UTF-8 encoding table and Unicode characters

page with code points U+4280 to U+437F

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code positions per page 128 · 256 · 512 · 1024
display format for
UTF-8 encoding
hex. · decimal · hex. (0x) · octal · binary · for Perl string literals · One Latin-1 char per byte · no display
Unicode character names not displayed · displayed · also display deprecated Unicode 1.0 names
links for adding char to text displayed · not displayed
numerical HTML encoding
of the Unicode character
not displayed · decimal · hexadecimal
HTML 4.0 character entities displayed · not displayed
text accumulator (characters are added by clicking on the respective "append" link)
display Ɏ
editing functions
append space · delete last character · clear accumulator
Unicode U+024E
UTF-8 0xc9 0x8e
code point
character UTF-8
numerical HTML encoding
of the Unicode character
U+42800xe4 0x8a 0x80䊀
U+42810xe4 0x8a 0x81䊁
U+42820xe4 0x8a 0x82䊂
U+42830xe4 0x8a 0x83䊃
U+42840xe4 0x8a 0x84䊄
U+42850xe4 0x8a 0x85䊅
U+42860xe4 0x8a 0x86䊆
U+42870xe4 0x8a 0x87䊇
U+42880xe4 0x8a 0x88䊈
U+42890xe4 0x8a 0x89䊉
U+428A0xe4 0x8a 0x8a䊊
U+428B0xe4 0x8a 0x8b䊋
U+428C0xe4 0x8a 0x8c䊌
U+428D0xe4 0x8a 0x8d䊍
U+428E0xe4 0x8a 0x8e䊎
U+428F0xe4 0x8a 0x8f䊏
U+42900xe4 0x8a 0x90䊐
U+42910xe4 0x8a 0x91䊑
U+42920xe4 0x8a 0x92䊒
U+42930xe4 0x8a 0x93䊓
U+42940xe4 0x8a 0x94䊔
U+42950xe4 0x8a 0x95䊕
U+42960xe4 0x8a 0x96䊖
U+42970xe4 0x8a 0x97䊗
U+42980xe4 0x8a 0x98䊘
U+42990xe4 0x8a 0x99䊙
U+429A0xe4 0x8a 0x9a䊚
U+429B0xe4 0x8a 0x9b䊛
U+429C0xe4 0x8a 0x9c䊜
U+429D0xe4 0x8a 0x9d䊝
U+429E0xe4 0x8a 0x9e䊞
U+429F0xe4 0x8a 0x9f䊟
U+42A00xe4 0x8a 0xa0䊠
U+42A10xe4 0x8a 0xa1䊡
U+42A20xe4 0x8a 0xa2䊢
U+42A30xe4 0x8a 0xa3䊣
U+42A40xe4 0x8a 0xa4䊤
U+42A50xe4 0x8a 0xa5䊥
U+42A60xe4 0x8a 0xa6䊦
U+42A70xe4 0x8a 0xa7䊧
U+42A80xe4 0x8a 0xa8䊨
U+42A90xe4 0x8a 0xa9䊩
U+42AA0xe4 0x8a 0xaa䊪
U+42AB0xe4 0x8a 0xab䊫
U+42AC0xe4 0x8a 0xac䊬
U+42AD0xe4 0x8a 0xad䊭
U+42AE0xe4 0x8a 0xae䊮
U+42AF0xe4 0x8a 0xaf䊯
U+42B00xe4 0x8a 0xb0䊰
U+42B10xe4 0x8a 0xb1䊱
U+42B20xe4 0x8a 0xb2䊲
U+42B30xe4 0x8a 0xb3䊳
U+42B40xe4 0x8a 0xb4䊴
U+42B50xe4 0x8a 0xb5䊵
U+42B60xe4 0x8a 0xb6䊶
U+42B70xe4 0x8a 0xb7䊷
U+42B80xe4 0x8a 0xb8䊸
U+42B90xe4 0x8a 0xb9䊹
U+42BA0xe4 0x8a 0xba䊺
U+42BB0xe4 0x8a 0xbb䊻
