UTF-8 encoding table and Unicode characters

page with code points U+1540 to U+15BF

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numerical HTML encoding
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code point
character UTF-8
append character
to accumulator
numerical HTML encoding
of the Unicode character
U+154011100001 10010101 10000000appendᕀ CANADIAN SYLLABICS WEST-CREE Y
U+154111100001 10010101 10000001appendᕁ CANADIAN SYLLABICS SAYISI YI
U+154211100001 10010101 10000010appendᕂ CANADIAN SYLLABICS RE
U+154311100001 10010101 10000011appendᕃ CANADIAN SYLLABICS R-CREE RE
U+154411100001 10010101 10000100appendᕄ CANADIAN SYLLABICS WEST-CREE LE
U+154511100001 10010101 10000101appendᕅ CANADIAN SYLLABICS RAAI
U+154611100001 10010101 10000110appendᕆ CANADIAN SYLLABICS RI
U+154711100001 10010101 10000111appendᕇ CANADIAN SYLLABICS RII
U+154811100001 10010101 10001000appendᕈ CANADIAN SYLLABICS RO
U+154911100001 10010101 10001001appendᕉ CANADIAN SYLLABICS ROO
U+154A11100001 10010101 10001010appendᕊ CANADIAN SYLLABICS WEST-CREE LO
U+154B11100001 10010101 10001011appendᕋ CANADIAN SYLLABICS RA
U+154C11100001 10010101 10001100appendᕌ CANADIAN SYLLABICS RAA
U+154D11100001 10010101 10001101appendᕍ CANADIAN SYLLABICS WEST-CREE LA
U+154E11100001 10010101 10001110appendᕎ CANADIAN SYLLABICS RWAA
U+154F11100001 10010101 10001111appendᕏ CANADIAN SYLLABICS WEST-CREE RWAA
U+155011100001 10010101 10010000appendᕐ CANADIAN SYLLABICS R
U+155111100001 10010101 10010001appendᕑ CANADIAN SYLLABICS WEST-CREE R
U+155211100001 10010101 10010010appendᕒ CANADIAN SYLLABICS MEDIAL R
U+155311100001 10010101 10010011appendᕓ CANADIAN SYLLABICS FE
U+155411100001 10010101 10010100appendᕔ CANADIAN SYLLABICS FAAI
U+155511100001 10010101 10010101appendᕕ CANADIAN SYLLABICS FI
U+155611100001 10010101 10010110appendᕖ CANADIAN SYLLABICS FII
U+155711100001 10010101 10010111appendᕗ CANADIAN SYLLABICS FO
U+155811100001 10010101 10011000appendᕘ CANADIAN SYLLABICS FOO
U+155911100001 10010101 10011001appendᕙ CANADIAN SYLLABICS FA
U+155A11100001 10010101 10011010appendᕚ CANADIAN SYLLABICS FAA
U+155B11100001 10010101 10011011appendᕛ CANADIAN SYLLABICS FWAA
U+155C11100001 10010101 10011100appendᕜ CANADIAN SYLLABICS WEST-CREE FWAA
U+155D11100001 10010101 10011101appendᕝ CANADIAN SYLLABICS F
U+155E11100001 10010101 10011110appendᕞ CANADIAN SYLLABICS THE
U+155F11100001 10010101 10011111appendᕟ CANADIAN SYLLABICS N-CREE THE
U+156011100001 10010101 10100000appendᕠ CANADIAN SYLLABICS THI
U+156111100001 10010101 10100001appendᕡ CANADIAN SYLLABICS N-CREE THI
U+156211100001 10010101 10100010appendᕢ CANADIAN SYLLABICS THII
U+156311100001 10010101 10100011appendᕣ CANADIAN SYLLABICS N-CREE THII
U+156411100001 10010101 10100100appendᕤ CANADIAN SYLLABICS THO
U+156511100001 10010101 10100101appendᕥ CANADIAN SYLLABICS THOO
U+156611100001 10010101 10100110appendᕦ CANADIAN SYLLABICS THA
U+156711100001 10010101 10100111appendᕧ CANADIAN SYLLABICS THAA
