UTF-8 encoding table and Unicode characters

page with code points U+1B58 to U+1F57

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UTF-8 encoding
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Unicode character names not displayed · displayed · also display deprecated Unicode 1.0 names
links for adding char to text displayed · not displayed
numerical HTML encoding
of the Unicode character
not displayed · decimal · hexadecimal
HTML 4.0 character entities displayed · not displayed
text accumulator (characters are added by clicking on the respective "append" link)
display ˇ
editing functions
append space · delete last character · clear accumulator
Unicode U+02C7
UTF-8 0xcb 0x87
code point
character UTF-8
numerical HTML encoding
of the Unicode character
U+1B580xe1 0xad 0x98᭘
U+1B590xe1 0xad 0x99᭙
U+1B5A0xe1 0xad 0x9a᭚
U+1B5B0xe1 0xad 0x9b᭛
U+1B5C0xe1 0xad 0x9c᭜
U+1B5D0xe1 0xad 0x9d᭝
U+1B5E0xe1 0xad 0x9e᭞
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U+1B630xe1 0xad 0xa3᭣
U+1B640xe1 0xad 0xa4᭤
U+1B650xe1 0xad 0xa5᭥
U+1B660xe1 0xad 0xa6᭦
U+1B670xe1 0xad 0xa7᭧
U+1B680xe1 0xad 0xa8᭨
U+1B690xe1 0xad 0xa9᭩
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U+1B6F0xe1 0xad 0xaf᭯
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U+1B720xe1 0xad 0xb2᭲
U+1B730xe1 0xad 0xb3᭳
U+1B740xe1 0xad 0xb4᭴
U+1B750xe1 0xad 0xb5᭵
U+1B760xe1 0xad 0xb6᭶
U+1B770xe1 0xad 0xb7᭷
U+1B780xe1 0xad 0xb8᭸
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U+1B820xe1 0xae 0x82ᮂ
U+1B830xe1 0xae 0x83ᮃ
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U+1B8F0xe1 0xae 0x8fᮏ
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U+1B910xe1 0xae 0x91ᮑ
U+1B920xe1 0xae 0x92ᮒ
U+1B930xe1 0xae 0x93ᮓ
U+1B940xe1 0xae 0x94ᮔ
U+1B950xe1 0xae 0x95ᮕ
U+1B960xe1 0xae 0x96ᮖ
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U+1B9E0xe1 0xae 0x9eᮞ
U+1B9F0xe1 0xae 0x9fᮟ
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U+1BA90xe1 0xae 0xa9ᮩ
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U+1BC20xe1 0xaf 0x82ᯂ