U+42BC0xe4 0x8a 0xbc䊼
U+42BD0xe4 0x8a 0xbd䊽
U+42BE0xe4 0x8a 0xbe䊾
U+42BF0xe4 0x8a 0xbf䊿
U+42C00xe4 0x8b 0x80䋀
U+42C10xe4 0x8b 0x81䋁
U+42C20xe4 0x8b 0x82䋂
U+42C30xe4 0x8b 0x83䋃
U+42C40xe4 0x8b 0x84䋄
U+42C50xe4 0x8b 0x85䋅
U+42C60xe4 0x8b 0x86䋆
U+42C70xe4 0x8b 0x87䋇
U+42C80xe4 0x8b 0x88䋈
U+42C90xe4 0x8b 0x89䋉
U+42CA0xe4 0x8b 0x8a䋊
U+42CB0xe4 0x8b 0x8b䋋
U+42CC0xe4 0x8b 0x8c䋌
U+42CD0xe4 0x8b 0x8d䋍
U+42CE0xe4 0x8b 0x8e䋎
U+42CF0xe4 0x8b 0x8f䋏
U+42D00xe4 0x8b 0x90䋐
U+42D10xe4 0x8b 0x91䋑
U+42D20xe4 0x8b 0x92䋒
U+42D30xe4 0x8b 0x93䋓
U+42D40xe4 0x8b 0x94䋔
U+42D50xe4 0x8b 0x95䋕
U+42D60xe4 0x8b 0x96䋖
U+42D70xe4 0x8b 0x97䋗
U+42D80xe4 0x8b 0x98䋘
U+42D90xe4 0x8b 0x99䋙
U+42DA0xe4 0x8b 0x9a䋚
U+42DB0xe4 0x8b 0x9b䋛
U+42DC0xe4 0x8b 0x9c䋜
U+42DD0xe4 0x8b 0x9d䋝
U+42DE0xe4 0x8b 0x9e䋞
U+42DF0xe4 0x8b 0x9f䋟
U+42E00xe4 0x8b 0xa0䋠
U+42E10xe4 0x8b 0xa1䋡
U+42E20xe4 0x8b 0xa2䋢
U+42E30xe4 0x8b 0xa3䋣
U+42E40xe4 0x8b 0xa4䋤
U+42E50xe4 0x8b 0xa5䋥
U+42E60xe4 0x8b 0xa6䋦
U+42E70xe4 0x8b 0xa7䋧
U+42E80xe4 0x8b 0xa8䋨
U+42E90xe4 0x8b 0xa9䋩
U+42EA0xe4 0x8b 0xaa䋪
U+42EB0xe4 0x8b 0xab䋫
U+42EC0xe4 0x8b 0xac䋬
U+42ED0xe4 0x8b 0xad䋭
U+42EE0xe4 0x8b 0xae䋮
U+42EF0xe4 0x8b 0xaf䋯
U+42F00xe4 0x8b 0xb0䋰
U+42F10xe4 0x8b 0xb1䋱
U+42F20xe4 0x8b 0xb2䋲
U+42F30xe4 0x8b 0xb3䋳
U+42F40xe4 0x8b 0xb4䋴
U+42F50xe4 0x8b 0xb5䋵
U+42F60xe4 0x8b 0xb6䋶
U+42F70xe4 0x8b 0xb7䋷
U+42F80xe4 0x8b 0xb8䋸
U+42F90xe4 0x8b 0xb9䋹
U+42FA0xe4 0x8b 0xba䋺
U+42FB0xe4 0x8b 0xbb䋻
U+42FC0xe4 0x8b 0xbc䋼
U+42FD0xe4 0x8b 0xbd䋽
U+42FE0xe4 0x8b 0xbe䋾
U+42FF0xe4 0x8b 0xbf䋿
U+43000xe4 0x8c 0x80䌀
U+43010xe4 0x8c 0x81䌁
U+43020xe4 0x8c 0x82䌂
U+43030xe4 0x8c 0x83䌃
U+43040xe4 0x8c 0x84䌄
U+43050xe4 0x8c 0x85䌅
U+43060xe4 0x8c 0x86䌆
U+43070xe4 0x8c 0x87䌇
U+43080xe4 0x8c 0x88䌈
U+43090xe4 0x8c 0x89䌉
U+430A0xe4 0x8c 0x8a䌊
U+430B0xe4 0x8c 0x8b䌋
U+430C0xe4 0x8c 0x8c䌌
U+430D0xe4 0x8c 0x8d䌍
U+430E0xe4 0x8c 0x8e䌎
U+430F0xe4 0x8c 0x8f䌏
U+43100xe4 0x8c 0x90䌐
U+43110xe4 0x8c 0x91䌑
U+43120xe4 0x8c 0x92䌒
U+43130xe4 0x8c 0x93䌓
U+43140xe4 0x8c 0x94䌔
U+43150xe4 0x8c 0x95䌕
U+43160xe4 0x8c 0x96䌖
U+43170xe4 0x8c 0x97䌗
U+43180xe4 0x8c 0x98䌘
U+43190xe4 0x8c 0x99䌙
U+431A0xe4 0x8c 0x9a䌚
U+431B0xe4 0x8c 0x9b䌛
U+431C0xe4 0x8c 0x9c䌜
U+431D0xe4 0x8c 0x9d䌝
U+431E0xe4 0x8c 0x9e䌞
U+431F0xe4 0x8c 0x9f䌟
