UTF-8 encoding table and Unicode characters

page with code points U+1700 to U+1AFF

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code point
character UTF-8
numerical HTML encoding
of the Unicode character
U+17000xe1 0x9c 0x80ᜀ
U+17010xe1 0x9c 0x81ᜁ
U+17020xe1 0x9c 0x82ᜂ
U+17030xe1 0x9c 0x83ᜃ
U+17040xe1 0x9c 0x84ᜄ
U+17050xe1 0x9c 0x85ᜅ
U+17060xe1 0x9c 0x86ᜆ
U+17070xe1 0x9c 0x87ᜇ
U+17080xe1 0x9c 0x88ᜈ
U+17090xe1 0x9c 0x89ᜉ
U+170A0xe1 0x9c 0x8aᜊ
U+170B0xe1 0x9c 0x8bᜋ
U+170C0xe1 0x9c 0x8cᜌ
U+170D0xe1 0x9c 0x8dᜍ
U+170E0xe1 0x9c 0x8eᜎ
U+170F0xe1 0x9c 0x8fᜏ
U+17100xe1 0x9c 0x90ᜐ
U+17110xe1 0x9c 0x91ᜑ
U+17120xe1 0x9c 0x92ᜒ
U+17130xe1 0x9c 0x93ᜓ
U+17140xe1 0x9c 0x94᜔
U+17150xe1 0x9c 0x95᜕
U+17160xe1 0x9c 0x96᜖
U+17170xe1 0x9c 0x97᜗
U+17180xe1 0x9c 0x98᜘
U+17190xe1 0x9c 0x99᜙
U+171A0xe1 0x9c 0x9a᜚
U+171B0xe1 0x9c 0x9b᜛
U+171C0xe1 0x9c 0x9c᜜
U+171D0xe1 0x9c 0x9d᜝
U+171E0xe1 0x9c 0x9e᜞
U+171F0xe1 0x9c 0x9fᜟ
U+17200xe1 0x9c 0xa0ᜠ
U+17210xe1 0x9c 0xa1ᜡ
U+17220xe1 0x9c 0xa2ᜢ
U+17230xe1 0x9c 0xa3ᜣ
U+17240xe1 0x9c 0xa4ᜤ
U+17250xe1 0x9c 0xa5ᜥ
U+17260xe1 0x9c 0xa6ᜦ
U+17270xe1 0x9c 0xa7ᜧ
U+17280xe1 0x9c 0xa8ᜨ
U+17290xe1 0x9c 0xa9ᜩ
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U+172B0xe1 0x9c 0xabᜫ
U+172C0xe1 0x9c 0xacᜬ
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U+172E0xe1 0x9c 0xaeᜮ
U+172F0xe1 0x9c 0xafᜯ
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U+17310xe1 0x9c 0xb1ᜱ
U+17320xe1 0x9c 0xb2ᜲ
U+17330xe1 0x9c 0xb3ᜳ
U+17340xe1 0x9c 0xb4᜴
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U+17360xe1 0x9c 0xb6᜶
U+17370xe1 0x9c 0xb7᜷
U+17380xe1 0x9c 0xb8᜸
U+17390xe1 0x9c 0xb9᜹
U+173A0xe1 0x9c 0xba᜺
U+173B0xe1 0x9c 0xbb᜻
U+173C0xe1 0x9c 0xbc᜼
U+173D0xe1 0x9c 0xbd᜽
U+173E0xe1 0x9c 0xbe᜾
U+173F0xe1 0x9c 0xbf᜿
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U+17420xe1 0x9d 0x82ᝂ
U+17430xe1 0x9d 0x83ᝃ
U+17440xe1 0x9d 0x84ᝄ
U+17450xe1 0x9d 0x85ᝅ
U+17460xe1 0x9d 0x86ᝆ
U+17470xe1 0x9d 0x87ᝇ
U+17480xe1 0x9d 0x88ᝈ
U+17490xe1 0x9d 0x89ᝉ
U+174A0xe1 0x9d 0x8aᝊ