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U+1BC40xe1 0xaf 0x84ᯄ
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U+1CBB0xe1 0xb2 0xbb᲻
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U+1CBD0xe1 0xb2 0xbdᲽ
U+1CBE0xe1 0xb2 0xbeᲾ
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U+1CC10xe1 0xb3 0x81᳁
U+1CC20xe1 0xb3 0x82᳂
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U+1CC40xe1 0xb3 0x84᳄
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U+1CC60xe1 0xb3 0x86᳆
U+1CC70xe1 0xb3 0x87᳇
U+1CC80xe1 0xb3 0x88᳈
U+1CC90xe1 0xb3 0x89᳉
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U+1CCB0xe1 0xb3 0x8b᳋
U+1CCC0xe1 0xb3 0x8c᳌
U+1CCD0xe1 0xb3 0x8d᳍
U+1CCE0xe1 0xb3 0x8e᳎
U+1CCF0xe1 0xb3 0x8f᳏
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U+1CD30xe1 0xb3 0x93᳓
U+1CD40xe1 0xb3 0x94᳔
U+1CD50xe1 0xb3 0x95᳕
U+1CD60xe1 0xb3 0x96᳖
U+1CD70xe1 0xb3 0x97᳗
U+1CD80xe1 0xb3 0x98᳘
U+1CD90xe1 0xb3 0x99᳙
U+1CDA0xe1 0xb3 0x9a᳚
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U+1CDD0xe1 0xb3 0x9d᳝
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U+1CE30xe1 0xb3 0xa3᳣
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U+1CE80xe1 0xb3 0xa8᳨
U+1CE90xe1 0xb3 0xa9ᳩ
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U+1CF00xe1 0xb3 0xb0ᳰ
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U+1CF30xe1 0xb3 0xb3ᳳ
U+1CF40xe1 0xb3 0xb4᳴
U+1CF50xe1 0xb3 0xb5ᳵ
U+1CF60xe1 0xb3 0xb6ᳶ
U+1CF70xe1 0xb3 0xb7᳷
U+1CF80xe1 0xb3 0xb8᳸
U+1CF90xe1 0xb3 0xb9᳹
U+1CFA0xe1 0xb3 0xbaᳺ
U+1CFB0xe1 0xb3 0xbb᳻
U+1CFC0xe1 0xb3 0xbc᳼
U+1CFD0xe1 0xb3 0xbd᳽
U+1CFE0xe1 0xb3 0xbe᳾
U+1CFF᳿0xe1 0xb3 0xbf᳿᳿
U+1D000xe1 0xb4 0x80ᴀ
U+1D010xe1 0xb4 0x81ᴁ
U+1D020xe1 0xb4 0x82ᴂ
U+1D030xe1 0xb4 0x83ᴃ
U+1D040xe1 0xb4 0x84ᴄ
U+1D050xe1 0xb4 0x85ᴅ
U+1D060xe1 0xb4 0x86ᴆ
U+1D070xe1 0xb4 0x87ᴇ
U+1D080xe1 0xb4 0x88ᴈ
U+1D090xe1 0xb4 0x89ᴉ
U+1D0A0xe1 0xb4 0x8aᴊ
U+1D0B0xe1 0xb4 0x8bᴋ
U+1D0C0xe1 0xb4 0x8cᴌ
U+1D0D0xe1 0xb4 0x8dᴍ
U+1D0E0xe1 0xb4 0x8eᴎ
U+1D0F0xe1 0xb4 0x8fᴏ
U+1D100xe1 0xb4 0x90ᴐ
U+1D110xe1 0xb4 0x91ᴑ
U+1D120xe1 0xb4 0x92ᴒ
U+1D130xe1 0xb4 0x93ᴓ
U+1D140xe1 0xb4 0x94ᴔ
