UTF-8 encoding table and Unicode characters

page with code points U+101D0 to U+102CF

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Unicode U+0395 U+101D0
UTF-8 0xce 0x95 0xf0 0x90 0x87 0x90
code point
character UTF-8
append character
to accumulator
U+101D0𐇐0xf0 0x90 0x87 0x90appendPHAISTOS DISC SIGN PEDESTRIAN
U+101D1𐇑0xf0 0x90 0x87 0x91appendPHAISTOS DISC SIGN PLUMED HEAD
U+101D2𐇒0xf0 0x90 0x87 0x92appendPHAISTOS DISC SIGN TATTOOED HEAD
U+101D3𐇓0xf0 0x90 0x87 0x93appendPHAISTOS DISC SIGN CAPTIVE
U+101D4𐇔0xf0 0x90 0x87 0x94appendPHAISTOS DISC SIGN CHILD
U+101D5𐇕0xf0 0x90 0x87 0x95appendPHAISTOS DISC SIGN WOMAN
U+101D6𐇖0xf0 0x90 0x87 0x96appendPHAISTOS DISC SIGN HELMET
U+101D7𐇗0xf0 0x90 0x87 0x97appendPHAISTOS DISC SIGN GAUNTLET
U+101D8𐇘0xf0 0x90 0x87 0x98appendPHAISTOS DISC SIGN TIARA
U+101D9𐇙0xf0 0x90 0x87 0x99appendPHAISTOS DISC SIGN ARROW
U+101DA𐇚0xf0 0x90 0x87 0x9aappendPHAISTOS DISC SIGN BOW
U+101DB𐇛0xf0 0x90 0x87 0x9bappendPHAISTOS DISC SIGN SHIELD
U+101DC𐇜0xf0 0x90 0x87 0x9cappendPHAISTOS DISC SIGN CLUB
U+101DD𐇝0xf0 0x90 0x87 0x9dappendPHAISTOS DISC SIGN MANACLES
U+101DE𐇞0xf0 0x90 0x87 0x9eappendPHAISTOS DISC SIGN MATTOCK
U+101DF𐇟0xf0 0x90 0x87 0x9fappendPHAISTOS DISC SIGN SAW
U+101E0𐇠0xf0 0x90 0x87 0xa0appendPHAISTOS DISC SIGN LID
U+101E1𐇡0xf0 0x90 0x87 0xa1appendPHAISTOS DISC SIGN BOOMERANG
U+101E2𐇢0xf0 0x90 0x87 0xa2appendPHAISTOS DISC SIGN CARPENTRY PLANE
U+101E3𐇣0xf0 0x90 0x87 0xa3appendPHAISTOS DISC SIGN DOLIUM
U+101E4𐇤0xf0 0x90 0x87 0xa4appendPHAISTOS DISC SIGN COMB
U+101E5𐇥0xf0 0x90 0x87 0xa5appendPHAISTOS DISC SIGN SLING
U+101E6𐇦0xf0 0x90 0x87 0xa6appendPHAISTOS DISC SIGN COLUMN
U+101E7𐇧0xf0 0x90 0x87 0xa7appendPHAISTOS DISC SIGN BEEHIVE
U+101E8𐇨0xf0 0x90 0x87 0xa8appendPHAISTOS DISC SIGN SHIP
U+101E9𐇩0xf0 0x90 0x87 0xa9appendPHAISTOS DISC SIGN HORN
U+101EA𐇪0xf0 0x90 0x87 0xaaappendPHAISTOS DISC SIGN HIDE
U+101EB𐇫0xf0 0x90 0x87 0xabappendPHAISTOS DISC SIGN BULLS LEG
U+101EC𐇬0xf0 0x90 0x87 0xacappendPHAISTOS DISC SIGN CAT
U+101ED𐇭0xf0 0x90 0x87 0xadappendPHAISTOS DISC SIGN RAM
U+101EE𐇮0xf0 0x90 0x87 0xaeappendPHAISTOS DISC SIGN EAGLE
U+101EF𐇯0xf0 0x90 0x87 0xafappendPHAISTOS DISC SIGN DOVE
U+101F0𐇰0xf0 0x90 0x87 0xb0appendPHAISTOS DISC SIGN TUNNY
