UTF-8 encoding table and Unicode characters

page with code points U+0500 to U+057F

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code positions per page 128 · 256 · 512 · 1024
display format for
UTF-8 encoding
hex. · decimal · hex. (0x) · octal · binary · for Perl string literals · One Latin-1 char per byte · no display
Unicode character names not displayed · displayed · also display deprecated Unicode 1.0 names
links for adding char to text displayed · not displayed
numerical HTML encoding
of the Unicode character
not displayed · decimal · hexadecimal
HTML 4.0 character entities displayed · not displayed
text accumulator (characters are added by clicking on the respective "append" link)
display ̳
editing functions
append space · delete last character · clear accumulator
Unicode U+0333 U+0020
UTF-8 11001100 10110011 00100000
code point
character UTF-8
U+0500Ԁ11010100 10000000
U+0501ԁ11010100 10000001
U+0502Ԃ11010100 10000010
U+0503ԃ11010100 10000011
U+0504Ԅ11010100 10000100
U+0505ԅ11010100 10000101
U+0506Ԇ11010100 10000110
U+0507ԇ11010100 10000111
U+0508Ԉ11010100 10001000
U+0509ԉ11010100 10001001
U+050AԊ11010100 10001010
U+050Bԋ11010100 10001011
U+050CԌ11010100 10001100
U+050Dԍ11010100 10001101
U+050EԎ11010100 10001110
U+050Fԏ11010100 10001111
U+0510Ԑ11010100 10010000
U+0511ԑ11010100 10010001
U+0512Ԓ11010100 10010010
U+0513ԓ11010100 10010011
U+0514Ԕ11010100 10010100
U+0515ԕ11010100 10010101
U+0516Ԗ11010100 10010110
U+0517ԗ11010100 10010111
U+0518Ԙ11010100 10011000
U+0519ԙ11010100 10011001
U+051AԚ11010100 10011010
U+051Bԛ11010100 10011011
U+051CԜ11010100 10011100
U+051Dԝ11010100 10011101
U+051EԞ11010100 10011110
U+051Fԟ11010100 10011111
U+0520Ԡ11010100 10100000
U+0521ԡ11010100 10100001
U+0522Ԣ11010100 10100010
U+0523ԣ11010100 10100011
U+0524Ԥ11010100 10100100
U+0525ԥ11010100 10100101
U+0526Ԧ11010100 10100110
U+0527ԧ11010100 10100111
U+0528Ԩ11010100 10101000
U+0529ԩ11010100 10101001
U+052AԪ11010100 10101010
U+052Bԫ11010100 10101011
U+052CԬ11010100 10101100
U+052Dԭ11010100 10101101
U+052EԮ11010100 10101110
U+052Fԯ11010100 10101111
U+0530԰11010100 10110000
U+0531Ա11010100 10110001
U+0532Բ11010100 10110010
U+0533Գ11010100 10110011
U+0534Դ11010100 10110100
U+0535Ե11010100 10110101
U+0536Զ11010100 10110110
U+0537Է11010100 10110111
U+0538Ը11010100 10111000
U+0539Թ11010100 10111001
U+053AԺ11010100 10111010
U+053BԻ11010100 10111011
U+053CԼ11010100 10111100
U+053DԽ11010100 10111101
U+053EԾ11010100 10111110
U+053FԿ11010100 10111111
U+0540Հ11010101 10000000
U+0541Ձ11010101 10000001
U+0542Ղ11010101 10000010
U+0543Ճ11010101 10000011
U+0544Մ11010101 10000100
U+0545Յ11010101 10000101
U+0546Ն11010101 10000110
U+0547Շ11010101 10000111
U+0548Ո11010101 10001000
U+0549Չ11010101 10001001
U+054AՊ11010101 10001010
U+054BՋ11010101 10001011
U+054CՌ11010101 10001100
U+054DՍ11010101 10001101
U+054EՎ11010101 10001110
U+054FՏ11010101 10001111
U+0550Ր11010101 10010000
U+0551Ց11010101 10010001
U+0552Ւ11010101 10010010
U+0553Փ11010101 10010011
U+0554Ք11010101 10010100
U+0555Օ11010101 10010101
U+0556Ֆ11010101 10010110
U+0557՗11010101 10010111
U+0558՘11010101 10011000
U+0559ՙ11010101 10011001
U+055A՚11010101 10011010
U+055B՛11010101 10011011
U+055C՜11010101 10011100
U+055D՝11010101 10011101
U+055E՞11010101 10011110
U+055F՟11010101 10011111
U+0560ՠ11010101 10100000
U+0561ա11010101 10100001
U+0562բ11010101 10100010
U+0563գ11010101 10100011
U+0564դ11010101 10100100
U+0565ե11010101 10100101
U+0566զ11010101 10100110
U+0567է11010101 10100111
U+0568ը11010101 10101000
U+0569թ11010101 10101001
U+056Aժ11010101 10101010
U+056Bի11010101 10101011
U+056Cլ11010101 10101100
U+056Dխ11010101 10101101
U+056Eծ11010101 10101110
U+056Fկ11010101 10101111
U+0570հ11010101 10110000
U+0571ձ11010101 10110001
U+0572ղ11010101 10110010
U+0573ճ11010101 10110011
U+0574մ11010101 10110100
U+0575յ11010101 10110101
U+0576ն11010101 10110110
U+0577շ11010101 10110111
U+0578ո11010101 10111000
U+0579չ11010101 10111001
U+057Aպ11010101 10111010
U+057Bջ11010101 10111011
U+057Cռ11010101 10111100
U+057Dս11010101 10111101
U+057Eվ11010101 10111110
U+057Fտ11010101 10111111