14F8e1 93 b8ᓸ
U+14F9e1 93 b9ᓹ
U+14FAe1 93 baᓺ
U+14FBe1 93 bbᓻ
U+14FCe1 93 bcᓼ
U+14FDe1 93 bdᓽ
U+14FEe1 93 beᓾ
U+14FFe1 93 bfᓿ
U+1500e1 94 80ᔀ
U+1501e1 94 81ᔁ
U+1502e1 94 82ᔂ
U+1503e1 94 83ᔃ
U+1504e1 94 84ᔄ
U+1505e1 94 85ᔅ
U+1506e1 94 86ᔆ
U+1507e1 94 87ᔇ
U+1508e1 94 88ᔈ
U+1509e1 94 89ᔉ
U+150Ae1 94 8aᔊ
U+150Be1 94 8bᔋ
U+150Ce1 94 8cᔌ
U+150De1 94 8dᔍ
U+150Ee1 94 8eᔎ
U+150Fe1 94 8fᔏ
U+1510e1 94 90ᔐ
U+1511e1 94 91ᔑ
U+1512e1 94 92ᔒ
U+1513e1 94 93ᔓ
U+1514e1 94 94ᔔ
U+1515e1 94 95ᔕ
U+1516e1 94 96ᔖ
U+1517e1 94 97ᔗ
U+1518e1 94 98ᔘ
U+1519e1 94 99ᔙ
U+151Ae1 94 9aᔚ
U+151Be1 94 9bᔛ
U+151Ce1 94 9cᔜ
U+151De1 94 9dᔝ
U+151Ee1 94 9eᔞ
U+151Fe1 94 9fᔟ
U+1520e1 94 a0ᔠ
U+1521e1 94 a1ᔡ
U+1522e1 94 a2ᔢ
U+1523e1 94 a3ᔣ
U+1524e1 94 a4ᔤ
U+1525e1 94 a5ᔥ
U+1526e1 94 a6ᔦ
U+1527e1 94 a7ᔧ
U+1528e1 94 a8ᔨ
U+1529e1 94 a9ᔩ
U+152Ae1 94 aaᔪ
U+152Be1 94 abᔫ
U+152Ce1 94 acᔬ
U+152De1 94 adᔭ
U+152Ee1 94 aeᔮ
U+152Fe1 94 afᔯ
U+1530e1 94 b0ᔰ
U+1531e1 94 b1ᔱ
U+1532e1 94 b2ᔲ
U+1533e1 94 b3ᔳ
U+1534e1 94 b4ᔴ
U+1535e1 94 b5ᔵ
U+1536e1 94 b6ᔶ
U+1537e1 94 b7ᔷ
U+1538e1 94 b8ᔸ
U+1539e1 94 b9ᔹ
U+153Ae1 94 baᔺ
U+153Be1 94 bbᔻ
U+153Ce1 94 bcᔼ
U+153De1 94 bdᔽ
U+153Ee1 94 beᔾ
U+153Fe1 94 bfᔿ