UTF-8 encoding table and Unicode characters

page with code points U+0DFF to U+0EFE

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language German · English
code positions per page 128 · 256 · 512 · 1024
display format for
UTF-8 encoding
hex. · decimal · hex. (0x) · octal · binary · for Perl string literals · One Latin-1 char per byte · no display
Unicode character names not displayed · displayed · also display deprecated Unicode 1.0 names
links for adding char to text displayed · not displayed
numerical HTML encoding
of the Unicode character
not displayed · decimal · hexadecimal
HTML 4.0 character entities displayed · not displayed
text accumulator (characters are added by clicking on the respective "append" link)
display ผ๎๶
editing functions
append space · delete last character · clear accumulator
Unicode U+0E1C U+0E4E U+0E76
UTF-8 11100000 10111000 10011100 11100000 10111001 10001110 11100000 10111001 10110110
code point
character UTF-8
append character
to accumulator
U+0DFF෿11100000 10110111 10111111append
U+0E0011100000 10111000 10000000append
U+0E0111100000 10111000 10000001appendTHAI CHARACTER KO KAI
U+0E0211100000 10111000 10000010appendTHAI CHARACTER KHO KHAI
U+0E0311100000 10111000 10000011appendTHAI CHARACTER KHO KHUAT
U+0E0411100000 10111000 10000100appendTHAI CHARACTER KHO KHWAI
U+0E0511100000 10111000 10000101appendTHAI CHARACTER KHO KHON
U+0E0611100000 10111000 10000110appendTHAI CHARACTER KHO RAKHANG
U+0E0711100000 10111000 10000111appendTHAI CHARACTER NGO NGU
U+0E0811100000 10111000 10001000appendTHAI CHARACTER CHO CHAN
U+0E0911100000 10111000 10001001appendTHAI CHARACTER CHO CHING
U+0E0A11100000 10111000 10001010appendTHAI CHARACTER CHO CHANG
U+0E0B11100000 10111000 10001011appendTHAI CHARACTER SO SO
U+0E0C11100000 10111000 10001100appendTHAI CHARACTER CHO CHOE
U+0E0D11100000 10111000 10001101appendTHAI CHARACTER YO YING
U+0E0E11100000 10111000 10001110appendTHAI CHARACTER DO CHADA
U+0E0F11100000 10111000 10001111appendTHAI CHARACTER TO PATAK
U+0E1011100000 10111000 10010000appendTHAI CHARACTER THO THAN
U+0E1111100000 10111000 10010001appendTHAI CHARACTER THO NANGMONTHO
U+0E1211100000 10111000 10010010appendTHAI CHARACTER THO PHUTHAO
U+0E1311100000 10111000 10010011appendTHAI CHARACTER NO NEN
U+0E1411100000 10111000 10010100appendTHAI CHARACTER DO DEK
U+0E1511100000 10111000 10010101appendTHAI CHARACTER TO TAO
U+0E1611100000 10111000 10010110appendTHAI CHARACTER THO THUNG
U+0E1711100000 10111000 10010111appendTHAI CHARACTER THO THAHAN
U+0E1811100000 10111000 10011000appendTHAI CHARACTER THO THONG
U+0E1911100000 10111000 10011001appendTHAI CHARACTER NO NU
U+0E1A11100000 10111000 10011010appendTHAI CHARACTER BO BAIMAI
U+0E1B11100000 10111000 10011011appendTHAI CHARACTER PO PLA
U+0E1C11100000 10111000 10011100appendTHAI CHARACTER PHO PHUNG
U+0E1D11100000 10111000 10011101appendTHAI CHARACTER FO FA
U+0E1E11100000 10111000 10011110appendTHAI CHARACTER PHO PHAN
U+0E1F11100000 10111000 10011111appendTHAI CHARACTER FO FAN
U+0E2011100000 10111000 10100000appendTHAI CHARACTER PHO SAMPHAO
U+0E2111100000 10111000 10100001appendTHAI CHARACTER MO MA
U+0E2211100000 10111000 10100010appendTHAI CHARACTER YO YAK
U+0E2311100000 10111000 10100011appendTHAI CHARACTER RO RUA
U+0E2411100000 10111000 10100100appendTHAI CHARACTER RU
U+0E2511100000 10111000 10100101appendTHAI CHARACTER LO LING
U+0E2611100000 10111000 10100110appendTHAI CHARACTER LU
U+0E2711100000 10111000 10100111appendTHAI CHARACTER WO WAEN
U+0E2811100000 10111000 10101000appendTHAI CHARACTER SO SALA