U+156811100001 10010101 10101000appendᕨ CANADIAN SYLLABICS THWAA
U+156911100001 10010101 10101001appendᕩ CANADIAN SYLLABICS WEST-CREE THWAA
U+156A11100001 10010101 10101010appendᕪ CANADIAN SYLLABICS TH
U+156B11100001 10010101 10101011appendᕫ CANADIAN SYLLABICS TTHE
U+156C11100001 10010101 10101100appendᕬ CANADIAN SYLLABICS TTHI
U+156D11100001 10010101 10101101appendᕭ CANADIAN SYLLABICS TTHO
U+156E11100001 10010101 10101110appendᕮ CANADIAN SYLLABICS TTHA
U+156F11100001 10010101 10101111appendᕯ CANADIAN SYLLABICS TTH
U+157011100001 10010101 10110000appendᕰ CANADIAN SYLLABICS TYE
U+157111100001 10010101 10110001appendᕱ CANADIAN SYLLABICS TYI
U+157211100001 10010101 10110010appendᕲ CANADIAN SYLLABICS TYO
U+157311100001 10010101 10110011appendᕳ CANADIAN SYLLABICS TYA
U+157411100001 10010101 10110100appendᕴ CANADIAN SYLLABICS NUNAVIK HE
U+157511100001 10010101 10110101appendᕵ CANADIAN SYLLABICS NUNAVIK HI
U+157611100001 10010101 10110110appendᕶ CANADIAN SYLLABICS NUNAVIK HII
U+157711100001 10010101 10110111appendᕷ CANADIAN SYLLABICS NUNAVIK HO
U+157811100001 10010101 10111000appendᕸ CANADIAN SYLLABICS NUNAVIK HOO
U+157911100001 10010101 10111001appendᕹ CANADIAN SYLLABICS NUNAVIK HA
U+157A11100001 10010101 10111010appendᕺ CANADIAN SYLLABICS NUNAVIK HAA
U+157B11100001 10010101 10111011appendᕻ CANADIAN SYLLABICS NUNAVIK H
U+157C11100001 10010101 10111100appendᕼ CANADIAN SYLLABICS NUNAVUT H
U+157D11100001 10010101 10111101appendᕽ CANADIAN SYLLABICS HK
U+157E11100001 10010101 10111110appendᕾ CANADIAN SYLLABICS QAAI
U+157F11100001 10010101 10111111appendᕿ CANADIAN SYLLABICS QI
U+158011100001 10010110 10000000appendᖀ CANADIAN SYLLABICS QII
U+158111100001 10010110 10000001appendᖁ CANADIAN SYLLABICS QO
U+158211100001 10010110 10000010appendᖂ CANADIAN SYLLABICS QOO
U+158311100001 10010110 10000011appendᖃ CANADIAN SYLLABICS QA
U+158411100001 10010110 10000100appendᖄ CANADIAN SYLLABICS QAA
U+158511100001 10010110 10000101appendᖅ CANADIAN SYLLABICS Q
U+158611100001 10010110 10000110appendᖆ CANADIAN SYLLABICS TLHE
U+158711100001 10010110 10000111appendᖇ CANADIAN SYLLABICS TLHI
U+158811100001 10010110 10001000appendᖈ CANADIAN SYLLABICS TLHO
U+158911100001 10010110 10001001appendᖉ CANADIAN SYLLABICS TLHA
U+158A11100001 10010110 10001010appendᖊ CANADIAN SYLLABICS WEST-CREE RE
U+158B11100001 10010110 10001011appendᖋ CANADIAN SYLLABICS WEST-CREE RI
U+158C11100001 10010110 10001100appendᖌ CANADIAN SYLLABICS WEST-CREE RO
U+158D11100001 10010110 10001101appendᖍ CANADIAN SYLLABICS WEST-CREE RA
U+158E11100001 10010110 10001110appendᖎ CANADIAN SYLLABICS NGAAI
U+158F11100001 10010110 10001111appendᖏ CANADIAN SYLLABICS NGI
U+159011100001 10010110 10010000appendᖐ CANADIAN SYLLABICS NGII
U+159111100001 10010110 10010001appendᖑ CANADIAN SYLLABICS NGO
U+159211100001 10010110 10010010appendᖒ CANADIAN SYLLABICS NGOO
U+159311100001 10010110 10010011appendᖓ CANADIAN SYLLABICS NGA
U+159411100001 10010110 10010100appendᖔ CANADIAN SYLLABICS NGAA
U+159511100001 10010110 10010101appendᖕ CANADIAN SYLLABICS NG