U+174B0xe1 0x9d 0x8bᝋ
U+174C0xe1 0x9d 0x8cᝌ
U+174D0xe1 0x9d 0x8dᝍ
U+174E0xe1 0x9d 0x8eᝎ
U+174F0xe1 0x9d 0x8fᝏ
U+17500xe1 0x9d 0x90ᝐ
U+17510xe1 0x9d 0x91ᝑ
U+17520xe1 0x9d 0x92ᝒ
U+17530xe1 0x9d 0x93ᝓ
U+17540xe1 0x9d 0x94᝔
U+17550xe1 0x9d 0x95᝕
U+17560xe1 0x9d 0x96᝖
U+17570xe1 0x9d 0x97᝗
U+17580xe1 0x9d 0x98᝘
U+17590xe1 0x9d 0x99᝙
U+175A0xe1 0x9d 0x9a᝚
U+175B0xe1 0x9d 0x9b᝛
U+175C0xe1 0x9d 0x9c᝜
U+175D0xe1 0x9d 0x9d᝝
U+175E0xe1 0x9d 0x9e᝞
U+175F0xe1 0x9d 0x9f᝟
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U+17670xe1 0x9d 0xa7ᝧ
U+17680xe1 0x9d 0xa8ᝨ
U+17690xe1 0x9d 0xa9ᝩ
U+176A0xe1 0x9d 0xaaᝪ
U+176B0xe1 0x9d 0xabᝫ
U+176C0xe1 0x9d 0xacᝬ
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U+17710xe1 0x9d 0xb1᝱
U+17720xe1 0x9d 0xb2ᝲ
U+17730xe1 0x9d 0xb3ᝳ
U+17740xe1 0x9d 0xb4᝴
U+17750xe1 0x9d 0xb5᝵
U+17760xe1 0x9d 0xb6᝶
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U+17780xe1 0x9d 0xb8᝸
U+17790xe1 0x9d 0xb9᝹
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U+17820xe1 0x9e 0x82គ
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U+17860xe1 0x9e 0x86ឆ
U+17870xe1 0x9e 0x87ជ
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U+17910xe1 0x9e 0x91ទ
U+17920xe1 0x9e 0x92ធ
U+17930xe1 0x9e 0x93ន
U+17940xe1 0x9e 0x94ប
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U+17D20xe1 0x9f 0x92្
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U+17D40xe1 0x9f 0x94។
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U+18750xe1 0xa1 0xb5ᡵ
U+18760xe1 0xa1 0xb6ᡶ
U+18770xe1 0xa1 0xb7ᡷ
U+18780xe1 0xa1 0xb8ᡸ
U+18790xe1 0xa1 0xb9᡹
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U+187D0xe1 0xa1 0xbd᡽
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U+187F0xe1 0xa1 0xbf᡿
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U+18810xe1 0xa2 0x81ᢁ
U+18820xe1 0xa2 0x82ᢂ
U+18830xe1 0xa2 0x83ᢃ
U+18840xe1 0xa2 0x84ᢄ
U+18850xe1 0xa2 0x85ᢅ
U+18860xe1 0xa2 0x86ᢆ
U+18870xe1 0xa2 0x87ᢇ
U+18880xe1 0xa2 0x88ᢈ
U+18890xe1 0xa2 0x89ᢉ