U+1D150xe1 0xb4 0x95ᴕ
U+1D160xe1 0xb4 0x96ᴖ
U+1D170xe1 0xb4 0x97ᴗ
U+1D180xe1 0xb4 0x98ᴘ
U+1D190xe1 0xb4 0x99ᴙ
U+1D1A0xe1 0xb4 0x9aᴚ
U+1D1B0xe1 0xb4 0x9bᴛ
U+1D1C0xe1 0xb4 0x9cᴜ
U+1D1D0xe1 0xb4 0x9dᴝ
U+1D1E0xe1 0xb4 0x9eᴞ
U+1D1F0xe1 0xb4 0x9fᴟ
U+1D200xe1 0xb4 0xa0ᴠ
U+1D210xe1 0xb4 0xa1ᴡ
U+1D220xe1 0xb4 0xa2ᴢ
U+1D230xe1 0xb4 0xa3ᴣ
U+1D240xe1 0xb4 0xa4ᴤ
U+1D250xe1 0xb4 0xa5ᴥ
U+1D260xe1 0xb4 0xa6ᴦ
U+1D270xe1 0xb4 0xa7ᴧ
U+1D280xe1 0xb4 0xa8ᴨ
U+1D290xe1 0xb4 0xa9ᴩ
U+1D2A0xe1 0xb4 0xaaᴪ
U+1D2B0xe1 0xb4 0xabᴫ
U+1D2C0xe1 0xb4 0xacᴬ
U+1D2D0xe1 0xb4 0xadᴭ
U+1D2E0xe1 0xb4 0xaeᴮ
U+1D2F0xe1 0xb4 0xafᴯ
U+1D300xe1 0xb4 0xb0ᴰ
U+1D310xe1 0xb4 0xb1ᴱ
U+1D320xe1 0xb4 0xb2ᴲ
U+1D330xe1 0xb4 0xb3ᴳ
U+1D340xe1 0xb4 0xb4ᴴ
U+1D350xe1 0xb4 0xb5ᴵ
U+1D360xe1 0xb4 0xb6ᴶ
U+1D370xe1 0xb4 0xb7ᴷ
U+1D380xe1 0xb4 0xb8ᴸ
U+1D390xe1 0xb4 0xb9ᴹ
U+1D3A0xe1 0xb4 0xbaᴺ
U+1D3B0xe1 0xb4 0xbbᴻ
U+1D3C0xe1 0xb4 0xbcᴼ
U+1D3D0xe1 0xb4 0xbdᴽ
U+1D3E0xe1 0xb4 0xbeᴾ
U+1D3Fᴿ0xe1 0xb4 0xbfᴿᴿ
U+1D400xe1 0xb5 0x80ᵀ
U+1D410xe1 0xb5 0x81ᵁ
U+1D420xe1 0xb5 0x82ᵂ
U+1D430xe1 0xb5 0x83ᵃ
U+1D440xe1 0xb5 0x84ᵄ
U+1D450xe1 0xb5 0x85ᵅ
U+1D460xe1 0xb5 0x86ᵆ
U+1D470xe1 0xb5 0x87ᵇ
U+1D480xe1 0xb5 0x88ᵈ
U+1D490xe1 0xb5 0x89ᵉ
U+1D4A0xe1 0xb5 0x8aᵊ
U+1D4B0xe1 0xb5 0x8bᵋ
U+1D4C0xe1 0xb5 0x8cᵌ
U+1D4D0xe1 0xb5 0x8dᵍ
U+1D4E0xe1 0xb5 0x8eᵎ
U+1D4F0xe1 0xb5 0x8fᵏ
U+1D500xe1 0xb5 0x90ᵐ
U+1D510xe1 0xb5 0x91ᵑ
U+1D520xe1 0xb5 0x92ᵒ
U+1D530xe1 0xb5 0x93ᵓ
U+1D540xe1 0xb5 0x94ᵔ
U+1D550xe1 0xb5 0x95ᵕ
U+1D560xe1 0xb5 0x96ᵖ
U+1D570xe1 0xb5 0x97ᵗ
U+1D580xe1 0xb5 0x98ᵘ
U+1D590xe1 0xb5 0x99ᵙ
U+1D5A0xe1 0xb5 0x9aᵚ
U+1D5B0xe1 0xb5 0x9bᵛ
U+1D5C0xe1 0xb5 0x9cᵜ
U+1D5D0xe1 0xb5 0x9dᵝ
U+1D5E0xe1 0xb5 0x9eᵞ
U+1D5F0xe1 0xb5 0x9fᵟ
U+1D600xe1 0xb5 0xa0ᵠ
U+1D610xe1 0xb5 0xa1ᵡ
U+1D620xe1 0xb5 0xa2ᵢ
U+1D630xe1 0xb5 0xa3ᵣ
U+1D640xe1 0xb5 0xa4ᵤ
U+1D650xe1 0xb5 0xa5ᵥ
U+1D660xe1 0xb5 0xa6ᵦ
U+1D670xe1 0xb5 0xa7ᵧ
U+1D680xe1 0xb5 0xa8ᵨ
U+1D690xe1 0xb5 0xa9ᵩ
U+1D6A0xe1 0xb5 0xaaᵪ
U+1D6B0xe1 0xb5 0xabᵫ
U+1D6C0xe1 0xb5 0xacᵬ
U+1D6D0xe1 0xb5 0xadᵭ
U+1D6E0xe1 0xb5 0xaeᵮ
U+1D6F0xe1 0xb5 0xafᵯ
U+1D700xe1 0xb5 0xb0ᵰ
U+1D710xe1 0xb5 0xb1ᵱ
