UTF-8 encoding table and Unicode characters

page with code points U+DB4C0 to U+DB53F

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UTF-8 encoding
hex. · decimal · hex. (0x) · octal · binary · for Perl string literals · One Latin-1 char per byte · no display
Unicode character names not displayed · displayed · also display deprecated Unicode 1.0 names
links for adding char to text displayed · not displayed
numerical HTML encoding
of the Unicode character
not displayed · decimal · hexadecimal
HTML 4.0 character entities displayed · not displayed
text accumulator (characters are added by clicking on the respective "append" link)
display Ƙ
editing functions
append space · delete last character · clear accumulator
Unicode U+0198
UTF-8 c6 98
code point
character UTF-8
U+DB4C0󛓀f3 9b 93 80
U+DB4C1󛓁f3 9b 93 81
U+DB4C2󛓂f3 9b 93 82
U+DB4C3󛓃f3 9b 93 83
U+DB4C4󛓄f3 9b 93 84
U+DB4C5󛓅f3 9b 93 85
U+DB4C6󛓆f3 9b 93 86
U+DB4C7󛓇f3 9b 93 87
U+DB4C8󛓈f3 9b 93 88
U+DB4C9󛓉f3 9b 93 89
U+DB4CA󛓊f3 9b 93 8a
U+DB4CB󛓋f3 9b 93 8b
U+DB4CC󛓌f3 9b 93 8c
U+DB4CD󛓍f3 9b 93 8d
U+DB4CE󛓎f3 9b 93 8e
U+DB4CF󛓏f3 9b 93 8f
U+DB4D0󛓐f3 9b 93 90
U+DB4D1󛓑f3 9b 93 91
U+DB4D2󛓒f3 9b 93 92
U+DB4D3󛓓f3 9b 93 93
U+DB4D4󛓔f3 9b 93 94
U+DB4D5󛓕f3 9b 93 95
U+DB4D6󛓖f3 9b 93 96
U+DB4D7󛓗f3 9b 93 97
U+DB4D8󛓘f3 9b 93 98
U+DB4D9󛓙f3 9b 93 99
U+DB4DA󛓚f3 9b 93 9a
U+DB4DB󛓛f3 9b 93 9b
U+DB4DC󛓜f3 9b 93 9c
U+DB4DD󛓝f3 9b 93 9d
U+DB4DE󛓞f3 9b 93 9e
U+DB4DF󛓟f3 9b 93 9f
U+DB4E0󛓠f3 9b 93 a0
U+DB4E1󛓡f3 9b 93 a1
U+DB4E2󛓢f3 9b 93 a2
U+DB4E3󛓣f3 9b 93 a3
U+DB4E4󛓤f3 9b 93 a4
U+DB4E5󛓥f3 9b 93 a5
U+DB4E6󛓦f3 9b 93 a6
U+DB4E7󛓧f3 9b 93 a7
U+DB4E8󛓨f3 9b 93 a8
U+DB4E9󛓩f3 9b 93 a9
U+DB4EA󛓪f3 9b 93 aa
U+DB4EB󛓫f3 9b 93 ab
U+DB4EC󛓬f3 9b 93 ac
U+DB4ED󛓭f3 9b 93 ad
U+DB4EE󛓮f3 9b 93 ae
U+DB4EF󛓯f3 9b 93 af
U+DB4F0󛓰f3 9b 93 b0
U+DB4F1󛓱f3 9b 93 b1
U+DB4F2󛓲f3 9b 93 b2
U+DB4F3󛓳f3 9b 93 b3
U+DB4F4󛓴f3 9b 93 b4
U+DB4F5󛓵f3 9b 93 b5
U+DB4F6󛓶f3 9b 93 b6
U+DB4F7󛓷f3 9b 93 b7
U+DB4F8󛓸f3 9b 93 b8
U+DB4F9󛓹f3 9b 93 b9
U+DB4FA󛓺f3 9b 93 ba
U+DB4FB󛓻f3 9b 93 bb
U+DB4FC󛓼f3 9b 93 bc
U+DB4FD󛓽f3 9b 93 bd
U+DB4FE󛓾f3 9b 93 be
U+DB4FF󛓿f3 9b 93 bf
U+DB500󛔀f3 9b 94 80
U+DB501󛔁f3 9b 94 81
U+DB502󛔂f3 9b 94 82
U+DB503󛔃f3 9b 94 83
U+DB504󛔄f3 9b 94 84
U+DB505󛔅f3 9b 94 85
U+DB506󛔆f3 9b 94 86
U+DB507󛔇f3 9b 94 87
U+DB508󛔈f3 9b 94 88
U+DB509󛔉f3 9b 94 89
U+DB50A󛔊f3 9b 94 8a
U+DB50B󛔋f3 9b 94 8b
U+DB50C󛔌f3 9b 94 8c
U+DB50D󛔍f3 9b 94 8d
U+DB50E󛔎f3 9b 94 8e
U+DB50F󛔏f3 9b 94 8f
U+DB510󛔐f3 9b 94 90
U+DB511󛔑f3 9b 94 91
U+DB512󛔒f3 9b 94 92
U+DB513󛔓f3 9b 94 93
U+DB514󛔔f3 9b 94 94
U+DB515󛔕f3 9b 94 95
U+DB516󛔖f3 9b 94 96
U+DB517󛔗f3 9b 94 97
U+DB518󛔘f3 9b 94 98
U+DB519󛔙f3 9b 94 99
U+DB51A󛔚f3 9b 94 9a
U+DB51B󛔛f3 9b 94 9b
U+DB51C󛔜f3 9b 94 9c
U+DB51D󛔝f3 9b 94 9d
U+DB51E󛔞f3 9b 94 9e
U+DB51F󛔟f3 9b 94 9f
U+DB520󛔠f3 9b 94 a0
U+DB521󛔡f3 9b 94 a1
U+DB522󛔢f3 9b 94 a2
U+DB523󛔣f3 9b 94 a3
U+DB524󛔤f3 9b 94 a4
U+DB525󛔥f3 9b 94 a5
U+DB526󛔦f3 9b 94 a6
U+DB527󛔧f3 9b 94 a7
U+DB528󛔨f3 9b 94 a8
U+DB529󛔩f3 9b 94 a9
U+DB52A󛔪f3 9b 94 aa
U+DB52B󛔫f3 9b 94 ab
U+DB52C󛔬f3 9b 94 ac
U+DB52D󛔭f3 9b 94 ad
U+DB52E󛔮f3 9b 94 ae
U+DB52F󛔯f3 9b 94 af
U+DB530󛔰f3 9b 94 b0
U+DB531󛔱f3 9b 94 b1
U+DB532󛔲f3 9b 94 b2
U+DB533󛔳f3 9b 94 b3
U+DB534󛔴f3 9b 94 b4
U+DB535󛔵f3 9b 94 b5
U+DB536󛔶f3 9b 94 b6
U+DB537󛔷f3 9b 94 b7
U+DB538󛔸f3 9b 94 b8
U+DB539󛔹f3 9b 94 b9
U+DB53A󛔺f3 9b 94 ba
U+DB53B󛔻f3 9b 94 bb
U+DB53C󛔼f3 9b 94 bc
U+DB53D󛔽f3 9b 94 bd
U+DB53E󛔾f3 9b 94 be
U+DB53F󛔿f3 9b 94 bf