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U+188B0xe1 0xa2 0x8bᢋ
U+188C0xe1 0xa2 0x8cᢌ
U+188D0xe1 0xa2 0x8dᢍ
U+188E0xe1 0xa2 0x8eᢎ
U+188F0xe1 0xa2 0x8fᢏ
U+18900xe1 0xa2 0x90ᢐ
U+18910xe1 0xa2 0x91ᢑ
U+18920xe1 0xa2 0x92ᢒ
U+18930xe1 0xa2 0x93ᢓ
U+18940xe1 0xa2 0x94ᢔ
U+18950xe1 0xa2 0x95ᢕ
U+18960xe1 0xa2 0x96ᢖ
U+18970xe1 0xa2 0x97ᢗ
U+18980xe1 0xa2 0x98ᢘ
U+18990xe1 0xa2 0x99ᢙ
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U+189B0xe1 0xa2 0x9bᢛ
U+189C0xe1 0xa2 0x9cᢜ
U+189D0xe1 0xa2 0x9dᢝ
U+189E0xe1 0xa2 0x9eᢞ
U+189F0xe1 0xa2 0x9fᢟ
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U+18A10xe1 0xa2 0xa1ᢡ
U+18A20xe1 0xa2 0xa2ᢢ
U+18A30xe1 0xa2 0xa3ᢣ
U+18A40xe1 0xa2 0xa4ᢤ
U+18A50xe1 0xa2 0xa5ᢥ
U+18A60xe1 0xa2 0xa6ᢦ
U+18A70xe1 0xa2 0xa7ᢧ
U+18A80xe1 0xa2 0xa8ᢨ
U+18A90xe1 0xa2 0xa9ᢩ
U+18AA0xe1 0xa2 0xaaᢪ
U+18AB0xe1 0xa2 0xab᢫
U+18AC0xe1 0xa2 0xac᢬
U+18AD0xe1 0xa2 0xad᢭
U+18AE0xe1 0xa2 0xae᢮
U+18AF0xe1 0xa2 0xaf᢯
U+18B00xe1 0xa2 0xb0ᢰ
U+18B10xe1 0xa2 0xb1ᢱ
U+18B20xe1 0xa2 0xb2ᢲ
U+18B30xe1 0xa2 0xb3ᢳ
U+18B40xe1 0xa2 0xb4ᢴ
U+18B50xe1 0xa2 0xb5ᢵ
U+18B60xe1 0xa2 0xb6ᢶ
U+18B70xe1 0xa2 0xb7ᢷ
U+18B80xe1 0xa2 0xb8ᢸ
U+18B90xe1 0xa2 0xb9ᢹ
U+18BA0xe1 0xa2 0xbaᢺ
U+18BB0xe1 0xa2 0xbbᢻ
U+18BC0xe1 0xa2 0xbcᢼ
U+18BD0xe1 0xa2 0xbdᢽ
U+18BE0xe1 0xa2 0xbeᢾ
U+18BF0xe1 0xa2 0xbfᢿ
U+18C00xe1 0xa3 0x80ᣀ
U+18C10xe1 0xa3 0x81ᣁ
U+18C20xe1 0xa3 0x82ᣂ
U+18C30xe1 0xa3 0x83ᣃ
U+18C40xe1 0xa3 0x84ᣄ
U+18C50xe1 0xa3 0x85ᣅ
U+18C60xe1 0xa3 0x86ᣆ
U+18C70xe1 0xa3 0x87ᣇ
U+18C80xe1 0xa3 0x88ᣈ
U+18C90xe1 0xa3 0x89ᣉ
U+18CA0xe1 0xa3 0x8aᣊ
U+18CB0xe1 0xa3 0x8bᣋ
U+18CC0xe1 0xa3 0x8cᣌ
U+18CD0xe1 0xa3 0x8dᣍ
U+18CE0xe1 0xa3 0x8eᣎ
U+18CF0xe1 0xa3 0x8fᣏ
U+18D00xe1 0xa3 0x90ᣐ
U+18D10xe1 0xa3 0x91ᣑ
U+18D20xe1 0xa3 0x92ᣒ
U+18D30xe1 0xa3 0x93ᣓ
U+18D40xe1 0xa3 0x94ᣔ
U+18D50xe1 0xa3 0x95ᣕ
U+18D60xe1 0xa3 0x96ᣖ
U+18D70xe1 0xa3 0x97ᣗ
U+18D80xe1 0xa3 0x98ᣘ
U+18D90xe1 0xa3 0x99ᣙ
U+18DA0xe1 0xa3 0x9aᣚ
U+18DB0xe1 0xa3 0x9bᣛ
U+18DC0xe1 0xa3 0x9cᣜ
U+18DD0xe1 0xa3 0x9dᣝ
U+18DE0xe1 0xa3 0x9eᣞ
U+18DF0xe1 0xa3 0x9fᣟ
U+18E00xe1 0xa3 0xa0ᣠ