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U+43210xe4 0x8c 0xa1䌡
U+43220xe4 0x8c 0xa2䌢
U+43230xe4 0x8c 0xa3䌣
U+43240xe4 0x8c 0xa4䌤
U+43250xe4 0x8c 0xa5䌥
U+43260xe4 0x8c 0xa6䌦
U+43270xe4 0x8c 0xa7䌧
U+43280xe4 0x8c 0xa8䌨
U+43290xe4 0x8c 0xa9䌩
U+432A0xe4 0x8c 0xaa䌪
U+432B0xe4 0x8c 0xab䌫
U+432C0xe4 0x8c 0xac䌬
U+432D0xe4 0x8c 0xad䌭
U+432E0xe4 0x8c 0xae䌮
U+432F0xe4 0x8c 0xaf䌯
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U+43310xe4 0x8c 0xb1䌱
U+43320xe4 0x8c 0xb2䌲
U+43330xe4 0x8c 0xb3䌳
U+43340xe4 0x8c 0xb4䌴
U+43350xe4 0x8c 0xb5䌵
U+43360xe4 0x8c 0xb6䌶
U+43370xe4 0x8c 0xb7䌷
U+43380xe4 0x8c 0xb8䌸
U+43390xe4 0x8c 0xb9䌹
U+433A0xe4 0x8c 0xba䌺
U+433B0xe4 0x8c 0xbb䌻
U+433C0xe4 0x8c 0xbc䌼
U+433D0xe4 0x8c 0xbd䌽
U+433E0xe4 0x8c 0xbe䌾
U+433F0xe4 0x8c 0xbf䌿
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U+43410xe4 0x8d 0x81䍁
U+43420xe4 0x8d 0x82䍂
U+43430xe4 0x8d 0x83䍃
U+43440xe4 0x8d 0x84䍄
U+43450xe4 0x8d 0x85䍅
U+43460xe4 0x8d 0x86䍆
U+43470xe4 0x8d 0x87䍇
U+43480xe4 0x8d 0x88䍈
U+43490xe4 0x8d 0x89䍉
U+434A0xe4 0x8d 0x8a䍊
U+434B0xe4 0x8d 0x8b䍋
U+434C0xe4 0x8d 0x8c䍌
U+434D0xe4 0x8d 0x8d䍍
U+434E0xe4 0x8d 0x8e䍎
U+434F0xe4 0x8d 0x8f䍏
U+43500xe4 0x8d 0x90䍐
U+43510xe4 0x8d 0x91䍑
U+43520xe4 0x8d 0x92䍒
U+43530xe4 0x8d 0x93䍓
U+43540xe4 0x8d 0x94䍔
U+43550xe4 0x8d 0x95䍕
U+43560xe4 0x8d 0x96䍖
U+43570xe4 0x8d 0x97䍗
U+43580xe4 0x8d 0x98䍘
U+43590xe4 0x8d 0x99䍙
U+435A0xe4 0x8d 0x9a䍚
U+435B0xe4 0x8d 0x9b䍛
U+435C0xe4 0x8d 0x9c䍜
U+435D0xe4 0x8d 0x9d䍝
U+435E0xe4 0x8d 0x9e䍞
U+435F0xe4 0x8d 0x9f䍟
U+43600xe4 0x8d 0xa0䍠
U+43610xe4 0x8d 0xa1䍡
U+43620xe4 0x8d 0xa2䍢
U+43630xe4 0x8d 0xa3䍣
U+43640xe4 0x8d 0xa4䍤
U+43650xe4 0x8d 0xa5䍥
U+43660xe4 0x8d 0xa6䍦
U+43670xe4 0x8d 0xa7䍧
U+43680xe4 0x8d 0xa8䍨
U+43690xe4 0x8d 0xa9䍩
U+436A0xe4 0x8d 0xaa䍪
U+436B0xe4 0x8d 0xab䍫
U+436C0xe4 0x8d 0xac䍬
U+436D0xe4 0x8d 0xad䍭
U+436E0xe4 0x8d 0xae䍮
U+436F0xe4 0x8d 0xaf䍯
U+43700xe4 0x8d 0xb0䍰
U+43710xe4 0x8d 0xb1䍱
U+43720xe4 0x8d 0xb2䍲
U+43730xe4 0x8d 0xb3䍳
U+43740xe4 0x8d 0xb4䍴
U+43750xe4 0x8d 0xb5䍵
U+43760xe4 0x8d 0xb6䍶
U+43770xe4 0x8d 0xb7䍷
U+43780xe4 0x8d 0xb8䍸
U+43790xe4 0x8d 0xb9䍹
U+437A0xe4 0x8d 0xba䍺
U+437B0xe4 0x8d 0xbb䍻
U+437C0xe4 0x8d 0xbc䍼
U+437D0xe4 0x8d 0xbd䍽
U+437E0xe4 0x8d 0xbe䍾
U+437F0xe4 0x8d 0xbf䍿