UTF-8 encoding table and Unicode characters

page with code points U+0900 to U+09FF

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language German · English
code positions per page 128 · 256 · 512 · 1024
display format for
UTF-8 encoding
hex. · decimal · hex. (0x) · octal · binary · for Perl string literals · One Latin-1 char per byte · no display
Unicode character names not displayed · displayed · also display deprecated Unicode 1.0 names
links for adding char to text displayed · not displayed
numerical HTML encoding
of the Unicode character
not displayed · decimal · hexadecimal
HTML 4.0 character entities displayed · not displayed
text accumulator (characters are added by clicking on the respective "append" link)
display Ĩ
editing functions
append space · delete last character · clear accumulator
Unicode U+0128
UTF-8 0xc4 0xa8
code point
character UTF-8
numerical HTML encoding
of the Unicode character
U+09000xe0 0xa4 0x80ऀ
U+09010xe0 0xa4 0x81ँ
U+09020xe0 0xa4 0x82ं
U+09030xe0 0xa4 0x83ः
U+09040xe0 0xa4 0x84ऄ
U+09050xe0 0xa4 0x85अ
U+09060xe0 0xa4 0x86आ
U+09070xe0 0xa4 0x87इ
U+09080xe0 0xa4 0x88ई
U+09090xe0 0xa4 0x89उ
U+090A0xe0 0xa4 0x8aऊ
U+090B0xe0 0xa4 0x8bऋ
U+090C0xe0 0xa4 0x8cऌ
U+090D0xe0 0xa4 0x8dऍ
U+090E0xe0 0xa4 0x8eऎ
U+090F0xe0 0xa4 0x8fए
U+09100xe0 0xa4 0x90ऐ
U+09110xe0 0xa4 0x91ऑ
U+09120xe0 0xa4 0x92ऒ
U+09130xe0 0xa4 0x93ओ
U+09140xe0 0xa4 0x94औ
U+09150xe0 0xa4 0x95क
U+09160xe0 0xa4 0x96ख
U+09170xe0 0xa4 0x97ग
U+09180xe0 0xa4 0x98घ
U+09190xe0 0xa4 0x99ङ
U+091A0xe0 0xa4 0x9aच
U+091B0xe0 0xa4 0x9bछ
U+091C0xe0 0xa4 0x9cज
U+091D0xe0 0xa4 0x9dझ
U+091E0xe0 0xa4 0x9eञ
U+091F0xe0 0xa4 0x9fट
U+09200xe0 0xa4 0xa0ठ
U+09210xe0 0xa4 0xa1ड
U+09220xe0 0xa4 0xa2ढ
U+09230xe0 0xa4 0xa3ण
U+09240xe0 0xa4 0xa4त
U+09250xe0 0xa4 0xa5थ
U+09260xe0 0xa4 0xa6द
U+09270xe0 0xa4 0xa7ध
U+09280xe0 0xa4 0xa8न
U+09290xe0 0xa4 0xa9ऩ
U+092A0xe0 0xa4 0xaaप
U+092B0xe0 0xa4 0xabफ
U+092C0xe0 0xa4 0xacब
U+092D0xe0 0xa4 0xadभ
U+092E0xe0 0xa4 0xaeम
U+092F0xe0 0xa4 0xafय
U+09300xe0 0xa4 0xb0र
U+09310xe0 0xa4 0xb1ऱ
U+09320xe0 0xa4 0xb2ल
U+09330xe0 0xa4 0xb3ळ
U+09340xe0 0xa4 0xb4ऴ
U+09350xe0 0xa4 0xb5व
U+09360xe0 0xa4 0xb6श
U+09370xe0 0xa4 0xb7ष
U+09380xe0 0xa4 0xb8स
U+09390xe0 0xa4 0xb9ह
