UTF-8 encoding table and Unicode characters

page with code points U+2600 to U+267F

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page format standard · w/o parameter choice · print view
language German · English
code positions per page 128 · 256 · 512 · 1024
display format for
UTF-8 encoding
hex. · decimal · hex. (0x) · octal · binary · for Perl string literals · One Latin-1 char per byte · no display
Unicode character names not displayed · displayed · also display deprecated Unicode 1.0 names
links for adding char to text displayed · not displayed
numerical HTML encoding
of the Unicode character
not displayed · decimal · hexadecimal
HTML 4.0 character entities displayed · not displayed
text accumulator (characters are added by clicking on the respective "append" link)
display ψ
editing functions
append space · delete last character · clear accumulator
Unicode U+03C8
UTF-8 0xcf 0x88
code point
character UTF-8
numerical HTML encoding
of the Unicode character
U+26000xe2 0x98 0x80☀
U+26010xe2 0x98 0x81☁
U+26020xe2 0x98 0x82☂
U+26030xe2 0x98 0x83☃
U+26040xe2 0x98 0x84☄
U+26050xe2 0x98 0x85★
U+26060xe2 0x98 0x86☆
U+26070xe2 0x98 0x87☇
U+26080xe2 0x98 0x88☈
U+26090xe2 0x98 0x89☉
U+260A0xe2 0x98 0x8a☊
U+260B0xe2 0x98 0x8b☋
U+260C0xe2 0x98 0x8c☌
U+260D0xe2 0x98 0x8d☍
U+260E0xe2 0x98 0x8e☎
U+260F0xe2 0x98 0x8f☏
U+26100xe2 0x98 0x90☐
U+26110xe2 0x98 0x91☑
U+26120xe2 0x98 0x92☒
U+26130xe2 0x98 0x93☓
U+26140xe2 0x98 0x94☔
U+26150xe2 0x98 0x95☕
U+26160xe2 0x98 0x96☖
U+26170xe2 0x98 0x97☗
U+26180xe2 0x98 0x98☘
U+26190xe2 0x98 0x99☙
U+261A0xe2 0x98 0x9a☚
U+261B0xe2 0x98 0x9b☛
U+261C0xe2 0x98 0x9c☜
U+261D0xe2 0x98 0x9d☝
U+261E0xe2 0x98 0x9e☞
U+261F0xe2 0x98 0x9f☟
U+26200xe2 0x98 0xa0☠
U+26210xe2 0x98 0xa1☡
U+26220xe2 0x98 0xa2☢
U+26230xe2 0x98 0xa3☣
U+26240xe2 0x98 0xa4☤
U+26250xe2 0x98 0xa5☥
U+26260xe2 0x98 0xa6☦
U+26270xe2 0x98 0xa7☧
U+26280xe2 0x98 0xa8☨
U+26290xe2 0x98 0xa9☩
U+262A0xe2 0x98 0xaa☪
U+262B0xe2 0x98 0xab☫
U+262C0xe2 0x98 0xac☬
U+262D0xe2 0x98 0xad☭
U+262E0xe2 0x98 0xae☮
U+262F0xe2 0x98 0xaf☯
U+26300xe2 0x98 0xb0☰
U+26310xe2 0x98 0xb1☱
U+26320xe2 0x98 0xb2☲
U+26330xe2 0x98 0xb3☳
U+26340xe2 0x98 0xb4☴
U+26350xe2 0x98 0xb5☵
U+26360xe2 0x98 0xb6☶
U+26370xe2 0x98 0xb7☷
U+26380xe2 0x98 0xb8☸
U+26390xe2 0x98 0xb9☹
U+263A0xe2 0x98 0xba☺
U+263B0xe2 0x98 0xbb☻
U+263C0xe2 0x98 0xbc☼
U+263D0xe2 0x98 0xbd☽
U+263E0xe2 0x98 0xbe☾
U+263F0xe2 0x98 0xbf☿
U+26400xe2 0x99 0x80♀
U+26410xe2 0x99 0x81♁
U+26420xe2 0x99 0x82♂
U+26430xe2 0x99 0x83♃
U+26440xe2 0x99 0x84♄
U+26450xe2 0x99 0x85♅
U+26460xe2 0x99 0x86♆
U+26470xe2 0x99 0x87♇
U+26480xe2 0x99 0x88♈
U+26490xe2 0x99 0x89♉
U+264A0xe2 0x99 0x8a♊
U+264B0xe2 0x99 0x8b♋
U+264C0xe2 0x99 0x8c♌
U+264D0xe2 0x99 0x8d♍
U+264E0xe2 0x99 0x8e♎
U+264F0xe2 0x99 0x8f♏
U+26500xe2 0x99 0x90♐
U+26510xe2 0x99 0x91♑
U+26520xe2 0x99 0x92♒
U+26530xe2 0x99 0x93♓
U+26540xe2 0x99 0x94♔
U+26550xe2 0x99 0x95♕
U+26560xe2 0x99 0x96♖
U+26570xe2 0x99 0x97♗
U+26580xe2 0x99 0x98♘
U+26590xe2 0x99 0x99♙
U+265A0xe2 0x99 0x9a♚
U+265B0xe2 0x99 0x9b♛
U+265C0xe2 0x99 0x9c♜
U+265D0xe2 0x99 0x9d♝
U+265E0xe2 0x99 0x9e♞
U+265F0xe2 0x99 0x9f♟
U+26600xe2 0x99 0xa0♠
U+26610xe2 0x99 0xa1♡
U+26620xe2 0x99 0xa2♢
U+26630xe2 0x99 0xa3♣
U+26640xe2 0x99 0xa4♤
U+26650xe2 0x99 0xa5♥
U+26660xe2 0x99 0xa6♦
U+26670xe2 0x99 0xa7♧
U+26680xe2 0x99 0xa8♨
U+26690xe2 0x99 0xa9♩
U+266A0xe2 0x99 0xaa♪
U+266B0xe2 0x99 0xab♫
U+266C0xe2 0x99 0xac♬
U+266D0xe2 0x99 0xad♭
U+266E0xe2 0x99 0xae♮
U+266F0xe2 0x99 0xaf♯
U+26700xe2 0x99 0xb0♰
U+26710xe2 0x99 0xb1♱
U+26720xe2 0x99 0xb2♲
U+26730xe2 0x99 0xb3♳
U+26740xe2 0x99 0xb4♴
U+26750xe2 0x99 0xb5♵
U+26760xe2 0x99 0xb6♶
U+26770xe2 0x99 0xb7♷
U+26780xe2 0x99 0xb8♸
U+26790xe2 0x99 0xb9♹
U+267A0xe2 0x99 0xba♺
U+267B0xe2 0x99 0xbb♻
U+267C0xe2 0x99 0xbc♼
U+267D0xe2 0x99 0xbd♽
U+267E0xe2 0x99 0xbe♾
U+267F0xe2 0x99 0xbf♿