UTF-8 encoding table and Unicode characters

page with code points U+0700 to U+0AFF

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code positions per page 128 · 256 · 512 · 1024
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UTF-8 encoding
hex. · decimal · hex. (0x) · octal · binary · for Perl string literals · One Latin-1 char per byte · no display
Unicode character names not displayed · displayed · also display deprecated Unicode 1.0 names
links for adding char to text displayed · not displayed
numerical HTML encoding
of the Unicode character
not displayed · decimal · hexadecimal
HTML 4.0 character entities displayed (but no entities defined for range on this page) · not displayed
text accumulator (characters are added by clicking on the respective "append" link)
display 往愖慬径指愱扲愉ࡃৌ
editing functions
append space · delete last character · clear accumulator
Unicode U+5F80 U+6116 U+616C U+5F84 U+6307 U+6131 U+6272 U+6109 U+0843 U+09CC
UTF-8 e5 be 80 e6 84 96 e6 85 ac e5 be 84 e6 8c 87 e6 84 b1 e6 89 b2 e6 84 89 e0 a1 83 e0 a7 8c
HTML 往愖慬径指愱扲愉ࡃৌ
code point
character UTF-8
numerical HTML encoding
of the Unicode character
U+0700܀dc 80܀܀
U+0701܁dc 81܁܁
U+0702܂dc 82܂܂
U+0703܃dc 83܃܃
U+0704܄dc 84܄܄
U+0705܅dc 85܅܅
U+0706܆dc 86܆܆
U+0707܇dc 87܇܇
U+0708܈dc 88܈܈
U+0709܉dc 89܉܉
U+070A܊dc 8a܊܊
U+070B܋dc 8b܋܋
U+070C܌dc 8c܌܌
U+070D܍dc 8d܍܍
U+070E܎dc 8e܎܎
U+070F܏dc 8f܏܏
U+0710ܐdc 90ܐܐ
U+0711ܑdc 91ܑܑ
U+0712ܒdc 92ܒܒ
U+0713ܓdc 93ܓܓ
U+0714ܔdc 94ܔܔ
U+0715ܕdc 95ܕܕ
U+0716ܖdc 96ܖܖ
U+0717ܗdc 97ܗܗ
U+0718ܘdc 98ܘܘ
U+0719ܙdc 99ܙܙ
U+071Aܚdc 9aܚܚ
U+071Bܛdc 9bܛܛ
U+071Cܜdc 9cܜܜ
U+071Dܝdc 9dܝܝ
U+071Eܞdc 9eܞܞ
U+071Fܟdc 9fܟܟ
U+0720ܠdc a0ܠܠ
U+0721ܡdc a1ܡܡ
U+0722ܢdc a2ܢܢ
U+0723ܣdc a3ܣܣ
U+0724ܤdc a4ܤܤ
U+0725ܥdc a5ܥܥ
U+0726ܦdc a6ܦܦ
U+0727ܧdc a7ܧܧ
U+0728ܨdc a8ܨܨ
