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page with code points U+0A00 to U+0DFF

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numerical HTML encoding
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text accumulator (characters are added by clicking on the respective "append" link)
display 往愖慬径指愱徹චජಹ
editing functions
append space · delete last character · clear accumulator
Unicode U+5F80 U+6116 U+616C U+5F84 U+6307 U+6131 U+5FB9 U+0DA0 U+0DA2 U+0CB9
UTF-8 0xe5 0xbe 0x80 0xe6 0x84 0x96 0xe6 0x85 0xac 0xe5 0xbe 0x84 0xe6 0x8c 0x87 0xe6 0x84 0xb1 0xe5 0xbe 0xb9 0xe0 0xb6 0xa0 0xe0 0xb6 0xa2 0xe0 0xb2 0xb9
HTML 往愖慬径指愱徹චජಹ
code point
character UTF-8
append character
to accumulator
numerical HTML encoding
of the Unicode character
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