U+0E2911100000 10111000 10101001appendTHAI CHARACTER SO RUSI
U+0E2A11100000 10111000 10101010appendTHAI CHARACTER SO SUA
U+0E2B11100000 10111000 10101011appendTHAI CHARACTER HO HIP
U+0E2C11100000 10111000 10101100appendTHAI CHARACTER LO CHULA
U+0E2D11100000 10111000 10101101appendTHAI CHARACTER O ANG
U+0E2E11100000 10111000 10101110appendTHAI CHARACTER HO NOKHUK
U+0E2F11100000 10111000 10101111appendTHAI CHARACTER PAIYANNOI
U+0E3011100000 10111000 10110000appendTHAI CHARACTER SARA A
U+0E3111100000 10111000 10110001appendTHAI CHARACTER MAI HAN-AKAT
U+0E3211100000 10111000 10110010appendTHAI CHARACTER SARA AA
U+0E3311100000 10111000 10110011appendTHAI CHARACTER SARA AM
U+0E3411100000 10111000 10110100appendTHAI CHARACTER SARA I
U+0E3511100000 10111000 10110101appendTHAI CHARACTER SARA II
U+0E3611100000 10111000 10110110appendTHAI CHARACTER SARA UE
U+0E3711100000 10111000 10110111appendTHAI CHARACTER SARA UEE
U+0E3811100000 10111000 10111000appendTHAI CHARACTER SARA U
U+0E3911100000 10111000 10111001appendTHAI CHARACTER SARA UU
U+0E3A11100000 10111000 10111010appendTHAI CHARACTER PHINTHU
U+0E3B11100000 10111000 10111011append
U+0E3C11100000 10111000 10111100append
U+0E3D11100000 10111000 10111101append
U+0E3E11100000 10111000 10111110append
U+0E3F฿11100000 10111000 10111111appendTHAI CURRENCY SYMBOL BAHT
U+0E4011100000 10111001 10000000appendTHAI CHARACTER SARA E
U+0E4111100000 10111001 10000001appendTHAI CHARACTER SARA AE
U+0E4211100000 10111001 10000010appendTHAI CHARACTER SARA O
U+0E4311100000 10111001 10000011appendTHAI CHARACTER SARA AI MAIMUAN
U+0E4411100000 10111001 10000100appendTHAI CHARACTER SARA AI MAIMALAI
U+0E4511100000 10111001 10000101appendTHAI CHARACTER LAKKHANGYAO
U+0E4611100000 10111001 10000110appendTHAI CHARACTER MAIYAMOK
U+0E4711100000 10111001 10000111appendTHAI CHARACTER MAITAIKHU
U+0E4811100000 10111001 10001000appendTHAI CHARACTER MAI EK
U+0E4911100000 10111001 10001001appendTHAI CHARACTER MAI THO
U+0E4A11100000 10111001 10001010appendTHAI CHARACTER MAI TRI
U+0E4B11100000 10111001 10001011appendTHAI CHARACTER MAI CHATTAWA
U+0E4C11100000 10111001 10001100appendTHAI CHARACTER THANTHAKHAT
U+0E4D11100000 10111001 10001101appendTHAI CHARACTER NIKHAHIT
U+0E4E11100000 10111001 10001110appendTHAI CHARACTER YAMAKKAN
U+0E4F11100000 10111001 10001111appendTHAI CHARACTER FONGMAN
U+0E5011100000 10111001 10010000appendTHAI DIGIT ZERO
U+0E5111100000 10111001 10010001appendTHAI DIGIT ONE
U+0E5211100000 10111001 10010010appendTHAI DIGIT TWO
U+0E5311100000 10111001 10010011appendTHAI DIGIT THREE
U+0E5411100000 10111001 10010100appendTHAI DIGIT FOUR
U+0E5511100000 10111001 10010101appendTHAI DIGIT FIVE
U+0E5611100000 10111001 10010110appendTHAI DIGIT SIX
U+0E5711100000 10111001 10010111appendTHAI DIGIT SEVEN
U+0E5811100000 10111001 10011000appendTHAI DIGIT EIGHT
U+0E5911100000 10111001 10011001appendTHAI DIGIT NINE
U+0E5A11100000 10111001 10011010appendTHAI CHARACTER ANGKHANKHU
U+0E5B11100000 10111001 10011011appendTHAI CHARACTER KHOMUT
U+0E5C11100000 10111001 10011100append
U+0E5D11100000 10111001 10011101append
U+0E5E11100000 10111001 10011110append
U+0E5F11100000 10111001 10011111append
U+0E6011100000 10111001 10100000append
U+0E6111100000 10111001 10100001append
U+0E6211100000 10111001 10100010append
U+0E6311100000 10111001 10100011append
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U+0E6511100000 10111001 10100101append
U+0E6611100000 10111001 10100110append
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U+0E6911100000 10111001 10101001append
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U+0E6C11100000 10111001 10101100append