U+0729ܩdc a9ܩܩ
U+072Aܪdc aaܪܪ
U+072Bܫdc abܫܫ
U+072Cܬdc acܬܬ
U+072Dܭdc adܭܭ
U+072Eܮdc aeܮܮ
U+072Fܯdc afܯܯ
U+0730ܰdc b0ܰܰ
U+0731ܱdc b1ܱܱ
U+0732ܲdc b2ܲܲ
U+0733ܳdc b3ܳܳ
U+0734ܴdc b4ܴܴ
U+0735ܵdc b5ܵܵ
U+0736ܶdc b6ܶܶ
U+0737ܷdc b7ܷܷ
U+0738ܸdc b8ܸܸ
U+0739ܹdc b9ܹܹ
U+073Aܺdc baܺܺ
U+073Bܻdc bbܻܻ
U+073Cܼdc bcܼܼ
U+073Dܽdc bdܽܽ
U+073Eܾdc beܾܾ
U+073Fܿdc bfܿܿ
U+0740݀dd 80݀݀
U+0741݁dd 81݁݁
U+0742݂dd 82݂݂
U+0743݃dd 83݃݃
U+0744݄dd 84݄݄
U+0745݅dd 85݅݅
U+0746݆dd 86݆݆
U+0747݇dd 87݇݇
U+0748݈dd 88݈݈
U+0749݉dd 89݉݉
U+074A݊dd 8a݊݊
U+074B݋dd 8b݋݋
U+074C݌dd 8c݌݌
U+074Dݍdd 8dݍݍ
U+074Eݎdd 8eݎݎ
U+074Fݏdd 8fݏݏ
U+0750ݐdd 90ݐݐ
U+0751ݑdd 91ݑݑ
U+0752ݒdd 92ݒݒ
U+0753ݓdd 93ݓݓ
U+0754ݔdd 94ݔݔ
U+0755ݕdd 95ݕݕ
U+0756ݖdd 96ݖݖ
U+0757ݗdd 97ݗݗ
U+0758ݘdd 98ݘݘ
U+0759ݙdd 99ݙݙ
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U+075Cݜdd 9cݜݜ
U+075Dݝdd 9dݝݝ
U+075Eݞdd 9eݞݞ
U+075Fݟdd 9fݟݟ
U+0760ݠdd a0ݠݠ
U+0761ݡdd a1ݡݡ
U+0762ݢdd a2ݢݢ
U+0763ݣdd a3ݣݣ
U+0764ݤdd a4ݤݤ
U+0765ݥdd a5ݥݥ
U+0766ݦdd a6ݦݦ
U+0767ݧdd a7ݧݧ
U+0768ݨdd a8ݨݨ
U+0769ݩdd a9ݩݩ
U+076Aݪdd aaݪݪ
U+076Bݫdd abݫݫ
U+076Cݬdd acݬݬ
U+076Dݭdd adݭݭ
U+076Eݮdd aeݮݮ
U+076Fݯdd afݯݯ
U+0770ݰdd b0ݰݰ
U+0771ݱdd b1ݱݱ
U+0772ݲdd b2ݲݲ
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U+0774ݴdd b4ݴݴ
U+0775ݵdd b5ݵݵ
U+0776ݶdd b6ݶݶ
U+0777ݷdd b7ݷݷ
U+0778ݸdd b8ݸݸ
U+0779ݹdd b9ݹݹ
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U+077Bݻdd bbݻݻ
U+077Cݼdd bcݼݼ
U+077Dݽdd bdݽݽ
U+077Eݾdd beݾݾ
U+077Fݿdd bfݿݿ
U+0780ހde 80ހހ
U+0781ށde 81ށށ
U+0782ނde 82ނނ
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U+0784ބde 84ބބ
U+0785ޅde 85ޅޅ
U+0786ކde 86ކކ
U+0787އde 87އއ
U+0788ވde 88ވވ
U+0789މde 89މމ
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U+0790ސde 90ސސ
U+0791ޑde 91ޑޑ
U+0792ޒde 92ޒޒ
U+0793ޓde 93ޓޓ
U+0794ޔde 94ޔޔ
U+0795ޕde 95ޕޕ
U+0796ޖde 96ޖޖ
U+0797ޗde 97ޗޗ