U+101F1𐇱0xf0 0x90 0x87 0xb1appendPHAISTOS DISC SIGN BEE
U+101F2𐇲0xf0 0x90 0x87 0xb2appendPHAISTOS DISC SIGN PLANE TREE
U+101F3𐇳0xf0 0x90 0x87 0xb3appendPHAISTOS DISC SIGN VINE
U+101F4𐇴0xf0 0x90 0x87 0xb4appendPHAISTOS DISC SIGN PAPYRUS
U+101F5𐇵0xf0 0x90 0x87 0xb5appendPHAISTOS DISC SIGN ROSETTE
U+101F6𐇶0xf0 0x90 0x87 0xb6appendPHAISTOS DISC SIGN LILY
U+101F7𐇷0xf0 0x90 0x87 0xb7appendPHAISTOS DISC SIGN OX BACK
U+101F8𐇸0xf0 0x90 0x87 0xb8appendPHAISTOS DISC SIGN FLUTE
U+101F9𐇹0xf0 0x90 0x87 0xb9appendPHAISTOS DISC SIGN GRATER
U+101FA𐇺0xf0 0x90 0x87 0xbaappendPHAISTOS DISC SIGN STRAINER
U+101FB𐇻0xf0 0x90 0x87 0xbbappendPHAISTOS DISC SIGN SMALL AXE
U+101FC𐇼0xf0 0x90 0x87 0xbcappendPHAISTOS DISC SIGN WAVY BAND
U+101FE𐇾0xf0 0x90 0x87 0xbeappend
U+101FF𐇿0xf0 0x90 0x87 0xbfappend
U+10200𐈀0xf0 0x90 0x88 0x80append
U+10201𐈁0xf0 0x90 0x88 0x81append
U+10202𐈂0xf0 0x90 0x88 0x82append
U+10203𐈃0xf0 0x90 0x88 0x83append
U+10204𐈄0xf0 0x90 0x88 0x84append
U+10205𐈅0xf0 0x90 0x88 0x85append
U+10206𐈆0xf0 0x90 0x88 0x86append
U+10207𐈇0xf0 0x90 0x88 0x87append
U+10208𐈈0xf0 0x90 0x88 0x88append
U+10209𐈉0xf0 0x90 0x88 0x89append
U+1020A𐈊0xf0 0x90 0x88 0x8aappend
U+1020B𐈋0xf0 0x90 0x88 0x8bappend
U+1020C𐈌0xf0 0x90 0x88 0x8cappend
U+1020D𐈍0xf0 0x90 0x88 0x8dappend
U+1020E𐈎0xf0 0x90 0x88 0x8eappend
U+1020F𐈏0xf0 0x90 0x88 0x8fappend
U+10210𐈐0xf0 0x90 0x88 0x90append
U+10211𐈑0xf0 0x90 0x88 0x91append
U+10212𐈒0xf0 0x90 0x88 0x92append
U+10213𐈓0xf0 0x90 0x88 0x93append
U+10214𐈔0xf0 0x90 0x88 0x94append
U+10215𐈕0xf0 0x90 0x88 0x95append
U+10216𐈖0xf0 0x90 0x88 0x96append
U+10217𐈗0xf0 0x90 0x88 0x97append
U+10218𐈘0xf0 0x90 0x88 0x98append
U+10219𐈙0xf0 0x90 0x88 0x99append
U+1021A𐈚0xf0 0x90 0x88 0x9aappend
U+1021B𐈛0xf0 0x90 0x88 0x9bappend
U+1021C𐈜0xf0 0x90 0x88 0x9cappend
U+1021D𐈝0xf0 0x90 0x88 0x9dappend
U+1021E𐈞0xf0 0x90 0x88 0x9eappend
U+1021F𐈟0xf0 0x90 0x88 0x9fappend
U+10220𐈠0xf0 0x90 0x88 0xa0append
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U+10222𐈢0xf0 0x90 0x88 0xa2append
U+10223𐈣0xf0 0x90 0x88 0xa3append
U+10224𐈤0xf0 0x90 0x88 0xa4append
U+10225𐈥0xf0 0x90 0x88 0xa5append
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U+1022B𐈫0xf0 0x90 0x88 0xabappend