U+1D720xe1 0xb5 0xb2ᵲ
U+1D730xe1 0xb5 0xb3ᵳ
U+1D740xe1 0xb5 0xb4ᵴ
U+1D750xe1 0xb5 0xb5ᵵ
U+1D760xe1 0xb5 0xb6ᵶ
U+1D770xe1 0xb5 0xb7ᵷ
U+1D780xe1 0xb5 0xb8ᵸ
U+1D790xe1 0xb5 0xb9ᵹ
U+1D7A0xe1 0xb5 0xbaᵺ
U+1D7B0xe1 0xb5 0xbbᵻ
U+1D7C0xe1 0xb5 0xbcᵼ
U+1D7D0xe1 0xb5 0xbdᵽ
U+1D7E0xe1 0xb5 0xbeᵾ
U+1D7Fᵿ0xe1 0xb5 0xbfᵿᵿ
U+1D800xe1 0xb6 0x80ᶀ
U+1D810xe1 0xb6 0x81ᶁ
U+1D820xe1 0xb6 0x82ᶂ
U+1D830xe1 0xb6 0x83ᶃ
U+1D840xe1 0xb6 0x84ᶄ
U+1D850xe1 0xb6 0x85ᶅ
U+1D860xe1 0xb6 0x86ᶆ
U+1D870xe1 0xb6 0x87ᶇ
U+1D880xe1 0xb6 0x88ᶈ
U+1D890xe1 0xb6 0x89ᶉ
U+1D8A0xe1 0xb6 0x8aᶊ
U+1D8B0xe1 0xb6 0x8bᶋ
U+1D8C0xe1 0xb6 0x8cᶌ
U+1D8D0xe1 0xb6 0x8dᶍ
U+1D8E0xe1 0xb6 0x8eᶎ
U+1D8F0xe1 0xb6 0x8fᶏ
U+1D900xe1 0xb6 0x90ᶐ
U+1D910xe1 0xb6 0x91ᶑ
U+1D920xe1 0xb6 0x92ᶒ
U+1D930xe1 0xb6 0x93ᶓ
U+1D940xe1 0xb6 0x94ᶔ
U+1D950xe1 0xb6 0x95ᶕ
U+1D960xe1 0xb6 0x96ᶖ
U+1D970xe1 0xb6 0x97ᶗ
U+1D980xe1 0xb6 0x98ᶘ
U+1D990xe1 0xb6 0x99ᶙ
U+1D9A0xe1 0xb6 0x9aᶚ
U+1D9B0xe1 0xb6 0x9bᶛ
U+1D9C0xe1 0xb6 0x9cᶜ
U+1D9D0xe1 0xb6 0x9dᶝ
U+1D9E0xe1 0xb6 0x9eᶞ
U+1D9F0xe1 0xb6 0x9fᶟ
U+1DA00xe1 0xb6 0xa0ᶠ
U+1DA10xe1 0xb6 0xa1ᶡ
U+1DA20xe1 0xb6 0xa2ᶢ
U+1DA30xe1 0xb6 0xa3ᶣ
U+1DA40xe1 0xb6 0xa4ᶤ
U+1DA50xe1 0xb6 0xa5ᶥ
U+1DA60xe1 0xb6 0xa6ᶦ
U+1DA70xe1 0xb6 0xa7ᶧ
U+1DA80xe1 0xb6 0xa8ᶨ
U+1DA90xe1 0xb6 0xa9ᶩ
U+1DAA0xe1 0xb6 0xaaᶪ
U+1DAB0xe1 0xb6 0xabᶫ
U+1DAC0xe1 0xb6 0xacᶬ
U+1DAD0xe1 0xb6 0xadᶭ
U+1DAE0xe1 0xb6 0xaeᶮ
U+1DAF0xe1 0xb6 0xafᶯ
U+1DB00xe1 0xb6 0xb0ᶰ
U+1DB10xe1 0xb6 0xb1ᶱ
U+1DB20xe1 0xb6 0xb2ᶲ
U+1DB30xe1 0xb6 0xb3ᶳ
U+1DB40xe1 0xb6 0xb4ᶴ
U+1DB50xe1 0xb6 0xb5ᶵ
U+1DB60xe1 0xb6 0xb6ᶶ
U+1DB70xe1 0xb6 0xb7ᶷ
U+1DB80xe1 0xb6 0xb8ᶸ
U+1DB90xe1 0xb6 0xb9ᶹ
U+1DBA0xe1 0xb6 0xbaᶺ
U+1DBB0xe1 0xb6 0xbbᶻ
U+1DBC0xe1 0xb6 0xbcᶼ
U+1DBD0xe1 0xb6 0xbdᶽ
U+1DBE0xe1 0xb6 0xbeᶾ
U+1DBFᶿ0xe1 0xb6 0xbfᶿᶿ
U+1DC00xe1 0xb7 0x80᷀
U+1DC10xe1 0xb7 0x81᷁
U+1DC20xe1 0xb7 0x82᷂
U+1DC30xe1 0xb7 0x83᷃
U+1DC40xe1 0xb7 0x84᷄
U+1DC50xe1 0xb7 0x85᷅
U+1DC60xe1 0xb7 0x86᷆
U+1DC70xe1 0xb7 0x87᷇
U+1DC80xe1 0xb7 0x88᷈
U+1DC90xe1 0xb7 0x89᷉
U+1DCA0xe1 0xb7 0x8a᷊
U+1DCB0xe1 0xb7 0x8b᷋
U+1DCC0xe1 0xb7 0x8c᷌
U+1DCD0xe1 0xb7 0x8d᷍
U+1DCE0xe1 0xb7 0x8e᷎