U+0798ޘde 98ޘޘ
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U+07AFޯde afޯޯ
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U+07BF޿de bf޿޿
U+07C0߀df 80߀߀
U+07C1߁df 81߁߁
U+07C2߂df 82߂߂
U+07C3߃df 83߃߃
U+07C4߄df 84߄߄
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U+07C7߇df 87߇߇
U+07C8߈df 88߈߈
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U+07CCߌdf 8cߌߌ
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U+07CEߎdf 8eߎߎ
U+07CFߏdf 8fߏߏ
U+07D0ߐdf 90ߐߐ
U+07D1ߑdf 91ߑߑ
U+07D2ߒdf 92ߒߒ
U+07D3ߓdf 93ߓߓ
U+07D4ߔdf 94ߔߔ
U+07D5ߕdf 95ߕߕ
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U+07D7ߗdf 97ߗߗ
U+07D8ߘdf 98ߘߘ
U+07D9ߙdf 99ߙߙ
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U+07DDߝdf 9dߝߝ
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U+07E8ߨdf a8ߨߨ
U+07E9ߩdf a9ߩߩ
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U+07FB߻df bb߻߻
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U+07FE߾df be߾߾
U+07FF߿df bf߿߿
U+0800e0 a0 80ࠀ
U+0801e0 a0 81ࠁ
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U+0858e0 a1 98ࡘ
U+0859e0 a1 99࡙
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U+0899e0 a2 99࢙
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U+08C0e0 a3 80ࣀ
U+08C1e0 a3 81ࣁ
U+08C2e0 a3 82ࣂ
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U+08C5e0 a3 85ࣅ
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U+08C7e0 a3 87ࣇ
U+08C8e0 a3 88ࣈ
U+08C9e0 a3 89ࣉ
U+08CAe0 a3 8a࣊
U+08CBe0 a3 8b࣋
U+08CCe0 a3 8c࣌
U+08CDe0 a3 8d࣍
U+08CEe0 a3 8e࣎
U+08CFe0 a3 8f࣏
U+08D0e0 a3 90࣐
U+08D1e0 a3 91࣑
U+08D2e0 a3 92࣒
U+08D3e0 a3 93࣓
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U+08D5e0 a3 95ࣕ
U+08D6e0 a3 96ࣖ
U+08D7e0 a3 97ࣗ
U+08D8e0 a3 98ࣘ
U+08D9e0 a3 99ࣙ
U+08DAe0 a3 9aࣚ
U+08DBe0 a3 9bࣛ
U+08DCe0 a3 9cࣜ
