UTF-8 encoding table and Unicode characters

page with code points U+5980 to U+5A7F

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language German · English
code positions per page 128 · 256 · 512 · 1024
display format for
UTF-8 encoding
hex. · decimal · hex. (0x) · octal · binary · for Perl string literals · One Latin-1 char per byte · no display
Unicode character names not displayed · displayed · also display deprecated Unicode 1.0 names
links for adding char to text displayed · not displayed
numerical HTML encoding
of the Unicode character
not displayed · decimal · hexadecimal
HTML 4.0 character entities displayed · not displayed
text accumulator (characters are added by clicking on the respective "append" link)
display ߰
editing functions
append space · delete last character · clear accumulator
Unicode U+07F0
UTF-8 0337 0260
code point
character UTF-8
numerical HTML encoding
of the Unicode character
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U+598F0345 0246 0217妏
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U+599F0345 0246 0237妟
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U+59A80345 0246 0250妨
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U+59AF0345 0246 0257妯
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U+59D10345 0247 0221姑
U+59D20345 0247 0222姒
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U+59D40345 0247 0224委
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U+59DD0345 0247 0235姝
U+59DE0345 0247 0236姞
U+59DF0345 0247 0237姟
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