U+1DCF0xe1 0xb7 0x8f᷏
U+1DD00xe1 0xb7 0x90᷐
U+1DD10xe1 0xb7 0x91᷑
U+1DD20xe1 0xb7 0x92᷒
U+1DD30xe1 0xb7 0x93ᷓ
U+1DD40xe1 0xb7 0x94ᷔ
U+1DD50xe1 0xb7 0x95ᷕ
U+1DD60xe1 0xb7 0x96ᷖ
U+1DD70xe1 0xb7 0x97ᷗ
U+1DD80xe1 0xb7 0x98ᷘ
U+1DD90xe1 0xb7 0x99ᷙ
U+1DDA0xe1 0xb7 0x9aᷚ
U+1DDB0xe1 0xb7 0x9bᷛ
U+1DDC0xe1 0xb7 0x9cᷜ
U+1DDD0xe1 0xb7 0x9dᷝ
U+1DDE0xe1 0xb7 0x9eᷞ
U+1DDF0xe1 0xb7 0x9fᷟ
U+1DE00xe1 0xb7 0xa0ᷠ
U+1DE10xe1 0xb7 0xa1ᷡ
U+1DE20xe1 0xb7 0xa2ᷢ
U+1DE30xe1 0xb7 0xa3ᷣ
U+1DE40xe1 0xb7 0xa4ᷤ
U+1DE50xe1 0xb7 0xa5ᷥ
U+1DE60xe1 0xb7 0xa6ᷦ
U+1DE70xe1 0xb7 0xa7ᷧ
U+1DE80xe1 0xb7 0xa8ᷨ
U+1DE90xe1 0xb7 0xa9ᷩ
U+1DEA0xe1 0xb7 0xaaᷪ
U+1DEB0xe1 0xb7 0xabᷫ
U+1DEC0xe1 0xb7 0xacᷬ
U+1DED0xe1 0xb7 0xadᷭ
U+1DEE0xe1 0xb7 0xaeᷮ
U+1DEF0xe1 0xb7 0xafᷯ
U+1DF00xe1 0xb7 0xb0ᷰ
U+1DF10xe1 0xb7 0xb1ᷱ
U+1DF20xe1 0xb7 0xb2ᷲ
U+1DF30xe1 0xb7 0xb3ᷳ
U+1DF40xe1 0xb7 0xb4ᷴ
U+1DF50xe1 0xb7 0xb5᷵
U+1DF60xe1 0xb7 0xb6᷶
U+1DF70xe1 0xb7 0xb7᷷
U+1DF80xe1 0xb7 0xb8᷸
U+1DF90xe1 0xb7 0xb9᷹
U+1DFA0xe1 0xb7 0xba᷺
U+1DFB0xe1 0xb7 0xbb᷻
U+1DFC0xe1 0xb7 0xbc᷼
U+1DFD0xe1 0xb7 0xbd᷽
U+1DFE0xe1 0xb7 0xbe᷾
U+1DFF᷿0xe1 0xb7 0xbf᷿᷿
U+1E000xe1 0xb8 0x80Ḁ
U+1E010xe1 0xb8 0x81ḁ
U+1E020xe1 0xb8 0x82Ḃ
U+1E030xe1 0xb8 0x83ḃ
U+1E040xe1 0xb8 0x84Ḅ
U+1E050xe1 0xb8 0x85ḅ
U+1E060xe1 0xb8 0x86Ḇ
U+1E070xe1 0xb8 0x87ḇ
U+1E080xe1 0xb8 0x88Ḉ
U+1E090xe1 0xb8 0x89ḉ
U+1E0A0xe1 0xb8 0x8aḊ
U+1E0B0xe1 0xb8 0x8bḋ
U+1E0C0xe1 0xb8 0x8cḌ
U+1E0D0xe1 0xb8 0x8dḍ
U+1E0E0xe1 0xb8 0x8eḎ
U+1E0F0xe1 0xb8 0x8fḏ
U+1E100xe1 0xb8 0x90Ḑ
U+1E110xe1 0xb8 0x91ḑ
U+1E120xe1 0xb8 0x92Ḓ
U+1E130xe1 0xb8 0x93ḓ
U+1E140xe1 0xb8 0x94Ḕ
U+1E150xe1 0xb8 0x95ḕ
U+1E160xe1 0xb8 0x96Ḗ
U+1E170xe1 0xb8 0x97ḗ
U+1E180xe1 0xb8 0x98Ḙ
U+1E190xe1 0xb8 0x99ḙ
U+1E1A0xe1 0xb8 0x9aḚ
U+1E1B0xe1 0xb8 0x9bḛ
U+1E1C0xe1 0xb8 0x9cḜ
U+1E1D0xe1 0xb8 0x9dḝ
U+1E1E0xe1 0xb8 0x9eḞ
U+1E1F0xe1 0xb8 0x9fḟ
U+1E200xe1 0xb8 0xa0Ḡ
U+1E210xe1 0xb8 0xa1ḡ
U+1E220xe1 0xb8 0xa2Ḣ
U+1E230xe1 0xb8 0xa3ḣ
U+1E240xe1 0xb8 0xa4Ḥ
U+1E250xe1 0xb8 0xa5ḥ
U+1E260xe1 0xb8 0xa6Ḧ
U+1E270xe1 0xb8 0xa7ḧ
U+1E280xe1 0xb8 0xa8Ḩ
U+1E290xe1 0xb8 0xa9ḩ
U+1E2A0xe1 0xb8 0xaaḪ
U+1E2B0xe1 0xb8 0xabḫ
U+1E2C0xe1 0xb8 0xacḬ