U+0E6D11100000 10111001 10101101append
U+0E6E11100000 10111001 10101110append
U+0E6F11100000 10111001 10101111append
U+0E7011100000 10111001 10110000append
U+0E7111100000 10111001 10110001append
U+0E7211100000 10111001 10110010append
U+0E7311100000 10111001 10110011append
U+0E7411100000 10111001 10110100append
U+0E7511100000 10111001 10110101append
U+0E7611100000 10111001 10110110append
U+0E7711100000 10111001 10110111append
U+0E7811100000 10111001 10111000append
U+0E7911100000 10111001 10111001append
U+0E7A11100000 10111001 10111010append
U+0E7B11100000 10111001 10111011append
U+0E7C11100000 10111001 10111100append
U+0E7D11100000 10111001 10111101append
U+0E7E11100000 10111001 10111110append
U+0E7F๿11100000 10111001 10111111append
U+0E8011100000 10111010 10000000append
U+0E8111100000 10111010 10000001appendLAO LETTER KO
U+0E8211100000 10111010 10000010appendLAO LETTER KHO SUNG
U+0E8311100000 10111010 10000011append
U+0E8411100000 10111010 10000100appendLAO LETTER KHO TAM
U+0E8511100000 10111010 10000101append
U+0E8611100000 10111010 10000110appendLAO LETTER PALI GHA
U+0E8711100000 10111010 10000111appendLAO LETTER NGO
U+0E8811100000 10111010 10001000appendLAO LETTER CO
U+0E8911100000 10111010 10001001appendLAO LETTER PALI CHA
U+0E8A11100000 10111010 10001010appendLAO LETTER SO TAM
U+0E8B11100000 10111010 10001011append
U+0E8C11100000 10111010 10001100appendLAO LETTER PALI JHA
U+0E8D11100000 10111010 10001101appendLAO LETTER NYO
U+0E8E11100000 10111010 10001110appendLAO LETTER PALI NYA
U+0E8F11100000 10111010 10001111appendLAO LETTER PALI TTA
U+0E9011100000 10111010 10010000appendLAO LETTER PALI TTHA
U+0E9111100000 10111010 10010001appendLAO LETTER PALI DDA
U+0E9211100000 10111010 10010010appendLAO LETTER PALI DDHA
U+0E9311100000 10111010 10010011appendLAO LETTER PALI NNA
U+0E9411100000 10111010 10010100appendLAO LETTER DO
U+0E9511100000 10111010 10010101appendLAO LETTER TO
U+0E9611100000 10111010 10010110appendLAO LETTER THO SUNG
U+0E9711100000 10111010 10010111appendLAO LETTER THO TAM
U+0E9811100000 10111010 10011000appendLAO LETTER PALI DHA
U+0E9911100000 10111010 10011001appendLAO LETTER NO
U+0E9A11100000 10111010 10011010appendLAO LETTER BO
U+0E9B11100000 10111010 10011011appendLAO LETTER PO
U+0E9C11100000 10111010 10011100appendLAO LETTER PHO SUNG
U+0E9D11100000 10111010 10011101appendLAO LETTER FO TAM
U+0E9E11100000 10111010 10011110appendLAO LETTER PHO TAM
U+0E9F11100000 10111010 10011111appendLAO LETTER FO SUNG
U+0EA011100000 10111010 10100000appendLAO LETTER PALI BHA
U+0EA111100000 10111010 10100001appendLAO LETTER MO
U+0EA211100000 10111010 10100010appendLAO LETTER YO
U+0EA311100000 10111010 10100011appendLAO LETTER LO LING
U+0EA411100000 10111010 10100100append
U+0EA511100000 10111010 10100101appendLAO LETTER LO LOOT
U+0EA611100000 10111010 10100110append
U+0EA711100000 10111010 10100111appendLAO LETTER WO
U+0EA811100000 10111010 10101000appendLAO LETTER SANSKRIT SHA
U+0EA911100000 10111010 10101001appendLAO LETTER SANSKRIT SSA
U+0EAA11100000 10111010 10101010appendLAO LETTER SO SUNG
U+0EAB11100000 10111010 10101011appendLAO LETTER HO SUNG
U+0EAC11100000 10111010 10101100appendLAO LETTER PALI LLA
U+0EAD11100000 10111010 10101101appendLAO LETTER O
U+0EAE11100000 10111010 10101110appendLAO LETTER HO TAM
U+0EAF11100000 10111010 10101111appendLAO ELLIPSIS
U+0EB011100000 10111010 10110000appendLAO VOWEL SIGN A
U+0EB111100000 10111010 10110001appendLAO VOWEL SIGN MAI KAN
U+0EB211100000 10111010 10110010appendLAO VOWEL SIGN AA
U+0EB311100000 10111010 10110011appendLAO VOWEL SIGN AM