U+18E10xe1 0xa3 0xa1ᣡ
U+18E20xe1 0xa3 0xa2ᣢ
U+18E30xe1 0xa3 0xa3ᣣ
U+18E40xe1 0xa3 0xa4ᣤ
U+18E50xe1 0xa3 0xa5ᣥ
U+18E60xe1 0xa3 0xa6ᣦ
U+18E70xe1 0xa3 0xa7ᣧ
U+18E80xe1 0xa3 0xa8ᣨ
U+18E90xe1 0xa3 0xa9ᣩ
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U+18EB0xe1 0xa3 0xabᣫ
U+18EC0xe1 0xa3 0xacᣬ
U+18ED0xe1 0xa3 0xadᣭ
U+18EE0xe1 0xa3 0xaeᣮ
U+18EF0xe1 0xa3 0xafᣯ
U+18F00xe1 0xa3 0xb0ᣰ
U+18F10xe1 0xa3 0xb1ᣱ
U+18F20xe1 0xa3 0xb2ᣲ
U+18F30xe1 0xa3 0xb3ᣳ
U+18F40xe1 0xa3 0xb4ᣴ
U+18F50xe1 0xa3 0xb5ᣵ
U+18F60xe1 0xa3 0xb6᣶
U+18F70xe1 0xa3 0xb7᣷
U+18F80xe1 0xa3 0xb8᣸
U+18F90xe1 0xa3 0xb9᣹
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U+18FB0xe1 0xa3 0xbb᣻
U+18FC0xe1 0xa3 0xbc᣼
U+18FD0xe1 0xa3 0xbd᣽
U+18FE0xe1 0xa3 0xbe᣾
U+18FF0xe1 0xa3 0xbf᣿
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U+19010xe1 0xa4 0x81ᤁ
U+19020xe1 0xa4 0x82ᤂ
U+19030xe1 0xa4 0x83ᤃ
U+19040xe1 0xa4 0x84ᤄ
U+19050xe1 0xa4 0x85ᤅ
U+19060xe1 0xa4 0x86ᤆ
U+19070xe1 0xa4 0x87ᤇ
U+19080xe1 0xa4 0x88ᤈ
U+19090xe1 0xa4 0x89ᤉ
U+190A0xe1 0xa4 0x8aᤊ
U+190B0xe1 0xa4 0x8bᤋ
U+190C0xe1 0xa4 0x8cᤌ
U+190D0xe1 0xa4 0x8dᤍ
U+190E0xe1 0xa4 0x8eᤎ
U+190F0xe1 0xa4 0x8fᤏ
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U+19110xe1 0xa4 0x91ᤑ
U+19120xe1 0xa4 0x92ᤒ
U+19130xe1 0xa4 0x93ᤓ
U+19140xe1 0xa4 0x94ᤔ
U+19150xe1 0xa4 0x95ᤕ
U+19160xe1 0xa4 0x96ᤖ
U+19170xe1 0xa4 0x97ᤗ
U+19180xe1 0xa4 0x98ᤘ
U+19190xe1 0xa4 0x99ᤙ
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U+191B0xe1 0xa4 0x9bᤛ
U+191C0xe1 0xa4 0x9cᤜ
U+191D0xe1 0xa4 0x9dᤝ
U+191E0xe1 0xa4 0x9eᤞ
U+191F0xe1 0xa4 0x9f᤟
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U+19210xe1 0xa4 0xa1ᤡ
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U+19240xe1 0xa4 0xa4ᤤ
U+19250xe1 0xa4 0xa5ᤥ
U+19260xe1 0xa4 0xa6ᤦ
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U+19280xe1 0xa4 0xa8ᤨ
U+19290xe1 0xa4 0xa9ᤩ
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U+192B0xe1 0xa4 0xabᤫ
U+192C0xe1 0xa4 0xac᤬
U+192D0xe1 0xa4 0xad᤭
U+192E0xe1 0xa4 0xae᤮
U+192F0xe1 0xa4 0xaf᤯