U+1E2D0xe1 0xb8 0xadḭ
U+1E2E0xe1 0xb8 0xaeḮ
U+1E2F0xe1 0xb8 0xafḯ
U+1E300xe1 0xb8 0xb0Ḱ
U+1E310xe1 0xb8 0xb1ḱ
U+1E320xe1 0xb8 0xb2Ḳ
U+1E330xe1 0xb8 0xb3ḳ
U+1E340xe1 0xb8 0xb4Ḵ
U+1E350xe1 0xb8 0xb5ḵ
U+1E360xe1 0xb8 0xb6Ḷ
U+1E370xe1 0xb8 0xb7ḷ
U+1E380xe1 0xb8 0xb8Ḹ
U+1E390xe1 0xb8 0xb9ḹ
U+1E3A0xe1 0xb8 0xbaḺ
U+1E3B0xe1 0xb8 0xbbḻ
U+1E3C0xe1 0xb8 0xbcḼ
U+1E3D0xe1 0xb8 0xbdḽ
U+1E3E0xe1 0xb8 0xbeḾ
U+1E3Fḿ0xe1 0xb8 0xbfḿḿ
U+1E400xe1 0xb9 0x80Ṁ
U+1E410xe1 0xb9 0x81ṁ
U+1E420xe1 0xb9 0x82Ṃ
U+1E430xe1 0xb9 0x83ṃ
U+1E440xe1 0xb9 0x84Ṅ
U+1E450xe1 0xb9 0x85ṅ
U+1E460xe1 0xb9 0x86Ṇ
U+1E470xe1 0xb9 0x87ṇ
U+1E480xe1 0xb9 0x88Ṉ
U+1E490xe1 0xb9 0x89ṉ
U+1E4A0xe1 0xb9 0x8aṊ
U+1E4B0xe1 0xb9 0x8bṋ
U+1E4C0xe1 0xb9 0x8cṌ
U+1E4D0xe1 0xb9 0x8dṍ
U+1E4E0xe1 0xb9 0x8eṎ
U+1E4F0xe1 0xb9 0x8fṏ
U+1E500xe1 0xb9 0x90Ṑ
U+1E510xe1 0xb9 0x91ṑ
U+1E520xe1 0xb9 0x92Ṓ
U+1E530xe1 0xb9 0x93ṓ
U+1E540xe1 0xb9 0x94Ṕ
U+1E550xe1 0xb9 0x95ṕ
U+1E560xe1 0xb9 0x96Ṗ
U+1E570xe1 0xb9 0x97ṗ
U+1E580xe1 0xb9 0x98Ṙ
U+1E590xe1 0xb9 0x99ṙ
U+1E5A0xe1 0xb9 0x9aṚ
U+1E5B0xe1 0xb9 0x9bṛ
U+1E5C0xe1 0xb9 0x9cṜ
U+1E5D0xe1 0xb9 0x9dṝ
U+1E5E0xe1 0xb9 0x9eṞ
U+1E5F0xe1 0xb9 0x9fṟ
U+1E600xe1 0xb9 0xa0Ṡ
U+1E610xe1 0xb9 0xa1ṡ
U+1E620xe1 0xb9 0xa2Ṣ
U+1E630xe1 0xb9 0xa3ṣ
U+1E640xe1 0xb9 0xa4Ṥ
U+1E650xe1 0xb9 0xa5ṥ
U+1E660xe1 0xb9 0xa6Ṧ
U+1E670xe1 0xb9 0xa7ṧ
U+1E680xe1 0xb9 0xa8Ṩ
U+1E690xe1 0xb9 0xa9ṩ
U+1E6A0xe1 0xb9 0xaaṪ
U+1E6B0xe1 0xb9 0xabṫ
U+1E6C0xe1 0xb9 0xacṬ
U+1E6D0xe1 0xb9 0xadṭ
U+1E6E0xe1 0xb9 0xaeṮ
U+1E6F0xe1 0xb9 0xafṯ
U+1E700xe1 0xb9 0xb0Ṱ
U+1E710xe1 0xb9 0xb1ṱ
U+1E720xe1 0xb9 0xb2Ṳ
U+1E730xe1 0xb9 0xb3ṳ
U+1E740xe1 0xb9 0xb4Ṵ
U+1E750xe1 0xb9 0xb5ṵ
U+1E760xe1 0xb9 0xb6Ṷ
U+1E770xe1 0xb9 0xb7ṷ
U+1E780xe1 0xb9 0xb8Ṹ
U+1E790xe1 0xb9 0xb9ṹ
U+1E7A0xe1 0xb9 0xbaṺ
U+1E7B0xe1 0xb9 0xbbṻ
U+1E7C0xe1 0xb9 0xbcṼ
U+1E7D0xe1 0xb9 0xbdṽ
U+1E7E0xe1 0xb9 0xbeṾ
U+1E7Fṿ0xe1 0xb9 0xbfṿṿ
U+1E800xe1 0xba 0x80Ẁ
U+1E810xe1 0xba 0x81ẁ
U+1E820xe1 0xba 0x82Ẃ
U+1E830xe1 0xba 0x83ẃ
U+1E840xe1 0xba 0x84Ẅ
U+1E850xe1 0xba 0x85ẅ
U+1E860xe1 0xba 0x86Ẇ
U+1E870xe1 0xba 0x87ẇ
U+1E880xe1 0xba 0x88Ẉ
U+1E890xe1 0xba 0x89ẉ
