UTF-8 encoding table and Unicode characters

page with code points U+1700 to U+177F

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page format standard · w/o parameter choice · print view
language German · English
code positions per page 128 · 256 · 512 · 1024
display format for
UTF-8 encoding
hex. · decimal · hex. (0x) · octal · binary · for Perl string literals · One Latin-1 char per byte · no display
Unicode character names not displayed · displayed · also display deprecated Unicode 1.0 names
links for adding char to text displayed · not displayed
numerical HTML encoding
of the Unicode character
not displayed · decimal · hexadecimal
HTML 4.0 character entities displayed · not displayed
text accumulator (characters are added by clicking on the respective "append" link)
display ᣗ᧤ᝊ
editing functions
append space · delete last character · clear accumulator
Unicode U+18D7 U+19E4 U+174A
UTF-8 e1 a3 97 e1 a7 a4 e1 9d 8a
code point
character UTF-8
append character
to accumulator
U+1700e1 9c 80appendTAGALOG LETTER A
U+1701e1 9c 81appendTAGALOG LETTER I
U+1702e1 9c 82appendTAGALOG LETTER U
U+1703e1 9c 83appendTAGALOG LETTER KA
U+1704e1 9c 84appendTAGALOG LETTER GA
U+1705e1 9c 85appendTAGALOG LETTER NGA
U+1706e1 9c 86appendTAGALOG LETTER TA
U+1707e1 9c 87appendTAGALOG LETTER DA
U+1708e1 9c 88appendTAGALOG LETTER NA
U+1709e1 9c 89appendTAGALOG LETTER PA
U+170Ae1 9c 8aappendTAGALOG LETTER BA
U+170Be1 9c 8bappendTAGALOG LETTER MA
U+170Ce1 9c 8cappendTAGALOG LETTER YA
U+170De1 9c 8dappendTAGALOG LETTER RA
U+170Ee1 9c 8eappendTAGALOG LETTER LA
U+170Fe1 9c 8fappendTAGALOG LETTER WA
U+1710e1 9c 90appendTAGALOG LETTER SA
U+1711e1 9c 91appendTAGALOG LETTER HA
U+1712e1 9c 92appendTAGALOG VOWEL SIGN I
U+1713e1 9c 93appendTAGALOG VOWEL SIGN U
U+1714e1 9c 94appendTAGALOG SIGN VIRAMA
U+1715e1 9c 95appendTAGALOG SIGN PAMUDPOD
U+1716e1 9c 96append
U+1717e1 9c 97append
U+1718e1 9c 98append
U+1719e1 9c 99append
U+171Ae1 9c 9aappend
U+171Be1 9c 9bappend
U+171Ce1 9c 9cappend
U+171De1 9c 9dappend
U+171Ee1 9c 9eappend
U+1720e1 9c a0appendHANUNOO LETTER A
U+1721e1 9c a1appendHANUNOO LETTER I
U+1722e1 9c a2appendHANUNOO LETTER U
U+1723e1 9c a3appendHANUNOO LETTER KA
U+1724e1 9c a4appendHANUNOO LETTER GA
U+1725e1 9c a5appendHANUNOO LETTER NGA
U+1726e1 9c a6appendHANUNOO LETTER TA
U+1727e1 9c a7appendHANUNOO LETTER DA
U+1728e1 9c a8appendHANUNOO LETTER NA
U+1729e1 9c a9appendHANUNOO LETTER PA
U+172Ae1 9c aaappendHANUNOO LETTER BA
U+172Be1 9c abappendHANUNOO LETTER MA