U+08DDe0 a3 9dࣝ
U+08DEe0 a3 9eࣞ
U+08DFe0 a3 9fࣟ
U+08E0e0 a3 a0࣠
U+08E1e0 a3 a1࣡
U+08E2e0 a3 a2࣢
U+08E3e0 a3 a3ࣣ
U+08E4e0 a3 a4ࣤ
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U+08E7e0 a3 a7ࣧ
U+08E8e0 a3 a8ࣨ
U+08E9e0 a3 a9ࣩ
U+08EAe0 a3 aa࣪
U+08EBe0 a3 ab࣫
U+08ECe0 a3 ac࣬
U+08EDe0 a3 ad࣭
U+08EEe0 a3 ae࣮
U+08EFe0 a3 af࣯
U+08F0e0 a3 b0ࣰ
U+08F1e0 a3 b1ࣱ
U+08F2e0 a3 b2ࣲ
U+08F3e0 a3 b3ࣳ
U+08F4e0 a3 b4ࣴ
U+08F5e0 a3 b5ࣵ
U+08F6e0 a3 b6ࣶ
U+08F7e0 a3 b7ࣷ
U+08F8e0 a3 b8ࣸ
U+08F9e0 a3 b9ࣹ
U+08FAe0 a3 baࣺ
U+08FBe0 a3 bbࣻ
U+08FCe0 a3 bcࣼ
U+08FDe0 a3 bdࣽ
U+08FEe0 a3 beࣾ
U+08FFe0 a3 bfࣿ
U+0900e0 a4 80ऀ
U+0901e0 a4 81ँ
U+0902e0 a4 82ं
U+0903e0 a4 83ः
U+0904e0 a4 84ऄ
U+0905e0 a4 85अ
U+0906e0 a4 86आ
U+0907e0 a4 87इ
U+0908e0 a4 88ई
U+0909e0 a4 89उ
U+090Ae0 a4 8aऊ
U+090Be0 a4 8bऋ
U+090Ce0 a4 8cऌ
U+090De0 a4 8dऍ
U+090Ee0 a4 8eऎ
U+090Fe0 a4 8fए
U+0910e0 a4 90ऐ
U+0911e0 a4 91ऑ
U+0912e0 a4 92ऒ
U+0913e0 a4 93ओ
U+0914e0 a4 94औ
U+0915e0 a4 95क
U+0916e0 a4 96ख
U+0917e0 a4 97ग
U+0918e0 a4 98घ
U+0919e0 a4 99ङ
U+091Ae0 a4 9aच
U+091Be0 a4 9bछ
U+091Ce0 a4 9cज
U+091De0 a4 9dझ
U+091Ee0 a4 9eञ
U+091Fe0 a4 9fट
U+0920e0 a4 a0ठ
U+0921e0 a4 a1ड
U+0922e0 a4 a2ढ
U+0923e0 a4 a3ण
U+0924e0 a4 a4त
U+0925e0 a4 a5थ
U+0926e0 a4 a6द
U+0927e0 a4 a7ध
U+0928e0 a4 a8न
U+0929e0 a4 a9ऩ
U+092Ae0 a4 aaप
U+092Be0 a4 abफ
U+092Ce0 a4 acब
U+092De0 a4 adभ
U+092Ee0 a4 aeम
U+092Fe0 a4 afय
U+0930e0 a4 b0र
U+0931e0 a4 b1ऱ
U+0932e0 a4 b2ल
U+0933e0 a4 b3ळ
U+0934e0 a4 b4ऴ
U+0935e0 a4 b5व
U+0936e0 a4 b6श
U+0937e0 a4 b7ष
U+0938e0 a4 b8स
U+0939e0 a4 b9ह
U+093Ae0 a4 baऺ
U+093Be0 a4 bbऻ
U+093Ce0 a4 bc़
U+093De0 a4 bdऽ
U+093Ee0 a4 beा
U+093Fिe0 a4 bfिि
U+0940e0 a5 80ी
U+0941e0 a5 81ु
U+0942e0 a5 82ू
U+0943e0 a5 83ृ
U+0944e0 a5 84ॄ
U+0945e0 a5 85ॅ
U+0946e0 a5 86ॆ
U+0947e0 a5 87े
U+0948e0 a5 88ै
U+0949e0 a5 89ॉ