U+0EB411100000 10111010 10110100appendLAO VOWEL SIGN I
U+0EB511100000 10111010 10110101appendLAO VOWEL SIGN II
U+0EB611100000 10111010 10110110appendLAO VOWEL SIGN Y
U+0EB711100000 10111010 10110111appendLAO VOWEL SIGN YY
U+0EB811100000 10111010 10111000appendLAO VOWEL SIGN U
U+0EB911100000 10111010 10111001appendLAO VOWEL SIGN UU
U+0EBA11100000 10111010 10111010appendLAO SIGN PALI VIRAMA
U+0EBB11100000 10111010 10111011appendLAO VOWEL SIGN MAI KON
U+0EBC11100000 10111010 10111100appendLAO SEMIVOWEL SIGN LO
U+0EBD11100000 10111010 10111101appendLAO SEMIVOWEL SIGN NYO
U+0EBE11100000 10111010 10111110append
U+0EBF຿11100000 10111010 10111111append
U+0EC011100000 10111011 10000000appendLAO VOWEL SIGN E
U+0EC111100000 10111011 10000001appendLAO VOWEL SIGN EI
U+0EC211100000 10111011 10000010appendLAO VOWEL SIGN O
U+0EC311100000 10111011 10000011appendLAO VOWEL SIGN AY
U+0EC411100000 10111011 10000100appendLAO VOWEL SIGN AI
U+0EC511100000 10111011 10000101append
U+0EC611100000 10111011 10000110appendLAO KO LA
U+0EC711100000 10111011 10000111append
U+0EC811100000 10111011 10001000appendLAO TONE MAI EK
U+0EC911100000 10111011 10001001appendLAO TONE MAI THO
U+0ECA11100000 10111011 10001010appendLAO TONE MAI TI
U+0ECB11100000 10111011 10001011appendLAO TONE MAI CATAWA
U+0ECC11100000 10111011 10001100appendLAO CANCELLATION MARK
U+0ECD11100000 10111011 10001101appendLAO NIGGAHITA
U+0ECE11100000 10111011 10001110appendLAO YAMAKKAN
U+0ECF11100000 10111011 10001111append
U+0ED011100000 10111011 10010000appendLAO DIGIT ZERO
U+0ED111100000 10111011 10010001appendLAO DIGIT ONE
U+0ED211100000 10111011 10010010appendLAO DIGIT TWO
U+0ED311100000 10111011 10010011appendLAO DIGIT THREE
U+0ED411100000 10111011 10010100appendLAO DIGIT FOUR
U+0ED511100000 10111011 10010101appendLAO DIGIT FIVE
U+0ED611100000 10111011 10010110appendLAO DIGIT SIX
U+0ED711100000 10111011 10010111appendLAO DIGIT SEVEN
U+0ED811100000 10111011 10011000appendLAO DIGIT EIGHT
U+0ED911100000 10111011 10011001appendLAO DIGIT NINE
U+0EDA11100000 10111011 10011010append
U+0EDB11100000 10111011 10011011append
U+0EDC11100000 10111011 10011100appendLAO HO NO
U+0EDD11100000 10111011 10011101appendLAO HO MO
U+0EDE11100000 10111011 10011110appendLAO LETTER KHMU GO
U+0EDF11100000 10111011 10011111appendLAO LETTER KHMU NYO
U+0EE011100000 10111011 10100000append
U+0EE111100000 10111011 10100001append
U+0EE211100000 10111011 10100010append
U+0EE311100000 10111011 10100011append
U+0EE411100000 10111011 10100100append
U+0EE511100000 10111011 10100101append
U+0EE611100000 10111011 10100110append
U+0EE711100000 10111011 10100111append
U+0EE811100000 10111011 10101000append
U+0EE911100000 10111011 10101001append
U+0EEA11100000 10111011 10101010append
U+0EEB11100000 10111011 10101011append
U+0EEC11100000 10111011 10101100append
U+0EED11100000 10111011 10101101append
U+0EEE11100000 10111011 10101110append
U+0EEF11100000 10111011 10101111append
U+0EF011100000 10111011 10110000append
U+0EF111100000 10111011 10110001append
U+0EF211100000 10111011 10110010append
U+0EF311100000 10111011 10110011append
U+0EF411100000 10111011 10110100append
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U+0EF611100000 10111011 10110110append
U+0EF711100000 10111011 10110111append
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U+0EF911100000 10111011 10111001append
U+0EFA11100000 10111011 10111010append
U+0EFB11100000 10111011 10111011append
U+0EFC11100000 10111011 10111100append
U+0EFD11100000 10111011 10111101append
U+0EFE11100000 10111011 10111110append