U+172Ce1 9c acappendHANUNOO LETTER YA
U+172De1 9c adappendHANUNOO LETTER RA
U+172Ee1 9c aeappendHANUNOO LETTER LA
U+172Fe1 9c afappendHANUNOO LETTER WA
U+1730e1 9c b0appendHANUNOO LETTER SA
U+1731e1 9c b1appendHANUNOO LETTER HA
U+1732e1 9c b2appendHANUNOO VOWEL SIGN I
U+1733e1 9c b3appendHANUNOO VOWEL SIGN U
U+1734e1 9c b4appendHANUNOO SIGN PAMUDPOD
U+1737e1 9c b7append
U+1738e1 9c b8append
U+1739e1 9c b9append
U+173Ae1 9c baappend
U+173Be1 9c bbappend
U+173Ce1 9c bcappend
U+173De1 9c bdappend
U+173Ee1 9c beappend
U+173Fe1 9c bfappend
U+1740e1 9d 80appendBUHID LETTER A
U+1741e1 9d 81appendBUHID LETTER I
U+1742e1 9d 82appendBUHID LETTER U
U+1743e1 9d 83appendBUHID LETTER KA
U+1744e1 9d 84appendBUHID LETTER GA
U+1745e1 9d 85appendBUHID LETTER NGA
U+1746e1 9d 86appendBUHID LETTER TA
U+1747e1 9d 87appendBUHID LETTER DA
U+1748e1 9d 88appendBUHID LETTER NA
U+1749e1 9d 89appendBUHID LETTER PA
U+174Ae1 9d 8aappendBUHID LETTER BA
U+174Be1 9d 8bappendBUHID LETTER MA
U+174Ce1 9d 8cappendBUHID LETTER YA
U+174De1 9d 8dappendBUHID LETTER RA
U+174Ee1 9d 8eappendBUHID LETTER LA
U+174Fe1 9d 8fappendBUHID LETTER WA
U+1750e1 9d 90appendBUHID LETTER SA
U+1751e1 9d 91appendBUHID LETTER HA
U+1752e1 9d 92appendBUHID VOWEL SIGN I
U+1753e1 9d 93appendBUHID VOWEL SIGN U
U+1754e1 9d 94append
U+1755e1 9d 95append
U+1756e1 9d 96append
U+1757e1 9d 97append
U+1758e1 9d 98append
U+1759e1 9d 99append
U+175Ae1 9d 9aappend
U+175Be1 9d 9bappend
U+175Ce1 9d 9cappend
U+175De1 9d 9dappend
U+175Ee1 9d 9eappend
U+175Fe1 9d 9fappend
U+1760e1 9d a0appendTAGBANWA LETTER A
U+1761e1 9d a1appendTAGBANWA LETTER I
U+1762e1 9d a2appendTAGBANWA LETTER U
U+1763e1 9d a3appendTAGBANWA LETTER KA
U+1764e1 9d a4appendTAGBANWA LETTER GA
U+1765e1 9d a5appendTAGBANWA LETTER NGA
U+1766e1 9d a6appendTAGBANWA LETTER TA
U+1767e1 9d a7appendTAGBANWA LETTER DA
U+1768e1 9d a8appendTAGBANWA LETTER NA
U+1769e1 9d a9appendTAGBANWA LETTER PA
U+176Ae1 9d aaappendTAGBANWA LETTER BA
U+176Be1 9d abappendTAGBANWA LETTER MA
U+176Ce1 9d acappendTAGBANWA LETTER YA
U+176De1 9d adappend
U+176Ee1 9d aeappendTAGBANWA LETTER LA
U+176Fe1 9d afappendTAGBANWA LETTER WA
U+1770e1 9d b0appendTAGBANWA LETTER SA
U+1771e1 9d b1append
U+1772e1 9d b2appendTAGBANWA VOWEL SIGN I
U+1773e1 9d b3appendTAGBANWA VOWEL SIGN U
U+1774e1 9d b4append
U+1775e1 9d b5append
U+1776e1 9d b6append
U+1777e1 9d b7append
U+1778e1 9d b8append
U+1779e1 9d b9append
U+177Ae1 9d baappend
U+177Be1 9d bbappend
U+177Ce1 9d bcappend
U+177De1 9d bdappend
U+177Ee1 9d beappend
U+177Fe1 9d bfappend