UTF-8 encoding table and Unicode characters

page with code points U+1900 to U+197F

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page format standard · w/o parameter choice · print view
language German · English
code positions per page 128 · 256 · 512 · 1024
display format for
UTF-8 encoding
hex. · decimal · hex. (0x) · octal · binary · for Perl string literals · One Latin-1 char per byte · no display
Unicode character names not displayed · displayed · also display deprecated Unicode 1.0 names
links for adding char to text displayed · not displayed
numerical HTML encoding
of the Unicode character
not displayed · decimal · hexadecimal
HTML 4.0 character entities displayed · not displayed
text accumulator (characters are added by clicking on the respective "append" link)
display ț᥂᤯
editing functions
append space · delete last character · clear accumulator
Unicode U+021B U+1942 U+192F
UTF-8 \xc8\x9b \xe1\xa5\x82 \xe1\xa4\xaf
HTML ț᥂᤯
code point
character UTF-8
(in literal)
append character
to accumulator
numerical HTML encoding
of the Unicode character
U+1900\xe1\xa4\x80appendᤀ LIMBU VOWEL-CARRIER LETTER
U+1901\xe1\xa4\x81appendᤁ LIMBU LETTER KA
U+1902\xe1\xa4\x82appendᤂ LIMBU LETTER KHA
U+1903\xe1\xa4\x83appendᤃ LIMBU LETTER GA
U+1904\xe1\xa4\x84appendᤄ LIMBU LETTER GHA
U+1905\xe1\xa4\x85appendᤅ LIMBU LETTER NGA
U+1906\xe1\xa4\x86appendᤆ LIMBU LETTER CA
U+1907\xe1\xa4\x87appendᤇ LIMBU LETTER CHA
U+1908\xe1\xa4\x88appendᤈ LIMBU LETTER JA
U+1909\xe1\xa4\x89appendᤉ LIMBU LETTER JHA
U+190A\xe1\xa4\x8aappendᤊ LIMBU LETTER YAN
U+190B\xe1\xa4\x8bappendᤋ LIMBU LETTER TA
U+190C\xe1\xa4\x8cappendᤌ LIMBU LETTER THA
U+190D\xe1\xa4\x8dappendᤍ LIMBU LETTER DA
U+190E\xe1\xa4\x8eappendᤎ LIMBU LETTER DHA
U+190F\xe1\xa4\x8fappendᤏ LIMBU LETTER NA
U+1910\xe1\xa4\x90appendᤐ LIMBU LETTER PA
U+1911\xe1\xa4\x91appendᤑ LIMBU LETTER PHA
U+1912\xe1\xa4\x92appendᤒ LIMBU LETTER BA
U+1913\xe1\xa4\x93appendᤓ LIMBU LETTER BHA
U+1914\xe1\xa4\x94appendᤔ LIMBU LETTER MA
U+1915\xe1\xa4\x95appendᤕ LIMBU LETTER YA
U+1916\xe1\xa4\x96appendᤖ LIMBU LETTER RA
U+1917\xe1\xa4\x97appendᤗ LIMBU LETTER LA
U+1918\xe1\xa4\x98appendᤘ LIMBU LETTER WA
U+1919\xe1\xa4\x99appendᤙ LIMBU LETTER SHA
U+191A\xe1\xa4\x9aappendᤚ LIMBU LETTER SSA
U+191B\xe1\xa4\x9bappendᤛ LIMBU LETTER SA
U+191C\xe1\xa4\x9cappendᤜ LIMBU LETTER HA
U+191D\xe1\xa4\x9dappendᤝ LIMBU LETTER GYAN
U+191E\xe1\xa4\x9eappendᤞ LIMBU LETTER TRA
U+1920\xe1\xa4\xa0appendᤠ LIMBU VOWEL SIGN A
U+1921\xe1\xa4\xa1appendᤡ LIMBU VOWEL SIGN I
U+1922\xe1\xa4\xa2appendᤢ LIMBU VOWEL SIGN U
U+1923\xe1\xa4\xa3appendᤣ LIMBU VOWEL SIGN EE
U+1924\xe1\xa4\xa4appendᤤ LIMBU VOWEL SIGN AI
U+1925\xe1\xa4\xa5appendᤥ LIMBU VOWEL SIGN OO
U+1926\xe1\xa4\xa6appendᤦ LIMBU VOWEL SIGN AU
U+1927\xe1\xa4\xa7appendᤧ LIMBU VOWEL SIGN E
U+1928\xe1\xa4\xa8appendᤨ LIMBU VOWEL SIGN O