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U+19310xe1 0xa4 0xb1ᤱ
U+19320xe1 0xa4 0xb2ᤲ
U+19330xe1 0xa4 0xb3ᤳ
U+19340xe1 0xa4 0xb4ᤴ
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U+19360xe1 0xa4 0xb6ᤶ
U+19370xe1 0xa4 0xb7ᤷ
U+19380xe1 0xa4 0xb8ᤸ
U+19390xe1 0xa4 0xb9᤹
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U+193B0xe1 0xa4 0xbb᤻
U+193C0xe1 0xa4 0xbc᤼
U+193D0xe1 0xa4 0xbd᤽
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U+19410xe1 0xa5 0x81᥁
U+19420xe1 0xa5 0x82᥂
U+19430xe1 0xa5 0x83᥃
U+19440xe1 0xa5 0x84᥄
U+19450xe1 0xa5 0x85᥅
U+19460xe1 0xa5 0x86᥆
U+19470xe1 0xa5 0x87᥇
U+19480xe1 0xa5 0x88᥈
U+19490xe1 0xa5 0x89᥉
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U+194B0xe1 0xa5 0x8b᥋
U+194C0xe1 0xa5 0x8c᥌
U+194D0xe1 0xa5 0x8d᥍
U+194E0xe1 0xa5 0x8e᥎
U+194F0xe1 0xa5 0x8f᥏
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U+19510xe1 0xa5 0x91ᥑ
U+19520xe1 0xa5 0x92ᥒ
U+19530xe1 0xa5 0x93ᥓ
U+19540xe1 0xa5 0x94ᥔ
U+19550xe1 0xa5 0x95ᥕ
U+19560xe1 0xa5 0x96ᥖ
U+19570xe1 0xa5 0x97ᥗ
U+19580xe1 0xa5 0x98ᥘ
U+19590xe1 0xa5 0x99ᥙ
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U+195B0xe1 0xa5 0x9bᥛ
U+195C0xe1 0xa5 0x9cᥜ
U+195D0xe1 0xa5 0x9dᥝ
U+195E0xe1 0xa5 0x9eᥞ
U+195F0xe1 0xa5 0x9fᥟ
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U+19610xe1 0xa5 0xa1ᥡ
U+19620xe1 0xa5 0xa2ᥢ
U+19630xe1 0xa5 0xa3ᥣ
U+19640xe1 0xa5 0xa4ᥤ
U+19650xe1 0xa5 0xa5ᥥ
U+19660xe1 0xa5 0xa6ᥦ
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U+19690xe1 0xa5 0xa9ᥩ
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U+196B0xe1 0xa5 0xabᥫ
U+196C0xe1 0xa5 0xacᥬ
U+196D0xe1 0xa5 0xadᥭ
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U+196F0xe1 0xa5 0xaf᥯
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U+19710xe1 0xa5 0xb1ᥱ
U+19720xe1 0xa5 0xb2ᥲ
U+19730xe1 0xa5 0xb3ᥳ
U+19740xe1 0xa5 0xb4ᥴ
U+19750xe1 0xa5 0xb5᥵
U+19760xe1 0xa5 0xb6᥶
U+19770xe1 0xa5 0xb7᥷
U+19780xe1 0xa5 0xb8᥸
U+19790xe1 0xa5 0xb9᥹
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U+197B0xe1 0xa5 0xbb᥻