U+1022C𐈬0xf0 0x90 0x88 0xacappend
U+1022D𐈭0xf0 0x90 0x88 0xadappend
U+1022E𐈮0xf0 0x90 0x88 0xaeappend
U+1022F𐈯0xf0 0x90 0x88 0xafappend
U+10230𐈰0xf0 0x90 0x88 0xb0append
U+10231𐈱0xf0 0x90 0x88 0xb1append
U+10232𐈲0xf0 0x90 0x88 0xb2append
U+10233𐈳0xf0 0x90 0x88 0xb3append
U+10234𐈴0xf0 0x90 0x88 0xb4append
U+10235𐈵0xf0 0x90 0x88 0xb5append
U+10236𐈶0xf0 0x90 0x88 0xb6append
U+10237𐈷0xf0 0x90 0x88 0xb7append
U+10238𐈸0xf0 0x90 0x88 0xb8append
U+10239𐈹0xf0 0x90 0x88 0xb9append
U+1023A𐈺0xf0 0x90 0x88 0xbaappend
U+1023B𐈻0xf0 0x90 0x88 0xbbappend
U+1023C𐈼0xf0 0x90 0x88 0xbcappend
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U+10242𐉂0xf0 0x90 0x89 0x82append
U+10243𐉃0xf0 0x90 0x89 0x83append
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U+10245𐉅0xf0 0x90 0x89 0x85append
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U+10248𐉈0xf0 0x90 0x89 0x88append
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U+1024C𐉌0xf0 0x90 0x89 0x8cappend
U+1024D𐉍0xf0 0x90 0x89 0x8dappend
U+1024E𐉎0xf0 0x90 0x89 0x8eappend
U+1024F𐉏0xf0 0x90 0x89 0x8fappend
U+10250𐉐0xf0 0x90 0x89 0x90append
U+10251𐉑0xf0 0x90 0x89 0x91append
U+10252𐉒0xf0 0x90 0x89 0x92append
U+10253𐉓0xf0 0x90 0x89 0x93append
U+10254𐉔0xf0 0x90 0x89 0x94append
U+10255𐉕0xf0 0x90 0x89 0x95append
U+10256𐉖0xf0 0x90 0x89 0x96append
U+10257𐉗0xf0 0x90 0x89 0x97append
U+10258𐉘0xf0 0x90 0x89 0x98append
U+10259𐉙0xf0 0x90 0x89 0x99append
U+1025A𐉚0xf0 0x90 0x89 0x9aappend
U+1025B𐉛0xf0 0x90 0x89 0x9bappend
U+1025C𐉜0xf0 0x90 0x89 0x9cappend
U+1025D𐉝0xf0 0x90 0x89 0x9dappend
U+1025E𐉞0xf0 0x90 0x89 0x9eappend
U+1025F𐉟0xf0 0x90 0x89 0x9fappend
U+10260𐉠0xf0 0x90 0x89 0xa0append
U+10261𐉡0xf0 0x90 0x89 0xa1append
U+10262𐉢0xf0 0x90 0x89 0xa2append
U+10263𐉣0xf0 0x90 0x89 0xa3append
U+10264𐉤0xf0 0x90 0x89 0xa4append
U+10265𐉥0xf0 0x90 0x89 0xa5append
U+10266𐉦0xf0 0x90 0x89 0xa6append
U+10267𐉧0xf0 0x90 0x89 0xa7append
U+10268𐉨0xf0 0x90 0x89 0xa8append
U+10269𐉩0xf0 0x90 0x89 0xa9append
U+1026A𐉪0xf0 0x90 0x89 0xaaappend
U+1026B𐉫0xf0 0x90 0x89 0xabappend
U+1026C𐉬0xf0 0x90 0x89 0xacappend
U+1026D𐉭0xf0 0x90 0x89 0xadappend
U+1026E𐉮0xf0 0x90 0x89 0xaeappend
U+1026F𐉯0xf0 0x90 0x89 0xafappend
U+10270𐉰0xf0 0x90 0x89 0xb0append
U+10271𐉱0xf0 0x90 0x89 0xb1append