U+1929\xe1\xa4\xa9appendᤩ LIMBU SUBJOINED LETTER YA
U+192A\xe1\xa4\xaaappendᤪ LIMBU SUBJOINED LETTER RA
U+192B\xe1\xa4\xabappendᤫ LIMBU SUBJOINED LETTER WA
U+1930\xe1\xa4\xb0appendᤰ LIMBU SMALL LETTER KA
U+1931\xe1\xa4\xb1appendᤱ LIMBU SMALL LETTER NGA
U+1932\xe1\xa4\xb2appendᤲ LIMBU SMALL LETTER ANUSVARA
U+1933\xe1\xa4\xb3appendᤳ LIMBU SMALL LETTER TA
U+1934\xe1\xa4\xb4appendᤴ LIMBU SMALL LETTER NA
U+1935\xe1\xa4\xb5appendᤵ LIMBU SMALL LETTER PA
U+1936\xe1\xa4\xb6appendᤶ LIMBU SMALL LETTER MA
U+1937\xe1\xa4\xb7appendᤷ LIMBU SMALL LETTER RA
U+1938\xe1\xa4\xb8appendᤸ LIMBU SMALL LETTER LA
U+1939\xe1\xa4\xb9append᤹ LIMBU SIGN MUKPHRENG
U+193A\xe1\xa4\xbaappend᤺ LIMBU SIGN KEMPHRENG
U+193B\xe1\xa4\xbbappend᤻ LIMBU SIGN SA-I
U+1940\xe1\xa5\x80append᥀ LIMBU SIGN LOO
U+1944\xe1\xa5\x84append᥄ LIMBU EXCLAMATION MARK
U+1945\xe1\xa5\x85append᥅ LIMBU QUESTION MARK
U+1946\xe1\xa5\x86append᥆ LIMBU DIGIT ZERO
U+1947\xe1\xa5\x87append᥇ LIMBU DIGIT ONE
U+1948\xe1\xa5\x88append᥈ LIMBU DIGIT TWO
U+1949\xe1\xa5\x89append᥉ LIMBU DIGIT THREE
U+194A\xe1\xa5\x8aappend᥊ LIMBU DIGIT FOUR
U+194B\xe1\xa5\x8bappend᥋ LIMBU DIGIT FIVE
U+194C\xe1\xa5\x8cappend᥌ LIMBU DIGIT SIX
U+194D\xe1\xa5\x8dappend᥍ LIMBU DIGIT SEVEN
U+194E\xe1\xa5\x8eappend᥎ LIMBU DIGIT EIGHT
U+194F\xe1\xa5\x8fappend᥏ LIMBU DIGIT NINE
U+1950\xe1\xa5\x90appendᥐ TAI LE LETTER KA
U+1951\xe1\xa5\x91appendᥑ TAI LE LETTER XA
U+1952\xe1\xa5\x92appendᥒ TAI LE LETTER NGA
U+1953\xe1\xa5\x93appendᥓ TAI LE LETTER TSA
U+1954\xe1\xa5\x94appendᥔ TAI LE LETTER SA
U+1955\xe1\xa5\x95appendᥕ TAI LE LETTER YA
U+1956\xe1\xa5\x96appendᥖ TAI LE LETTER TA
U+1957\xe1\xa5\x97appendᥗ TAI LE LETTER THA
U+1958\xe1\xa5\x98appendᥘ TAI LE LETTER LA
U+1959\xe1\xa5\x99appendᥙ TAI LE LETTER PA
U+195A\xe1\xa5\x9aappendᥚ TAI LE LETTER PHA
U+195B\xe1\xa5\x9bappendᥛ TAI LE LETTER MA
U+195C\xe1\xa5\x9cappendᥜ TAI LE LETTER FA
U+195D\xe1\xa5\x9dappendᥝ TAI LE LETTER VA
U+195E\xe1\xa5\x9eappendᥞ TAI LE LETTER HA
U+195F\xe1\xa5\x9fappendᥟ TAI LE LETTER QA
U+1960\xe1\xa5\xa0appendᥠ TAI LE LETTER KHA
U+1961\xe1\xa5\xa1appendᥡ TAI LE LETTER TSHA
U+1962\xe1\xa5\xa2appendᥢ TAI LE LETTER NA
U+1963\xe1\xa5\xa3appendᥣ TAI LE LETTER A
U+1964\xe1\xa5\xa4appendᥤ TAI LE LETTER I
U+1965\xe1\xa5\xa5appendᥥ TAI LE LETTER EE
U+1966\xe1\xa5\xa6appendᥦ TAI LE LETTER EH
U+1967\xe1\xa5\xa7appendᥧ TAI LE LETTER U
U+1968\xe1\xa5\xa8appendᥨ TAI LE LETTER OO
U+1969\xe1\xa5\xa9appendᥩ TAI LE LETTER O
U+196A\xe1\xa5\xaaappendᥪ TAI LE LETTER UE
U+196B\xe1\xa5\xabappendᥫ TAI LE LETTER E
U+196C\xe1\xa5\xacappendᥬ TAI LE LETTER AUE
U+196D\xe1\xa5\xadappendᥭ TAI LE LETTER AI
U+1970\xe1\xa5\xb0appendᥰ TAI LE LETTER TONE-2
U+1971\xe1\xa5\xb1appendᥱ TAI LE LETTER TONE-3
U+1972\xe1\xa5\xb2appendᥲ TAI LE LETTER TONE-4
U+1973\xe1\xa5\xb3appendᥳ TAI LE LETTER TONE-5
U+1974\xe1\xa5\xb4appendᥴ TAI LE LETTER TONE-6