UTF-8 encoding table and Unicode characters

page with code points U+4D040 to U+4D13F

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numerical HTML encoding
of the Unicode character
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HTML 4.0 character entities displayed · not displayed
text accumulator (characters are added by clicking on the respective "append" link)
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Unicode U+046D
UTF-8 0xd1 0xad
code point
character UTF-8
append character
to accumulator
U+4D040񍁀0xf1 0x8d 0x81 0x80append
U+4D041񍁁0xf1 0x8d 0x81 0x81append
U+4D042񍁂0xf1 0x8d 0x81 0x82append
U+4D043񍁃0xf1 0x8d 0x81 0x83append
U+4D044񍁄0xf1 0x8d 0x81 0x84append
U+4D045񍁅0xf1 0x8d 0x81 0x85append
U+4D046񍁆0xf1 0x8d 0x81 0x86append
U+4D047񍁇0xf1 0x8d 0x81 0x87append
U+4D048񍁈0xf1 0x8d 0x81 0x88append
U+4D049񍁉0xf1 0x8d 0x81 0x89append
U+4D04A񍁊0xf1 0x8d 0x81 0x8aappend
U+4D04B񍁋0xf1 0x8d 0x81 0x8bappend
U+4D04C񍁌0xf1 0x8d 0x81 0x8cappend
U+4D04D񍁍0xf1 0x8d 0x81 0x8dappend
U+4D04E񍁎0xf1 0x8d 0x81 0x8eappend
U+4D04F񍁏0xf1 0x8d 0x81 0x8fappend
U+4D050񍁐0xf1 0x8d 0x81 0x90append
U+4D051񍁑0xf1 0x8d 0x81 0x91append
U+4D052񍁒0xf1 0x8d 0x81 0x92append
U+4D053񍁓0xf1 0x8d 0x81 0x93append
U+4D054񍁔0xf1 0x8d 0x81 0x94append
U+4D055񍁕0xf1 0x8d 0x81 0x95append
U+4D056񍁖0xf1 0x8d 0x81 0x96append
U+4D057񍁗0xf1 0x8d 0x81 0x97append
U+4D058񍁘0xf1 0x8d 0x81 0x98append
U+4D059񍁙0xf1 0x8d 0x81 0x99append
U+4D05A񍁚0xf1 0x8d 0x81 0x9aappend
U+4D05B񍁛0xf1 0x8d 0x81 0x9bappend
U+4D05C񍁜0xf1 0x8d 0x81 0x9cappend
U+4D05D񍁝0xf1 0x8d 0x81 0x9dappend
U+4D05E񍁞0xf1 0x8d 0x81 0x9eappend
U+4D05F񍁟0xf1 0x8d 0x81 0x9fappend
U+4D060񍁠0xf1 0x8d 0x81 0xa0append
U+4D061񍁡0xf1 0x8d 0x81 0xa1append
U+4D062񍁢0xf1 0x8d 0x81 0xa2append
U+4D063񍁣0xf1 0x8d 0x81 0xa3append
U+4D064񍁤0xf1 0x8d 0x81 0xa4append
U+4D065񍁥0xf1 0x8d 0x81 0xa5append
U+4D066񍁦0xf1 0x8d 0x81 0xa6append
U+4D067񍁧0xf1 0x8d 0x81 0xa7append
U+4D068񍁨0xf1 0x8d 0x81 0xa8append
U+4D069񍁩0xf1 0x8d 0x81 0xa9append
U+4D06A񍁪0xf1 0x8d 0x81 0xaaappend
U+4D06B񍁫0xf1 0x8d 0x81 0xabappend
U+4D06C񍁬0xf1 0x8d 0x81 0xacappend
U+4D06D񍁭0xf1 0x8d 0x81 0xadappend
U+4D06E񍁮0xf1 0x8d 0x81 0xaeappend
U+4D06F񍁯0xf1 0x8d 0x81 0xafappend
U+4D070񍁰0xf1 0x8d 0x81 0xb0append
U+4D071񍁱0xf1 0x8d 0x81 0xb1append
U+4D072񍁲0xf1 0x8d 0x81 0xb2append
U+4D073񍁳0xf1 0x8d 0x81 0xb3append
