UTF-8 encoding table and Unicode characters

page with code points U+2880 to U+28FF

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page format standard · w/o parameter choice · print view
language German · English
code positions per page 128 · 256 · 512 · 1024
display format for
UTF-8 encoding
hex. · decimal · hex. (0x) · octal · binary · for Perl string literals · One Latin-1 char per byte · no display
Unicode character names not displayed · displayed · also display deprecated Unicode 1.0 names
links for adding char to text displayed · not displayed
numerical HTML encoding
of the Unicode character
not displayed · decimal · hexadecimal
HTML 4.0 character entities displayed (but no entities defined for range on this page) · not displayed
text accumulator (characters are added by clicking on the respective "append" link)
display ف
editing functions
append space · delete last character · clear accumulator
Unicode U+0641
UTF-8 0xd9 0x81
code point
character UTF-8
append character
to accumulator
numerical HTML encoding
of the Unicode character
U+28800xe2 0xa2 0x80append⢀ BRAILLE PATTERN DOTS-8
U+28810xe2 0xa2 0x81append⢁ BRAILLE PATTERN DOTS-18
U+28820xe2 0xa2 0x82append⢂ BRAILLE PATTERN DOTS-28
U+28830xe2 0xa2 0x83append⢃ BRAILLE PATTERN DOTS-128
U+28840xe2 0xa2 0x84append⢄ BRAILLE PATTERN DOTS-38
U+28850xe2 0xa2 0x85append⢅ BRAILLE PATTERN DOTS-138
U+28860xe2 0xa2 0x86append⢆ BRAILLE PATTERN DOTS-238
U+28870xe2 0xa2 0x87append⢇ BRAILLE PATTERN DOTS-1238
U+28880xe2 0xa2 0x88append⢈ BRAILLE PATTERN DOTS-48
U+28890xe2 0xa2 0x89append⢉ BRAILLE PATTERN DOTS-148
U+288A0xe2 0xa2 0x8aappend⢊ BRAILLE PATTERN DOTS-248
U+288B0xe2 0xa2 0x8bappend⢋ BRAILLE PATTERN DOTS-1248
U+288C0xe2 0xa2 0x8cappend⢌ BRAILLE PATTERN DOTS-348
U+288D0xe2 0xa2 0x8dappend⢍ BRAILLE PATTERN DOTS-1348
U+288E0xe2 0xa2 0x8eappend⢎ BRAILLE PATTERN DOTS-2348
U+288F0xe2 0xa2 0x8fappend⢏ BRAILLE PATTERN DOTS-12348
U+28900xe2 0xa2 0x90append⢐ BRAILLE PATTERN DOTS-58
U+28910xe2 0xa2 0x91append⢑ BRAILLE PATTERN DOTS-158
U+28920xe2 0xa2 0x92append⢒ BRAILLE PATTERN DOTS-258
U+28930xe2 0xa2 0x93append⢓ BRAILLE PATTERN DOTS-1258
U+28940xe2 0xa2 0x94append⢔ BRAILLE PATTERN DOTS-358
U+28950xe2 0xa2 0x95append⢕ BRAILLE PATTERN DOTS-1358
U+28960xe2 0xa2 0x96append⢖ BRAILLE PATTERN DOTS-2358
U+28970xe2 0xa2 0x97append⢗ BRAILLE PATTERN DOTS-12358
U+28980xe2 0xa2 0x98append⢘ BRAILLE PATTERN DOTS-458
U+28990xe2 0xa2 0x99append⢙ BRAILLE PATTERN DOTS-1458
U+289A0xe2 0xa2 0x9aappend⢚ BRAILLE PATTERN DOTS-2458
U+289B0xe2 0xa2 0x9bappend⢛ BRAILLE PATTERN DOTS-12458
U+289C0xe2 0xa2 0x9cappend⢜ BRAILLE PATTERN DOTS-3458
U+289D0xe2 0xa2 0x9dappend⢝ BRAILLE PATTERN DOTS-13458