U+197C0xe1 0xa5 0xbc᥼
U+197D0xe1 0xa5 0xbd᥽
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U+197F᥿0xe1 0xa5 0xbf᥿᥿
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U+19810xe1 0xa6 0x81ᦁ
U+19820xe1 0xa6 0x82ᦂ
U+19830xe1 0xa6 0x83ᦃ
U+19840xe1 0xa6 0x84ᦄ
U+19850xe1 0xa6 0x85ᦅ
U+19860xe1 0xa6 0x86ᦆ
U+19870xe1 0xa6 0x87ᦇ
U+19880xe1 0xa6 0x88ᦈ
U+19890xe1 0xa6 0x89ᦉ
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U+198C0xe1 0xa6 0x8cᦌ
U+198D0xe1 0xa6 0x8dᦍ
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U+19910xe1 0xa6 0x91ᦑ
U+19920xe1 0xa6 0x92ᦒ
U+19930xe1 0xa6 0x93ᦓ
U+19940xe1 0xa6 0x94ᦔ
U+19950xe1 0xa6 0x95ᦕ
U+19960xe1 0xa6 0x96ᦖ
U+19970xe1 0xa6 0x97ᦗ
U+19980xe1 0xa6 0x98ᦘ
U+19990xe1 0xa6 0x99ᦙ
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U+199B0xe1 0xa6 0x9bᦛ
U+199C0xe1 0xa6 0x9cᦜ
U+199D0xe1 0xa6 0x9dᦝ
U+199E0xe1 0xa6 0x9eᦞ
U+199F0xe1 0xa6 0x9fᦟ
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U+19A10xe1 0xa6 0xa1ᦡ
U+19A20xe1 0xa6 0xa2ᦢ
U+19A30xe1 0xa6 0xa3ᦣ
U+19A40xe1 0xa6 0xa4ᦤ
U+19A50xe1 0xa6 0xa5ᦥ
U+19A60xe1 0xa6 0xa6ᦦ
U+19A70xe1 0xa6 0xa7ᦧ
U+19A80xe1 0xa6 0xa8ᦨ
U+19A90xe1 0xa6 0xa9ᦩ
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U+19AB0xe1 0xa6 0xabᦫ
U+19AC0xe1 0xa6 0xac᦬
U+19AD0xe1 0xa6 0xad᦭
U+19AE0xe1 0xa6 0xae᦮
U+19AF0xe1 0xa6 0xaf᦯
U+19B00xe1 0xa6 0xb0ᦰ
U+19B10xe1 0xa6 0xb1ᦱ
U+19B20xe1 0xa6 0xb2ᦲ
U+19B30xe1 0xa6 0xb3ᦳ
U+19B40xe1 0xa6 0xb4ᦴ
U+19B50xe1 0xa6 0xb5ᦵ
U+19B60xe1 0xa6 0xb6ᦶ
U+19B70xe1 0xa6 0xb7ᦷ
U+19B80xe1 0xa6 0xb8ᦸ
U+19B90xe1 0xa6 0xb9ᦹ
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U+19BB0xe1 0xa6 0xbbᦻ
U+19BC0xe1 0xa6 0xbcᦼ
U+19BD0xe1 0xa6 0xbdᦽ
U+19BE0xe1 0xa6 0xbeᦾ
U+19BFᦿ0xe1 0xa6 0xbfᦿᦿ
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U+19C10xe1 0xa7 0x81ᧁ
U+19C20xe1 0xa7 0x82ᧂ
U+19C30xe1 0xa7 0x83ᧃ
U+19C40xe1 0xa7 0x84ᧄ
U+19C50xe1 0xa7 0x85ᧅ
U+19C60xe1 0xa7 0x86ᧆ
U+19C70xe1 0xa7 0x87ᧇ
U+19C80xe1 0xa7 0x88ᧈ
U+19C90xe1 0xa7 0x89ᧉ
U+19CA0xe1 0xa7 0x8a᧊
