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Unicode U+0035 U+0020
UTF-8 35 20
code point
character UTF-8
U+0600؀d8 80
U+0601؁d8 81
U+0602؂d8 82
U+0603؃d8 83
U+0604؄d8 84
U+0605؅d8 85
U+0606؆d8 86
U+0607؇d8 87
U+0608؈d8 88
U+0609؉d8 89
U+060A؊d8 8a
U+060B؋d8 8b
U+060C،d8 8c
U+060D؍d8 8d
U+060E؎d8 8e
U+060F؏d8 8f
U+0610ؐd8 90
U+0611ؑd8 91
U+0612ؒd8 92
U+0613ؓd8 93
U+0614ؔd8 94
U+0615ؕd8 95
U+0616ؖd8 96
U+0617ؗd8 97
U+0618ؘd8 98
U+0619ؙd8 99
U+061Aؚd8 9a
U+061B؛d8 9b
U+061C؜d8 9c
U+061D؝d8 9d
U+061E؞d8 9e
U+061F؟d8 9f
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U+0621ءd8 a1
U+0622آd8 a2
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U+0624ؤd8 a4
U+0625إd8 a5
U+0626ئd8 a6
U+0627اd8 a7
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U+0629ةd8 a9
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U+062Bثd8 ab
U+062Cجd8 ac
U+062Dحd8 ad
U+062Eخd8 ae
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U+063Bػd8 bb
U+063Cؼd8 bc
U+063Dؽd8 bd
U+063Eؾd8 be
U+063Fؿd8 bf
U+0640ـd9 80
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U+0648وd9 88
U+0649ىd9 89
U+064Aيd9 8a
U+064Bًd9 8b
U+064Cٌd9 8c
U+064Dٍd9 8d
U+064Eَd9 8e
U+064Fُd9 8f
U+0650ِd9 90
U+0651ّd9 91
U+0652ْd9 92
U+0653ٓd9 93
U+0654ٔd9 94
U+0655ٕd9 95
U+0656ٖd9 96
U+0657ٗd9 97
U+0658٘d9 98
U+0659ٙd9 99
U+065Aٚd9 9a
U+065Bٛd9 9b
U+065Cٜd9 9c
U+065Dٝd9 9d
U+065Eٞd9 9e
U+065Fٟd9 9f
U+0660٠d9 a0
U+0661١d9 a1
U+0662٢d9 a2
U+0663٣d9 a3
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U+0667٧d9 a7
U+0668٨d9 a8
U+0669٩d9 a9
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U+066C٬d9 ac
U+066D٭d9 ad
U+066Eٮd9 ae
U+066Fٯd9 af
U+0670ٰd9 b0
U+0671ٱd9 b1
U+0672ٲd9 b2
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U+0679ٹd9 b9
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U+067Bٻd9 bb
U+067Cټd9 bc
U+067Dٽd9 bd
U+067Eپd9 be
U+067Fٿd9 bf
U+0680ڀda 80
U+0681ځda 81
U+0682ڂda 82
U+0683ڃda 83
U+0684ڄda 84
U+0685څda 85
U+0686چda 86
U+0687ڇda 87
U+0688ڈda 88
U+0689ډda 89
U+068Aڊda 8a
U+068Bڋda 8b
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U+068Dڍda 8d
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U+068Fڏda 8f
U+0690ڐda 90
U+0691ڑda 91
U+0692ڒda 92
U+0693ړda 93
U+0694ڔda 94
U+0695ڕda 95
U+0696ږda 96
U+0697ڗda 97
U+0698ژda 98
U+0699ڙda 99
U+069Aښda 9a
U+069Bڛda 9b
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U+069Eڞda 9e
U+069Fڟda 9f
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U+06A2ڢda a2
U+06A3ڣda a3
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U+06A8ڨda a8
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U+06ADڭda ad
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U+06AFگda af
U+06B0ڰda b0
U+06B1ڱda b1
U+06B2ڲda b2
U+06B3ڳda b3
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U+06C1ہdb 81
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U+06C7ۇdb 87
U+06C8ۈdb 88
U+06C9ۉdb 89
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U+06CBۋdb 8b
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U+06CFۏdb 8f
U+06D0ېdb 90
U+06D1ۑdb 91
U+06D2ےdb 92
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U+06D9ۙdb 99
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U+06FFۿdb bf
U+0700܀dc 80
U+0701܁dc 81
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