U+094Ae0 a5 8aॊ
U+094Be0 a5 8bो
U+094Ce0 a5 8cौ
U+094De0 a5 8d्
U+094Ee0 a5 8eॎ
U+094Fe0 a5 8fॏ
U+0950e0 a5 90ॐ
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U+0955e0 a5 95ॕ
U+0956e0 a5 96ॖ
U+0957e0 a5 97ॗ
U+0958e0 a5 98क़
U+0959e0 a5 99ख़
U+095Ae0 a5 9aग़
U+095Be0 a5 9bज़
U+095Ce0 a5 9cड़
U+095De0 a5 9dढ़
U+095Ee0 a5 9eफ़
U+095Fe0 a5 9fय़
U+0960e0 a5 a0ॠ
U+0961e0 a5 a1ॡ
U+0962e0 a5 a2ॢ
U+0963e0 a5 a3ॣ
U+0964e0 a5 a4।
U+0965e0 a5 a5॥
U+0966e0 a5 a6०
U+0967e0 a5 a7१
U+0968e0 a5 a8२
U+0969e0 a5 a9३
U+096Ae0 a5 aa४
U+096Be0 a5 ab५
U+096Ce0 a5 ac६
U+096De0 a5 ad७
U+096Ee0 a5 ae८
U+096Fe0 a5 af९
U+0970e0 a5 b0॰
U+0971e0 a5 b1ॱ
U+0972e0 a5 b2ॲ
U+0973e0 a5 b3ॳ
U+0974e0 a5 b4ॴ
U+0975e0 a5 b5ॵ
U+0976e0 a5 b6ॶ
U+0977e0 a5 b7ॷ
U+0978e0 a5 b8ॸ
U+0979e0 a5 b9ॹ
U+097Ae0 a5 baॺ
U+097Be0 a5 bbॻ
U+097Ce0 a5 bcॼ
U+097De0 a5 bdॽ
U+097Ee0 a5 beॾ
U+097Fॿe0 a5 bfॿॿ
U+0980e0 a6 80ঀ
U+0981e0 a6 81ঁ
U+0982e0 a6 82ং
U+0983e0 a6 83ঃ
U+0984e0 a6 84঄
U+0985e0 a6 85অ
U+0986e0 a6 86আ
U+0987e0 a6 87ই
U+0988e0 a6 88ঈ
U+0989e0 a6 89উ
U+098Ae0 a6 8aঊ
U+098Be0 a6 8bঋ
U+098Ce0 a6 8cঌ
U+098De0 a6 8d঍
U+098Ee0 a6 8e঎
U+098Fe0 a6 8fএ
U+0990e0 a6 90ঐ
U+0991e0 a6 91঑
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U+0993e0 a6 93ও
U+0994e0 a6 94ঔ
U+0995e0 a6 95ক
U+0996e0 a6 96খ
U+0997e0 a6 97গ
U+0998e0 a6 98ঘ
U+0999e0 a6 99ঙ
U+099Ae0 a6 9aচ
U+099Be0 a6 9bছ
U+099Ce0 a6 9cজ
U+099De0 a6 9dঝ
U+099Ee0 a6 9eঞ
U+099Fe0 a6 9fট
U+09A0e0 a6 a0ঠ
U+09A1e0 a6 a1ড
U+09A2e0 a6 a2ঢ
U+09A3e0 a6 a3ণ
U+09A4e0 a6 a4ত
U+09A5e0 a6 a5থ
U+09A6e0 a6 a6দ
U+09A7e0 a6 a7ধ
U+09A8e0 a6 a8ন
U+09A9e0 a6 a9঩
U+09AAe0 a6 aaপ
U+09ABe0 a6 abফ
U+09ACe0 a6 acব
U+09ADe0 a6 adভ
U+09AEe0 a6 aeম
U+09AFe0 a6 afয
U+09B0e0 a6 b0র
U+09B1e0 a6 b1঱
U+09B2e0 a6 b2ল
U+09B3e0 a6 b3঳
U+09B4e0 a6 b4঴
U+09B5e0 a6 b5঵