U+1E8A0xe1 0xba 0x8aẊ
U+1E8B0xe1 0xba 0x8bẋ
U+1E8C0xe1 0xba 0x8cẌ
U+1E8D0xe1 0xba 0x8dẍ
U+1E8E0xe1 0xba 0x8eẎ
U+1E8F0xe1 0xba 0x8fẏ
U+1E900xe1 0xba 0x90Ẑ
U+1E910xe1 0xba 0x91ẑ
U+1E920xe1 0xba 0x92Ẓ
U+1E930xe1 0xba 0x93ẓ
U+1E940xe1 0xba 0x94Ẕ
U+1E950xe1 0xba 0x95ẕ
U+1E960xe1 0xba 0x96ẖ
U+1E970xe1 0xba 0x97ẗ
U+1E980xe1 0xba 0x98ẘ
U+1E990xe1 0xba 0x99ẙ
U+1E9A0xe1 0xba 0x9aẚ
U+1E9B0xe1 0xba 0x9bẛ
U+1E9C0xe1 0xba 0x9cẜ
U+1E9D0xe1 0xba 0x9dẝ
U+1E9E0xe1 0xba 0x9eẞ
U+1E9F0xe1 0xba 0x9fẟ
U+1EA00xe1 0xba 0xa0Ạ
U+1EA10xe1 0xba 0xa1ạ
U+1EA20xe1 0xba 0xa2Ả
U+1EA30xe1 0xba 0xa3ả
U+1EA40xe1 0xba 0xa4Ấ
U+1EA50xe1 0xba 0xa5ấ
U+1EA60xe1 0xba 0xa6Ầ
U+1EA70xe1 0xba 0xa7ầ
U+1EA80xe1 0xba 0xa8Ẩ
U+1EA90xe1 0xba 0xa9ẩ
U+1EAA0xe1 0xba 0xaaẪ
U+1EAB0xe1 0xba 0xabẫ
U+1EAC0xe1 0xba 0xacẬ
U+1EAD0xe1 0xba 0xadậ
U+1EAE0xe1 0xba 0xaeẮ
U+1EAF0xe1 0xba 0xafắ
U+1EB00xe1 0xba 0xb0Ằ
U+1EB10xe1 0xba 0xb1ằ
U+1EB20xe1 0xba 0xb2Ẳ
U+1EB30xe1 0xba 0xb3ẳ
U+1EB40xe1 0xba 0xb4Ẵ
U+1EB50xe1 0xba 0xb5ẵ
U+1EB60xe1 0xba 0xb6Ặ
U+1EB70xe1 0xba 0xb7ặ
U+1EB80xe1 0xba 0xb8Ẹ
U+1EB90xe1 0xba 0xb9ẹ
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U+1EBB0xe1 0xba 0xbbẻ
U+1EBC0xe1 0xba 0xbcẼ
U+1EBD0xe1 0xba 0xbdẽ
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U+1EC10xe1 0xbb 0x81ề
U+1EC20xe1 0xbb 0x82Ể
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U+1EC40xe1 0xbb 0x84Ễ
U+1EC50xe1 0xbb 0x85ễ
U+1EC60xe1 0xbb 0x86Ệ
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U+1EC80xe1 0xbb 0x88Ỉ
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U+1ECE0xe1 0xbb 0x8eỎ
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U+1ED20xe1 0xbb 0x92Ồ
U+1ED30xe1 0xbb 0x93ồ
U+1ED40xe1 0xbb 0x94Ổ
U+1ED50xe1 0xbb 0x95ổ
U+1ED60xe1 0xbb 0x96Ỗ
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U+1EE30xe1 0xbb 0xa3ợ
U+1EE40xe1 0xbb 0xa4Ụ
U+1EE50xe1 0xbb 0xa5ụ
U+1EE60xe1 0xbb 0xa6Ủ
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U+1EF30xe1 0xbb 0xb3ỳ
U+1EF40xe1 0xbb 0xb4Ỵ
U+1EF50xe1 0xbb 0xb5ỵ
U+1EF60xe1 0xbb 0xb6Ỷ
U+1EF70xe1 0xbb 0xb7ỷ
U+1EF80xe1 0xbb 0xb8Ỹ
U+1EF90xe1 0xbb 0xb9ỹ