U+10272𐉲0xf0 0x90 0x89 0xb2append
U+10273𐉳0xf0 0x90 0x89 0xb3append
U+10274𐉴0xf0 0x90 0x89 0xb4append
U+10275𐉵0xf0 0x90 0x89 0xb5append
U+10276𐉶0xf0 0x90 0x89 0xb6append
U+10277𐉷0xf0 0x90 0x89 0xb7append
U+10278𐉸0xf0 0x90 0x89 0xb8append
U+10279𐉹0xf0 0x90 0x89 0xb9append
U+1027A𐉺0xf0 0x90 0x89 0xbaappend
U+1027B𐉻0xf0 0x90 0x89 0xbbappend
U+1027C𐉼0xf0 0x90 0x89 0xbcappend
U+1027D𐉽0xf0 0x90 0x89 0xbdappend
U+1027E𐉾0xf0 0x90 0x89 0xbeappend
U+1027F𐉿0xf0 0x90 0x89 0xbfappend
U+10280𐊀0xf0 0x90 0x8a 0x80appendLYCIAN LETTER A
U+10281𐊁0xf0 0x90 0x8a 0x81appendLYCIAN LETTER E
U+10282𐊂0xf0 0x90 0x8a 0x82appendLYCIAN LETTER B
U+10283𐊃0xf0 0x90 0x8a 0x83appendLYCIAN LETTER BH
U+10284𐊄0xf0 0x90 0x8a 0x84appendLYCIAN LETTER G
U+10285𐊅0xf0 0x90 0x8a 0x85appendLYCIAN LETTER D
U+10286𐊆0xf0 0x90 0x8a 0x86appendLYCIAN LETTER I
U+10287𐊇0xf0 0x90 0x8a 0x87appendLYCIAN LETTER W
U+10288𐊈0xf0 0x90 0x8a 0x88appendLYCIAN LETTER Z
U+10289𐊉0xf0 0x90 0x8a 0x89appendLYCIAN LETTER TH
U+1028A𐊊0xf0 0x90 0x8a 0x8aappendLYCIAN LETTER J
U+1028B𐊋0xf0 0x90 0x8a 0x8bappendLYCIAN LETTER K
U+1028C𐊌0xf0 0x90 0x8a 0x8cappendLYCIAN LETTER Q
U+1028D𐊍0xf0 0x90 0x8a 0x8dappendLYCIAN LETTER L
U+1028E𐊎0xf0 0x90 0x8a 0x8eappendLYCIAN LETTER M
U+1028F𐊏0xf0 0x90 0x8a 0x8fappendLYCIAN LETTER N
U+10290𐊐0xf0 0x90 0x8a 0x90appendLYCIAN LETTER MM
U+10291𐊑0xf0 0x90 0x8a 0x91appendLYCIAN LETTER NN
U+10292𐊒0xf0 0x90 0x8a 0x92appendLYCIAN LETTER U
U+10293𐊓0xf0 0x90 0x8a 0x93appendLYCIAN LETTER P
U+10294𐊔0xf0 0x90 0x8a 0x94appendLYCIAN LETTER KK
U+10295𐊕0xf0 0x90 0x8a 0x95appendLYCIAN LETTER R
U+10296𐊖0xf0 0x90 0x8a 0x96appendLYCIAN LETTER S
U+10297𐊗0xf0 0x90 0x8a 0x97appendLYCIAN LETTER T
U+10298𐊘0xf0 0x90 0x8a 0x98appendLYCIAN LETTER TT
U+10299𐊙0xf0 0x90 0x8a 0x99appendLYCIAN LETTER AN
U+1029A𐊚0xf0 0x90 0x8a 0x9aappendLYCIAN LETTER EN
U+1029B𐊛0xf0 0x90 0x8a 0x9bappendLYCIAN LETTER H
U+1029C𐊜0xf0 0x90 0x8a 0x9cappendLYCIAN LETTER X
U+1029D𐊝0xf0 0x90 0x8a 0x9dappend
U+1029E𐊞0xf0 0x90 0x8a 0x9eappend
U+1029F𐊟0xf0 0x90 0x8a 0x9fappend
U+102A0𐊠0xf0 0x90 0x8a 0xa0appendCARIAN LETTER A
U+102A1𐊡0xf0 0x90 0x8a 0xa1appendCARIAN LETTER P2
U+102A2𐊢0xf0 0x90 0x8a 0xa2appendCARIAN LETTER D
U+102A3𐊣0xf0 0x90 0x8a 0xa3appendCARIAN LETTER L