U+19CB0xe1 0xa7 0x8b᧋
U+19CC0xe1 0xa7 0x8c᧌
U+19CD0xe1 0xa7 0x8d᧍
U+19CE0xe1 0xa7 0x8e᧎
U+19CF0xe1 0xa7 0x8f᧏
U+19D00xe1 0xa7 0x90᧐
U+19D10xe1 0xa7 0x91᧑
U+19D20xe1 0xa7 0x92᧒
U+19D30xe1 0xa7 0x93᧓
U+19D40xe1 0xa7 0x94᧔
U+19D50xe1 0xa7 0x95᧕
U+19D60xe1 0xa7 0x96᧖
U+19D70xe1 0xa7 0x97᧗
U+19D80xe1 0xa7 0x98᧘
U+19D90xe1 0xa7 0x99᧙
U+19DA0xe1 0xa7 0x9a᧚
U+19DB0xe1 0xa7 0x9b᧛
U+19DC0xe1 0xa7 0x9c᧜
U+19DD0xe1 0xa7 0x9d᧝
U+19DE0xe1 0xa7 0x9e᧞
U+19DF0xe1 0xa7 0x9f᧟
U+19E00xe1 0xa7 0xa0᧠
U+19E10xe1 0xa7 0xa1᧡
U+19E20xe1 0xa7 0xa2᧢
U+19E30xe1 0xa7 0xa3᧣
U+19E40xe1 0xa7 0xa4᧤
U+19E50xe1 0xa7 0xa5᧥
U+19E60xe1 0xa7 0xa6᧦
U+19E70xe1 0xa7 0xa7᧧
U+19E80xe1 0xa7 0xa8᧨
U+19E90xe1 0xa7 0xa9᧩
U+19EA0xe1 0xa7 0xaa᧪
U+19EB0xe1 0xa7 0xab᧫
U+19EC0xe1 0xa7 0xac᧬
U+19ED0xe1 0xa7 0xad᧭
U+19EE0xe1 0xa7 0xae᧮
U+19EF0xe1 0xa7 0xaf᧯
U+19F00xe1 0xa7 0xb0᧰
U+19F10xe1 0xa7 0xb1᧱
U+19F20xe1 0xa7 0xb2᧲
U+19F30xe1 0xa7 0xb3᧳
U+19F40xe1 0xa7 0xb4᧴
U+19F50xe1 0xa7 0xb5᧵
U+19F60xe1 0xa7 0xb6᧶
U+19F70xe1 0xa7 0xb7᧷
U+19F80xe1 0xa7 0xb8᧸
U+19F90xe1 0xa7 0xb9᧹
U+19FA0xe1 0xa7 0xba᧺
U+19FB0xe1 0xa7 0xbb᧻
U+19FC0xe1 0xa7 0xbc᧼
U+19FD0xe1 0xa7 0xbd᧽
U+19FE0xe1 0xa7 0xbe᧾
U+19FF᧿0xe1 0xa7 0xbf᧿᧿
U+1A000xe1 0xa8 0x80ᨀ
U+1A010xe1 0xa8 0x81ᨁ
U+1A020xe1 0xa8 0x82ᨂ
U+1A030xe1 0xa8 0x83ᨃ
U+1A040xe1 0xa8 0x84ᨄ
U+1A050xe1 0xa8 0x85ᨅ
U+1A060xe1 0xa8 0x86ᨆ
U+1A070xe1 0xa8 0x87ᨇ
U+1A080xe1 0xa8 0x88ᨈ
U+1A090xe1 0xa8 0x89ᨉ
U+1A0A0xe1 0xa8 0x8aᨊ
U+1A0B0xe1 0xa8 0x8bᨋ
U+1A0C0xe1 0xa8 0x8cᨌ
U+1A0D0xe1 0xa8 0x8dᨍ
U+1A0E0xe1 0xa8 0x8eᨎ
U+1A0F0xe1 0xa8 0x8fᨏ
U+1A100xe1 0xa8 0x90ᨐ
U+1A110xe1 0xa8 0x91ᨑ
U+1A120xe1 0xa8 0x92ᨒ
U+1A130xe1 0xa8 0x93ᨓ
U+1A140xe1 0xa8 0x94ᨔ
U+1A150xe1 0xa8 0x95ᨕ
U+1A160xe1 0xa8 0x96ᨖ
U+1A170xe1 0xa8 0x97ᨗ
U+1A180xe1 0xa8 0x98ᨘ
U+1A190xe1 0xa8 0x99ᨙ
U+1A1A0xe1 0xa8 0x9aᨚ
U+1A1B0xe1 0xa8 0x9bᨛ
U+1A1C0xe1 0xa8 0x9c᨜
U+1A1D0xe1 0xa8 0x9d᨝
U+1A1E0xe1 0xa8 0x9e᨞
U+1A1F0xe1 0xa8 0x9f᨟
U+1A200xe1 0xa8 0xa0ᨠ
U+1A210xe1 0xa8 0xa1ᨡ
U+1A220xe1 0xa8 0xa2ᨢ
U+1A230xe1 0xa8 0xa3ᨣ
U+1A240xe1 0xa8 0xa4ᨤ
U+1A250xe1 0xa8 0xa5ᨥ