U+289E0xe2 0xa2 0x9eappend⢞ BRAILLE PATTERN DOTS-23458
U+289F0xe2 0xa2 0x9fappend⢟ BRAILLE PATTERN DOTS-123458
U+28A00xe2 0xa2 0xa0append⢠ BRAILLE PATTERN DOTS-68
U+28A10xe2 0xa2 0xa1append⢡ BRAILLE PATTERN DOTS-168
U+28A20xe2 0xa2 0xa2append⢢ BRAILLE PATTERN DOTS-268
U+28A30xe2 0xa2 0xa3append⢣ BRAILLE PATTERN DOTS-1268
U+28A40xe2 0xa2 0xa4append⢤ BRAILLE PATTERN DOTS-368
U+28A50xe2 0xa2 0xa5append⢥ BRAILLE PATTERN DOTS-1368
U+28A60xe2 0xa2 0xa6append⢦ BRAILLE PATTERN DOTS-2368
U+28A70xe2 0xa2 0xa7append⢧ BRAILLE PATTERN DOTS-12368
U+28A80xe2 0xa2 0xa8append⢨ BRAILLE PATTERN DOTS-468
U+28A90xe2 0xa2 0xa9append⢩ BRAILLE PATTERN DOTS-1468
U+28AA0xe2 0xa2 0xaaappend⢪ BRAILLE PATTERN DOTS-2468
U+28AB0xe2 0xa2 0xabappend⢫ BRAILLE PATTERN DOTS-12468
U+28AC0xe2 0xa2 0xacappend⢬ BRAILLE PATTERN DOTS-3468
U+28AD0xe2 0xa2 0xadappend⢭ BRAILLE PATTERN DOTS-13468
U+28AE0xe2 0xa2 0xaeappend⢮ BRAILLE PATTERN DOTS-23468
U+28AF0xe2 0xa2 0xafappend⢯ BRAILLE PATTERN DOTS-123468
U+28B00xe2 0xa2 0xb0append⢰ BRAILLE PATTERN DOTS-568
U+28B10xe2 0xa2 0xb1append⢱ BRAILLE PATTERN DOTS-1568
U+28B20xe2 0xa2 0xb2append⢲ BRAILLE PATTERN DOTS-2568
U+28B30xe2 0xa2 0xb3append⢳ BRAILLE PATTERN DOTS-12568
U+28B40xe2 0xa2 0xb4append⢴ BRAILLE PATTERN DOTS-3568
U+28B50xe2 0xa2 0xb5append⢵ BRAILLE PATTERN DOTS-13568
U+28B60xe2 0xa2 0xb6append⢶ BRAILLE PATTERN DOTS-23568
U+28B70xe2 0xa2 0xb7append⢷ BRAILLE PATTERN DOTS-123568
U+28B80xe2 0xa2 0xb8append⢸ BRAILLE PATTERN DOTS-4568
U+28B90xe2 0xa2 0xb9append⢹ BRAILLE PATTERN DOTS-14568
U+28BA0xe2 0xa2 0xbaappend⢺ BRAILLE PATTERN DOTS-24568
U+28BB0xe2 0xa2 0xbbappend⢻ BRAILLE PATTERN DOTS-124568
U+28BC0xe2 0xa2 0xbcappend⢼ BRAILLE PATTERN DOTS-34568
U+28BD0xe2 0xa2 0xbdappend⢽ BRAILLE PATTERN DOTS-134568
U+28BE0xe2 0xa2 0xbeappend⢾ BRAILLE PATTERN DOTS-234568
U+28BF0xe2 0xa2 0xbfappend⢿ BRAILLE PATTERN DOTS-1234568
U+28C00xe2 0xa3 0x80append⣀ BRAILLE PATTERN DOTS-78
U+28C10xe2 0xa3 0x81append⣁ BRAILLE PATTERN DOTS-178
U+28C20xe2 0xa3 0x82append⣂ BRAILLE PATTERN DOTS-278
U+28C30xe2 0xa3 0x83append⣃ BRAILLE PATTERN DOTS-1278
U+28C40xe2 0xa3 0x84append⣄ BRAILLE PATTERN DOTS-378
U+28C50xe2 0xa3 0x85append⣅ BRAILLE PATTERN DOTS-1378
U+28C60xe2 0xa3 0x86append⣆ BRAILLE PATTERN DOTS-2378
U+28C70xe2 0xa3 0x87append⣇ BRAILLE PATTERN DOTS-12378
U+28C80xe2 0xa3 0x88append⣈ BRAILLE PATTERN DOTS-478
U+28C90xe2 0xa3 0x89append⣉ BRAILLE PATTERN DOTS-1478
U+28CA0xe2 0xa3 0x8aappend⣊ BRAILLE PATTERN DOTS-2478
U+28CB0xe2 0xa3 0x8bappend⣋ BRAILLE PATTERN DOTS-12478
U+28CC0xe2 0xa3 0x8cappend⣌ BRAILLE PATTERN DOTS-3478
U+28CD0xe2 0xa3 0x8dappend⣍ BRAILLE PATTERN DOTS-13478
U+28CE0xe2 0xa3 0x8eappend⣎ BRAILLE PATTERN DOTS-23478
U+28CF0xe2 0xa3 0x8fappend⣏ BRAILLE PATTERN DOTS-123478