U+093A0xe0 0xa4 0xbaऺ
U+093B0xe0 0xa4 0xbbऻ
U+093C0xe0 0xa4 0xbc़
U+093D0xe0 0xa4 0xbdऽ
U+093E0xe0 0xa4 0xbeा
U+093Fि0xe0 0xa4 0xbfिि
U+09400xe0 0xa5 0x80ी
U+09410xe0 0xa5 0x81ु
U+09420xe0 0xa5 0x82ू
U+09430xe0 0xa5 0x83ृ
U+09440xe0 0xa5 0x84ॄ
U+09450xe0 0xa5 0x85ॅ
U+09460xe0 0xa5 0x86ॆ
U+09470xe0 0xa5 0x87े
U+09480xe0 0xa5 0x88ै
U+09490xe0 0xa5 0x89ॉ
U+094A0xe0 0xa5 0x8aॊ
U+094B0xe0 0xa5 0x8bो
U+094C0xe0 0xa5 0x8cौ
U+094D0xe0 0xa5 0x8d्
U+094E0xe0 0xa5 0x8eॎ
U+094F0xe0 0xa5 0x8fॏ
U+09500xe0 0xa5 0x90ॐ
U+09510xe0 0xa5 0x91॑
U+09520xe0 0xa5 0x92॒
U+09530xe0 0xa5 0x93॓
U+09540xe0 0xa5 0x94॔
U+09550xe0 0xa5 0x95ॕ
U+09560xe0 0xa5 0x96ॖ
U+09570xe0 0xa5 0x97ॗ
U+09580xe0 0xa5 0x98क़
U+09590xe0 0xa5 0x99ख़
U+095A0xe0 0xa5 0x9aग़
U+095B0xe0 0xa5 0x9bज़
U+095C0xe0 0xa5 0x9cड़
U+095D0xe0 0xa5 0x9dढ़
U+095E0xe0 0xa5 0x9eफ़
U+095F0xe0 0xa5 0x9fय़
U+09600xe0 0xa5 0xa0ॠ
U+09610xe0 0xa5 0xa1ॡ
U+09620xe0 0xa5 0xa2ॢ
U+09630xe0 0xa5 0xa3ॣ
U+09640xe0 0xa5 0xa4।
U+09650xe0 0xa5 0xa5॥
U+09660xe0 0xa5 0xa6०
U+09670xe0 0xa5 0xa7१
U+09680xe0 0xa5 0xa8२
U+09690xe0 0xa5 0xa9३
U+096A0xe0 0xa5 0xaa४
U+096B0xe0 0xa5 0xab५
U+096C0xe0 0xa5 0xac६
U+096D0xe0 0xa5 0xad७
U+096E0xe0 0xa5 0xae८
U+096F0xe0 0xa5 0xaf९
U+09700xe0 0xa5 0xb0॰
U+09710xe0 0xa5 0xb1ॱ
U+09720xe0 0xa5 0xb2ॲ
U+09730xe0 0xa5 0xb3ॳ
U+09740xe0 0xa5 0xb4ॴ
U+09750xe0 0xa5 0xb5ॵ
U+09760xe0 0xa5 0xb6ॶ
U+09770xe0 0xa5 0xb7ॷ
U+09780xe0 0xa5 0xb8ॸ
U+09790xe0 0xa5 0xb9ॹ
U+097A0xe0 0xa5 0xbaॺ
U+097B0xe0 0xa5 0xbbॻ
U+097C0xe0 0xa5 0xbcॼ
U+097D0xe0 0xa5 0xbdॽ
U+097E0xe0 0xa5 0xbeॾ
U+097Fॿ0xe0 0xa5 0xbfॿॿ
U+09800xe0 0xa6 0x80ঀ
U+09810xe0 0xa6 0x81ঁ
U+09820xe0 0xa6 0x82ং
U+09830xe0 0xa6 0x83ঃ
U+09840xe0 0xa6 0x84঄
U+09850xe0 0xa6 0x85অ
U+09860xe0 0xa6 0x86আ
U+09870xe0 0xa6 0x87ই
U+09880xe0 0xa6 0x88ঈ
U+09890xe0 0xa6 0x89উ
U+098A0xe0 0xa6 0x8aঊ
U+098B0xe0 0xa6 0x8bঋ
U+098C0xe0 0xa6 0x8cঌ
U+098D0xe0 0xa6 0x8d঍
U+098E0xe0 0xa6 0x8e঎
U+098F0xe0 0xa6 0x8fএ
U+09900xe0 0xa6 0x90ঐ
U+09910xe0 0xa6 0x91঑
U+09920xe0 0xa6 0x92঒
U+09930xe0 0xa6 0x93ও
U+09940xe0 0xa6 0x94ঔ
U+09950xe0 0xa6 0x95ক
U+09960xe0 0xa6 0x96খ
U+09970xe0 0xa6 0x97গ
U+09980xe0 0xa6 0x98ঘ
U+09990xe0 0xa6 0x99ঙ
U+099A0xe0 0xa6 0x9aচ
U+099B0xe0 0xa6 0x9bছ
U+099C0xe0 0xa6 0x9cজ
U+099D0xe0 0xa6 0x9dঝ