U+102A4𐊤0xf0 0x90 0x8a 0xa4appendCARIAN LETTER UUU
U+102A5𐊥0xf0 0x90 0x8a 0xa5appendCARIAN LETTER R
U+102A6𐊦0xf0 0x90 0x8a 0xa6appendCARIAN LETTER LD
U+102A7𐊧0xf0 0x90 0x8a 0xa7appendCARIAN LETTER A2
U+102A8𐊨0xf0 0x90 0x8a 0xa8appendCARIAN LETTER Q
U+102A9𐊩0xf0 0x90 0x8a 0xa9appendCARIAN LETTER B
U+102AA𐊪0xf0 0x90 0x8a 0xaaappendCARIAN LETTER M
U+102AB𐊫0xf0 0x90 0x8a 0xabappendCARIAN LETTER O
U+102AC𐊬0xf0 0x90 0x8a 0xacappendCARIAN LETTER D2
U+102AD𐊭0xf0 0x90 0x8a 0xadappendCARIAN LETTER T
U+102AE𐊮0xf0 0x90 0x8a 0xaeappendCARIAN LETTER SH
U+102AF𐊯0xf0 0x90 0x8a 0xafappendCARIAN LETTER SH2
U+102B0𐊰0xf0 0x90 0x8a 0xb0appendCARIAN LETTER S
U+102B1𐊱0xf0 0x90 0x8a 0xb1appendCARIAN LETTER C-18
U+102B2𐊲0xf0 0x90 0x8a 0xb2appendCARIAN LETTER U
U+102B3𐊳0xf0 0x90 0x8a 0xb3appendCARIAN LETTER NN
U+102B4𐊴0xf0 0x90 0x8a 0xb4appendCARIAN LETTER X
U+102B5𐊵0xf0 0x90 0x8a 0xb5appendCARIAN LETTER N
U+102B6𐊶0xf0 0x90 0x8a 0xb6appendCARIAN LETTER TT2
U+102B7𐊷0xf0 0x90 0x8a 0xb7appendCARIAN LETTER P
U+102B8𐊸0xf0 0x90 0x8a 0xb8appendCARIAN LETTER SS
U+102B9𐊹0xf0 0x90 0x8a 0xb9appendCARIAN LETTER I
U+102BA𐊺0xf0 0x90 0x8a 0xbaappendCARIAN LETTER E
U+102BB𐊻0xf0 0x90 0x8a 0xbbappendCARIAN LETTER UUUU
U+102BC𐊼0xf0 0x90 0x8a 0xbcappendCARIAN LETTER K
U+102BD𐊽0xf0 0x90 0x8a 0xbdappendCARIAN LETTER K2
U+102BE𐊾0xf0 0x90 0x8a 0xbeappendCARIAN LETTER ND
U+102BF𐊿0xf0 0x90 0x8a 0xbfappendCARIAN LETTER UU
U+102C0𐋀0xf0 0x90 0x8b 0x80appendCARIAN LETTER G
U+102C1𐋁0xf0 0x90 0x8b 0x81appendCARIAN LETTER G2
U+102C2𐋂0xf0 0x90 0x8b 0x82appendCARIAN LETTER ST
U+102C3𐋃0xf0 0x90 0x8b 0x83appendCARIAN LETTER ST2
U+102C4𐋄0xf0 0x90 0x8b 0x84appendCARIAN LETTER NG
U+102C5𐋅0xf0 0x90 0x8b 0x85appendCARIAN LETTER II
U+102C6𐋆0xf0 0x90 0x8b 0x86appendCARIAN LETTER C-39
U+102C7𐋇0xf0 0x90 0x8b 0x87appendCARIAN LETTER TT
U+102C8𐋈0xf0 0x90 0x8b 0x88appendCARIAN LETTER UUU2
U+102C9𐋉0xf0 0x90 0x8b 0x89appendCARIAN LETTER RR
U+102CA𐋊0xf0 0x90 0x8b 0x8aappendCARIAN LETTER MB
U+102CB𐋋0xf0 0x90 0x8b 0x8bappendCARIAN LETTER MB2
U+102CC𐋌0xf0 0x90 0x8b 0x8cappendCARIAN LETTER MB3
U+102CD𐋍0xf0 0x90 0x8b 0x8dappendCARIAN LETTER MB4
U+102CE𐋎0xf0 0x90 0x8b 0x8eappendCARIAN LETTER LD2
U+102CF𐋏0xf0 0x90 0x8b 0x8fappendCARIAN LETTER E2