UTF-8 encoding table and Unicode characters

page with code points U+0600 to U+067F

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language German · English
code positions per page 128 · 256 · 512 · 1024
display format for
UTF-8 encoding
hex. · decimal · hex. (0x) · octal · binary · for Perl string literals · One Latin-1 char per byte · no display
Unicode character names not displayed · displayed · also display deprecated Unicode 1.0 names
links for adding char to text displayed · not displayed
numerical HTML encoding
of the Unicode character
not displayed · decimal · hexadecimal
HTML 4.0 character entities displayed · not displayed
text accumulator (characters are added by clicking on the respective "append" link)
display ɿ
editing functions
append space · delete last character · clear accumulator
Unicode U+027F
UTF-8 c9 bf
code point
character UTF-8
numerical HTML encoding
of the Unicode character
U+0600؀d8 80؀؀
U+0601؁d8 81؁؁
U+0602؂d8 82؂؂
U+0603؃d8 83؃؃
U+0604؄d8 84؄؄
U+0605؅d8 85؅؅
U+0606؆d8 86؆؆
U+0607؇d8 87؇؇
U+0608؈d8 88؈؈
U+0609؉d8 89؉؉
U+060A؊d8 8a؊؊
U+060B؋d8 8b؋؋
U+060C،d8 8c،،
U+060D؍d8 8d؍؍
U+060E؎d8 8e؎؎
U+060F؏d8 8f؏؏
U+0610ؐd8 90ؐؐ
U+0611ؑd8 91ؑؑ
U+0612ؒd8 92ؒؒ
U+0613ؓd8 93ؓؓ
U+0614ؔd8 94ؔؔ
U+0615ؕd8 95ؕؕ
U+0616ؖd8 96ؖؖ
U+0617ؗd8 97ؗؗ
U+0618ؘd8 98ؘؘ
U+0619ؙd8 99ؙؙ
U+061Aؚd8 9aؚؚ
U+061B؛d8 9b؛؛
U+061C؜d8 9c؜؜
U+061D؝d8 9d؝؝
U+061E؞d8 9e؞؞
U+061F؟d8 9f؟؟
U+0620ؠd8 a0ؠؠ
U+0621ءd8 a1ءء
U+0622آd8 a2آآ
U+0623أd8 a3أأ
U+0624ؤd8 a4ؤؤ
U+0625إd8 a5إإ
U+0626ئd8 a6ئئ
U+0627اd8 a7اا
U+0628بd8 a8بب
U+0629ةd8 a9ةة
U+062Aتd8 aaتت
U+062Bثd8 abثث
U+062Cجd8 acجج
U+062Dحd8 adحح
U+062Eخd8 aeخخ
U+062Fدd8 afدد
U+0630ذd8 b0ذذ
U+0631رd8 b1رر
U+0632زd8 b2زز
U+0633سd8 b3سس
U+0634شd8 b4شش
U+0635صd8 b5صص
U+0636ضd8 b6ضض
U+0637طd8 b7طط
U+0638ظd8 b8ظظ
U+0639عd8 b9عع
U+063Aغd8 baغغ
U+063Bػd8 bbػػ
U+063Cؼd8 bcؼؼ
U+063Dؽd8 bdؽؽ
U+063Eؾd8 beؾؾ
U+063Fؿd8 bfؿؿ
U+0640ـd9 80ــ
U+0641فd9 81فف
U+0642قd9 82قق
U+0643كd9 83كك
U+0644لd9 84لل
U+0645مd9 85مم
U+0646نd9 86نن
U+0647هd9 87هه
U+0648وd9 88وو
U+0649ىd9 89ىى
U+064Aيd9 8aيي
U+064Bًd9 8bًً
U+064Cٌd9 8cٌٌ
U+064Dٍd9 8dٍٍ
U+064Eَd9 8eََ
U+064Fُd9 8fُُ
U+0650ِd9 90ِِ
U+0651ّd9 91ّّ
U+0652ْd9 92ْْ
U+0653ٓd9 93ٓٓ
U+0654ٔd9 94ٔٔ
U+0655ٕd9 95ٕٕ
U+0656ٖd9 96ٖٖ
U+0657ٗd9 97ٗٗ
U+0658٘d9 98٘٘
U+0659ٙd9 99ٙٙ
U+065Aٚd9 9aٚٚ
U+065Bٛd9 9bٛٛ
U+065Cٜd9 9cٜٜ
U+065Dٝd9 9dٝٝ
U+065Eٞd9 9eٞٞ
U+065Fٟd9 9fٟٟ
U+0660٠d9 a0٠٠
U+0661١d9 a1١١
U+0662٢d9 a2٢٢
U+0663٣d9 a3٣٣
U+0664٤d9 a4٤٤
U+0665٥d9 a5٥٥
U+0666٦d9 a6٦٦
U+0667٧d9 a7٧٧
U+0668٨d9 a8٨٨
U+0669٩d9 a9٩٩
U+066A٪d9 aa٪٪
U+066B٫d9 ab٫٫
U+066C٬d9 ac٬٬
U+066D٭d9 ad٭٭
U+066Eٮd9 aeٮٮ
U+066Fٯd9 afٯٯ
U+0670ٰd9 b0ٰٰ
U+0671ٱd9 b1ٱٱ
U+0672ٲd9 b2ٲٲ
U+0673ٳd9 b3ٳٳ
U+0674ٴd9 b4ٴٴ
U+0675ٵd9 b5ٵٵ
U+0676ٶd9 b6ٶٶ
U+0677ٷd9 b7ٷٷ
U+0678ٸd9 b8ٸٸ
U+0679ٹd9 b9ٹٹ
U+067Aٺd9 baٺٺ
U+067Bٻd9 bbٻٻ
U+067Cټd9 bcټټ
U+067Dٽd9 bdٽٽ
U+067Eپd9 beپپ
U+067Fٿd9 bfٿٿ