U+4D074񍁴0xf1 0x8d 0x81 0xb4append
U+4D075񍁵0xf1 0x8d 0x81 0xb5append
U+4D076񍁶0xf1 0x8d 0x81 0xb6append
U+4D077񍁷0xf1 0x8d 0x81 0xb7append
U+4D078񍁸0xf1 0x8d 0x81 0xb8append
U+4D079񍁹0xf1 0x8d 0x81 0xb9append
U+4D07A񍁺0xf1 0x8d 0x81 0xbaappend
U+4D07B񍁻0xf1 0x8d 0x81 0xbbappend
U+4D07C񍁼0xf1 0x8d 0x81 0xbcappend
U+4D07D񍁽0xf1 0x8d 0x81 0xbdappend
U+4D07E񍁾0xf1 0x8d 0x81 0xbeappend
U+4D07F񍁿0xf1 0x8d 0x81 0xbfappend
U+4D080񍂀0xf1 0x8d 0x82 0x80append
U+4D081񍂁0xf1 0x8d 0x82 0x81append
U+4D082񍂂0xf1 0x8d 0x82 0x82append
U+4D083񍂃0xf1 0x8d 0x82 0x83append
U+4D084񍂄0xf1 0x8d 0x82 0x84append
U+4D085񍂅0xf1 0x8d 0x82 0x85append
U+4D086񍂆0xf1 0x8d 0x82 0x86append
U+4D087񍂇0xf1 0x8d 0x82 0x87append
U+4D088񍂈0xf1 0x8d 0x82 0x88append
U+4D089񍂉0xf1 0x8d 0x82 0x89append
U+4D08A񍂊0xf1 0x8d 0x82 0x8aappend
U+4D08B񍂋0xf1 0x8d 0x82 0x8bappend
U+4D08C񍂌0xf1 0x8d 0x82 0x8cappend
U+4D08D񍂍0xf1 0x8d 0x82 0x8dappend
U+4D08E񍂎0xf1 0x8d 0x82 0x8eappend
U+4D08F񍂏0xf1 0x8d 0x82 0x8fappend
U+4D090񍂐0xf1 0x8d 0x82 0x90append
U+4D091񍂑0xf1 0x8d 0x82 0x91append
U+4D092񍂒0xf1 0x8d 0x82 0x92append
U+4D093񍂓0xf1 0x8d 0x82 0x93append
U+4D094񍂔0xf1 0x8d 0x82 0x94append
U+4D095񍂕0xf1 0x8d 0x82 0x95append
U+4D096񍂖0xf1 0x8d 0x82 0x96append
U+4D097񍂗0xf1 0x8d 0x82 0x97append
U+4D098񍂘0xf1 0x8d 0x82 0x98append
U+4D099񍂙0xf1 0x8d 0x82 0x99append
U+4D09A񍂚0xf1 0x8d 0x82 0x9aappend
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U+4D0AC񍂬0xf1 0x8d 0x82 0xacappend
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U+4D0D1񍃑0xf1 0x8d 0x83 0x91append
U+4D0D2񍃒0xf1 0x8d 0x83 0x92append
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U+4D0D4񍃔0xf1 0x8d 0x83 0x94append
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U+4D0D6񍃖0xf1 0x8d 0x83 0x96append
U+4D0D7񍃗0xf1 0x8d 0x83 0x97append
U+4D0D8񍃘0xf1 0x8d 0x83 0x98append
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U+4D0EA񍃪0xf1 0x8d 0x83 0xaaappend
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U+4D111񍄑0xf1 0x8d 0x84 0x91append
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U+4D113񍄓0xf1 0x8d 0x84 0x93append
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U+4D116񍄖0xf1 0x8d 0x84 0x96append
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U+4D133񍄳0xf1 0x8d 0x84 0xb3append
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U+4D13F񍄿0xf1 0x8d 0x84 0xbfappend