U+28D00xe2 0xa3 0x90append⣐ BRAILLE PATTERN DOTS-578
U+28D10xe2 0xa3 0x91append⣑ BRAILLE PATTERN DOTS-1578
U+28D20xe2 0xa3 0x92append⣒ BRAILLE PATTERN DOTS-2578
U+28D30xe2 0xa3 0x93append⣓ BRAILLE PATTERN DOTS-12578
U+28D40xe2 0xa3 0x94append⣔ BRAILLE PATTERN DOTS-3578
U+28D50xe2 0xa3 0x95append⣕ BRAILLE PATTERN DOTS-13578
U+28D60xe2 0xa3 0x96append⣖ BRAILLE PATTERN DOTS-23578
U+28D70xe2 0xa3 0x97append⣗ BRAILLE PATTERN DOTS-123578
U+28D80xe2 0xa3 0x98append⣘ BRAILLE PATTERN DOTS-4578
U+28D90xe2 0xa3 0x99append⣙ BRAILLE PATTERN DOTS-14578
U+28DA0xe2 0xa3 0x9aappend⣚ BRAILLE PATTERN DOTS-24578
U+28DB0xe2 0xa3 0x9bappend⣛ BRAILLE PATTERN DOTS-124578
U+28DC0xe2 0xa3 0x9cappend⣜ BRAILLE PATTERN DOTS-34578
U+28DD0xe2 0xa3 0x9dappend⣝ BRAILLE PATTERN DOTS-134578
U+28DE0xe2 0xa3 0x9eappend⣞ BRAILLE PATTERN DOTS-234578
U+28DF0xe2 0xa3 0x9fappend⣟ BRAILLE PATTERN DOTS-1234578
U+28E00xe2 0xa3 0xa0append⣠ BRAILLE PATTERN DOTS-678
U+28E10xe2 0xa3 0xa1append⣡ BRAILLE PATTERN DOTS-1678
U+28E20xe2 0xa3 0xa2append⣢ BRAILLE PATTERN DOTS-2678
U+28E30xe2 0xa3 0xa3append⣣ BRAILLE PATTERN DOTS-12678
U+28E40xe2 0xa3 0xa4append⣤ BRAILLE PATTERN DOTS-3678
U+28E50xe2 0xa3 0xa5append⣥ BRAILLE PATTERN DOTS-13678
U+28E60xe2 0xa3 0xa6append⣦ BRAILLE PATTERN DOTS-23678
U+28E70xe2 0xa3 0xa7append⣧ BRAILLE PATTERN DOTS-123678
U+28E80xe2 0xa3 0xa8append⣨ BRAILLE PATTERN DOTS-4678
U+28E90xe2 0xa3 0xa9append⣩ BRAILLE PATTERN DOTS-14678
U+28EA0xe2 0xa3 0xaaappend⣪ BRAILLE PATTERN DOTS-24678
U+28EB0xe2 0xa3 0xabappend⣫ BRAILLE PATTERN DOTS-124678
U+28EC0xe2 0xa3 0xacappend⣬ BRAILLE PATTERN DOTS-34678
U+28ED0xe2 0xa3 0xadappend⣭ BRAILLE PATTERN DOTS-134678
U+28EE0xe2 0xa3 0xaeappend⣮ BRAILLE PATTERN DOTS-234678
U+28EF0xe2 0xa3 0xafappend⣯ BRAILLE PATTERN DOTS-1234678
U+28F00xe2 0xa3 0xb0append⣰ BRAILLE PATTERN DOTS-5678
U+28F10xe2 0xa3 0xb1append⣱ BRAILLE PATTERN DOTS-15678
U+28F20xe2 0xa3 0xb2append⣲ BRAILLE PATTERN DOTS-25678
U+28F30xe2 0xa3 0xb3append⣳ BRAILLE PATTERN DOTS-125678
U+28F40xe2 0xa3 0xb4append⣴ BRAILLE PATTERN DOTS-35678
U+28F50xe2 0xa3 0xb5append⣵ BRAILLE PATTERN DOTS-135678
U+28F60xe2 0xa3 0xb6append⣶ BRAILLE PATTERN DOTS-235678
U+28F70xe2 0xa3 0xb7append⣷ BRAILLE PATTERN DOTS-1235678
U+28F80xe2 0xa3 0xb8append⣸ BRAILLE PATTERN DOTS-45678
U+28F90xe2 0xa3 0xb9append⣹ BRAILLE PATTERN DOTS-145678
U+28FA0xe2 0xa3 0xbaappend⣺ BRAILLE PATTERN DOTS-245678
U+28FB0xe2 0xa3 0xbbappend⣻ BRAILLE PATTERN DOTS-1245678
U+28FC0xe2 0xa3 0xbcappend⣼ BRAILLE PATTERN DOTS-345678
U+28FD0xe2 0xa3 0xbdappend⣽ BRAILLE PATTERN DOTS-1345678
U+28FE0xe2 0xa3 0xbeappend⣾ BRAILLE PATTERN DOTS-2345678
U+28FF0xe2 0xa3 0xbfappend⣿ BRAILLE PATTERN DOTS-12345678