U+09B6e0 a6 b6শ
U+09B7e0 a6 b7ষ
U+09B8e0 a6 b8স
U+09B9e0 a6 b9হ
U+09BAe0 a6 ba঺
U+09BBe0 a6 bb঻
U+09BCe0 a6 bc়
U+09BDe0 a6 bdঽ
U+09BEe0 a6 beা
U+09BFিe0 a6 bfিি
U+09C0e0 a7 80ী
U+09C1e0 a7 81ু
U+09C2e0 a7 82ূ
U+09C3e0 a7 83ৃ
U+09C4e0 a7 84ৄ
U+09C5e0 a7 85৅
U+09C6e0 a7 86৆
U+09C7e0 a7 87ে
U+09C8e0 a7 88ৈ
U+09C9e0 a7 89৉
U+09CAe0 a7 8a৊
U+09CBe0 a7 8bো
U+09CCe0 a7 8cৌ
U+09CDe0 a7 8d্
U+09CEe0 a7 8eৎ
U+09CFe0 a7 8f৏
U+09D0e0 a7 90৐
U+09D1e0 a7 91৑
U+09D2e0 a7 92৒
U+09D3e0 a7 93৓
U+09D4e0 a7 94৔
U+09D5e0 a7 95৕
U+09D6e0 a7 96৖
U+09D7e0 a7 97ৗ
U+09D8e0 a7 98৘
U+09D9e0 a7 99৙
U+09DAe0 a7 9a৚
U+09DBe0 a7 9b৛
U+09DCe0 a7 9cড়
U+09DDe0 a7 9dঢ়
U+09DEe0 a7 9e৞
U+09DFe0 a7 9fয়
U+09E0e0 a7 a0ৠ
U+09E1e0 a7 a1ৡ
U+09E2e0 a7 a2ৢ
U+09E3e0 a7 a3ৣ
U+09E4e0 a7 a4৤
U+09E5e0 a7 a5৥
U+09E6e0 a7 a6০
U+09E7e0 a7 a7১
U+09E8e0 a7 a8২
U+09E9e0 a7 a9৩
U+09EAe0 a7 aa৪
U+09EBe0 a7 ab৫
U+09ECe0 a7 ac৬
U+09EDe0 a7 ad৭
U+09EEe0 a7 ae৮
U+09EFe0 a7 af৯
U+09F0e0 a7 b0ৰ
U+09F1e0 a7 b1ৱ
U+09F2e0 a7 b2৲
U+09F3e0 a7 b3৳
U+09F4e0 a7 b4৴
U+09F5e0 a7 b5৵
U+09F6e0 a7 b6৶
U+09F7e0 a7 b7৷
U+09F8e0 a7 b8৸
U+09F9e0 a7 b9৹
U+09FAe0 a7 ba৺
U+09FBe0 a7 bb৻
U+09FCe0 a7 bcৼ
U+09FDe0 a7 bd৽
U+09FEe0 a7 be৾
U+09FF৿e0 a7 bf৿৿
U+0A00e0 a8 80਀
U+0A01e0 a8 81ਁ
U+0A02e0 a8 82ਂ
U+0A03e0 a8 83ਃ
U+0A04e0 a8 84਄
U+0A05e0 a8 85ਅ
U+0A06e0 a8 86ਆ
U+0A07e0 a8 87ਇ
U+0A08e0 a8 88ਈ
U+0A09e0 a8 89ਉ
U+0A0Ae0 a8 8aਊ
U+0A0Be0 a8 8b਋
U+0A0Ce0 a8 8c਌
U+0A0De0 a8 8d਍
U+0A0Ee0 a8 8e਎
U+0A0Fe0 a8 8fਏ
U+0A10e0 a8 90ਐ
U+0A11e0 a8 91਑
U+0A12e0 a8 92਒
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U+0A14e0 a8 94ਔ
U+0A15e0 a8 95ਕ
U+0A16e0 a8 96ਖ
U+0A17e0 a8 97ਗ
U+0A18e0 a8 98ਘ
U+0A19e0 a8 99ਙ
U+0A1Ae0 a8 9aਚ
U+0A1Be0 a8 9bਛ
U+0A1Ce0 a8 9cਜ
U+0A1De0 a8 9dਝ
U+0A1Ee0 a8 9eਞ
U+0A1Fe0 a8 9fਟ
U+0A20e0 a8 a0ਠ