U+159611100001 10010110 10010110appendᖖ CANADIAN SYLLABICS NNG
U+159711100001 10010110 10010111appendᖗ CANADIAN SYLLABICS SAYISI SHE
U+159811100001 10010110 10011000appendᖘ CANADIAN SYLLABICS SAYISI SHI
U+159911100001 10010110 10011001appendᖙ CANADIAN SYLLABICS SAYISI SHO
U+159A11100001 10010110 10011010appendᖚ CANADIAN SYLLABICS SAYISI SHA
U+159B11100001 10010110 10011011appendᖛ CANADIAN SYLLABICS WOODS-CREE THE
U+159C11100001 10010110 10011100appendᖜ CANADIAN SYLLABICS WOODS-CREE THI
U+159D11100001 10010110 10011101appendᖝ CANADIAN SYLLABICS WOODS-CREE THO
U+159E11100001 10010110 10011110appendᖞ CANADIAN SYLLABICS WOODS-CREE THA
U+159F11100001 10010110 10011111appendᖟ CANADIAN SYLLABICS WOODS-CREE TH
U+15A011100001 10010110 10100000appendᖠ CANADIAN SYLLABICS LHI
U+15A111100001 10010110 10100001appendᖡ CANADIAN SYLLABICS LHII
U+15A211100001 10010110 10100010appendᖢ CANADIAN SYLLABICS LHO
U+15A311100001 10010110 10100011appendᖣ CANADIAN SYLLABICS LHOO
U+15A411100001 10010110 10100100appendᖤ CANADIAN SYLLABICS LHA
U+15A511100001 10010110 10100101appendᖥ CANADIAN SYLLABICS LHAA
U+15A611100001 10010110 10100110appendᖦ CANADIAN SYLLABICS LH
U+15A711100001 10010110 10100111appendᖧ CANADIAN SYLLABICS TH-CREE THE
U+15A811100001 10010110 10101000appendᖨ CANADIAN SYLLABICS TH-CREE THI
U+15A911100001 10010110 10101001appendᖩ CANADIAN SYLLABICS TH-CREE THII
U+15AA11100001 10010110 10101010appendᖪ CANADIAN SYLLABICS TH-CREE THO
U+15AB11100001 10010110 10101011appendᖫ CANADIAN SYLLABICS TH-CREE THOO
U+15AC11100001 10010110 10101100appendᖬ CANADIAN SYLLABICS TH-CREE THA
U+15AD11100001 10010110 10101101appendᖭ CANADIAN SYLLABICS TH-CREE THAA
U+15AE11100001 10010110 10101110appendᖮ CANADIAN SYLLABICS TH-CREE TH
U+15AF11100001 10010110 10101111appendᖯ CANADIAN SYLLABICS AIVILIK B
U+15B011100001 10010110 10110000appendᖰ CANADIAN SYLLABICS BLACKFOOT E
U+15B111100001 10010110 10110001appendᖱ CANADIAN SYLLABICS BLACKFOOT I
U+15B211100001 10010110 10110010appendᖲ CANADIAN SYLLABICS BLACKFOOT O
U+15B311100001 10010110 10110011appendᖳ CANADIAN SYLLABICS BLACKFOOT A
U+15B411100001 10010110 10110100appendᖴ CANADIAN SYLLABICS BLACKFOOT WE
U+15B511100001 10010110 10110101appendᖵ CANADIAN SYLLABICS BLACKFOOT WI
U+15B611100001 10010110 10110110appendᖶ CANADIAN SYLLABICS BLACKFOOT WO
U+15B711100001 10010110 10110111appendᖷ CANADIAN SYLLABICS BLACKFOOT WA
U+15B811100001 10010110 10111000appendᖸ CANADIAN SYLLABICS BLACKFOOT NE
U+15B911100001 10010110 10111001appendᖹ CANADIAN SYLLABICS BLACKFOOT NI
U+15BA11100001 10010110 10111010appendᖺ CANADIAN SYLLABICS BLACKFOOT NO
U+15BB11100001 10010110 10111011appendᖻ CANADIAN SYLLABICS BLACKFOOT NA
U+15BC11100001 10010110 10111100appendᖼ CANADIAN SYLLABICS BLACKFOOT KE
U+15BD11100001 10010110 10111101appendᖽ CANADIAN SYLLABICS BLACKFOOT KI
U+15BE11100001 10010110 10111110appendᖾ CANADIAN SYLLABICS BLACKFOOT KO
U+15BF11100001 10010110 10111111appendᖿ CANADIAN SYLLABICS BLACKFOOT KA