UTF-8 encoding table and Unicode characters

page with code points U+0300 to U+037F

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page format standard · w/o parameter choice · print view
language German · English
code positions per page 128 · 256 · 512 · 1024
display format for
UTF-8 encoding
hex. · decimal · hex. (0x) · octal · binary · for Perl string literals · One Latin-1 char per byte · no display
Unicode character names not displayed · displayed · also display deprecated Unicode 1.0 names
links for adding char to text displayed · not displayed
numerical HTML encoding
of the Unicode character
not displayed · decimal · hexadecimal
HTML 4.0 character entities displayed · not displayed
code point
character UTF-8
numerical HTML encoding
of the Unicode character
U+0300̀11001100 10000000̀̀
U+0301́11001100 10000001́́
U+0302̂11001100 10000010̂̂
U+0303̃11001100 10000011̃̃
U+0304̄11001100 10000100̄̄
U+0305̅11001100 10000101̅̅
U+0306̆11001100 10000110̆̆
U+0307̇11001100 10000111̇̇
U+0308̈11001100 10001000̈̈
U+0309̉11001100 10001001̉̉
U+030Å11001100 10001010̊̊
U+030B̋11001100 10001011̋̋
U+030Č11001100 10001100̌̌
U+030D̍11001100 10001101̍̍
U+030E̎11001100 10001110̎̎
U+030F̏11001100 10001111̏̏
U+0310̐11001100 10010000̐̐
U+0311̑11001100 10010001̑̑
U+0312̒11001100 10010010̒̒
U+0313̓11001100 10010011̓̓
U+0314̔11001100 10010100̔̔
U+0315̕11001100 10010101̕̕
U+0316̖11001100 10010110̖̖
U+0317̗11001100 10010111̗̗
U+0318̘11001100 10011000̘̘
U+0319̙11001100 10011001̙̙
U+031A̚11001100 10011010̚̚
U+031B̛11001100 10011011̛̛
U+031C̜11001100 10011100̜̜
U+031D̝11001100 10011101̝̝
U+031E̞11001100 10011110̞̞
U+031F̟11001100 10011111̟̟
U+0320̠11001100 10100000̠̠
U+0321̡11001100 10100001̡̡
U+0322̢11001100 10100010̢̢
U+0323̣11001100 10100011̣̣
U+0324̤11001100 10100100̤̤
U+0325̥11001100 10100101̥̥
U+0326̦11001100 10100110̦̦
U+0327̧11001100 10100111̧̧
U+0328̨11001100 10101000̨̨
U+0329̩11001100 10101001̩̩
U+032A̪11001100 10101010̪̪
U+032B̫11001100 10101011̫̫
U+032C̬11001100 10101100̬̬
U+032Ḓ11001100 10101101̭̭
U+032E̮11001100 10101110̮̮
U+032F̯11001100 10101111̯̯
U+0330̰11001100 10110000̰̰
U+0331̱11001100 10110001̱̱
U+0332̲11001100 10110010̲̲
U+0333̳11001100 10110011̳̳
U+0334̴11001100 10110100̴̴
U+0335̵11001100 10110101̵̵
U+0336̶11001100 10110110̶̶
U+0337̷11001100 10110111̷̷
U+0338̸11001100 10111000̸̸
U+0339̹11001100 10111001̹̹
U+033A̺11001100 10111010̺̺
U+033B̻11001100 10111011̻̻
U+033C̼11001100 10111100̼̼
U+033D̽11001100 10111101̽̽
U+033E̾11001100 10111110̾̾
U+033F̿11001100 10111111̿̿
U+0340̀11001101 10000000̀̀
U+0341́11001101 10000001́́
U+0342͂11001101 10000010͂͂
U+0343̓11001101 10000011̓̓
U+0344̈́11001101 10000100̈́̈́
U+0345ͅ11001101 10000101ͅͅ
U+0346͆11001101 10000110͆͆
U+0347͇11001101 10000111͇͇
U+0348͈11001101 10001000͈͈
U+0349͉11001101 10001001͉͉
U+034A͊11001101 10001010͊͊
U+034B͋11001101 10001011͋͋
U+034C͌11001101 10001100͌͌
U+034D͍11001101 10001101͍͍
U+034E͎11001101 10001110͎͎
U+034F͏11001101 10001111͏͏
U+0350͐11001101 10010000͐͐
U+0351͑11001101 10010001͑͑
U+0352͒11001101 10010010͒͒
U+0353͓11001101 10010011͓͓
U+0354͔11001101 10010100͔͔
U+0355͕11001101 10010101͕͕
U+0356͖11001101 10010110͖͖
U+0357͗11001101 10010111͗͗
U+0358͘11001101 10011000͘͘
U+0359͙11001101 10011001͙͙
U+035A͚11001101 10011010͚͚
U+035B͛11001101 10011011͛͛
U+035C͜11001101 10011100͜͜
U+035D͝11001101 10011101͝͝
U+035E͞11001101 10011110͞͞
U+035F͟11001101 10011111͟͟
U+0360͠11001101 10100000͠͠
U+0361͡11001101 10100001͡͡
U+0362͢11001101 10100010͢͢
U+0363ͣ11001101 10100011ͣͣ
U+0364ͤ11001101 10100100ͤͤ
U+0365ͥ11001101 10100101ͥͥ
U+0366ͦ11001101 10100110ͦͦ
U+0367ͧ11001101 10100111ͧͧ
U+0368ͨ11001101 10101000ͨͨ
U+0369ͩ11001101 10101001ͩͩ
U+036Aͪ11001101 10101010ͪͪ
U+036Bͫ11001101 10101011ͫͫ
U+036Cͬ11001101 10101100ͬͬ
U+036Dͭ11001101 10101101ͭͭ
U+036Eͮ11001101 10101110ͮͮ
U+036Fͯ11001101 10101111ͯͯ
U+0370Ͱ11001101 10110000ͰͰ
U+0371ͱ11001101 10110001ͱͱ
U+0372Ͳ11001101 10110010ͲͲ
U+0373ͳ11001101 10110011ͳͳ
U+0374ʹ11001101 10110100ʹʹ
U+0375͵11001101 10110101͵͵
U+0376Ͷ11001101 10110110ͶͶ
U+0377ͷ11001101 10110111ͷͷ
U+0378͸11001101 10111000͸͸
U+0379͹11001101 10111001͹͹
U+037Aͺ11001101 10111010ͺͺ
U+037Bͻ11001101 10111011ͻͻ
U+037Cͼ11001101 10111100ͼͼ
U+037Dͽ11001101 10111101ͽͽ
U+037E;11001101 10111110;;
U+037FͿ11001101 10111111ͿͿ