U+0A21e0 a8 a1ਡ
U+0A22e0 a8 a2ਢ
U+0A23e0 a8 a3ਣ
U+0A24e0 a8 a4ਤ
U+0A25e0 a8 a5ਥ
U+0A26e0 a8 a6ਦ
U+0A27e0 a8 a7ਧ
U+0A28e0 a8 a8ਨ
U+0A29e0 a8 a9਩
U+0A2Ae0 a8 aaਪ
U+0A2Be0 a8 abਫ
U+0A2Ce0 a8 acਬ
U+0A2De0 a8 adਭ
U+0A2Ee0 a8 aeਮ
U+0A2Fe0 a8 afਯ
U+0A30e0 a8 b0ਰ
U+0A31e0 a8 b1਱
U+0A32e0 a8 b2ਲ
U+0A33e0 a8 b3ਲ਼
U+0A34e0 a8 b4਴
U+0A35e0 a8 b5ਵ
U+0A36e0 a8 b6ਸ਼
U+0A37e0 a8 b7਷
U+0A38e0 a8 b8ਸ
U+0A39e0 a8 b9ਹ
U+0A3Ae0 a8 ba਺
U+0A3Be0 a8 bb਻
U+0A3Ce0 a8 bc਼
U+0A3De0 a8 bd਽
U+0A3Ee0 a8 beਾ
U+0A3Fਿe0 a8 bfਿਿ
U+0A40e0 a9 80ੀ
U+0A41e0 a9 81ੁ
U+0A42e0 a9 82ੂ
U+0A43e0 a9 83੃
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U+0A4Ae0 a9 8a੊
U+0A4Be0 a9 8bੋ
U+0A4Ce0 a9 8cੌ
U+0A4De0 a9 8d੍
U+0A4Ee0 a9 8e੎
U+0A4Fe0 a9 8f੏
U+0A50e0 a9 90੐
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U+0A55e0 a9 95੕
U+0A56e0 a9 96੖
U+0A57e0 a9 97੗
U+0A58e0 a9 98੘
U+0A59e0 a9 99ਖ਼
U+0A5Ae0 a9 9aਗ਼
U+0A5Be0 a9 9bਜ਼
U+0A5Ce0 a9 9cੜ
U+0A5De0 a9 9d੝
U+0A5Ee0 a9 9eਫ਼
U+0A5Fe0 a9 9f੟
U+0A60e0 a9 a0੠
U+0A61e0 a9 a1੡
U+0A62e0 a9 a2੢
U+0A63e0 a9 a3੣
U+0A64e0 a9 a4੤
U+0A65e0 a9 a5੥
U+0A66e0 a9 a6੦
U+0A67e0 a9 a7੧
U+0A68e0 a9 a8੨
U+0A69e0 a9 a9੩
U+0A6Ae0 a9 aa੪
U+0A6Be0 a9 ab੫
U+0A6Ce0 a9 ac੬
U+0A6De0 a9 ad੭
U+0A6Ee0 a9 ae੮
U+0A6Fe0 a9 af੯
U+0A70e0 a9 b0ੰ
U+0A71e0 a9 b1ੱ
U+0A72e0 a9 b2ੲ
U+0A73e0 a9 b3ੳ
U+0A74e0 a9 b4ੴ
U+0A75e0 a9 b5ੵ
U+0A76e0 a9 b6੶
U+0A77e0 a9 b7੷
U+0A78e0 a9 b8੸
U+0A79e0 a9 b9੹
U+0A7Ae0 a9 ba੺
U+0A7Be0 a9 bb੻
U+0A7Ce0 a9 bc੼
U+0A7De0 a9 bd੽
U+0A7Ee0 a9 be੾
U+0A7F੿e0 a9 bf੿੿
U+0A80e0 aa 80઀
U+0A81e0 aa 81ઁ
U+0A82e0 aa 82ં
U+0A83e0 aa 83ઃ
U+0A84e0 aa 84઄
U+0A85e0 aa 85અ
U+0A86e0 aa 86આ
U+0A87e0 aa 87ઇ
U+0A88e0 aa 88ઈ
U+0A89e0 aa 89ઉ
U+0A8Ae0 aa 8aઊ
U+0A8Be0 aa 8bઋ
U+0A8Ce0 aa 8cઌ
U+0A8De0 aa 8dઍ
U+0A8Ee0 aa 8e઎
U+0A8Fe0 aa 8fએ
U+0A90e0 aa 90ઐ
U+0A91e0 aa 91ઑ