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U+1EFB0xe1 0xbb 0xbbỻ
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U+1F010xe1 0xbc 0x81ἁ
U+1F020xe1 0xbc 0x82ἂ
U+1F030xe1 0xbc 0x83ἃ
U+1F040xe1 0xbc 0x84ἄ
U+1F050xe1 0xbc 0x85ἅ
U+1F060xe1 0xbc 0x86ἆ
U+1F070xe1 0xbc 0x87ἇ
U+1F080xe1 0xbc 0x88Ἀ
U+1F090xe1 0xbc 0x89Ἁ
U+1F0A0xe1 0xbc 0x8aἊ
U+1F0B0xe1 0xbc 0x8bἋ
U+1F0C0xe1 0xbc 0x8cἌ
U+1F0D0xe1 0xbc 0x8dἍ
U+1F0E0xe1 0xbc 0x8eἎ
U+1F0F0xe1 0xbc 0x8fἏ
U+1F100xe1 0xbc 0x90ἐ
U+1F110xe1 0xbc 0x91ἑ
U+1F120xe1 0xbc 0x92ἒ
U+1F130xe1 0xbc 0x93ἓ
U+1F140xe1 0xbc 0x94ἔ
U+1F150xe1 0xbc 0x95ἕ
U+1F160xe1 0xbc 0x96἖
U+1F170xe1 0xbc 0x97἗
U+1F180xe1 0xbc 0x98Ἐ
U+1F190xe1 0xbc 0x99Ἑ
U+1F1A0xe1 0xbc 0x9aἚ
U+1F1B0xe1 0xbc 0x9bἛ
U+1F1C0xe1 0xbc 0x9cἜ
U+1F1D0xe1 0xbc 0x9dἝ
U+1F1E0xe1 0xbc 0x9e἞
U+1F1F0xe1 0xbc 0x9f἟
U+1F200xe1 0xbc 0xa0ἠ
U+1F210xe1 0xbc 0xa1ἡ
U+1F220xe1 0xbc 0xa2ἢ
U+1F230xe1 0xbc 0xa3ἣ
U+1F240xe1 0xbc 0xa4ἤ
U+1F250xe1 0xbc 0xa5ἥ
U+1F260xe1 0xbc 0xa6ἦ
U+1F270xe1 0xbc 0xa7ἧ
U+1F280xe1 0xbc 0xa8Ἠ
U+1F290xe1 0xbc 0xa9Ἡ
U+1F2A0xe1 0xbc 0xaaἪ
U+1F2B0xe1 0xbc 0xabἫ
U+1F2C0xe1 0xbc 0xacἬ
U+1F2D0xe1 0xbc 0xadἭ
U+1F2E0xe1 0xbc 0xaeἮ
U+1F2F0xe1 0xbc 0xafἯ
U+1F300xe1 0xbc 0xb0ἰ
U+1F310xe1 0xbc 0xb1ἱ
U+1F320xe1 0xbc 0xb2ἲ
U+1F330xe1 0xbc 0xb3ἳ
U+1F340xe1 0xbc 0xb4ἴ
U+1F350xe1 0xbc 0xb5ἵ
U+1F360xe1 0xbc 0xb6ἶ
U+1F370xe1 0xbc 0xb7ἷ
U+1F380xe1 0xbc 0xb8Ἰ
U+1F390xe1 0xbc 0xb9Ἱ
U+1F3A0xe1 0xbc 0xbaἺ
U+1F3B0xe1 0xbc 0xbbἻ
U+1F3C0xe1 0xbc 0xbcἼ
U+1F3D0xe1 0xbc 0xbdἽ
U+1F3E0xe1 0xbc 0xbeἾ
U+1F3FἿ0xe1 0xbc 0xbfἿἿ
U+1F400xe1 0xbd 0x80ὀ
U+1F410xe1 0xbd 0x81ὁ
U+1F420xe1 0xbd 0x82ὂ
U+1F430xe1 0xbd 0x83ὃ
U+1F440xe1 0xbd 0x84ὄ
U+1F450xe1 0xbd 0x85ὅ
U+1F460xe1 0xbd 0x86὆
U+1F470xe1 0xbd 0x87὇
U+1F480xe1 0xbd 0x88Ὀ
U+1F490xe1 0xbd 0x89Ὁ
U+1F4A0xe1 0xbd 0x8aὊ
U+1F4B0xe1 0xbd 0x8bὋ
U+1F4C0xe1 0xbd 0x8cὌ
U+1F4D0xe1 0xbd 0x8dὍ
U+1F4E0xe1 0xbd 0x8e὎
U+1F4F0xe1 0xbd 0x8f὏
U+1F500xe1 0xbd 0x90ὐ
U+1F510xe1 0xbd 0x91ὑ
U+1F520xe1 0xbd 0x92ὒ
U+1F530xe1 0xbd 0x93ὓ
U+1F540xe1 0xbd 0x94ὔ
U+1F550xe1 0xbd 0x95ὕ
U+1F560xe1 0xbd 0x96ὖ
U+1F570xe1 0xbd 0x97ὗ