U+099E0xe0 0xa6 0x9eঞ
U+099F0xe0 0xa6 0x9fট
U+09A00xe0 0xa6 0xa0ঠ
U+09A10xe0 0xa6 0xa1ড
U+09A20xe0 0xa6 0xa2ঢ
U+09A30xe0 0xa6 0xa3ণ
U+09A40xe0 0xa6 0xa4ত
U+09A50xe0 0xa6 0xa5থ
U+09A60xe0 0xa6 0xa6দ
U+09A70xe0 0xa6 0xa7ধ
U+09A80xe0 0xa6 0xa8ন
U+09A90xe0 0xa6 0xa9঩
U+09AA0xe0 0xa6 0xaaপ
U+09AB0xe0 0xa6 0xabফ
U+09AC0xe0 0xa6 0xacব
U+09AD0xe0 0xa6 0xadভ
U+09AE0xe0 0xa6 0xaeম
U+09AF0xe0 0xa6 0xafয
U+09B00xe0 0xa6 0xb0র
U+09B10xe0 0xa6 0xb1঱
U+09B20xe0 0xa6 0xb2ল
U+09B30xe0 0xa6 0xb3঳
U+09B40xe0 0xa6 0xb4঴
U+09B50xe0 0xa6 0xb5঵
U+09B60xe0 0xa6 0xb6শ
U+09B70xe0 0xa6 0xb7ষ
U+09B80xe0 0xa6 0xb8স
U+09B90xe0 0xa6 0xb9হ
U+09BA0xe0 0xa6 0xba঺
U+09BB0xe0 0xa6 0xbb঻
U+09BC0xe0 0xa6 0xbc়
U+09BD0xe0 0xa6 0xbdঽ
U+09BE0xe0 0xa6 0xbeা
U+09BFি0xe0 0xa6 0xbfিি
U+09C00xe0 0xa7 0x80ী
U+09C10xe0 0xa7 0x81ু
U+09C20xe0 0xa7 0x82ূ
U+09C30xe0 0xa7 0x83ৃ
U+09C40xe0 0xa7 0x84ৄ
U+09C50xe0 0xa7 0x85৅
U+09C60xe0 0xa7 0x86৆
U+09C70xe0 0xa7 0x87ে
U+09C80xe0 0xa7 0x88ৈ
U+09C90xe0 0xa7 0x89৉
U+09CA0xe0 0xa7 0x8a৊
U+09CB0xe0 0xa7 0x8bো
U+09CC0xe0 0xa7 0x8cৌ
U+09CD0xe0 0xa7 0x8d্
U+09CE0xe0 0xa7 0x8eৎ
U+09CF0xe0 0xa7 0x8f৏
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U+09D10xe0 0xa7 0x91৑
U+09D20xe0 0xa7 0x92৒
U+09D30xe0 0xa7 0x93৓
U+09D40xe0 0xa7 0x94৔
U+09D50xe0 0xa7 0x95৕
U+09D60xe0 0xa7 0x96৖
U+09D70xe0 0xa7 0x97ৗ
U+09D80xe0 0xa7 0x98৘
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U+09DC0xe0 0xa7 0x9cড়
U+09DD0xe0 0xa7 0x9dঢ়
U+09DE0xe0 0xa7 0x9e৞
U+09DF0xe0 0xa7 0x9fয়
U+09E00xe0 0xa7 0xa0ৠ
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U+09E20xe0 0xa7 0xa2ৢ
U+09E30xe0 0xa7 0xa3ৣ
U+09E40xe0 0xa7 0xa4৤
U+09E50xe0 0xa7 0xa5৥
U+09E60xe0 0xa7 0xa6০
U+09E70xe0 0xa7 0xa7১
U+09E80xe0 0xa7 0xa8২
U+09E90xe0 0xa7 0xa9৩
U+09EA0xe0 0xa7 0xaa৪
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U+09EC0xe0 0xa7 0xac৬
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U+09F20xe0 0xa7 0xb2৲
U+09F30xe0 0xa7 0xb3৳
U+09F40xe0 0xa7 0xb4৴
U+09F50xe0 0xa7 0xb5৵
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U+09F80xe0 0xa7 0xb8৸
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U+09FB0xe0 0xa7 0xbb৻
U+09FC0xe0 0xa7 0xbcৼ
U+09FD0xe0 0xa7 0xbd৽
U+09FE0xe0 0xa7 0xbe৾
U+09FF৿0xe0 0xa7 0xbf৿৿