U+1A260xe1 0xa8 0xa6ᨦ
U+1A270xe1 0xa8 0xa7ᨧ
U+1A280xe1 0xa8 0xa8ᨨ
U+1A290xe1 0xa8 0xa9ᨩ
U+1A2A0xe1 0xa8 0xaaᨪ
U+1A2B0xe1 0xa8 0xabᨫ
U+1A2C0xe1 0xa8 0xacᨬ
U+1A2D0xe1 0xa8 0xadᨭ
U+1A2E0xe1 0xa8 0xaeᨮ
U+1A2F0xe1 0xa8 0xafᨯ
U+1A300xe1 0xa8 0xb0ᨰ
U+1A310xe1 0xa8 0xb1ᨱ
U+1A320xe1 0xa8 0xb2ᨲ
U+1A330xe1 0xa8 0xb3ᨳ
U+1A340xe1 0xa8 0xb4ᨴ
U+1A350xe1 0xa8 0xb5ᨵ
U+1A360xe1 0xa8 0xb6ᨶ
U+1A370xe1 0xa8 0xb7ᨷ
U+1A380xe1 0xa8 0xb8ᨸ
U+1A390xe1 0xa8 0xb9ᨹ
U+1A3A0xe1 0xa8 0xbaᨺ
U+1A3B0xe1 0xa8 0xbbᨻ
U+1A3C0xe1 0xa8 0xbcᨼ
U+1A3D0xe1 0xa8 0xbdᨽ
U+1A3E0xe1 0xa8 0xbeᨾ
U+1A3Fᨿ0xe1 0xa8 0xbfᨿᨿ
U+1A400xe1 0xa9 0x80ᩀ
U+1A410xe1 0xa9 0x81ᩁ
U+1A420xe1 0xa9 0x82ᩂ
U+1A430xe1 0xa9 0x83ᩃ
U+1A440xe1 0xa9 0x84ᩄ
U+1A450xe1 0xa9 0x85ᩅ
U+1A460xe1 0xa9 0x86ᩆ
U+1A470xe1 0xa9 0x87ᩇ
U+1A480xe1 0xa9 0x88ᩈ
U+1A490xe1 0xa9 0x89ᩉ
U+1A4A0xe1 0xa9 0x8aᩊ
U+1A4B0xe1 0xa9 0x8bᩋ
U+1A4C0xe1 0xa9 0x8cᩌ
U+1A4D0xe1 0xa9 0x8dᩍ
U+1A4E0xe1 0xa9 0x8eᩎ
U+1A4F0xe1 0xa9 0x8fᩏ
U+1A500xe1 0xa9 0x90ᩐ
U+1A510xe1 0xa9 0x91ᩑ
U+1A520xe1 0xa9 0x92ᩒ
U+1A530xe1 0xa9 0x93ᩓ
U+1A540xe1 0xa9 0x94ᩔ
U+1A550xe1 0xa9 0x95ᩕ
U+1A560xe1 0xa9 0x96ᩖ
U+1A570xe1 0xa9 0x97ᩗ
U+1A580xe1 0xa9 0x98ᩘ
U+1A590xe1 0xa9 0x99ᩙ
U+1A5A0xe1 0xa9 0x9aᩚ
U+1A5B0xe1 0xa9 0x9bᩛ
U+1A5C0xe1 0xa9 0x9cᩜ
U+1A5D0xe1 0xa9 0x9dᩝ
U+1A5E0xe1 0xa9 0x9eᩞ
U+1A5F0xe1 0xa9 0x9f᩟
U+1A600xe1 0xa9 0xa0᩠
U+1A610xe1 0xa9 0xa1ᩡ
U+1A620xe1 0xa9 0xa2ᩢ
U+1A630xe1 0xa9 0xa3ᩣ
U+1A640xe1 0xa9 0xa4ᩤ
U+1A650xe1 0xa9 0xa5ᩥ
U+1A660xe1 0xa9 0xa6ᩦ
U+1A670xe1 0xa9 0xa7ᩧ
U+1A680xe1 0xa9 0xa8ᩨ
U+1A690xe1 0xa9 0xa9ᩩ
U+1A6A0xe1 0xa9 0xaaᩪ
U+1A6B0xe1 0xa9 0xabᩫ
U+1A6C0xe1 0xa9 0xacᩬ
U+1A6D0xe1 0xa9 0xadᩭ
U+1A6E0xe1 0xa9 0xaeᩮ
U+1A6F0xe1 0xa9 0xafᩯ
U+1A700xe1 0xa9 0xb0ᩰ
U+1A710xe1 0xa9 0xb1ᩱ
U+1A720xe1 0xa9 0xb2ᩲ
U+1A730xe1 0xa9 0xb3ᩳ
U+1A740xe1 0xa9 0xb4ᩴ
U+1A750xe1 0xa9 0xb5᩵
U+1A760xe1 0xa9 0xb6᩶
U+1A770xe1 0xa9 0xb7᩷
U+1A780xe1 0xa9 0xb8᩸
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U+1AE10xe1 0xab 0xa1᫡
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U+1AFF᫿0xe1 0xab 0xbf᫿᫿