U+0A92e0 aa 92઒
U+0A93e0 aa 93ઓ
U+0A94e0 aa 94ઔ
U+0A95e0 aa 95ક
U+0A96e0 aa 96ખ
U+0A97e0 aa 97ગ
U+0A98e0 aa 98ઘ
U+0A99e0 aa 99ઙ
U+0A9Ae0 aa 9aચ
U+0A9Be0 aa 9bછ
U+0A9Ce0 aa 9cજ
U+0A9De0 aa 9dઝ
U+0A9Ee0 aa 9eઞ
U+0A9Fe0 aa 9fટ
U+0AA0e0 aa a0ઠ
U+0AA1e0 aa a1ડ
U+0AA2e0 aa a2ઢ
U+0AA3e0 aa a3ણ
U+0AA4e0 aa a4ત
U+0AA5e0 aa a5થ
U+0AA6e0 aa a6દ
U+0AA7e0 aa a7ધ
U+0AA8e0 aa a8ન
U+0AA9e0 aa a9઩
U+0AAAe0 aa aaપ
U+0AABe0 aa abફ
U+0AACe0 aa acબ
U+0AADe0 aa adભ
U+0AAEe0 aa aeમ
U+0AAFe0 aa afય
U+0AB0e0 aa b0ર
U+0AB1e0 aa b1઱
U+0AB2e0 aa b2લ
U+0AB3e0 aa b3ળ
U+0AB4e0 aa b4઴
U+0AB5e0 aa b5વ
U+0AB6e0 aa b6શ
U+0AB7e0 aa b7ષ
U+0AB8e0 aa b8સ
U+0AB9e0 aa b9હ
U+0ABAe0 aa ba઺
U+0ABBe0 aa bb઻
U+0ABCe0 aa bc઼
U+0ABDe0 aa bdઽ
U+0ABEe0 aa beા
U+0ABFિe0 aa bfિિ
U+0AC0e0 ab 80ી
U+0AC1e0 ab 81ુ
U+0AC2e0 ab 82ૂ
U+0AC3e0 ab 83ૃ
U+0AC4e0 ab 84ૄ
U+0AC5e0 ab 85ૅ
U+0AC6e0 ab 86૆
U+0AC7e0 ab 87ે
U+0AC8e0 ab 88ૈ
U+0AC9e0 ab 89ૉ
U+0ACAe0 ab 8a૊
U+0ACBe0 ab 8bો
U+0ACCe0 ab 8cૌ
U+0ACDe0 ab 8d્
U+0ACEe0 ab 8e૎
U+0ACFe0 ab 8f૏
U+0AD0e0 ab 90ૐ
U+0AD1e0 ab 91૑
U+0AD2e0 ab 92૒
U+0AD3e0 ab 93૓
U+0AD4e0 ab 94૔
U+0AD5e0 ab 95૕
U+0AD6e0 ab 96૖
U+0AD7e0 ab 97૗
U+0AD8e0 ab 98૘
U+0AD9e0 ab 99૙
U+0ADAe0 ab 9a૚
U+0ADBe0 ab 9b૛
U+0ADCe0 ab 9c૜
U+0ADDe0 ab 9d૝
U+0ADEe0 ab 9e૞
U+0ADFe0 ab 9f૟
U+0AE0e0 ab a0ૠ
U+0AE1e0 ab a1ૡ
U+0AE2e0 ab a2ૢ
U+0AE3e0 ab a3ૣ
U+0AE4e0 ab a4૤
U+0AE5e0 ab a5૥
U+0AE6e0 ab a6૦
U+0AE7e0 ab a7૧
U+0AE8e0 ab a8૨
U+0AE9e0 ab a9૩
U+0AEAe0 ab aa૪
U+0AEBe0 ab ab૫
U+0AECe0 ab ac૬
U+0AEDe0 ab ad૭
U+0AEEe0 ab ae૮
U+0AEFe0 ab af૯
U+0AF0e0 ab b0૰
U+0AF1e0 ab b1૱
U+0AF2e0 ab b2૲
U+0AF3e0 ab b3૳
U+0AF4e0 ab b4૴
U+0AF5e0 ab b5૵
U+0AF6e0 ab b6૶
U+0AF7e0 ab b7૷
U+0AF8e0 ab b8૸
U+0AF9e0 ab b9ૹ
U+0AFAe0 ab baૺ
U+0AFBe0 ab bbૻ
U+0AFCe0 ab bcૼ
U+0AFDe0 ab bd૽
U+0AFEe0 ab be૾
U+0AFF૿e0 ab bf૿૿