UTF-8 encoding table and Unicode characters

page with code points U+0380 to U+03FF

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page format standard · w/o parameter choice · print view
language German · English
code positions per page 128 · 256 · 512 · 1024
display format for
UTF-8 encoding
hex. · decimal · hex. (0x) · octal · binary · for Perl string literals · One Latin-1 char per byte · no display
Unicode character names not displayed · displayed · also display deprecated Unicode 1.0 names
links for adding char to text displayed · not displayed
numerical HTML encoding
of the Unicode character
not displayed · decimal · hexadecimal
HTML 4.0 character entities displayed · not displayed
code point
character UTF-8
U+0380΀206 128
U+0381΁206 129
U+0382΂206 130
U+0383΃206 131
U+0384΄206 132
U+0385΅206 133
U+0386Ά206 134
U+0387·206 135
U+0388Έ206 136
U+0389Ή206 137
U+038AΊ206 138
U+038B΋206 139
U+038CΌ206 140
U+038D΍206 141
U+038EΎ206 142
U+038FΏ206 143
U+0390ΐ206 144
U+0391Α206 145
U+0392Β206 146
U+0393Γ206 147
U+0394Δ206 148
U+0395Ε206 149
U+0396Ζ206 150
U+0397Η206 151
U+0398Θ206 152
U+0399Ι206 153
U+039AΚ206 154
U+039BΛ206 155
U+039CΜ206 156
U+039DΝ206 157
U+039EΞ206 158
U+039FΟ206 159
U+03A0Π206 160
U+03A1Ρ206 161
U+03A2΢206 162
U+03A3Σ206 163
U+03A4Τ206 164
U+03A5Υ206 165
U+03A6Φ206 166
U+03A7Χ206 167
U+03A8Ψ206 168
U+03A9Ω206 169
U+03AAΪ206 170
U+03ABΫ206 171
U+03ACά206 172
U+03ADέ206 173
U+03AEή206 174
U+03AFί206 175
U+03B0ΰ206 176
U+03B1α206 177
U+03B2β206 178
U+03B3γ206 179
U+03B4δ206 180
U+03B5ε206 181
U+03B6ζ206 182
U+03B7η206 183
U+03B8θ206 184
U+03B9ι206 185
U+03BAκ206 186
U+03BBλ206 187
U+03BCμ206 188
U+03BDν206 189
U+03BEξ206 190
U+03BFο206 191
U+03C0π207 128
U+03C1ρ207 129
U+03C2ς207 130
U+03C3σ207 131
U+03C4τ207 132
U+03C5υ207 133
U+03C6φ207 134
U+03C7χ207 135
U+03C8ψ207 136
U+03C9ω207 137
U+03CAϊ207 138
U+03CBϋ207 139
U+03CCό207 140
U+03CDύ207 141
U+03CEώ207 142
U+03CFϏ207 143
U+03D0ϐ207 144
U+03D1ϑ207 145
U+03D2ϒ207 146
U+03D3ϓ207 147
U+03D4ϔ207 148
U+03D5ϕ207 149
U+03D6ϖ207 150
U+03D7ϗ207 151
U+03D8Ϙ207 152
U+03D9ϙ207 153
U+03DAϚ207 154
U+03DBϛ207 155
U+03DCϜ207 156
U+03DDϝ207 157
U+03DEϞ207 158
U+03DFϟ207 159
U+03E0Ϡ207 160
U+03E1ϡ207 161
U+03E2Ϣ207 162
U+03E3ϣ207 163
U+03E4Ϥ207 164
U+03E5ϥ207 165
U+03E6Ϧ207 166
U+03E7ϧ207 167
U+03E8Ϩ207 168
U+03E9ϩ207 169
U+03EAϪ207 170
U+03EBϫ207 171
U+03ECϬ207 172
U+03EDϭ207 173
U+03EEϮ207 174
U+03EFϯ207 175
U+03F0ϰ207 176
U+03F1ϱ207 177
U+03F2ϲ207 178
U+03F3ϳ207 179
U+03F4ϴ207 180
U+03F5ϵ207 181
U+03F6϶207 182
U+03F7Ϸ207 183
U+03F8ϸ207 184
U+03F9Ϲ207 185
U+03FAϺ207 186
U+03FBϻ207 187
U+03FCϼ207 188
U+03FDϽ207 189
U+03FEϾ207 190
U+03FFϿ207 191